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" Bryologia Britannica: Containing the Mosses of Great Britain and Ireland systematically arranged and described according to the Method of Bruch and Schimper ; with 61 illustrative Plates. Being a New Edition, enlarged and altered, of the Muscologia Britannica... "
Blackwood's Magazine - 第 574 頁
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A Tour in Sweden in 1838: Comprising Observations on the Moral, Political ...

Samuel Laing - 1839 - 472 頁
...Vol. II. Part 2 (FoNOi), completing the work, by Sir WJ HOOKER, and the Rev. MJ BERKELEY. 8vo. 12s. MUSCOLOGIA BRITANNICA. Containing the Mosses of Great...systematically arranged and described; with Plates. By Sir WJ HOOKER; and T. TAYLOR, MDFLS &c. 8vo. 2d Edition, enlarged, 31s. (Id. plain; £3. 3s. coloured....
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The Works of Sydney Smith, 第 1 卷

Sydney Smith - 1839 - 464 頁
...Vol. II. Part 2 (FUNGI), completing the work, by Sir WJ HOOKER, and the Rev. MJ BERKELEY. 8vo. 12s. MUSCOLOGIA BRITANNICA. Containing the Mosses of Great...systematically arranged and described; with Plates. By Sir WJ HOOKER ; and T. TAYLOR, MDFLS &c. 8vo. 2d Edition, enlarged, 31s. 6d. plain ; .£3. 3s. coloured....
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Conversations on Political Economy: In which the Elements of that Science ...

Mrs. Marcet (Jane Haldimand) - 1839 - 452 頁
...Vol. II. Part 2, (FUNGI), completing the worh, by Sir WJ HOOKER, and the Rev. MJ BERKELEY. Svo. 12s. MUSCOLOGIA BRITANNICA : containing the Mosses of Great...systematically arranged and described ; with Plates. By Sir WJ HOOKER, LL.DFLS &c., and T.TAYLOR, MDFLS &c. Svo. 2d Edit. enlarged, 31s. 6d. plain ; 3l....
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An Introduction to Botany

John Lindley - 1839 - 652 頁
...Part 2 (FUNGI), completing the work, by Sir WJ HOOKER, and the Rev. MJ BERKELEY. 8vo. 12s. MURCOLOGTA BRITANNICA. Containing the Mosses of Great Britain...systematically arranged and described ; with Plates. By Sir WJ HOOKER ; and T. TAYLOR, MDFLS &c. 8vo. 2d Edition, enlarged, 31s. 6d. plain ; £3. 3s. coloured....
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The Doctor, &c. ...

Robert Southey - 1839 - 388 頁
...BRITANNICA. Containing the Mosses of Great Britain and Ireland, systematically arranged and descrihed ; with Plates, illustrative of the character of the Genera and Species. By Sir WJ Hooker and T. Taylor, MDFLSetc. 2d Edition, Svo. enlarged, 31s. 6rf. plain ; 3f. 3i. colonred....
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A Manual of the Land and Fresh-water Shells of the British Islands: With ...

William Turton - 1840 - 408 頁
...forming Vol. V., Parts 1 and ;i. of Smith's English Flora, 24s. boards. HOOKER AND TAYLOR.-MUSCOLOCIA BRITANNICA. Containing the Mosses of Great Britain...illustrative of the character of the Genera and Species By Sir WJ Hooker and T.Taylor, MDFLSetc. 2d Edition, 8vo. eularged, 31t. 6rf. plain; 31. 3t. coloured....
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The landscape gardening and landscape architecture of ... Humphry Repton

Humphry Repton - 1840 - 684 頁
...Vol. II. Part 2 (FoNGi), completing the work, by Sir WJ HOOKER, and the Rev. MJ BERKELEY. 8vo. l2s. MUSCOLOGIA BRITANNICA. CONTAINING THE MOSSES OF GREAT...systematically arranged and described ; with Plates. By Sir WJ HOOKER ; and T. TAYLOR, MD FLS &c. 2d Edition, 8vo. enlarged, 3ls. 6d. plain; £3. 3s. coloured....
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The Life of Thomas Burgess, D.D.: F.R.S., F.A.S., &c. &c. &c., Late Lord ...

John Scandrett Harford - 1840 - 638 頁
...Vol. II. Part 2 (FUNGI), completing the work, by Sir WJ HOOKER, and the Rev. MJ BERKELEY. 8vo. 12s. MUSCOLOGIA BRITANNICA. CONTAINING THE MOSSES OF GREAT...systematically arranged and described ; with Plates. By Sir WJ HOOKER ; and T. TAYLOR, MD FLS &c. 2d Edition, 8vo. enlarged, 31s. 6d. plain ; £3. 3s. coloured....
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Bayldon's Art of Valuing Rents and Tillages: And the Tenant's Right on ...

J. S. Bayldon - 1840 - 366 頁
...Vol. II. Part 2 (FUNGI), completing the work, by Sir WJ HOOKER, and the Rev. MJ BERKELEY. Hvo. 12s. MUSCOLOGIA BRITANNICA. CONTAINING THE MOSSES OF GREAT...systematically arranged and described ; with Plates. By Sir WJ HOOKER ; and T. TAYLOR, MD FLS &c. 2d Edition, Svo. enlarged, 31s. 6d. plain; £3. 3s. coloured....
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The United States of North America as They are: Not as They are Generally ...

Thomas Brothers - 1840 - 618 頁
...Vol. II. Part 2 (FUNGI), completing the work, by Sir WJ HOOKER, and the Rev. MJ BERKELEY. 8vo. 12s. MUSCOLOGIA BRITANNICA. CONTAINING THE MOSSES OF GREAT...systematically arranged and described ; with Plates. By Sir WJ HOOKER ; and T. TAYLOR, MD FLS &c. 2d Edition, 8vo. enlarged, 31s. 6d. plain ; .£3. 3s....
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