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" Come, my Corinna, come ! and, coming, mark How each field turns a street, each street a park Made green, and trimmed with trees ; see how Devotion gives each house a bough, Or branch; each porch, each door, ere this An ark, a tabernacle is, Made up of... "
Little Folks: A Magazine for the Young - 第281页
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Poems for Study: A Critical and Historical Introduction, 第 1 卷

William Van O'Connor - 1953 - 784 页
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The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language

Cecil Day Lewis - 1954 - 554 页
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The Major Poets: English and American

Charles M. Coffin - 1954 - 586 页
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Dans les sentiers de la renaissance anglaise

Emile Legouis - 1955 - 148 页
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English Masterpieces, 第 1 卷

Hunley Whatley Herrinton - 1957 - 986 页
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Poets of the English Language: Milton to Goldsmith

Wystan Hugh Auden, Norman Holmes Pearson - 1950 - 680 页
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The Atlantic Book of British and American Poetry, 第 2 卷

Edith Sitwell - 1958 - 1142 页
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Seventeenth-century English Poetry

Robert Cecil Bald - 1959 - 616 页
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The Poem: A Critical Anthology

Josephine Miles - 1959 - 584 页
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