And there, in mire and puddle, have I stood This ten days' space; and, lest that I should sleep, One plays continually upon a drum; They give me bread and water, being a king; So that, for want of sleep and sustenance, My mind's distemper'd, and my body's... The Works of Christopher Marlowe - 第 112 頁Christopher Marlowe 著 - 1826完整檢視 - 關於此書
 | Philip Edwards - 1979 - 288 頁
...Wherein the filth of all the castle falls . . . And there in mire and puddle have I stood This ten days' space. And lest that I should sleep, One plays continually...So that for want of sleep and sustenance My mind's distempered and my body's numbed: And whether I have limbs or no, I know not, O would my blood dropped... | |
 | Christopher Marlowe - 1995 - 388 頁
...being a king, So that for want of sleep and sustenance My mind's distempered, and my body's numbed, And whether I have limbs or no I know not. O, would my blood dropped out from every vein, 65 As doth this water from my tattered robes. Tell Isabel, the queen,... | |
 | Christopher Marlowe - 1998 - 550 頁
...EDWARD And there in mire and puddle have I stood This ten days' space, and, lest that I should sleep, 60 One plays continually upon a drum. They give me bread...So that for want of sleep and sustenance My mind's distempered and my body's numbed, And whether I have limbs or no I know not. 65 O, would my blood dropped... | |
 | Brian B. Ritchie - 1999 - 362 頁 murder him. Edward speaks to him thus: And there in mire and puddle have I stood This ten days' space; and lest that I should sleep, One plays continually...So that for want of sleep and sustenance My mind's distempered, and my body's numbed. And whether I have limbs or no I know not. O' would my blood dropped... | |
 | Brian B. Ritchie - 1999 - 362 頁 murder him. Edward speaks to him thus: And there in mire and puddle have I stood This ten days' space; and lest that I should sleep, One plays continually...So that for want of sleep and sustenance My mind's distempered, and my body's numbed. And whether I have limbs or no I know not. O' would my blood dropped... | |
 | Brian B. Ritchie - 1999 - 362 頁
...mire and puddle have 1 stood This ten days' spaee; and lest that 1 should sleep, One plays eontinually upon a drum. They give me bread and water, being a king. So that for want of sleep and sustenanee My mind's distempered, and my body's numbed. And whether 1 have limbs or no 1 know not.... | |
 | Christopher Marlowe - 2000 - 564 頁
...castle falls. LIGHTBORN O villains! KING And there, in mire and puddle, have I stood This ten days' space; and, lest that I should sleep, One plays continually upon a drum; 60 They give me bread and water, being a king, So that, for want of sleep and sustenance, My mind's... | |
 | Simon Barker, Hilary Hinds - 2003 - 484 頁
...its harsh landscape and hitterly cold winters 55 sink: cesspool They give me hread and water, heing a king, So that for want of sleep and sustenance My mind's distempered and my hody's numhed, And whether I have limhs or no, I know not. O, would my hlood dropped... | |
 | Franco Marenco - 2007 - 499 頁
...grandeur tragica del personaggio marloviano: And there in mire and puddle have I stood This ten days' space; and lest that I should sleep, One plays continually...So that for want of sleep and sustenance My mind's distempered, and my body's numbed, And whether I have limbs or no I know not. O, would my blood dropped... | |
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