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" For when God made promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no greater, He sware by Himself, saying : — Surely blessing I will bless thee, And multiplying I will multiply thee. "
Twelve Sermons on the Character and Government of God - 第 134 頁
Joseph Field 著 - 1811 - 348 頁
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Letters, and Sketches of Sermons, 第 3 卷

John Murray - 1813 - 438 頁
...if we consult our luminous commentator, the apostle Paul, we shall hear him affirm, Hebrews, vi, " When God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he swore by himself, " Saying, surely blessing, I will bless thee, and multiplying, I will multiply thee....
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Rural discourses

William Clayton - 1814 - 420 頁
...which shall crown patient perseverence in search of honor, immortality, and eternal life. " For 4' when God made promise to Abraham, because " he could swear by no greater, he sware by him" self, saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, " and multiplying I will multiply thee. And so»...
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William Jay - 1814 - 552 頁
...people that are in such a case, yea, happy " is that people whose God is the Lord." When " God gave promise to Abraham, because " He could swear by no greater, He sware by himself ;" when he would bless his people, because He could give them no greater, He gave himself. They are...
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The Works of Nathaniel Lardner, 第 5 卷

Nathaniel Lardner - 1815 - 616 頁
...epistle to the Hebrews, Ch. vi. 13, 14. " For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swearby no greater, he sware by himself, saying: Surely, blessing...bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee." For certain; therefore, this was the oath of God Almighty, the one -living and true God, and the Creator...
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The New evangelical magazine and theological review, 第 10 卷

1824 - 452 頁
...the joyful expectation that God would fulfil the promise he had made. And to this we are told, that because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself, saying, Surely, blessing I will bless tjiee, and multiplying 1 will multiply thy seed, &c. Thus adding his oath to his promise — that by...
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Pentateuch. Discourses on the several revelations of ... Jesus Christ, from ...

Samuel Eyles Pierce - 1815 - 644 頁
...shall all the families of the earth he blessed." Gen. xxii. 18. The apostle tells us", " Because God could swear by no greater, he sware by himself, saying, surely blessing I will bless thee," &c. Keb.'vi. And Zecharias, tft6 father of John the baptist, in his solemn hymn of praise for the advent...
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A Clear Display of the Trinity, from Divine Revelation: In Three Parts ...

Alexander Murray (Schoolmaster) - 1815 - 564 頁
...said, By MYSELF have I SWORN, saith JEHOVAH." But the Holy Ghost says, Heb. vi. 13. " When GOD made a promise to Abraham, because he could SWEAR by no GREATER, he SWARE by HIMSELF." The same we find in several other accounts of appearances in scripture, which would be too tedious...
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A Revised Translation and Interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures ..., 第 3 卷

1815 - 608 頁
...slothful, but imitators of them who thro' faith and patience inherit the promises. 13. For when God made a promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself, 14. Surely I will greatly bless thee, and abundantly multiply thee. 15. And so, having patiently waited,...
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Sermons, 第 2 卷

John Brodhead Romeyn - 1816 - 470 頁
...be not slothful, " but followers of them who, through " faith and patience, inherit the pro" mises. For when God made promise to " Abraham, because he...swear by no " greater, he sware by himself, saying, ee Surely in blessing I will bless thee, and " multiplying I will multiply thee. And f< so, after he...
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Sermons: The constraining influence of Christ's love

John Brodhead Romeyn - 1816 - 456 頁
...be not slothful, " but followers of them who, through " faith and patience, inherit the pro11 mises. For when God made promise to " Abraham, because he could swear by no ie greater, he sware by himself, saying, " Surely in blessing I will bless thee, and " multiplying...
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