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FEB. 26, 1831.]

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All other places,

Duty on Sugar.

Cents. Mills.


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[H. OF R.

for about one hundred dollars a piece. We procure ours from the shores of the Chesapeake and its tributaries, and from the gentleman's own Savannah, at four, five, and six hundred dollars. Their ploughmen or their hoemen want no purchased clothing; like our primitive parents, a figleaf is the ordinary costume they prefer. Ours are clad at great aggregate expense from the product of your manufactories. For their people they have little or no food to buy; they require none; they are sustained by "the gushing fruits which nature gives untilled." A patch of plantains and bananas, once formed, supports the man forever and a day. Ours are nourished by the costly aliments; the corn, the fish, the pork, which you supply.

And yet, with all these advantages on their side, it is a notorious fact that all the colonies have, of late years Having thus gained some insight into the average prices been in the most deplorable condition; and it has been an in the countries of our vicinity, let us see what news, if engrossing object with the parent countries to try and any, can be obtained from New Orleans. I read from devise expedients to uphold and save them from utter Bright's New Orleans Prices Current and Commercial bankruptcy; while we, with all our opposing obstacles, Intelligencer," a paper of undoubted authority, of the 5th contributing, as we have to do, annual millions to the rest February, 1831, head Sugar: "The demand has abated very much, and we quote at but have descended to compete, and do compete, with of you, have not only brought them down in their prices, five cents, dull. None but that of very good quality will them, on the level of their own platform. And yet there command that price; to obtain more, the article must be are gentlemen who still pretend to believe, for I cannot superior in every respect, and at such distance from the give credit for any thing but pretence, that we are ancity as will suit convenience." I will also beg leave to read an extract of a letter dated nually coining cent per cent. on the capital we employ! January 26, from an eminent commission merchant in New of which I feel a deeper sense of conviction than of any But, Mr. Speaker, there is one proposition, of the truth Orleans, a gentleman well known to many in this House. other proposition connected with the subject. It is this, The letter was not addressed to me, nor written with any that all our inquiries, touching the relative price at home reference to such a use, and I owe it to the politeness of and abroad, can serve no other end than to gratify a mere his correspondent that I am permitted to read it. He says, "Sugar is down to 4 a 5 cents."

We thus find that the average price is, in reality, between four and five cents; and that, after all this uproar, this prodigious outcry about three cents in the pound, wrenched from the consumer, as a gratuity to the producer, these three millions of taxes, as a bounty to inflate the pockets of a few planters in Louisiana-in point of fact, the bounty proceeds from the planter, and is enjoyed by the consumer; that it is we who are taxed and oppressed; that we have taxed ourselves--inveigled into it by your policy-have taxed our time, our industry, our vigils, our capital, to such an extent, that we now supply the cravings of your appetite for less than you can buy the luxury for on the plantations of the West Indies. That we actually do, in a general way, undersell the Swedish and British islands, as well as Cuba, and that we get a trifle more than half the price it commands at Hayti.

idle, speculative curiosity; that, if they properly understood the subject, the people of the United States, and especially those of Georgia and Virginia, would scout all such attempts to delude them by phantoms and bugbears, and would perceive that their only motive of interest in looking to the price of sugar at New Orleans should be to watch over it, and keep it up to a standard of fair profit there; that the fifty millions employed in the culture are fifty millions at work for their emolument with this discrimination from ordinary investments, that you have neither the risk of the capital nor the trouble of the administration. This would fetch me to that part of the subject which relates to the great question of the market; a question of more intrinsic importance than all the rest combined.

