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Actors, itinerant, I. 56.
ALLEYN, EDWARD, and his com-
pany, I. 94.

All's Well that Ends Well, I. 373;
when written, 373; its style, 377;
its sources, 379; Helena, 384;
"Shakespeare's loveliest charac-
ter," 389; the Countess, 392:
Bertram, 393; Parolles, 396; the
Poet's purpose in the play, 397.
Antony and Cleopatra, when printed,

II. 388; when written, 388;
Knight and Verplanck's view of
this question, 389; Malone and
Collier, 389; its historical sources,
390; the true history, 391; Oc-
tavius and Octavia, 394; the last
of Shakespeare's plays to be
appreciated, 395; its excellencies,
396; Coleridge's view of the play,
397; its style, 396; its moral
quality, 397; the magnificent in-
fatuation of the hero and heroine,
399; Heraud's view of them, 399;
the author's personal relation to
the drama, 399; Enobarbus, 400;
Lepidus, 403; Octavius, 404; Oc-
tavia, 405; Cleopatra, Shake-
speare's masterpiece in female
characterization, 407; Mark An-
tony, 412; Antony and Cleopatra,
415; Charmian and Iras, 416.

ARIOSTO, L.: The Supposes, trans-
lated by George Gascoigne, I. 92.

As You Like It, I. 330; when written,
330; its sources, 331; the charac-
ters, 335; rich and varied, 337;
Orlando, 337; the Duke, 340;
Touchstone, 341; Jacques, 343;
Rosalind, 344; the general drift
and temper of the play, 346; its
improbabilities, 347; its geogra-
phical license, 348; the whole
play replete with beauty, 349.
BANDELLO borrows and improves
the story of Romeo and Juliet,
II. 203.

BEAUMONT, FRANCIS, refers to Shake-
speare, I. 46.
BELLEFOREST, his French version of
Romeo and Juliet, II. 203.
Blackfriars play-house, I. 121.
Blank-verse, the oldest play extant
in, I. 92; the second, 92.
BRIGHAM, Dr., on Shakespeare's
cure for insanity, II. 371.
BROOKE, ARTHUR: the earliest Eng-
lish version of Romeo and Juliet
is his poem The Tragical History
of Romeus and Juliet, II. 203.
Scotland, 1582, II. 316.
BUCKNILL, Dr.: essay, The Psychol-
ogy of Shakespeare, II. 365; on
King Lear, 365; on the last
scenes of King Lear, 387.
BURBADGE and company, I. 29.
CHARLES I., King, I. 48.
COLERIDGE, S. T., on Shakespeare's
Brutus, II. 244; view of Hamlet,

263; his own character, 264;
quoted, 265; on the Weird Sisters
of Macbeth, 323; again quoted,
330; on Lady Macbeth, 340; on
the Porter-scene in Macbeth, 348;
on the last scenes of King Lear,
387; estimation of Antony and
Cleopatra, 397; on Cassio in
Othello, 475; on Othello, 476; on
Iago, 489; on Aufidius, 517.
COLLIER, Mr., on the time of Julius
Caesar's first appearance on the
stage, II. 230.

Comedy and Tragedy, I. 84; their
beginnings, 85; Heywood's Inter-
ludes, 86; the earliest (1533), A
Merry Play Between the Pardoner
and the Friar, the Curate and
Neighbor Pratt, 86; an anony-
mous Interlude called Thersites
(1537), 87; the oldest known
regular English comedy, Ralph
Roister Doister (1551), 87; Miso-
gonus (1560), 90; fifty-two dramas
performed at Court, 1568-1580,
93; parts of Moral-Plays in com-
edy and tragedy, 93; A Knack
to Know a Knave, 93.
CONOLLY, Dr., of England, view of

