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acted after Bartholemew Fair began, that Fair being succeeded by another at Southwark.


June 17. Never acted, Love in a Veil. Sir Charles Winlove Mills: Aspin (his servant) = Miller: Don Philip (contracted to Leonora) = Thurmond: Lorenzo (Governour of Valencia) = Williams: Diego = W. Mills Leonora (daughter to the Governour) = Mrs. Seymour: Fidelia Miss Willis: Flora (woman to Leonora) = Mrs. Garnet :-Norris acted Alonzo, but that character was not in the play till July 22-Sir Charles and Fidelia were mutually in love he had fought with his rival, and had wounded him mortally, as was supposed-he had left Madrid in consequence, and had been at Valencia about a fortnight-since he had been there, he had fallen in love with Leonora-he had only seen her in a Veil, and does not know who she is-Fidelia comes to Valencia with a letter of recommendation to Leonora--Alonzo supposes that his daughter had gone off with Sir Charles-he had been informed that they had taken the road to Valencia-he requests Lorenzo by letter to secure them-Leonora meets Sir Charles by appointment-she takes off her veil-Lorenzo with officers arrests Sir Charles-he finds Leonora, but as she had put on her veil again, he supposes her to be Fidelia-he sends her by one of the officers to his own house, ordering her to be kept as a prisoner, but to be treated with respect-Don Philip and Sir Charles are great friends-Don Philip prevails on Lorenzo to let Sir Charles be a prisoner at largeSir Charles visits Leonora at her own house, and by her invitation-Aspin fires a pistol behind the scenes

the family is alarmed-Sir Charles gets into the court yard, and conceals himself in a chair-Don Philip looks into the chair-Sir Charles makes signs to him to take no notice-when Lorenzo is gone out, Don Philip taxes Sir Charles with endeavouring to supplant him in Leonora's affection-Sir Charles denies the charge, not knowing who Leonora really is-in the 4th act, Don Philip asks Fidelia if she knows Sir Charles-she acknowledges her affection for him -Leonora thinks it advisable to drop her acquaintance with Sir Charles-she tells Fidelia what had passed between them-and writes to Sir Charles to appoint an interview with him at another place-in the 5th act, Alonzo arrives at Valencia-Sir Charles shows Don Philip Leonora's letter-he supposes it to come from Fidelia says his apartment has a door into another street-and recommends Sir Charles to have the lady carried thither by the back way-Aspin conducts Leonora and Fidelia to Don Philip's apartment, which is in Lorenzo's house-Leonora is surprised to find where she is-Sir Charles is surprised at finding Fidelia-he agrees to marry her-Alonzo is reconciled to them-the wounded gentleman is said to be perfectly recovered--this is a tolerably good C. by Savage-for the supposed resemblance between it and Woman is a Riddle see L. I. F. Dec. 4 1716.


July 8. Titus Andronicus Mills: Aaron Bickerstaffe.

11. Not acted 10 years, Love for Money. Jack Amorous Mills: Sir Rowland Rakehell Johnson: Deputy Nicompoop Norris: Will Meriton = Williams Ned Brag : = Wilks Jun.: Zachary Brag =




Shepherd: Le Prate Miller: Old Meriton Bickerstaffe Coupee = Birkhead: Betty Jiltall Mrs. Garnet Lady Addleplot Mr. Leigh: Miss Jenny = Miss Tenoe: Miss Molly Miss Willis: Oyley: = Mrs. Moor: Mirtilla Mrs. Seymour: Lady Stroddle Mrs. Willis: Crowstich Mrs. Hunt:-acted 4 times.

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22. By the desire of several persons of Qualityfor the benefit of the Author-Love in a Veil (4th time) with the addition of some new scenes, and a new character to be performed by Norris-this character was Alonzo.

25. Bonduca. Caratach Mills.

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Aug. 15. Not acted 30 years, Love in a Wood. Ranger Mills: Dapperwit Wilks Jun.: Gripe = Norris: Sir Simon Addleplot = Miller: Valentine= Walker: Vincent Williams: Lady Flippant Mrs. Moor Christiana Mrs. Seymour: Lydia = Mrs. Garnet: Mrs. Crossbite Mrs. Willis: Mrs. Joyner Mrs. Hunt: Martha Miss Tenoe: Lucy= Miss Seal.



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22. Bonduca, or the British General. Venutius Williams: Comes Thurmond: Suetonius = Walker: Hengo Miss Lindar: Corporal Macer the Starved Soldier Miller: rest omitted-see Bonduca T. R. 1696.


Pinkethman had a theatre at Richmond. (Bills from B.M.)

William Bowen was killed-probably between Feb. 19 and July 11-as he acted in the Play's the Plot, and did not act La Prate in Love for Money, a part which he played originally-see also May 25 1719.

He was extremely angry at being told that Ben

Johnson acted Jacomo in the Libertine better than he did this was given against him by the whole company, but Quin seems to have offended him more than any body else in consequence of which he sent for Quin to a tavern; and when he had entered the room, clapped his back against the door and drew his sword, threatening to pin Quin to the wainscot, if he did not draw that moment-Quin, having mildly remonstrated to no purpose, drew in his own defence, and endeavoured to disarm Bowen, who pressed so furiously upon him, that he received a wound of which he died in three days-however when the loss of blood had weakened his rage, he acknowledged his folly and madness-and Quin on his trial was honourably acquitted.

Bowen had a strong voice which made him considered as an actor of spirit-he was born in Ireland in 1666 and played on the Irish stage several years; he came to D. L. about 1689-he left a natural son who was neglected by him, and who justly obtained the nick-name of Rugged and Tough-one day a Clergyman was catechising the children at St. Clement's in the Strand, where Rugged and Tough thrust himself in among the rest-when the following dialogue took place. Parson. "What is your name?” Rugged and Tough." Pars. "Who gave


you that name?" Rug.
Lord damn them for it."

"The boys. in our Alley,

Mr. Rugged and Tough, having afterwards an inclination to travel, contrived to do it at the expense of government. (Chetwood.)

Bowen's characters-selection only.

T. R. 1689. *Coachman in English Friar. 1691. *Sir Gentle Golding in Sir Antony Love*Monsieur Le Prate in Love for Money.

1692. *Sir Timothy Kastrill in Volunteers. 1693. *Sir Joseph Wittol in Old Batchelor. 1694. *Don Quixote in 1st and 2d part. L. I. F. 1695. *Jeremy in Love for Love. 1697. *Crispin in Anatomist-*Razor in P. W. 1700. Francis in Henry 4th--*Witwood.

D. L. 1702. *Puzzle in Funeral-*Teague in Twin Rivals.

Hay. 1704-1705. Humorous Lieutenant.

L. I. F. and Hay. 1705-1706. Teague in Committee Raggou in Old Troop-Trappolin-Scapin.

Hay. 1706-1707. Crack in Sir Courtly NiceAnvil in Northern Lass-Dufoy in Comical Revenge -Dashwell in London Cuckolds-Osrick-*Foigard --Beau Clincher-Ascanio Sforza in Cæsar Borgia. D. L. 1710-1711. Gripe in Confederacy-Roderigo in Othello.

1712-1713. Jacomo in Libertine. 1714-1715. Barnaby Brittle.

* Originally.

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