of the demand which the sugar making creates for the Sir, if I were to attempt an exposition of the enormity Now, by what possible means, by what magic spell, we who dwell on our extreme Eastern seaboard, with their productions of all the people in this Union, from those have ever been able to accomplish so much, is, one would oil and their fish, down to those who live on our immethink, a question which, when the physical and adventi-diate confines, with another species of bipedal property, tious circumstances of the two countries are considered, it would require more time than I have consumed in all would puzzle even the facile imagination of the honorable the other topics put together. mover himself. The enigma of the sphynx would seem

to be a commonplace child's riddle in the comparison.yond which I cannot be allowed to proceed; and I must, But, sir, my moments are counted: I see the goal beThere is but one solution to it, and that is, the all-sur-therefore, with a view to obtain, not a full description of mounting energies of American enterprise when induced the subject, but a mere vista leading into the interminable to exert itself in any given direction.. Sir, what are the relative, natural, and accidental cir-ments on the table; wherein they will perceive that it field, again invite the attention of gentlemen to the docucumstances of that archipelago and of Louisiana? Why, creates an annual inland trade of from four to seven milon those genial isles, those ocean gems, the fostering lions, and that the balance is against us; that the sugar sun beams vertically from January to January. There planters of Louisiana have been actually buying from the the plant has the whole twelve months, with twelve more rest of the people of the United States, for millions beto that if necessary, to mature and concoct its juices. yond the whole amount of their revenues. It is a fact, With us it has but six short months to grow-from the not more curious than true; and I only lament that time last frosts of spring to the first blasts which chill the au- cannot be allowed to offer some explanation of the seem tumn. They have the livelong year to grind and manu- ing anomaly, by giving an account of the sums diverted facture in; we can claim but the hurried period of two or from other employments, and raised by forced loans, three months, which is liable to be abridged. They get which they have been pouring over your respective lands, their laborers from the banks of the Niger, or the Zaire, creating brisk demands and high prices for every thing This is the interior Muscovado, which is quite a different article, you have had to sell. The unvarnished tale might, posand does not come in competition with the ordinary brown sugar.'sibly, vibrate the chord of self-interest in the bosoms of

H. OF R.]

Reprinting old Documents.

[FEB. 26, 1831.

all, and more especially of those from whom this strange, Whole, and be there discussed, and a free interchange of unaccountable move proceeds: yet I must needs, how- opinion take place? He had too much respect for the ever loth, pass the subject by. chairman of the Library committee, who had reported There was another gentleman, who spoke on this reso- this bill, to even presume he would hold back any infor lution, to whose argument I am bound, from comity, to bestow some notice a gentleman from Virginia, [Mr. ALEXANDER.] Very little fell from him to require any answer on my part. He admits that the success of this project would materially impair the value of the property of his constituents. That is just what I say; and, there fore, in that respect, there is nothing at issue between us. But he says that, with a full knowledge of the injury it would be to his people, he is induced to advocate the measure, because it depends on a principle.

mation which might be useful in relation to the probable expense to be incurred. It, however, had not been given, and the House, almost at the close of the session, were called upon to adopt a measure which, if carried into effect, would incur an expense of between fifty and sixty thousand dollars-and for what, sir? Why to reprint a parcel of old documents, now in the archives of the House, where any gentleman can command them if he wishes. Sir, continued Mr. S., you have passed pension bills this session, you have pensioned the poor soldier, On a principle? Why, how does that, alter the case? and the rich soldier, but you are now about to pass a penDo not we all proceed on a principle?-as well those who sion law more obnoxious than any heretofore passed. vote for the maintenance of duties as those who go for You are about pensioning two printers in this city, whom their abolition? The opposite points of the needle, which you have heretofore discarded from your confidence. feel for the opposing poles of the earth, act each on its Yes, sir, you now propose to give them a job equal to the principle-a great physical principle, impressed by the printing for Congress ten years. These printers, Messrs. inscrutable hand of Creation. So, also, in the moral Gales and Seaton, who, two years ago, were discarded from world, the most diverging points of conduct all claim to the confidence of the House on account of their political have a principle to which they tend. Every thing is a principles, are now to be taken in preference to all others, principle. and given this job as an annuity or pension; and for what, But, sir, there are two principles in the world. There sir? Could any gentleman tell what this pension is for? is the principle beneficent, and the principle maleficent. Is it because they have and are daily vomiting forth polThe Hindoos also had their Brama and their Vichenou-lution or abuse of Andrew Jackson and his administration? one the good principle, the creating and preserving prin- He asked gentlemen if these printers were not using every ciple; the other the evil principle, the destroying principle. And, sir, each had its votaries, equally ready to hazard all and every thing in its vindication. I had hoped the days of such enthusiasm had gone by.

