
THE FAMILY LIBRARY. The Bible Student's Life of our Lord, by the Rev. S. J. Andrews, * is, as its title indicates, specially a book for students. It deals with the Life in its historical, chronological, and geographical relations, without dealing with questions of interpretation or verbal criticism; and yet, as an aid to the examination of these latter questions, it is invaluable ; for the topics with which the book deals are just those which it is needful to study, as the foundation of these other studies which come closer to the spiritual life. The preaching of the New Testament would be at least much more accurate than it is, if this book were always on the preacher's table; and to intelligent Sunday-school teachers also—the teachers of higher classeswe also recommend it. To all who would study the narrative of the Life of our Lord, the book is all but indispensable.

The anonymous author of The Increase of Faitht has produced a deeply interesting book, some parts of which may perhaps lead to discussion. It is sufficient to say that it proposes to deal with the subject rather in its practical than its theological aspects; and yet all its discussions - so far as it attempts discussion--are very masterly, and no thoughtful Christian could read it without instruction and inspiration too. We confess to some curiosity to know the name of an author who presents us with such excellent and devout thought, in—what we so seldom meet with-such excellent English.

The Standard of the Cross in the Champ de Mars, by V. M. S., I will be read with interest on many accounts ; chiefly for the narrative it gives of Christian effort in Paris during the late Exhibition. The narrative is deeply interesting, and is written in a most Catholic spirit. We are glad to see the efforts of our own brethren recognised in a manner that proves the author to have much of the spirit of Christ, and to be ready to regard all Christ's disciples as “ brethren.”

The Weaver Boy who Became a Missionary, by H. G. Adams, || is the story of the life of Dr. Livingstone, told for the young. The story is well and graphically given, and is as interesting as a novel, while it is also true. We know few books that we could better recommend for boys, and for them it has the advantage of containing several admirable illustrations, and of being beautifully got up. We thank both the author and the publishers for this valuable book ; and we ought to add that, though written specially for the young, there are few older readers who would Dot be glad of this epitome of the life and labours of one of our noblest missionaries and travellers.

We have received, with melancholy pleasure, The Christian Mother at Home: Her Duties and Delights. By J. F. Winks. It appears that this book was the occupation of the closing months and weeks of Mr. Wink's honourable and useful life. He could not have used his last * Alexander Straban. + William Blackwood & Sons. I J. Nisbet & Co.

| Jackson, Walford & Co. $ Simpkin, Marshall, & Co.

hours better. The book is a very interesting and excellent one. As a present to mothers it has our heartiest recommendation. It is gracefully introduced in a preface by Mr. Thomas Cooper, who was a friend of Mr Winks from early life.

Retrospect and Forecast in Relation to Missionary Efforts, by James Mursell, * consists of Two Sermons, preached in Fuller Chapel, Ket tering. It contains much that is interesting and important, and the second sermon, which points to the future, contains much wise and thoughtful counsel, which all who have to do with missionary effort would do well to ponder, Mr. Mursell has our thanks for his very timely publication.

We trust that our readers have seen The Hive. Those who have not will find it to be what it professes to be, a “Storehouse of Material for Working Sunday-school Teachers." The first number promises well, 1

* Elliot Stock.



BY THE REY, W. A, HOBBS, OF JESSORE. July 16.-Athawkhada village was, truth-Hindoos have no regard for visited by me this morning. A truth, except when it will answer native preacher accompanied me. their purpose to be truthful. God The people were mostly busy, and, wants to see courage in examining finding it difficult to get a congrega religion and acting in accordance tion, we went without further delay with the convictions of conscienceto the house of the principal man in Hindoos are afraid to examine Christhe village. He had not yet risen, tianity fully, lest they should find it but when awakened he got up in to be true, and hundreds have ex. stantly, had chairs placed for us, amined it, and feeling convinced that summoned some of his servants to the true religion is that of Christians come and listen, and bade us com are afraid to embrace it lost they mence. Our congregation numbered should be shut out of caste. eleven persons. Mathura, the native For a little while one of the preacher, after a few minutes' smok audience attempted to defend Hining, laid aside the pipe, and, an dooism, but being met and foiled at nouncing as his subject, “God re every turn, he at last said with a quires truth in the inward parts," half annoyed tone of voice, “ Well, gave a very interesting address, in we must wait and see what happens. which he showed with much force Our religion now presents an apand clearness how exceedingly de pearance much like a garden after & ficient was the Hindoo faith in the storm ; branches are snapped off, very qualities which God specially some trees uprooted, others have required.

gone crooked, and the fence all blown God wants uprightness-Hindoos, down; it may recover or it may not; as a rule, are a crooked-minded if it can do so, well; if not, let it go; people. God wants sincerity-Hin- at all events, I shall not desert it till doos are only formalists. God wants others do so before me."

