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書籍 Biographia Literaria 的第

Biographia Literaria, 第 1 卷

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1968 - 390 頁
These two volumes are a reprint of the edition of 1817 with additional material to clarify the text. It includes Coleridge's aesthetical writings; notes on the text; and an ...
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Biographia Literaria, 第 1 卷

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1968 - 390 頁
These two volumes are a reprint of the edition of 1817 with additional material to clarify the text. It includes Coleridge's aesthetical writings; notes on the text; and an ...
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Biographia Literaria, 第 1 卷

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1967 - 384 頁
These two volumes are a reprint of the edition of 1817 with additional material to clarify the text. It includes Coleridge's aesthetical writings; notes on the text; and an ...
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