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" She was none of your lukewarm gamesters, your half-and-half players, who have no objection to take a hand, if you want one to make up a rubber ; who affirm that they have no pleasure in winning ; that they like to win one game and lose another ; that... "
The London Magazine - 第 104 頁
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The every-day book, or, The guide to the year

William Hone - 1825 - 842 頁
...up a rnbber; who affirm that they have no pleasure in winning; that they like to win one eame, and lose another ; that they can wile away an hour very...card-table, but are indifferent whether they play or no ; and will desire an adversary, who has slipt a wrong card, to take it up and play another. Of such...
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The Every Day Book, Or, A Guide to the Year: Describing the Popular ..., 第 1 卷

William Hone - 1826 - 882 頁
...up a rubber ; who affirm that they have no plea»ure in winning; that they like to win one game, and lose another ; that they can wile away an hour very...agreeably at a card-table, but are indifferent whether 'hey play or no ; and will desire an adversiry. who ha- s;ipt a wrons card, to tike ¡t up anj play...
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Sporting Magazine

1831 - 588 頁
...have no pleasure in winning ; that they like to win one game and lose another ; that they can while away an hour very agreeably at a card-table, but are indifferent whether they play or no; and who will desires an adversary who has slipt a wrong card to take it up and play another. Sarah...
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The Every-day Book and Table Book: Or, Everlasting Calandar of Popular ...

William Hone - 1835 - 876 頁
...up a rubber ; who affirm that they have no pleasure in winning ; that they like to win one game, and lose another ; that they can wile away an hour very...card-table, but are indifferent whether they play or no ; and will desire an adversary, who has slipt a wrong caid, to take it up and play another. Of such...
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Essays of Elia

Charles Lamb - 1835 - 440 頁
...have no pleasure in winning; that they like to win one game, and lose another; that they can while away an hour very agreeably at a card-table, but are indifferent whether they play or no; and will desire an adversary, who has slipt a wrong card, to take it up and play another. These insufferable...
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The Prose Works of Charles Lamb: Elia. First series

Charles Lamb - 1836 - 362 頁
...have no pleasure in winning; that they like to win one game, and lose another; that they can while away an hour very agreeably at a cardtable, but are indifferent whether they play or no; and will desire an adversary, who has slipt a wrong card, to take it up and play another. These insufferable...
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Chambers's Edinburgh Journal

1836 - 436 頁
...have no pleasure in winning; that they like to win one game and lose another ; that they can while away an hour very agreeably at a card-table, but are indifferent whether they play or no; and will desire an adversary, who has slipt a wrong card, to take it up and play another. These insufferable...
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The every-day book and table-book; or, Everlasting calendar of ..., 第 1 卷

William Hone - 1837 - 954 頁
...up a rubber ; who affirm that they have no pleasure in winning; that they like to win one game, and lose another ; that they can wile away an hour very...agreeably at a card-table, but are indifferent whether thtj play or no : and will desire an adversary, who has slipt a wrong caid, to take it up and play...
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The Every-day Book and Table Book: Or, Everlasting Calendar of ..., 第 1 卷

William Hone - 1839 - 874 頁
...up a rubber ; who affirm that they have no pleature in winning ; that they like to win one game, and lose another ; that they can wile away an hour very agreeably at i card-table, but are indifferent whether they play or no ; and will desire an adversary, who has slipt...
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The essays of Elia

Charles Lamb - 1840 - 304 頁
...have DO pleasure in winning ; that they like to win one game and lose another ; that they can while away an hour very agreeably at a cardtable, but are indifferent whether they play or no ; and will desire an adversary, who has slipped a wrong card, to take it up and play another. These...
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