Our souls, whose faculties can comprehend The wondrous architecture of the world, And measure every wandering planet's course, Still climbing after knowledge infinite, And always moving as the restless spheres, Will us to wear ourselves, and never rest,... The Works of Christopher Marlowe - 第 44 頁Christopher Marlowe 著 - 1826完整檢視 - 關於此書
 | William Allan Neilson - 1911 - 898 頁
...fruit of all, That perfect bliss and sole felicity, The sweet fruition of an earthly crown. Tin r . And that made me to join with Tamburlaine : » For...and like the massy earth. That moves not upwards, ног by princely deeds Doth mean to soar above the highest sort. ii rh. And that made us the friends... | |
 | William Allan Neilson - 1911 - 912 頁
...spheres, u * Dyceemendi to/а/е. l Artery. • Bule. Wills us to wear ourselves, and never rest, Until we reach the ripest fruit of all, That perfect bliss...felicity, The sweet fruition of an earthly crown, 'iii' i. And that made me to join with Tamburlaine : » For he is gross and like the massy earth. That... | |
 | William Allan Neilson - 1911 - 924 頁
...felicity. The sweet fruition of an earthly crown. T/ier. And that made me to join with Tamburlaine : 90 For he is gross and like the massy earth, That moves not upwards, nor by princely deeds Uoth mean to soar above the highest sort. Tech. And that made us the friends of Tamburlaine, To lift... | |
 | William Allan Neilson - 1911 - 932 頁
...Artery. • Bui». II. Vil. in. i. Wills us to wear ourselves, and never rest, Until we reach the ripust fruit of all, That perfect bliss and sole felicity, The sweet fruition of an earthly crown. T/irr. And that uiade ше to join with Tambuiiaine : 30 For he is gross and like the massy earth.... | |
 | Robert Kidd - 1911 - 524 頁
...infinite, And always moving as the restless spheres, Will us to wear ourselves, and never rest Until we reach the ripest fruit of all, That perfect bliss, and sole felicity, The swfeet fruition of a heavenly crown. — Marlowe. PERSEVERANCE. STICK to your aim: the mongrel's hold... | |
 | William Allan Neilson - 1911 - 900 頁
...spheres, u < Dyceemeuda to/ate. 'Artery. « Rule. Wills us to wear ourselves, and never rest, Until Tlie sweet fruition of ail earthly crown. T/ier. And that made me to join with Tamburlaine : » For... | |
 | Joseph O'Connor - 1911 - 384 頁
...restless spheres, Will us to wear ourselves, and never rest, Until we reach that ripest fruit of all, The perfect bliss and sole felicity, The sweet fruition of an earthly crown. Sometimes the poet's ardor leads to extravagant expression and yet keeps within the bounds that divide... | |
 | Christopher Marlowe - 1912 - 446 頁
...infinite, And always moving as the restless spheres, Will us to wear ourselves, and never rest, Until we reach the ripest fruit of all, That perfect bliss...earthly crown. Ther. And that made me to join with TamburTaine: For he is gross and like the massy earth, 31 That moves not upwards, nor by princely deeds... | |
 | Christopher Marlowe - 1912 - 430 頁
...faculties can comprehend The wondrous architecture of the world," ends in a lamentable anticlimax : " Until we reach the ripest fruit of all, That perfect bliss...felicity, The sweet fruition of an earthly crown." But Tamburlaine did not think so; nor, I am convinced, did the poet. The critics seem to be completely... | |
 | WILLIAM LYON PHELPS - 1912 - 456 頁
...faculties can comprehend The wondrous architecture of the world," ends in a lamentable anticlimax: "Until we reach the ripest fruit of all, That perfect bliss...felicity, The sweet fruition of an earthly crown." But Tamburlaine did not think so; nor, I am convinced, did the poet. The critics seem to be completely... | |
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