THE LONDON MAGAZINE. JANUARY το JUNE, 1822. Why should not divers studies, at divers hours, delight, when the BEN JONSON'S Discoveries. VOL. V. London: Printed for TAYLOR AND HESSEY, 93, FLEET-STREET. - 1822. OF CONTENTS. ABSTRACTION, inadequacy of, in Art, 446. Agricultural Report, (MONTHLY RE- GISTER,) 2, 19, 37, 55, 75, 95. Albatross, the, 223. Ali Pacha, death of, 397. Books, new, (M. R.) 12, 26, 44, 63, 83, 101. Botany, the Gentiana Chirayita, 196. Bradgate Park, 166-the Chapel, and Tilt- America, alarm first caused in, by the Bunbury, 26. Stamp Act, 417. American Navy, 100-Finances, 199. Anecdotes of Dr. Barrett, 53-Goldsmith, 116-Chantrey, 155 - Dodd, 178 - Gn, 310-a Chimney-sweeper, 470 Antonio, Gn's Tragedy of, account of its first representation, 309. Anstey, Christopher, Life of, 24. Art, its principles defined, 156-the finest Arundel Castle, anecdote of a Chimney- Ascham, Roger, 166-extract from his Baïf, J. Ant. de, French Poet, 335. Bank-notes, 189-advantages of, 191. Bankrupts, (м. к.) 14, 28, 45, 65, 85, 103. Barbarossa, the Emperor Frederic, 229. Barrett, Dr. anecdotes of, 53. Batteux, his Treatise on the Fine Arts, 44. Beauties of the Living Dramatists: No. I. Virtue's Harvest Home, 29-No. II. Britain's Glory, 137-No. III. The River Rock, or the Crimson Hermits, 253-No. IV. La Belle Assemblée, 362-Don Giovanni the XVIII., 436. Beggars, complaint of the Decay of, 532. Bensley, the Actor, 174. Births, (м. в.) 6, 23, 47, 67, 86, 105. Bochsa, Mr., his Oratorio of the Deluge, 388. Buonaparte, his residence at Elba, 272- Burghersh, Lord, his Bajazet, 490. Burying-ground, English at Leghorn, 64. Cain, by Lord Byron, remarks on, 70. Catalani, Madame, 95, 388, 491. Catullus, comparison between him and Ho- want of originality, 536-translations Ceres, 341-Homer's hymn to, 342. Characters: Elia's Grandmother, 22- Leghorn Captain, 64-English Tra- veller, 65-Walter Lyddal, 6, 11-a pleasant Fellow, 125-Harry Adams, 168, 173-John Ochiltree, 142-Dame Foljambe, 244-Dora Vernon, 249- Allan-a-Maut, 321 Frank Chilvers, 350-James White, 408-portrait of a Beggar, 534-the Laird of Warlsworm, 542-Haudthegrup, 543-Gawain, 546. Charles I., letter of, 220-Verses by, 388. Clare, John, Hymn to Spring, 43-To ***, 128 The Approach of Spring. 216-the Cowslip, 444. Colman, George, 581. 78, 97. Complaint of the Decay of Beggars, 532. Crimson Hermits, the, a Melodrama, 253. Deaths, (M.R.) 6, 24, 48, 67, 87, 105. Death of the Laird of Warlsworm, 539. Drama, JAN. Proem; Drury Lane, 90- Kean, 91-Miss Edmiston; Rowe's Jane Shore, 92-De Montfort; Covent Garden; Two Gentlemen of Verona, 93-Miss Tree; Miss Beaumont Far- ren; Liston, 94-Miss Hallande; The Two Pages, 95-FEB. Comparison be- tween the state of the two Great Houses, 179-and their different systems of ma- nagement, the Pirate, 180-Cooper, Harley, &c., 181-Scenery, 182-Co- vent-Garden ; Drury-Lane, Panto- mime, 183-Covent-Garden; the Yel- low Dwarf, 184-MAR. Drury-Lane; Town and Country, 290-Adeline, or the Victim of Seduction, 291-Owen, Prince of Powys, 