It is a principle with the gentleman to construe the powers of this Government differently from all the past politicians of his own State--the very men who fought the good fight of the revolution, and helped to build up the frame-work of this republic. It is a principle with me to interpret them as Washington and Adams, and their colaborators-as Jefferson, and Madison, and Monroe, have done; to say nothing of the patriots of our own days, the monument of whose fame and public services towers too high to be seen by our poor obfuscated vision, filmed by the passion of party, in all that beauty and sublimity of outline which the remove of another generation will impart to the view.

With the gentleman it is a principle to deny to this Government the right to provide for the general weal of its people. With me it is a principle to preserve to it, as far as my feeble efforts may, the powers necessary to secure me in the enjoyment of "life and the pursuit of happiness," and liberty, too-rational liberty-that which depends for its being on obedience to the law; not that wild, unbridled liberty, the most odious form of despotism, "which knows no master but its mood."


The engrossed bill making provision for a subscription to a compilation of congressional documents, was read the third time.

means in their power, just and unjust, to bring this admi-
nistration into contempt. He could only express his re-
gret to some of the friends of the administration, in the
ranks of the opposition, lending their sanction to a mea-
sure which would effectually give it a stab. Why, sir, is
it that Gales and Seaton are selected in preference to all
other printers to do this work, if it is expedient to effect
it? Why not have it discretionary with the Clerk of the
House to employ those who would do it the cheapest?
Is there not on your table a proposition to print these
documents, and let you take them at your own price.
When they should be printed, the House could judge of
their value. He was admonished that the time of the
House was precious. He rose only to do what he con-
sidered his duty. It did seem to him that the House were
about to take a step which would not by any means meet
the sanction of the people. He wished his constituents
to see his vote. He asked for the yeas
and nays.

Mr. DRAYTON said, to decide upon the passage or rejection of this bill, it appears to me that we should determine, 1st, whether the documents proposed to be published, are such as we stand in need of in the discharge of our legislative duties; 2dly, whether, supposing this to be the case, we have the legitimate power to procure them. The documents referred to comprehend those State papers of the Executive and its departments, and those reports of both branches of Congress, which are of peculiar importance, from their throwing light upon the principles of the interior and exterior policy of our Government during the long interval which elapsed from the adoption of the federal constitution to the year 1813. The contents Mr. SPEIGHT said he did not know that any thing he of these papers are known but to few. Of many of them could say on this subject would at this time have any avail there are but two or three copies extant, and others of on the decision of the House. He had little hope that them are only to be found in manuscript, in the possession any appeal he might make to the sober judgment of the of a small number of persons. Surely the records of the House would prevent the passage of this obnoxious mea- United States, upon subjects which ought to be familiar sure. But a duty which he felt he owed to his constitu- to every Senator and Representative, should be easily atents, to himself, and his country, forbid his giving a silent tainable; and yet the reverse is notoriously the fact. Withvote. Sir, said Mr. S., I can but express my regret that, in my own limited experience as a member of a committee at this late period of the session, this measure, without of this House, it has occurred to me, upon several occaattempting to explain its utility or probable expense, sions, to make fruitless exertions to obtain documents reshould be hurried through the House in this unprece-lating to an early period of our Government, which would dented manner. He asked gentlemen if this was the have aided me in the performance of my duties. usual course for bills containing appropriations to take. impediments in our way ought to be removed; and should Was it not usual for them to go to a Committee of the this bill become a law, they will be effectually removed.