Hamlet's insanity, II. 272.
Contemporaries,Shakespeare's, I.100.
Coriolanus, II. 490; when printed,
490; the text, 490; when written,

its style and rank, 491; its
historical source, 492; the Corio-
lanus of Plutarch, 492; the Poet
borrows the words and sentences
of the translator, 493; adheres to
the main outlines of Plutarch's
Coriolanus, 497; the practical
wisdom of the play, 499; Hazlitt's
charge, 499; the Patrician, 499;
the People, 500; the Hero, 501; his
pride, 502; rendered inflammable
and uncontrollable by passion,
503; his dissimulation, 505; his
better traits, 507; his modesty, 508;

gloriously proud of his mother,
509; her triumph, 510; Virgilia,
511; Volumnia, 512; imperson-
ates the woman's side of the
Roman system, 513; Aufidius,
517; Coleridge on him, 517.
Curtain, The, play-house, I. 121.
Cymbeline, II. 417; when written,
419; Dr. Simon Forman notices it,
419; when acted, 419; its style
and imagery, 419; when first
printed, 419; its structure, 420;
its historical basis, 421; its sources,
422; a comedy or tragedy, 424;
how Hazlitt describes it, 424; its
anachronisms, 424; how Schlegel
regarded it, 425; a fine and varied
display of poetry and character,
425; the ground-work a tissue of
counter-plottings, 426; one very
serious blemish, how it crept
into the play, 427; the governing
thought, 428; Gervinus upon this
drama, 428.

DOWDEN, Prof., of Dublin: note on
Julius Caesar, II. 240; view of
Hamlet, 264.

DRAKE quoted on the drama of Mac-
beth, II. 349.

Drama, The English, I. 53; the
ancient, or Classic, 53; the modern,
Romantic, or Gothic, 53; origin of
the latter in England, 54; three
forms of the English drama: the
Miracle Plays, 55; the Moral
Plays, 71; and Comedy and Tra-
gedy; before Shakespeare, 84, 97,
122; Whetstone, George, on its
general state, 97; Gosson, Stephen,
on, 97; Sidney, Sir Phillip, on, 98;
its rapid progress under the hand
of Shakespeare, 124; in Shake-
speare's time, II. 295.
DRAYTON, MICHAEL, Mortimeriados
or The Barons' Wars, II. 230.
DRYDEN, JOHN, on Shakespeare, I.


English Language, The, at the time | GOETHE on the moral scope and
significance of Hamlet, II. 312.
GossoN, STEPHEN, on the drama,
I. 97.

of Shakespeare, I. 125.
Falstaff, Sir John, II. 83; the dra-
matic necessity for his character,
83; his character, 84; his good
sense, 84; his wit, 84; his re-
sources, 85; his tactics, 88; his
power over others, 89; what in
him attracts the Prince, 90; pur-
pose of the first scene with the
Chief-Justice, 91; Falstaff's hu-
mour, 92; attracts others, 92;
Falstaff's sagacity, 93; not a
coward, 94; has no sense of hon-
our, 94; the greatest triumph of
the comic Muse, 95; his practical
wisdom, 95; no moral feelings, 96;
strikes us as acting a part, 97; his
company not harmless to others,
98; his character grows worse to
the end of the play, 98; broadly
representative, 99.

FLEAY, Mr. F. G., on the authorship
of King Henry the Eighth, II. 177;
on Julius Caesar, 228.
FLETCHER, JOHN, joint-author with
Shakespeare of King Henry the
Eighth, II. 176; passage quoted
from his The Knight of Malta, 182;
from his The False One, 183; from
The Lover's Progress, 185; his dic-
tion and metre, 186.
FORMAN, SIMON, M.D., first mentions
Macbeth, II. 314; his The Book
of Plays and Notes thereof, 314.
drama, I. 122 note.
FULLER, Dr. THOMAS, tribute to
Shakespeare, I. 46.
GASCOIGNE, GEORGE, translator: The
Supposes of Ariosto, I. 92.
GERVINUS upon Cymbeline, II. 428;
the King, 431; the Queen, 432;
Cloten, 433; Iachimo, 436; Pisa-
nio, 439; Posthumus, 441; Imogen,
446; Belarius and the Princes,

GREENE, ROBERT, I. 30, 104; his
character, 104; his prose writings,
104; The History of Orlando
Furioso (1591), 105; Alphonsus,
King of Arragon, 105; The Scot-
tish History of King James, 106;
Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay
(1591), 107; George a Greene, the
Pinner of Wakefield (1599), 108;
A Looking-Glass for London and
England, 109.