This was a frank but a very sad useles and foolish to trust to it for speech, indicating an exceedingly obtaining the forgiveness of our low estimate of the value of truth, sins. and the very superficial view they On the other hand, the Theistical have of the real evil of sin. Feeling party clung with exceeding tenacity anxious to impress them with a sense to the doctrine of the fatherhood of of their sinfulness, when Mathura God. He was All-merciful and Allceased, I inquired, “What must a forgiving. He watches for the man do to be delivered from the penitent soul, and instantly washes punishment due to sin ?" The it clean. Repentance was the only audience was divided in opinion; atonement he required. “My some thinking that sincere repent friend,” said I, you talk inconance would effect it, others main siderately. Are men (though betaining that nothing could efface sin lieved to be truly penitent) pardoned but the disgrace of a subsequent in for burning down houses, destroying ferior birth. Several of them con crops, forging deeds, or stealing tended for their respective views with money? You know they are not, great tenacity, and it was more than nor would you wish them to be; an hour before I could get them you would cry out indignantly severally to admit that their opinions against the Government if they were mere delusions. The pleaders were ; and yet you expect God to for transmigration of souls were first do what you would reprobate a just silenced. Step by step they ad judge for doing. Listen again : you mitted :

call God an all-merciful Father. In 1. We are in an unhappy and un a sense He is so, but not in your satisfactory condition in this life, sense. Who sends famines, and which we imagine to be the result of wars, and plagues, and storms, and sinful propensities in a former birth. universal death ? It is the Being

2. Though we imagine this to be whom you call all-merciful. More50, we have no actual remembrance over, not only the Christian Scripof having sinned in a former life. tures but your own Shasters affirm

3. Nor have we the credible evi that the wicked shall be sent to a dence of any man living on this dreadful hell. Now, if you take all earth, that he is, in his present con these matters together, and consider dition, expiating the conscious and them well, how can you possibly distinctly remembered crimes of a conclude that mere genuine sorrow former life.

for wickedness is all that is needed 4. A doctrine unsupported by to procure your forgiveness from either experience or testimony has God?” Finding no resting-place but feeble claims to belief.

for their argument in the simple 5. The doctrine of purgation from paternity of God, they tried to prove sin, by the sufferings of a future that all sinners were punished menlife, and that effected, absorption tally in the present life in proportion into God, are believed by Hindoos, to their sins; but this was so startnot so much that it is thought to be lingly opposed to what most present a teaching of reason, as that it is felt to be true, that it was hastily contained in the Shasters.

abandoned; and, finally, the chief 6. Many things sanctioned by the speaker admitted that he must fall Shasters are now rejected by intelli. back upon purgatory, cherishing the gent Hindoos, and amongst them hope that its fire would be either the doctrine of transmigration of short in duration or speedily annihisouls.

lating. I knew he would have to fall 1.7. Consequently, since the doc back upon this at last, and when he wine cannot be relied on, it is both I did so it gave me a fine opportunity

for contrasting the Christian religion i felt more happy in preaching the (with its full atonement and free Gospel than on this occasion, but I forgiveness) with the boastful but suffered for it afterwards, for the illusory dogmas of Theism. I never exertion laid me by for several days.

NEWS OF THE CHURCHES. A New Baptist Chapel has been , welcomed to the pastorate at West recently opened at Enfield. The Haddon, Northamptonshire. - The debt on the Baptist Chapel at Glou Rev. J. R. Wood, late of Barnstaple, cester has, we are glad to say, been has been recognised as the pastor of entirely removed. — The memorial the church in the City-road Chapel, stone of a new chapel has been laid Bristol. - The Rev. H. Buck, of the at Bourne, Lincolnshire. A new Metropolitan Tabernacle College, has church has been formed at Faver been recognised as the pastor of the sham, Kent.-The third jubilee of church in Alfred-place, Old Kentthe church at Worstead, Norfolk, road, London. has just been celebrated. The church

The following are the MINISTERIAL has been in existence one hundred

CHANGES since our last issue :--The and fifty years.-A new church has

Rev. T. Phillips, of Blaenau, to been formed in Carmel Chapel, Pont

Cheddar; the Rev. T. H. Davies, of ypridd.--A new chapel has been opened at Paisley, N.B., for the

Swansea, to Rugby; the Rev. B.

Bird, of Stourbridge, to Heneagechurch under the pastorate of the

street, Birmingham; the Rev. B. W. Rev. J. Crouch.- The debt on the

Osler, of Wellington, Somerset, to new chapel at Andover has, we are

North Curry and Fivehead; the glad to say, been entirely removed.

Rev. W. H. Tredray, of the MetroThe Rev. W. Scriven, late of politan Tabernacle College, to NorBristol College, has been cordially land Chapel, Notting Hill; the Rev. welcomed at a tea meeting to the J. J. Irving, of the Metropolitan pastorate of the church at Ilfracombe, Tabernacle College, to the church Devon.-The Rev. F. F. Medcalf, meeting in the Corn Exchange, late of Jersey, has been recognised Melton Mowbray; the Rev. J. H. as the pastor of the church in Wood Feek, late of Kawdon College, to street, Bilston, Staffordshire.-The Redditch, Worcestershire. The Rev. Rev. W. Sampson, late of Serampore, W. K. Armstrong, B.A., has resigned has been recognised as pastor of the the pastorate of the church in Mintchurch at Folkestone. --The Rev. T. lane, Lincoln, having entered on a Smith has been cordially welcomed literary engagement at Ashtonto the pastorate of the church at under-Lyne. The Rev. J. H. LeRoad, Somerset. -The Rev. R. A. fevre has resigned the pastorate of Griffin, formerly of the Metropolitan the church at Thetford. The Rev. Tabernacle College, has been cordi W. Jenkins has resigned the pasally welcomed to the pastorate of the torate of the church at Moria, Risca. church in Salem Chapel, Ipswich.

We regret to announce the death The Rev. E. Morley, of the Metro

of the Rev. P. Grant, of Grantown, politan Tabernacle College, has been

N.B., and the Rev. J. Kings, of recognised as the pastor of the

Torquay. “They rest from their church in Stratford-on-Avon, War

labours, and their works do follow wick.—The Rev. T. Watkinson, late of Lydbrook, has been cordially

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