FEB. 26, 1831.]

sentient voice.

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Should it be rejected, we must, to a certain extent, be Mr. DAVIS, of Massachusetts, then said he desired to deprived of the benefit of the labors of those who have state the reasons which would influence his mind in the preceded us, and be less competent to execute those vote he was about to give, for gentlemen had made such which devolve upon ourselves. The constitutional power broad and unqualified assertions, that his motives might to make an appropriation of money for these documents, be misunderstood if he gave that vote silently. The gen I think we clearly possess. We have a right to resort to tleman from North Carolina, [Mr. SPEIGHT,] and the gen the necessary means to enable us to discharge the duties tleman from Tennessee, [Mr. POLK,] had deprecated the which are prescribed to us as legislators. Without infor- passage of the bill in language censorious and reproachmation upon a variety of questions which engaged the ful to a very large portion of the House, for they had deminds, and a variety of facts, the investigation of which clared that, under the pretence of printing old musty occupied the time of our predecessors, we should fre- documents, we were about to pension the printers of a quently be deficient in the knowledge requisite to direct public newspaper opposed to the administration. If, Mr. our judgments. This evil will be increased by delay. Speaker, I viewed this matter as those gentlemen declare We should, therefore, apply the remedy whilst it is in they do, I should most certainly unite with them in deour power to do so. I have always been opposed to ap-feating the bill, for they cannot more earnestly deprecate propriating money for books to be distributed among the such a motive than I do. A pension to printers of a news. members, which could be purchased at the book shops; paper, and for what? For nothing. We are charged but a work like this under consideration will never be with an intention to thrust our hands into the treasury, undertaken without the aid of Congress. Our right to and to abstract from it the funds of the nation, to gratify have these documents published, stands upon the same a spirit of wastefulness. Sir, the charge is one of grave footing as ordering to be printed an additional number of import; and let us look at the facts, and see whether we the Executive messages, or congressional reports--a are about to abuse the confidence of our constituents in right which has been acquiesced in without a single dis- this reckless manner. Gentlemen speak of the proposi tion as if it were new, but it has been brought before the It has been said by gentlemen, that, admitting the pro- two Houses repeatedly within the last four years, not by priety of having executed what this bill contemplates, special legislation, but by our regular standing committees, the expense incidental to it will be enormous--that the who have examined into the matter, and have laid the selection of what is to be printed, is left to the unli- facts before us, by which they were brought to the conmited discretion of the Secretary of the Senate and the clusion that the public good called for the measure. They Clerk of this House, who may sanction the publication of tell us, that by fire, and from other causes, the documents useless trash, so as to increase the number of volumes, of several years are so out of print, that the Government has and to augment the cost far beyond what we should feel not a copy for its use; that of some years we have a single ourselves justified in appropriating. I can only reply to copy, of others a few. They, therefore, come to the conthese arguments, that I am informed by the most respect-clusion that a reprint is necessary. The proposition is able authority, that the expense cannot exceed $30,000, to publish only such as are of public importance, and may and that the bill sufficiently guards against the other ob- be useful to the several branches of the Government, in jection of abuse of authority in the officers of this and of performing its arduous and complex duties. Who does the other House. The Secretary of the Senate and the not know, sir, that those documents contain matter most Clerk of the House of Representatives will be bound by deeply interesting not only to the Government, but to this the respect which they owe to themselves, and by the great, free people? for they contain the thoughts, reasonobligations of their official responsibility, to perform faith-ing, and principles of the men who have been called to fully the trust which is confided to them. If the publica- administer affairs through a long series of years. They tion be provided for, these officers are best qualified to contain much of our civil and political history, which ought superintend and direct it. We have elected them to the and will be preserved, if we place a proper value upon situations in which they are placed--they have discharged the experience of the past. This Government, sir, has its the duties assigned to them with ability and integrity, and foundations in the public will; and if we wish it to strike their repeated elections manifest that the opinions which deep into public affection, and to be cherished and upwe originally entertained of them, have remained unim- held, the public must understand not only its operations paired. Is it reasonable, then, to suspect that they will of to-day, but its history. Its records must not be confinfail to execute what is required of them, without any temp-ed to the files of this hall, where none but members can tation from interest, and with the means in the Repre- have access to them, and not even they, for useful pursentatives of detecting any treachery or impropriety in poses; but they must be published to the world, that the their conduct? wisdom and the experience of the past may enlighten and Gentlemen have also urged that we ought not to pass guide us in the future. We have nothing to conceal from this bill, because the effect would be to confer a lucrative the public, and should not grudge a little of the public employment upon those who are hostile to the adminis-money, when it goes to aid the cause of liberty, by diffus tration. The press is free. The indviduals alluded to ing abroad a knowledge of the principles upon which our are as well entitled to express their sentiments as I am to Government rests, and by establishing it more firmly in express mine. Their opinion may be correct, and mine the hearts of the people. But it is said by a gentleman wrong, or the reverse may be the case. However this from Kentucky, [Mr. WICKLIFFE,] that we have no need may be, I would never inquire to what party any one was of those documents, for he never seeks for one which he attached who proposed to enter into a contract for print- cannot find. Sir, this may be true, though many others ing our proceedings. My sole inquiries would be, whe- have not been so successful in their researches. Is it ther he could execute it with fidelity, and for a just compensation. Satisfied upon these points, I should regard it as a proscription which ought not to be tolerated in a free and enlightened body, to reject his application because his political opinions were at variance with those of the majority. If our votes are to be influenced by such a motive, to talk of the liberty of the press would be a delusion and a mockery.