HALLAM, HENRY, view of Juliet,
II. 219; estimation of the drama
of Macbeth, 349.

HALLIWELL, J. O., Shakespeare's
biographer, I. 8.

[ocr errors]

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, II. 258;
when first printed, 258; the first
issue, 258; when first written,
source of the plot, 259;
sketch of the history, 260; an
episode in the tale, 261; an an-
achronism, 261; the Hamlet of
1604, 261; the play a tragedy
of thought," 262; its resemblance
to Classic Tragedy, 262; the
character of Hamlet, 262; Cole-
ridge's view of him, 263; Prof.
Dowden of Dublin, his view of
him, 264; other critics, 264; the au-
thor's study of Hamlet, 265; Prof.
Werder's essay on Hamlet, 266;
main fault of the critics, 267; the
principal personages of the play,
267; Claudius, 268; the Queen,
269; the Ghost, 269; Hamlet
really mad, 269; the reasons for
this judgment, 270; experts in
mental disease regard his mad-
ness as real, 271; critics unwill-
ing to admit it, 272; Shake-
speare skilled in mental science,

and Neighbor Pratt, 86; A merry
Play between John the Husband,
Tib the Wife, and Sir John the
Priest, 87; The Four Ps, 87; The
Play of the Weather, 87.
authorship of King Henry the
Eighth, II. 176.
Historical Plays, II. 5.
HOLINSHED'S Chronicles (1577), II.

HUDSON'S, Mr., study of Hamlet, II.

273; Hamlet's own view of his in-
sanity, 274; Shakespeare's mind
charmed with certain forms of
mental disease, 274; the Poet's
method, 275; Hamlet's madness,
275; the task imposed upon him,
276; the change in him, 276; he
is not master of his situation, 277;
its difficulties, 278; Hamlet's
strength of will, 279; the conflict
between his feelings and his judg-
ment, 280; the nature of his task,
280; his regard for his own rep-
utation, 281; his hands tied, 282; | JAMES I., King, I. 47.
the cause of his delay, 262;
reasons for Hamlet's course, 283;
he doubts the honesty of the
Ghost, 284; catching the King's
conscience, 285; how the revenge
is brought about, 287; Hamlet's
self-disparagement, 288; his char-
acter, 290; pathos of his situa-
tion, 291; his sensitive rectitude,
292; the substituted commission,
293; Prof. Werder again, 293;
general remarks on Hamlet, 295;
Laertes, 295; the King, 297; the
Ghost, 297; Horatio, 298; Polon-
ius, 299: Ophelia, 302; the Queen,
310; scenic excellencies of the
play, 311; combines the greatest
strength and diversity of powers,
311; Goethe on its moral scope
and significance, 312.
HAZLITT, describes Cymbeline, II.
424; on Coriolanus, 409.
HENSLOWE'S Diary, I. 120; drama-
tists and titles of pieces recorded
by him, 120.
HERAUD's Inner Life of Shakespeare,
II. 399; on Antony and Cleo-
patra, 399.

JAMESON, Mrs., view of Juliet, II.
219; of Cordelia, 375.
JOHNSON, Dr., on the play of Mac
beth, II. 346; estimation of
Othello, 459.

