PUBLISHED FOR WILLIAM KIDD, BY WILLIAM SPOONER, 379, STRAND; M. DCCC. LII. TO THE READER. THE TIME has again come round, for us to submit to the Public eye our Collected Sayings and Doings of the last six months. In our former Preface, we intimated a hope,—a belief, that our CHRISTMAS VOLUME would be even more interesting than that of MIDSUMMER. We trust our prophecy will be recognised as " fulfilled." Our heart has been in our work. It is not therefore a matter for surprise if we should succeed in pleasing. Let us again predict that, when our next Volume appears, we shall excel even more than we do now. Perfection is worth striving after; and as we are supported by a powerful body of Choice Spirits, we shall pursue it with untiring and unceasing energy. NEW ROAD, HAMMERSMITH, January 1st, 1853. WILLIAM KIDD. Australian Gold Fields, Panorama of the, 176 AVIARY, THE, AND ITS OCCUPANTS, 277, 308, 340, 371, 403 Birds, 77 Avidavats, 58, 91 Bamboo, and its Applications, 346 Bees, 41, 69, 155, 172 in Canada, S31 in New South Wales, 378 BIRDS OF SONG-reprinted with additions, from the Gardeners' Chronicle, 3, 20, 45, 53, 93, 99, 115, 132, 146, 161, 179, 193, 211, 227, 243, 261, 277, 308, 340, 371 Is it cruel to confine them? 111 moved, 11, 41, 142 Bird-Cages with Painted Wires, 125 Bird-sellers, Tricks of, 395 Blackbird, The, 26 A White, 91 Black-Cap, The, 26, 115, 132, 146, 161, 179, 193, 283 Boarding Houses, 169 Bookseller, An Honest! 158 Brain, Phenomena of the, 143 Breath, The, 35 Bullfinch, The, 273, 300 Cactus, The, 395 Cats, Rats, and Kittens, 235, 283, 43, 189 without Tails, Philosophy of, 172 Caterpillars, 37, 76 Chameleon, The, 205 Cheap Immoral Periodicals, 120, 185, 271, 330 Glass for Window-Gardening, 314, 363 Cheerfulness and Uniformity of Temper, 206 Cheese-Mite, The, 397 Chemistry of Nature and Art, 382 Children, 55, 151, 239 Cobra-di-Capello, The, 302, 313 Combustion, Philosophy of, 12 Contemplation of Nature, 199 Coral, The, 395 Cruelty of Children towards Animals, 147, 170 Cuckoo, The, 156 Dahlia, The, 235 Damp in Walls, 156 Dawn of Day, 181 Destruction of Birds and its Consequences, 90 Dogs, 28, 47, 76, 142, 165, 190, 203, 206 Rabbit, and Cat, 391 Dolphin, The, 365 Eagle and the Salmon, 27 Early Education, 106, 138, 170, 349 carried off by Crows, 236 ESSAYS AND SKETCHES. Affection, 375; Angling, 291; Appearances often Deceitful, 97; Ardent Spirits, England's Curse, 386; August and its Insects, 213; Australia, 234; Auto-biography of a Dog, 279, 290, 325, 341, 354, 374, 389, 405; Beauties of Autumn, 319; Boarding-houses, 169; Character Reading, 280, 312; Childhood, 55; Christmas, 392, 409; Christmas-Tree, The, 306; Confirmation-Day, 358; Dawn of Day, 181; Days without Nights, 271; December, 1852, 360, 414; Delights of the Tea-table, 264; Departing Year, The, 328; Destruction of Birds, 90; Dream, a Remarkable, 250; Every-day Life in India, 87; Field Paths and Country Stiles, 29; First Feeling of Winter, 373; Fish-ponds and Tittle-bats, 390; Floods, 323, 412; Gold, 234; Hanwell Asylum, 257; Happiness, 120; Holly, The, 401; Human Pulse, 94; Human Sorrow transient, 414; Humanising Influences of Summer, 73; Human |