Mr. WAYNE also advocated the passage of the bill; and
Mr. POLK and Mr. YANCEY warmly opposed it.
VOL. VII.-52

enough, sir, that we have files of the papers which are sent into, or originate in this body. If the gentleman means so to be understood, I call on him to explain to me the reason why we are annually paying such large sums of money for printing to the public printer. Why do we have a public printer? If the mere fact that we have a copy of a document on file, which may be consulted, is a good reason for not multiplying copics, the argument would prove that we need no public printer, and the pay to him is a waste of public treasure; and yet the

H. OF R.]

Death of Senator Noble.—Indian Question.

nion, for we cannot get on well without them. I there

[FEB. 28, 1831.

reasoning of the gentleman has failed to convince himself chanan, Burges, Butman, Cahoon, Chilton, Clark, Conof this. dict, Cooper, Coulter, Cowles, Craig, Crane, Crockett, The gentlemen assert that these documents, though Creighton, Crowninshield, John Davis, Denny, Dickinson, once printed for use and preservation, are not wanted; Doddridge, Drayton, Dudley, Duncan, Dwight, Eager, and yet one of them has called for the second reading of a Ellsworth, George Evans, Joshua Evans, Edward Everett, letter addressed to you, sir, by Mr. Green, the public Horace Everett, Finch, Forward, Gilmore, Grennell, Gurprinter, and presented to the House yesterday morning. ley, Hawkins, Hemphill, Hodges, Hughes, Hunt, HuntThe reading of this paper could not have been demanded ington, Ingersoll, Johns, R. M. Johnson, Kendall, Kincaid, for the purpose of showing what has been put forth as the Leiper, Letcher, Martindale, Mercer, Mitchell, Muhlenmain allegation, that the documents are not useful or not berg, Pearce, Pierson, Ramsey, Randolph, Reed, Richarddemanded by the public, for this individual states his be- son, Rose, William B. Shepard, Semmes, Sill, Ambrose lief that an edition might be disposed of to States, public Spencer, Stanbery, Sterigere, Henry R. Storrs, William institutions, &c. so as to pay the publisher without asking L. Storrs, Strong, Sutherland, Swann, Swift, Taliaferro, aid from Congress. The gentleman from Kentucky [Mr. Taylor, Test, Tracy, Vance, Varnum, Verplanck, VinWICKLIFFE] says he believes he understands this, and has no ton, Washington, Wayne, Whittlesey, C. P. White, E. doubt, when the work is published, Congress will be soli-D. White, Wilde, Williams, Wilson, Wingate, Young.cited to take some copies of it. I entertain the same opi- 98. NAYS.-Messrs. Alexander, Allen, Alston, Anderson, fore would not delay, to see whether this proposition is Angel, Armstrong, Barnwell, James Blair, John Blair, executed, and run the hazard of having it executed to our Bockee, Boon, Borst, Brodhead, Brown, Cambreleng, satisfaction, but would proceed at once to the business, Carson, Chandler, Claiborne, Clay, Coke, Coleman, Conand have the publication made under the care and super-ner, Crawford, Crocheron, Daniel, Davenport, Warren vision of our own officers, the Secretary of the Senate and R. Davis, Desha, De Witt, Draper, Earll, Findlay, Ford, Clerk of the House, as the bill provides; and if there be Foster, Fry, Gaither, Gordon, Hall, Halsey, Hammons, more copies than we have occasion for, we may easily dis- Harvey, Haynes, Hinds, Holland, Hoffman, Howard, Hubpose of them if the public printer is right in his opinion bard, Ihrie, W. W. Irvin, Isacks, Jarvis, Cave Johnson, about the demand