The Book of Yahweh (The Yahwist Bible): Fragments from the Primitive Document in Seven Early Books of the Old TestamentClarimond Mansfield Cornhill Publishing Company, 1922 - 260 頁 |
第 6 到 10 筆結果,共 30 筆
第 45 頁
... Egyptian bought him of the hand of the Ishmaelites , which had brought him down thither . And Yahweh was with Joseph , and he was a prosperous man ; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian . And his master saw that Yahweh was ...
... Egyptian bought him of the hand of the Ishmaelites , which had brought him down thither . And Yahweh was with Joseph , and he was a prosperous man ; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian . And his master saw that Yahweh was ...
第 47 頁
... Egyptians , " Go unto Joseph ; what he saith to you , do . " And the famine was over all the face of the earth : and Joseph opened all the storehouses , and sold unto the Egyptians ; and the famine was sore in the land of Egypt . And ...
... Egyptians , " Go unto Joseph ; what he saith to you , do . " And the famine was over all the face of the earth : and Joseph opened all the storehouses , and sold unto the Egyptians ; and the famine was sore in the land of Egypt . And ...
第 50 頁
... Egyptians , which did eat with him , by themselves ; be- cause the Egyptians might not eat bread with the Hebrews ; for that is an abomination unto the Egyptians . And they sat before him , the firstborn according to his birthright ...
... Egyptians , which did eat with him , by themselves ; be- cause the Egyptians might not eat bread with the Hebrews ; for that is an abomination unto the Egyptians . And they sat before him , the firstborn according to his birthright ...
第 52 頁
... Egyptians heard , and the house of Pharaoh heard . And Joseph said unto his brethren , " I am Joseph ; doth my father yet live ? " And his brethren could not answer him ; for they were troubled at his presence . And Joseph said unto his ...
... Egyptians heard , and the house of Pharaoh heard . And Joseph said unto his brethren , " I am Joseph ; doth my father yet live ? " And his brethren could not answer him ; for they were troubled at his presence . And Joseph said unto his ...
第 55 頁
... Egyptians . " Then Joseph went in and told Pharaoh , and said , " My father and my brethren , and their flocks , and their herds , and all that they have , are come out of the land of Canaan ; and , behold , they are in the land of ...
... Egyptians . " Then Joseph went in and told Pharaoh , and said , " My father and my brethren , and their flocks , and their herds , and all that they have , are come out of the land of Canaan ; and , behold , they are in the land of ...
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Abimelech Abishai Abner Abram Absalom Achish Adonijah Amorites angel of Yahweh ark of Yahweh arose Balaam Balak behold blessed bread brethren bring brother brought children of Ammon children of Israel curse daughters David said unto drink dwelt earth Egypt Egyptians ephod Ephraim Esau fled flocks Gideon Gilead hand handmaid hast thou heard hearkened house of Yahweh Isaac Ish-bosheth Jacob Jephthah Jerubbaal Joab Jonathan Jordan Joseph Joshua Judah Keilah king said unto king's Laban land of Egypt lord the king Midian Moab Nabal pass Pharaoh Philistines pray thee priests Rachel Samson Samuel Sarai Saul Shechem Sisera slew smote Solomon sons spake unto stood sword tent thine thither thou art thou hast thou shalt thy father thy servant told took unto the king unto thee unto this day unto Yahweh Wherefore wife wilderness woman Yahweh hath Yahweh said unto Yahwist Zalmunna