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Meetings of Agriculturists-Their general reception of the Measure-

Proceedings of the Aylesbury Association, where the Duke of Buck-

ingham presides-The House of Commons goes into Committee on the

Resolutions on February 25th-Mr. Christopher proposes a new Scale

of Duties as a Substitute for Sir Robert Peel's-An irregular Discussion

on the Amendment terminates in its Rejection by 306 to 104—Mr.

Wodehouse's Motion respecting Duties on Barley withdrawn after some

Debate-Mr. Smith O'Brien advocates greater protection to Irish Oats

-Various other Amendments proposed, all of which are rejected or

withdrawn-On Motion for Second Reading of the Bill Lord Ebring-

ton moves that it be read that Day Six Months-Speeches of Lord

Howick, Mr. C. Buller, Sir Robert Peel, and other Members--The

Second Reading carried by 284 to 176-Rapid Progress of the Bill

through Committee-Divers Amendments defeated-Resolution pro-

posed by Mr. Cobden on Third Reading rejected by large Majority-

Bill passed in House of Commons on April 5th-In the House of

Lords the Second Reading is moved by the Earl of Ripon-Earl Stan-

hope vigorously opposes it, and censures the Government-His speech

on moving the rejection of the Bill-Speeches of the Earl of Hardwick,

Duke of Buckingham, Earl of Winchilsea, Viscount Melbourne, and

Lord Brougham, who moves another Amendment-Both motions are

rejected by great Majorities-The Bill is read a Second Time-In

Committee Viscount Melbourne moves an Amendment in favour of a

Fixed Duty-It is rejected after full Discussion by a majority of 68—

Three Resolutions condemnatory of all Duties on Foreign Corn are

proposed by Lord Brougham-They are disaffirmed by 87 to 6-Various

other Amendments are moved without success, and the Bill is read a

Third Time and passed

Financial Measures-Embarrassing Circumstances of the Country-Sir

Robert Peel's bold and comprehensive Plans of Reform-His Speech

on introducing his Budget-Its Reception by the House-Remarks of

Lord John Russell-In the House of Lords Lord Brougham moves a

String of Resolutions respecting the Income-Tax-The Earl of Ripon

moves the previous question, which is carried-Debate in the House of

Commons on Finance-Speeches of Mr. F. T. Baring, Mr. Goulburn,

Lord Howick, and Lord John Russell-Sir Robert Peel vindicates his

Measures, and explains the Machinery of the Income-Tax Bill-Recep-

tion of the Measure by the Opposition in the House of Commons-

Notice given by Lord John Russell-First Debate on the Subject-

Objections against the Tax urged by different Members-Some of the

Liberal Party support it-Speeches of Mr. Smith O'Brien and Mr.

Roebuck-Sir Robert Peel defends his Measures against the Objections

urged-Speech of Lord John Russell-Attempt to postpone the Deci-

sion of the House by Motions of Adjournment-They are negatived,

but, ultimately, it is deferred till after the Easter Recess-The Subject

resumed-State of Public Feeling respecting it-Mr, Blewitt moves an

Amendment on Sir Robert Peel's Resolution, but afterwards withdraws

it-The First Resolution carried without a Division-Debate on the

Second Resolution-The Second and Third Resolutions carried-Lord

John Russell moves an Amendment condemnatory of the proposed Tax

-Speeches of Mr. Goulburn, Sir Robert Peel, Mr. Macaulay, Lord

Stanley, Mr. Labouchere, Sir R. H. Inglis, Viscount Sandon, Mr.