for the work. I think, sir, on a full Kennon, Perkins King, Adam King, Lamar, Lea, Leavitt, view of the facts, that no reasonable doubt can be enter- Lecompte, Lent, Lewis, Loyall, Lumpkin, Magee, Thotained of the propriety of publishing these papers anew, mas Maxwell, McCreery, McCoy, McDuffie, McIntire, for the convenience of Congress and the public good de- Miller, Nuckolls, Overton, Patton, Pettis, Polk, Potter, mand it. An objection, however, has been made to the Rencher, Roane, Russel, Sanford, Aug. H. Shepperd, manner of doing it. Gentlemen ask why certain printers Shields, Speight, Richard Spencer, Standefer, Stephens, are designated in the bill; and there, probably, lies the Wiley Thompson, John Thomson, Trezvant, Tucker, great obstacle with some to the measure. We have been Weeks, Wickliffe, Yancey.-93. asked, in the apparent spirit of triumph, in the course of Mr. McDUFFIE moved to suspend the rule, to enable the debate, why are not proposals made for the lowest him to make a motion to discharge the Committee of the bidder, that we may have the benefit of competition? Sir, Whole from the resolution to amend the constitution relative the bill authorizes the Clerk to subscribe for a certain to the election of President, it was understood, and bring number of copies, the price of which is not to exceed it into the House, but there were not quite two-thirds in what we pay for the public printing. Now, I would ask the affirmative, and the motion was lost. in turn, if this mode of setting contracts up at auction be Adjourned. wise, why do we elect by ballot a public printer? Why is not that work set up for the lowest bidder, instead of being regulated by law? If I am not misinformed, men can be found, nay, men have actually made proposals, who will take it for less than the law allows; but the experi-cretary, notifying this House that the honorable JAMES A message was received from the Senate by their Seence of Congress has produced the conviction, that work NOBLE, a Senator of the United States from the State of Indone by speculators is less likely to be done faithfully and diana, died at his lodgings in this city on the 27th instant, with despatch, than when it is put out at a reasonable and and that his funeral will take place this day at half past just compensation. The rule which applies to the public eleven o'clock A. M. Whereupon, printing applies to this business. It should be made under Mr. TEST moved the following resolution, viz. the immediate supervision of our own officers; and I can see Resolved, That the members of this House will attend no reason why the price should be complained of, when the funeral of the honorable JAMES NOBLE, late a member its maximum can never reach above what we pay the pub- of the Senate from the State of Indiana, this day, at the lic printer. I do not feel at liberty to neglect a duty hour appointed; and as a testimony of respect for the mewhich Congress is called upon, in the most imperative mory of the deceased, they will go into mourning, and manner, to perform, any longer. The publication is iden-wear crape round the left arm for thirty days. tified with the history, progress, and principles of this Government, and all who feel an interest in its preservation and success must acknowledge the necessity of saving the lights of experience, not only to guide us, but all who may come after us. I would not so soon forget the works of the fathers of the country, nor suffer them to be buried with their authors.