JONSON, BEN., tribute to Shake-

HEYWOOD, JOHN, his Interludes, I.
86; A merry Play between the Par-
doner and the Friar, the Curate

speare, I. 48; his Masque of
Queens, II. 322; quoted, 373.
Julius Caesar, II. 228; when first
printed, 228; Mr. Fleay's view of
the play, 228; whether abridged
by Ben Jonson, 228; other plays
on the subject, 229; when written,
229; Mr. Collier's view, 230; the
style of the drama, 231; histori-
cal sources, 233; its Plutarchian
matter, form, and order, 233; the
name of the play, 234; Brutus
its hero, but Cæsar its ruling
spirit, 234; the Cæsar of Shake-
speare, 234; the policy of the
drama, 237; Cæsar as known and
as rendered by Shakespeare, 238;
how Brutus regards him, 239;
how Cassius regards him, 239;
the Cæsar of history, 241; Meri-
vale's view of him, 244; Leonard
Schmitz's view of him, 244; the
Brutus of Shakespeare, 245; the
Brutus of history, 250; Meri-
vale's view of him, 251; Brutus
and Cassius, 251; Cassius, 252;
Portia, 253; Plutarch's touching

incident respecting her, 254;
Mark Antony, 255; the multi-
tude, 256; the rank of the play,
257; Dr. Johnson's estimation of
it, 257; the scene of Brutus and
his boy Lucius, 249, 257.
KELLOGG, Dr. A. O., of Utica: view
of Hamlet's insanity, II. 272; on
Shakespeare's cure of insanity,

KEMPE'S applauded merriments,
I. 94.

King Henry the Fourth, II. 63; the
two Parts substantially one drama,
63; when written, 63; Sir John Old-
Castle, 63; sources of the play, 65;
the true history, 65; the historical
characters, 68; Prince Henry, 68;
Bolingbroke, or the King, 69;
Hotspur, 72; Glendower, 75; Lord
Bardolph, 77; Vernon, 77; the
Archbishop, 77; the Chief-Justice,
77; Northumberland, 78; Prince
Henry, the Poet's favourite, 78;
his conduct and character, 79; at
the battle of Shrewsbury, 80; the
Prince's beautiful character, 81;
the change in the Prince's charac-
ter, 82; Falstaff, 83; Mrs. Quickly,
99; Shallow and Silence, 101;
this drama one of the Poet's best,

King Henry the Fifth, II. 105; when

issued, 106; the whole re-written,
108; its sources, 108; the true
history, 108; Falstaff, 111; Fal-
staff's companions, 113; the Boy,
114; Fluellen, Jamy, and Mac-
morris, 115; the King, 117; the
most complex and many-sided of
all Shakespeare's heroes, except,
perhaps, Hamlet, 117; the native
harmony and beauty of his char-
acter, 118; may almost be said to
consist of piety, honesty, and
modesty, 122; a discreet and
prudent general, 125; his old

frank and child-like playfulness,
125; he craves to be a man among
his soldiers, 126; his frolicsome
humour, 128; his piety, 129; his
civil administration, 131; dra-
matic interest of the play, 132;
the French caricatured, 133.
King Henry the Eighth, II. 170;
history of the play, 170; when
written, 171; its design, 173;
historic basis of the action, 174;
its authorship, 175; the joint
production of Shakespeare and
John Fletcher, 176; `parts written
by the former, 177; by the latter,
177; Mr. James Spedding's essay,
176; Mr. Samuel Hickson's views,
176; Mr. F. G. Fleay, 177; ex-
tract from Spedding, 178; diction
and metre of the play, 181; the
structure of the play, 186; Sped-
ding on its structure, 187; how
the authors stand committed to
the Reformation, 188; the social
and civil climate of England, as
shown in this play, 189; changes
in ideas and manners, 190; the
King, 191; Buckingham, 192;
Queen Catherine, 192; Cardinal
Wolsey, 193; Catherine again,
196; the King again, 199; Anne
Boleyn, 201; the moral effect of
the play, 202.

King John, II. 8; inferior as a his-
tory, 8; when written, 9; its
sources, 10; it follows a fabulous
history, 13; what is the true his-
tory, 13; Prince Arthur, 17; Leo-
pold of Austria, 18; the people of
Angiers, 19; the Pope, 19; the
politics of the piece, 21; its degree
of excellence, 21; King John, 23;
the King's title, 26; Constance,
27; Arthur, 29; Falconbridge, 31.
King Lear, II. 349; when acted,
349; when written, 350; when
printed, 350; the story and its

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