ePub 版

Memory, failure of, resulting from bodily
fatigue, 374

undue straining of, 700

Itard, Dr., on loss of, accompanying
attacks of apoplexy, 362
John Hunter, loss of, by, 373
loss of, as to names, case recorded by
Dr. Gratiolet, 361

loss of, by Sir Isaac Newton, 680

loss of, caused by blows upon the head,

loss of, in advanced life, 367
Martial, on, 365

Mill, James, on, 358
Montaigne's remarks on, 683

of Bonaparte temporarily affected, 400
of the insane, 416

of early impressions, tenacity of, in
Niebuhr, 346
paralysis of the, 383

premature impairment of, 365

paralysis of the, caused by intense cold,

psychology and pathology of, 427
perversion and exaltation, 416
Pope Clement VI. strengthened after
he had received a slight concussion of
the brain, 457

remarkable case of disordered, 395, 409
restored by a blow upon the head, 457
Rush, Dr., on, 681

Russel Reynolds, Dr., on loss of, ac-
companying epilepsy, 480
singular case of perversion of, related
by John Hunter, 417
sudden and transient loss of, 371
Stewart, Dugald, on the various effects
produced on the, by disease and old
age, 360

singular loss of, caused by a moon-
stroke, 382

singular case of defect of, 413
treatment of impairment of, 57
too early straining of, 684

Mental action, rapidity of, occurring in
dreams, 41

anxiety, enfeebled memory caused by,

depression, difficult to diagnose exist-
ence of, 299
depression, stage of, 399

necessity of vigilance in

stage of, 300
emotion, effect of, on the ideas, 387
excitement, frequently precursory of
apoplexy, 393

imbecility, insidious advances of, 325
faculties, loss of, after putrid fever,
case reported by Dr. Willis, 406
impressions, indestructibility of, 430,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Mental impressions, physical nature of
latent, 451

phenomena caused by drowning, 441
shock, effects of, on the memory, 407
Merier, Dr., on oscillation of the ocular
globe among the insane, 582
Mill, James, on memory, 358
Milton, of what passed in Adam's mind
on awakening into life, description,

Mind, anomalous and masked affections of
the, 159

cases of aberration of, mentioned by
Dr. Brierre de Boismont, 320
condition of, when in a state of aberra-
tion, 47

delusions of, the incipient symptoms of
acute affections of the encephalon,

difference between an ordinary, and

that of Newton, 332

effect of chloroform on the, 195
effect of meteorological changes on the
state of the, 194

effect of organic changes on the, 431
exaggeration of natural states of the,

general weakness of, 324

Hamilton, Sir W., on state of, between
sleeping and waking, 38

impairment of, 324

insensibility from pre-occupation of,

indivisibility of, 47

is the, situated in the brain? 435
Lucian on the danger of an excessive
concentration of the, to any one
subject of contemplation, 343
of a patient compared by himself to a
kaleidoscope, 386

state of, premonitory of insanity, 267
Tasso on the exaltation and depres

sion of the, 27

Mon boddo, Lord, singular case related by,

Monomania, cases of erotic, 203
concealed, 185

latent case of, 191

Moon-stroke, singular loss of memory
caused by, 382

Moral deterioration, sources of early, 257
Moral idiotcy, illustrations of, 189

Haslam, Dr., case of, 190

Shakspeare's delineation of, 190
Moral sense, paralysis of the, 187
perversion of the, 315

Morbid affections of the spinal cord, 495
anticipation of insanity, 265
apprehensions of insanity, 231

articulation, 509

concentration of attention, 341

derangement of sight, singular case of,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
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Physiology, cerebral, 505

Pia-mater, alterations in the structure of
the, 14

organic change in the, 202, 636
Pineal gland, case of enlargement of, 569
Pinel, Dr., case of anesthesia in the
Bicêtre, related by, 553

case by, of insanity unnoticed for fifteen
years, 161

on cerebral localization of speech, 497
on ecstatic vision, 515

on paroxysms of insanity, opinion of,

on stage of exaltation, 292

on the insensibility of the insane, 49
opinion of, alterations of speech as
characteristic of general paralysis, 594
revolution effected in the moral treat-
ment of the insane, by, 49
Presentiments, morbid, of insanity, 261
Prichard, Dr., cases reported by, 391,
458, 463

Priestley, Dr., curious case of error of
colour, published by, 563
Processus cerebelli, effect of tumours
interfering with the, 537

Pseudo forms of mental disorder, 175
Psychology of memory, 427
Psychical exaltation, 266
hyperæsthesia, 636