The previous question was then moved by Mr. PETTIS, and was sustained by the House.

The previous question, that is, Shall the main question be now put? was, on the call of Mr. SPEIGHT, taken by yeas and nays, and carried-107 to 77.

The main question, on the passage of the bill, was then put by yeas and nays, and carried as follows:



This resolution was agreed to unanimously.

On motion of Mr. VANCE, it was then
of the late Senator NOBLE, the House will take a recess
Ordered, That, for the purpose of attending the funeral
until three o'clock P. M.

And then the House adjourned to three o'clock.

The House resumed its session according to adjournment.


The House resumed the consideration of the memorial from Massachusetts, presented on the 7th instant by Mr. E. EVERETT, and the motion made by Mr. EVERETT on YEAS.—Messrs. Archer, Arnold, Bailey, Barber, Bar- the 14th instant, that the said memorial be referred to the bour, Barringer, Bartley, Bates, Baylor, Beekman, Bu-Committee on Indian Affairs, "with instructions to report

FEB. 28, 1831.]

The Cumberland Road.--Indian Treaties.-indian Affairs.


[H. OF R.

a bill making further provision for executing the laws of agreed to; and the bill was then ordered to a third readthe United States on the subject of intercourse with the Indian tribes; and, also, for the faithful observance of the treaties between the United States and the said tribes." Mr. BELL was entitled to the floor; but he being absent, in consequence of indisposition,

Mr. DRAYTON moved that the House take up the bill making appropriations for the Engineer and Ordnance Departments, &c.; but Mr. McDUFFIE opposed the motion, as there were items in the bill which he could not agree to, and the others were immaterial; and the motion was negatived.

Mr. SUTHERLAND said that he had prepared himself for the discussion of this subject, and believed that he had it in his power to submit some views of it, not of The House proceeded to the consideration of the bill fered by any other gentleman; but inasmuch as no legis-making appropriations for building lighthouses, lightboats, lative action could grow out of a decision of the pending beacons, and monuments, and placing buoys; and the question at this late period of the session, and as the fur-amendments reported thereto from the Committee of the ther discussion of it would consume time necessary for the Whole House on the 25th ultimo, were read, and contransaction of other important business, he would forego curred in by the House. his own desire to deliver his views on it, and move that the resolution be laid on the table.

Mr. POTTER moved that there be a call of the House; which was refused, by yeas and nays, by a large majority. The question was then put on the motion of Mr. SUTHERLAND, and carried by a large majority, by yeas and nays. The engrossed bill allowing the duties on foreign merchandise imported into Pittsburg, Wheeling, Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, Nashville, and Natchez, to be secured and paid at those places, was read the third time, and passed.

[When this bill was under consideration on Saturday, a long discussion took place, in which Messrs. CAMBRELENG, CARSON, HUNTINGTON, WICKLIFFE, INGERSOLL, RICHARDSON, HOWARD, and WILDE, participated. A motion to lay the bill on the table was lost the previous question was demanded and sustainedand the bill ordered to be engrossed, and to be read a third time.]


Mr. YANCEY asked for the reading of the bill, but it was objected to, and refused.

