Library was dukedom, 26 License they mean when they cry liberty, 150
Lick the dust, 5
Licks the hand just raised, 177 Lids of Juno's eyes, 49 Lie direct, 48
Lie, nothing can need a, 122 Lief not be, as live to be, 69 Liege of loiterers, 38 Lies like truth, 90 Life a galling load, 261 Life a walking shadow, 90 Life at a pin's fee, 94
Life, best portion of a good man's, 272
Life, blandishments of, 173 Life-blood of our enterprise, 58 Life, care's an enemy to, 51 Life, charmed, 90
Life, crowded hour of, 298 Life, crown of, 22
Life, daily beauty in, 111 Life, death in the midst of, 23 Life, his, I'm sure was right, 128 Life, hope while there is, 201 Life in short measures, 118 Life is all a cheat, 161 Life, loathed, 32
Life, nothing became him like the leaving it, 82
Life o' the building, 85
Life, pleasant in thy morning, 261 Life protracted, woe, 219
Life rounded with a sleep, 27 Life set upon a cast, 67
Life, slits the thin-spun, 147 Life, sunset of, 290
Life, tedious as a twice-told tale, 53
Life, the wave of, 328
Life, the wine of, 85
Life, variety's the spice of, 245 Life was gentle, 73 Life, web of our, 50 Life's a jest, 201 Life's a poor player, 90 Life's common way, 270 Life's dull round, 223 Life's enchanted cup, 308 Life's fitful fever, 86 Life's great end, 209 Life's morning march, 289 Life's
poor play is o'er, 180
Life's tale, 284
Light a foot, 79
Light, burning and a shining, 17
Light, casting a dim, religious, 148 Light fantastic toe, 149
Light for aftertimes, 281
Light heaven sheds, 302 Light in woman's eyes, 302 Light is sweet, 9
Light of a dark eye, 309 Light of hope, 289
Light of love, 314
Light of the Mæonian star, 188 Light of the world, 13 Light-seeking light, 37
Light, swift-winged arrows of, 251 Light that visits these sad eyes, 227 Light that led astray, 262
Light that never was on sea or land, 276
Light, walk while ye have, 18 Light within his own breast, 145 Lights, burning, 17
Lights of mild philosophy, 169 Lights that mislead the morn, 32 Like a forked radish, 61 Like a passing thought, 262 Like a wounded snake, 187
Like Aaron's serpent, 179
Like angels' visits, 166, 289 Like, but oh! how different, 273 Like following life, 182 Like the base Judean, 111 Like the dew on the mountain, 296 Like, we shall not look upon his, 92 Lilies of the field, consider the, 14 Lily, to paint the, 54 Limbs, recreant, 53
Limits of a vulgar fate, 227
Line he could wish to blot, 222 Line, in the very first, 237 Line too labours, 187 Line upon line, 11
Line, we carved not a, 326 Lineaments of gospel-books, 25 Linen, you're wearing out, 329 Lines fallen in pleasant places, 5 Link is broken, 349
Linked sweetness, 150 Linked with one virtue, 315 Lion among ladies, 36 Lion, beard the, 294
Lion heart, lord of the, 239
Lion in the lobby roar, 383 Lion in the way, 8
Lion, lip of a, 62
Lion, living dog better than a dead,
Lips had language, 250 Lips, heart on her, 315 Lips, smile on her, 294 Lips, steeped to the, 342 Lips suck forth my soul, 114 Lips, take away those, 32 Lips, tremble, 196
Lips were four red roses, 66 Lips were red, 123 Lips, when I ope my, 40 Liquid dew of youth, 93 Liquors, hot and rebellious, 44 Lisped in numbers, 190 Little cherub, 348
Little foxes spoil the vines, 10 Little learning dangerous, 186 Little leaven, 19 Little month, 92 Little more than kin, 91 Little one a thousand, 11 Live alway, I would not, 4 Live laborious days, 147 Live, taught us how to, 200
Live to please must please to live,
Live unseen, unknown, 197 Live while you live, 218 Live with them less sweet, 301 Lively to severe, 182
Livery, evening in her sober, 139 Livery of heaven, 327
Lives, lovely and pleasant in their,
Lives most who thinks, 336 Lives of great men, 342 Lo, the poor Indian, 177 Loan loses itself and friend, 93 Lobster boiled, like a, 154 Local habitation and a name, 37 Locks, hyacinthine, 138
Locks, never shake thy gory, 86 Lodge in some vast wilderness, 244 Lodgings in unfurnished head, 152 Lofty and sour, 69 Loins be girded, 17 Long choosing, 142 Long-drawn aisle, 228 Long majestic march, 193 Longing after immortality, 170 Look, a lean and hungry, 70 Look before you leap, 113, 155 Look drew audience, 136 Look, longing, lingering, 229 Look not upon the wine, 7 Look on her face, 188