O'Connell, Mr. Hawes, Sir James Graham, Mr. F. Baring, Mr. Fer-

New Tariff-Preliminary Statement of Sir Robert Peel, before going into

Committee Speeches of Messrs. Labouchere, D'Israeli, Huine, Glad-

stone, E. B. Roche, and G. Palmer-Motion of Major Vivian, respecting

alleged Suppression of Information by Government-Debate, and Divi-

sion thereon-Motion of Lord Howick against extension of differential

Duties-It is opposed by Mr. Gladstone and other Members, and

rejected by 281 to 108-The House goes into Committee on the Bill-

Debate on Reduction of Duties on Agricultural Produce -Mr. P. Miles

moves an Amendment respecting Duty on live Cattle-He is supported

by Mr. R. Palmer, Earl of March, and Mr. G. Heathcote-Opposed by

Mr. Gladstone, Lord Norreys, Mr. Gally Knight, and others-Speeches

of Lord John Russell and Sir Robert Peel-Mr. Miles's Amendment

lost by a Majority of 267-Other Amendments moved by Major Vivian

and Mr. Villiers-Rejected-The Committee discuss the Items of the

Bill seriatim-Various Amendments relating to Butter, Potatoes, Tim-

ber, Cotton-Wool, and other Articles, withdrawn or negatived-The

Bill goes through Committee-Read a Third Time on 28th June-

Remarks of Lord John Russell on that occasion-Declarations of Sir

R. Peel respecting Commercial Measures of Foreign States-Debates

on Customs-Duties Bill in the House of Lords-It is introduced by a

Speech of Lord Ripon-Earl Stanhope moves its rejection-The Duke

of Richmond supports the Amendment-Lords Clanricarde and Mont-

eagle speak in favour of the Bill-The Second Reading carried by 59

to 4-In Committee, Amendments moved by Earl Stanhope are re-

jected; and third Reading carried by 52 to 9-Debate in the House of

Commons on Sugar Duties-The Chancellor of the Exchequer moves

to continue existing Duties for one year-Mr. Roebuck moves an

Amendment to equalise Foreign and Colonial Duties-It is defeated by

59 to 18-Another Amendment for reduction of Duties, proposed by

Mr. Labouchere-Speeches of Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Hume, Lord John

Russell, Mr. Roebuck, and Sir Robert Peel-Mr. Goulburn's Resolu-

tion is carried by 245 to 164

James Graham, Dr. Bowring, Mr. M. Attwood, Lord John Russell,

Sir Robert Peel, Mr. Ellice, Lord Palmerston, Lord Stanley, Mr. Roe-

buck, and other Members-The Debate is continued by Adjournment

for three nights-On a Division the Resolutions are negatived by 174

to 49-The same Subject comes under Discussion a few nights after-

wards on a Motion by Mr. Villiers for a Select Committee on the Corn-

laws-Mr. Fielden seconds the Motion-It is opposed by Mr. P.

Howard and Sir C. Napier-Sir Robert Peel complains of the Obstruc-

tion offered to Business by the Opposition-He vindicates the New

Corn-law and Financial Measures, and states his Opinions respecting

the Effects of Machinery on the Employment of the People, and his

Prospects of the Improvement of Trade-Speeches of Lord John Rus-

sell, Mr. Cobden, and Lord Howick-Mr. Villiers' Motion is rejected

by 231 to 117-Lord Brougham introduces the Subject of the National

Distress in the House of Lords in moving for a Select Committee-He

discusses at large the Principles of Commercial Policy-Speeches of

Earl of Ripon, Earl of Stanhope, Lord Kinnaird, Marquess of Clanri-

carde, Viscount Melbourne, and Earl of Radnor-Lord Brougham's

Motion is rejected by 61 to 14-The great Chartist Petition is presented

in the Houss of Commons-Its vast Bulk and Number of Signatures

-Procession of Petitioners and singular Spectacle at the Presentation

-Debate on the Petition introduced by Mr. T. Duncombe who moves

that the Petitioners be heard by Counsel at the Bar-Motion seconded

by Mr. Leader, and supported by Messrs. Roebuck, Hume, Wakley,

Villiers, O'Connell, and Muntz Opposed by Mr. Macaulay, Lord F.

Egerton, Mr. Hawes, Mr. Oswald, Lord John Russell, and Sir Robert

Peel-The Motion rejected by 287 to 49.

Lord Ashley's bill for restraining the Employment of Women and Chil-

dren in Mines and Collieries-Extracts from the Report of the Com-

missioners of Inquiry-Impression made by Lord Ashley's statement

upon the House of Commons-Speeches of Mr. Fox Maule, Lord F.

Egerton, Sir J. Graham, and other Members-Leave given to bring in

the Bill nem. con.-Rapid progress of the measure in the House of

Commons-It is passed with slight opposition-It is introduced in an

altered form in the House of Lords. Debates on the Second Reading

-Lord Wharncliffe states the intentions of the Government respecting

it-Lord Londonderry moves, that it be read a second time that day

six months, but the Motion is not seconded. Speech of Lord Brougham

before going into Committee-Various amendments are proposed and

negatived, and the Bill passed-Debates in the House of Commons on

the Lords' Amendments-Charges against the Government made by

Lord Palmerston and Mr. C. Buller-Sir R. Peel vindicates the Minis-

ters-The Amendments agreed to-Bribery at Elections-Singular

result of proceedings before Committees-General reports respecting

compromises of Petitions-Mr. Roebuck undertakes an inquiry-He

addresses questions to the Members for Reading, Nottingham, Har-

wich, Penryn and Lewes-Their answers--Mr. Roebuck states his

charges and moves for a Select Committee-Mr. Fitzroy seconds the

motion-Adjourned debate-Speeches of Mr. Wynn, Mr. Ward, Lord

Palmerston, Sir R. Inglis, Sir R. Peel, Lord J. Russell, Lord Stanley,

and others Mr. Roebuck amends his Motion, which is then carried

without a division-Mr. T. Duncombe proposes a test for the Com-

mittee, which is rejected-Nomination of the Committee-An Act of

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