Mr. DRAPER demanded the yeas and nays on the third reading of the bill, but they were refused; and,

After Mr. YANCEY had made some remarks against the bill, it was ordered to be engrossed, and read a third time.


making appropriations for the Indian Department for the The House proceeded to the consideration of the bill the Committee of the Whole House on the 17th instant, year 1831; and the amendments reported thereto from were read, and concurred in by the House.

to amend the said bill, by adding thereto the following as A motion was made by Mr. BATES, of Mass., further an additional section, viz.

dian nations or tribes shall be paid hereafter in the way "And be it further enacted, That the annuities to the Inand manner they have usually been paid since the grant thereof, or until the said nations or tribes, respectively, shall, in general council, otherwise direct."

Mr. VINTON, from the Committee on Internal Improvements, to which was referred the bill from the Sen- Mr. BATES said he offered this amendment in Comate, entitled "An act declaring the assent of Congress to mittee of the Whole, and in deference to the wishes of the an act of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio," here- Committee of Ways and Means; and, upon the assurance inafter recited, reported the same with an amendment, that an opportunity should be afforded in the House, he affecting the tolls and exemptions from tolls on the Cum-forbore then to state the grounds of it. At this late hour berland road; which being read, a considerable debate of the day, and late day of the session, said Mr. B., I will arose; and, after the debate had continued some time, confine myself strictly to the point, because I do not inA motion was made by Mr. SUTHERLAND, that the tend to afford the slightest apology or occasion for a defurther consideration thereof be postponed until to-mor-mand of the previous question, as I wish to obtain the row. This motion was decided in the negative. judgment of the House distinctly upon the proposition involved in the amendment proposed.

The question was then put, that the House do agree to the amendment reported to the said bill, and decided in the negative--63 to 89.

Another amendment was then proposed to said bill by Mr. ANGEL; when

The previous question was moved by Mr. STANBERY, and being carried,

Since the foundation of the Government, said Mr. B., the practice has been one and undeviating--that of paying these Indian annuities to the nations, and not to the individuals composing the nations. This Government has never intermeddled with the disbursement or distribution of them. Sometimes they have been applied by the natives, partly for the support of their Government, for the

The main question was put, viz. Shall the bill be read a third time? and passed in the affirmative without a divi-maintenance of their schools, the purchase of agricultural



The House proceeded to the consideration of the bill to carry into effect certain Indian treaties; and the amendments reported from the Committee of the Whole House on the 25th ultimo were read, and concurred in by the


Mr. McDUFFIE renewed the motion made by him in Committee of the Whole, to insert an appropriation of eighty thousand dollars for carrying into effect the Choctaw treaty lately ratified by the Senate.

Mr. STANBERY objected to this, because the appropriation of last year of five hundred thousand dollars would cover this object; and a long debate arose on the subject, in which Messrs. LUMPKIN, STRONG, WILDE, POLK, MCDUFFIE, WAYNE, WICKLIFFE, CAMBRELENG, LEWIS, YANCEY, and TAYLOR, joined. The amend ment was modified, on the motion of Mr. TAYLOR, and was

implements, or for any other purpose which was most pleasing to themselves. The annuity to the Cherokees has latterly been paid into the public treasury of that nation; the annuity to the Creeks has been paid to the headmen of the different towns; and the annuities to the other nations have been paid in the way and manner they thought

proper to direct.

versing this ancient and uniform practice. I will send the In June last an order was issued by the Executive, reorder to the Clerk, and thank him to read it. It is as fol


DEPARTMENT OF WAR, 18th June, 1830.

Sir: The President directs that the practice of paying annuities to continued; and that, with a view to secure to the mass of the nation the treasurer of the Cherokee nation shail from henceforth be distheir proper proportion of such annuity, the same shall be hereafter paid in every case to the individuas respectively entitled; that is to say, to the chiefs and warriors and common Indians, and their fami lies, in the ratio in which these several classes are entitled; where there are Indians without families, the payments are to be made to

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