LIGHT. To murder you, my most gracious lord! Far is it from my heart to do you harm. The queen sent me to see how you were used, For she relents at this your misery: And what eyes can refrain from shedding tears, To see a king in this most piteous state?... The Works of Christopher Marlowe - 第 111 頁Christopher Marlowe 著 - 1826完整檢視 - 關於此書
 | Charles Lamb - 1845 - 540 頁
...what light is that ? wherefore com'st thou ? Light. To comfort you, and bring you joyful news. Edw. Small comfort finds poor Edward in thy looks. Villain, you harm. The queen sent me to see how you were used, For she relents at this your misery ; And what eyes can refrain from shedding tears, To see a... | |
 | Charles Lamb - 1845 - 492 頁
...what light is that ? wherefore com'st thou ? Light. To comfort you, and bring you joyful news. Edw. Small comfort finds poor Edward in thy looks. Villain, you harm. The queen sent me to see how you were used, For she relents at this your misery ; And what eyes can refrain from shedding tears, To see a... | |
 | Charles Lamb - 1845 - 484 頁
...what light is that ? wherefore com'st thou ? Light. To comfort you, and bring you joyful news. Edw. Small comfort finds poor Edward in thy looks. Villain, I know thou com'st to murder me. L'ght. To murder you, my most gracious lord ! Far is it from my heart to do you harm. The queen sent... | |
 | Jared Sparks, Henry Cabot Lodge, Edward Everett, James Russell Lowell - 1846 - 752 頁
...what light is that ? wherefore com'stthou? " Light. To comfort you, and bring you joyful news. " Edw. Small comfort finds poor Edward in thy looks. Villain, you harm. The queen sent me to see how you were used, For she relents at this your misery ; And what eyes can refrain from shedding tears, To see a... | |
 | 1846 - 550 頁
...light is that ? wherefore com'sl thou ? " Light. To comfort you, and bring you joyful news. " Edw. Small comfort finds poor Edward in thy looks. Villain, you harm. The queen sent me to see how you were used, For she relents at this your misery ; And what eyes can refrain from shedding tears, To see a... | |
 | Robert Chambers - 1847 - 712 頁
...what light is that? wherefore com'st thou ? Light. To comfort you, and bring you joyful news. Edw. most piteous state. Edw. Weep'et thou already ! list a while to me, And then thy heart, were it as... | |
 | Robert Chambers - 1847 - 712 頁
...what light is that ! wherefore com'st thou t Light. To comfort you, and bring you joyful news. E dm. come down To dwell with us : thy name is Angelo, And...her eyes, By my late watching, but to wait on you. most piteous state. /:,•':", Weep'st thou already ! list a while to' me, And then thy heart, were... | |
 | Robert Chambers - 1849 - 710 頁
...what light is that? wherefore com'st thou ? Light. To comfort you, and bring you joyful news. Edw. t on cowslip banks, hear the birds sing, and possess ourselves in as much quietness as Linkt. To murder you, my most gracious lord ! Far is it from my heurt to do you harm. The queen sent... | |
 | Christopher Marlowe, Alexander Dyce - 1850 - 460 頁
...what light is that ? wherefore com'st thou ? LIGHT. To comfort you, and bring you joyful news. ED w. Small comfort finds poor Edward in thy looks : Villain,...refrain from shedding tears, To see a king in this most piteous state ? EDW. Weep'st thou already ? list a while to me, And then thy heart, were it as... | |
 | Robert Chambers - 1850 - 710 頁
...thou ! Light. To comfort you, and bring you joyful news. Etta. Small comfort finds poor Kdward ill thy looks. Villain, I know thou com'st to murder you harm. The queen sent me to see how you were u»'d, For she relents at this your misery : And what eyes can refrain from shedding tears, To sec... | |
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