292-Covent-Garden; Mor trose, Miss Stephens, 293-Eng- lish Opera-house, 294-APRIL. English Opera-house; Mr. Mathews, 395- MAY. The School for Scandal, 481- Miss Grimani; Cooper, 482--C. Kemble; Drury-Lane; Almoran and Hamet, 483 -Covent-Garden; Cherry and Fair Star, 484-JUNE. Covent-Garden, 580 -G. Colman, 581-The Law of Java, Dramatists, beauties of the living; see Beauties, &c. - Modern, 29-French, Drawings, exhibition of, Soho-square, 295 Elba, 272. Elia, papers by; Dream Children, a reve- rie, 21-Some of the Old Actors, 174- Distant Correspondents, 282-the Old Actors, 305-Praise of Chimney-sweep- ers, 405-Complaint of the Decay of Beggars in the Metropolis, 532. Elizabeth, Queen, letter of, 387-verses Epistolary topics, 282. Exhibitions: Drawings, Soho-square, 295 Fine Arts: Drawings, Soho-square, 295 Foreign Commerce, (M. R.) 4, 23, 42, 61, Fortiguerri, the author of Ricciardetto, 429. Foscari, critique on Byron's tragedy of the Free Paper Currency, 185-petition for, French Poets, early; A. Heroet, and M. Galloway, description of a vale in 540. Giovanni, Don, the XVIII. a Musico- Glossary to the second Tale of Lyddal Gn, account of his visit to the Theatre Goldsmith, Dr., life of, 105-character, 110-remarks on his works, 111-scene of his Deserted Village, 111-incon- sistent reasoning in his Traveller, 112- Dr. Warton's opinion of him, 268. Grandeur in Art, defined, 156, 453. Gray, Lady Jane, 166-Stanzas to, 171. Greece, spirit of its Mythology, 118- Haddon, description of a hunting festival H-yd-n, Mr., his opinion respecting the Henry, Patrick, life of, 413-his clo- Herculaneum, Martin's Picture of, 471. Homer's Hymns to Pan, 161-to Ceres, 342. Horace, Wrangham's translation of the 96. Ideal, the theory of the, misunderstood, Ilissus, remarks on the statue of, 153, 453. Imitation, on, 51. Inchbald, Mrs., observations of, on the James I., 218-verses by, 219-his De- Janus, Letter from, 468. Johnson, Dr., his opinion of Goldsmith, 106, 108, 160. Leisure Hours, No. V. Introduction to a Lives of the Poets, No. III. C. Anstey, 24 No. IV. Oliver Goldsmith, 105- No. V. Joseph Warton, 264-No. VI. James Beattie, 312-No. VII. R. O. Cambridge, 403-W. J. Mickle, 559. Lloyd, Mrs. Winifred, Letter of, describing Martin's Pictures, and the Bonassus, Loveday, Miss, conversion of, 199. Lyddalcross, Twelve Tales of, (see Tales.) Malvolio, the character of, 175. Markets, (M. R.) 161, 34, 54, 72, 92, 110. Marriages, (M. R.) 6, 23, 47, 67, 86, 106. Martin, 'characteristics of his style, 448- May-day effusion, by Elia, 405. Melo-dramas, observations on, 253. Meteorological Journal, 10, 32, 50, 70, 90, Mickle, W. J., life of, 559. Montgomery, J., War-song by, 456-Re- Morra, a Neapolitan game, 521. Mosca, Signor, the composer, 490. Music, Report of. JAN. Madame Catalani; King's Theatre, 95-Mr. Bishop, Na- tional Melodies, new Musical Publica- tions, 96-FEB. Encouragement of En- glish Music, 193-Establishment pro- jected for the education of young Mu- sicians; the Opera; Signora Carridori, Ambrogetti, Camporese; Madame Mora, |