QUININE in the treatment of cerebral and
mental affections, 375, 663, 675


RADCLIFFE, Dr., on premonitory symptoms
of epilepsy, 483

Rancé, Abbé de, insanity of the, from
effects of remorse, 290

Reason, singular temporary restoration
to, 46

Reid, Dr., on difficulties attending the
investigation of psychical pheno-
mena, 36

on matter and mind, 34
Religion, morbid views of, 201

Respiration, morbid phenomena of, 623
and generation, 625

Resuscitation, sudden, of latent ideas,


Reverie, Abbé de Condillac on, 338
Reynolds, Dr. Russell, on loss of memory
accompanying epilepsy, 480

Richeraud, memoire read by, before the
Ecole de Médecine, 623

Rogers, state of his memory in advanced
life, 367

Romberg, Dr., case of hyperesthesia of
vision, related by, 579

on affections of mobility, 476
on cerebral headache, 654

on symptoms of gutta serena, 567

Rullier, M., case of softening of the
spinal cord, related by, 495

Rush, Dr., case related by, 444
case of paralysis, related by, 403
on memory, 681

on the wit, ingenuity, and cunning of
the insane, 271


SAUCEROTTE, M., on cerebral and heart
disease, 625

Schedmaizig, Bernard, case of, 617
Schenck, Dr., case of epilepsy, related by,

Scott, Sir Walter, anticipation of apoplexy
by, 263

Segur, Count de, on the effect of the
Russian campaign on Napoleon, 400
Self, Horace on the impossibility of flying
from, 287

Self-inspection, neglect of habits of, 225
Self-control, curative effect of, 667
Horace on, 666

Sensation, exaltation of, 536

morbid phenomena of, 536
vitiated, 558

Sensations symptomatic of cerebral dis-
ease, 559

Sense, paralysis of the moral, 187
perversion of the, 315

Senses, morbid phenomena of the special,

normal acuteness of the, 561
Sensibility, deficient, of the insane, 551
exalted tactile, 599

Septum lucidum, softening of the, 544
rough and jagged, 623
Setons, 675

Seymour, Dr., case of "watery brain"
related by, 631

on depletion in cases of insanity, 660
Shakspeare, delineation of moral idiotcy
by, 190

description of King Lear's insensibility

to cold by, 557

insanity of Ophelia depicted by, 255
on consciousness of insanity, 228
on mental exaltation and depression, 27
on the inability of the insane to revive
past impressions, 425

psychological truth of Hamlet's in-
sanity delineated by, 299
Shapter, Dr., of Exeter, case of loss of
memory after apoplexy, related by,

interesting case of Dr. Pietro Gillio,
published by, 408

Shower-bath, 375

Sieveking, Dr., on premonitory symptoms
of epilepsy, 485

Sight, hallucinations of, 59
impaired and paralysed, 565
morbid phenomena of, 591

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Stimulants, effect of, in restoring the

memory, 375

Strabismus symptomatic of cerebral dis-
ease, 474, 583, 592

Stramonium in the treatment of incipient
insanity, 663

Strychnine in ditto, 375, 676
Subtlety of the insane metaphysically
explained, 285

Suggestions, struggles of Bishop Butler
against morbid, 230

Suicide, attacks of mental depression as-
sociated with a disposition to, 300
person impelled to, by some latent and
concealed delusion, 300

committed by a person after being

suddenly aroused from a frightful
dream, 616

Sulphate of copper in insanity, 375, 380
Sulphate of zinc, ditto, 380

Swift, Dean, singular presentiment of his
imbecility, 264

idiotcy of, preceded by vertigo, 539
Sydenham, Dr., on the effects of the epi-
demic fever on the memory in 1673,

Symptoms, dyspeptic, accompanying ce-
phalalgia, 569

early, of mental disorders, 29
incipient, of acute affections of the
encephalon, 307

incipient, of apoplexy, 326, 473, 547,
583, 584

incipient, of general paralysis, 647
incipient, of insanity, 167

incipient, of paralysis, 473

incipient, of softening of the brain, 326
insidious, of general paralysis, 295, 489
neglect of incipient, 3

obscure cerebral, 9

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Thought, physical impediments interfer-
ing with, 679

Thoughts, morbid, conquered by effort of
will, 665

on the power of expressing our, 504
Thucydides, loss of memory by many who
recovered from the effects of the
plague at Athens, recorded by, 398
Tissot, Dr., on premonitory symptoms of
epilepsy, 486

Tongue, affections of the, 486
Touch, morbid, 597

Treatment of incipient insanity, 658
antiphlogistic remedies, 660, 668
arsenic, 676

Belladonna, conium, hydrocyanic acid,

chloroform, Indian hemp, stramonium,

cold applications to the head, 661
Graves, Dr., on obscure cerebral dis-

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