987 Dem, Rep. San Joaquin. 1868....2092 380 70 5058 6450 4075 4092 1392 ..11508 17 8167 PRESENT TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT.-Governor, Edward McCook; Secretary, Frank Hall; 113 Total........15124...18264 Treasurer, George F. Clark; Auditor, James B. A. A. Sargent, Rep., Thompson; Superintendent of Public Instruction, Wilbur C. Lothrop. over James W. Coffreth, 421 280 745 465 District. Dem., 3140. CONNECTICUT. Governor, 1870. Majorities. Hartford.. 104 4688 4393 5059 4485 200 2754 2954 2793 3694 11279 8893 11386 9606 Butte... .1248 1273 128 11920 Del Norte.. Colusa.. 705 358 Full vote. 173 162 505 188 137 lish, ell, Dem. Rep. 440 521 9164 добо 9167 9088 349 Mendocino...1025 587 338 Litchfield 295 Napa.... 646 771 Middlesex. Total.......23632 20081 Plumas...... 570 693 N. Haven. 2386 Shasta ....... 503 635 N. London 1309 Tolland... 379 1849 2228 1839 2459 632 Windham Solano.......1475 1505 Sonoma......2407 1779 II. Coffreth. Sargent. Total Alpine....... 68 Sutter....... 563 152 581 Majority.. 411 Tehama. Amador.. 399 349 Total vote.. Trinity. Contra Costa. 737 1093 Yuba.........1129 Eldorado.....1706 S. B. Axtell, Dem.,over Sierra.... .. 811 Frank Pixley, Rep., 3551. Siskiyou..... 920 Mono........ COUNTIES. 1315 1654 COLORADO. 1336 2030 3366 2167 3528 44128 43285 45082 45493 843 .87413..........90575 Majorities. Congress, 1868. Full Vote. ... IO 120 Republican majority... 1 19 20 Districts. Strong, R. Hartford .9099 9127 Tolland. ..1782 2490 Bent... 31 117 86 399 436 218 252 217 736. Southi'gt'n 378 358 S. Windsor 187 147 Suffield. 282 310 W.Hartford Wethersfi'dl 95 175 186 154 Westbrook 68 IIO 306 355 77 158 211 164 241 149 114 53 65 162 118 49 62 206 168 230 192 123 170 133 241 366 285 167 234 Waterb'ry 1151 880 1082 940 89 166 Wolcott.. 68 49 131 Woodbr'ge 57 104 55 101 59 92 164 100 162 Total...... 2754 2954 2793 3094 Total.. 11279 8893 11386 9606 183 251 206 253 Majority... 1780 200 301 Majority.. 23861 Volusia. Washi'gt'n 22022 The above tables for 1870 give the actual vote cast. The Republican Board of State Canvassers threw out the returns from the counties of Brevard, Calhoun, Dade, Lafayette, Manatee, Monroe, Sumter, Suwanee, and Taylor for alleged informalities, and thus counted in the Republican candidates for Congress and Lieutenant-Governor. By means of this manipulation, the majority for Walls (negro) for Congress was made 629, and for Day, for LieutenantGovernor, 614. The canvassers also elected a Republican Legislature by throwing out several Democratic counties. PRESENT STATE GOVERNMENT.-Governor, Harrison B. Reed; Lieutenant-Governor, Samuel T. Day; Secretary of State, George J. Alden. Monroe.. 74 359 428 312 225 Nassau.. 141 369 510 60 34 Orange.... 309 326 17 77 35 Rolk. 284 198 Santa Rosa 68 314 St. John's. Sumter.... |