Look round the habitable world, 162
Look upon this picture, 102 Looked and loved, 47
Looked unutterable things, 216
Looker-on here in Vienna, 32 Looking before and after, 103 Looks commercing with the skies, 148
Looks the cottage might adorn, 236 Looks through nature, 182 Looks, with dispatchful, 140 Looming bastion, 334 Loop-holes of retreat, 246 Loose his beard, 227 Lord among wits, 249 Lord chasteneth, 22
Lord Fanny spins a thousand such,
Lord hath taken away, 4 Lord of all things, 179 Lord of folded arms, 38 Lord of himself, 117, 318 Lord of nature's works, 24 Lord of thy presence, 52 Lord's anointed temple, 85 Lords of human kind, 234. Lords of ladies intellectual, 319 Lords, stories of great, 264 Lords, women who love their, 232 Lore, skilled in gestic, 234 Loss, promise to his, 23 Losses, fellow that hath had, 35 Lost, all save honour, 379 Lost, who neither won nor, 242 Loth to depart, 168 Lothario, gallant, gay, 176 Lot's wife, remember, 17
Love, all ministers of, 283
Love, and unrelenting foe to, 217
Love and hate in like extreme, 199 Love and then to part, 284
Love at first sight, 114 Love, beggary in, 74 Love can hope, 222 Love cannot die, 280 Love casteth out fear, 22 Love-darting eyes, 146 Love, deep as first, 334 Love, ecstacy of, 96 Love endures no tie, 106 Love, free as air, 195
Love, greater, hath no man, 18 Love, if there's delight in, 175 Love in every gesture, 141 Love in peace and war, 292 Love in such a wilderness, 290
Love in tears, 296
Love is a boy, 154
Love is heaven, 292
Love is light from heaven, 313 Love is the fulfilling of the law, 19 Love, labour of, 23
Love, last not least in, 71
Love, let those now, 200 Love, live with me, and be my,
Love looks not with the eyes, 35 Love lost between us, 239 Love, ministers of, 283
Love must needs be blind, 286 Love never did run smooth, 35
Love of life increased with years, 252
Love of praise, 210 Love of women, 320 Love on through all ills, 299 Love, pity's akin to, 172 Love prove variable, 79 Love, purple light of, 226 Love rules the court, 292 Love seeth with the heart, 286 Love, she never told her, 51 Love sought is good, 52 Love the offender, 196
Love, the secret sympathy, 293 Love, the silver link, 293 Love thyself last, 68 Love to hatred turned, 175 Love to me was wonderful, 3 Love, true, is the gift of Heaven,
![[blocks in formation]](,727,327,224)
Loveliness needs no ornament, 216 Lovely in death, 208 Lovely in their lives, 3 Lover to listening maid, 338 Lover with a woful ballad, 46 Lover, why so pale, 123 Lovers' perjuries, 79
Lovers love the western star, 292 Lower, can fall no, 153 Lowly born, better to be, 67 Lucent syrups, 325 Lucifer, falls like, 68
Lucifer, son of the morning, 10 Lucky chance, 216
Lucre, not greedy of filthy, 21 Lumber, learned, 188 Lunatic, lover, and the poet, 36 Lunes, old, 29
Lustre see, Lute, listened to a, 336
I ne'er could any, 257
Luxury in self-dispraise, 277
Luxury of doing good, 233 Luxury of woe, 304 Luxury to be, 284
Lydian airs, lap me in, 149 Lying, easy as, 101
Lying, this world is given to, 59 Lyre, each mood of the, 304 Lyre, waked to ecstasy the, 228
MACASSAR, incomparable, 319 Macbeth does murder sleep, 85 Macduff, lay on, 90
MacGregor, my name is, 297 Machiavel had ne'er a trick, 156 Mad, an undevout astronomer is,
Mad, pleasure in being, 162 Mad, 'tis true that he is, 96 Madden round the land, 189 Madden to crime, 313. Madness, great wits allied to, 158 Madness in the brain, 283 Madness lies that way, 75.
Madness, there's method in it, 96 Madness, moody, 226
Madness, moon-struck, 142
Madness to defer, 206
Madness would gambol from, 102
Mæonian star, light of, 188
Magic numbers, 175
Magic of a name, 288
Magic of the mind, 315
Maid, the chariest, 93
Maid, none to love and praise, 269
Maid who modestly conceals, 222 Maiden betrayed for gold, 294 Maiden meditation, 36
Maiden of bashful fifteen, 257
Maiden shame, blush of, 338 Maidens, like moths, 307
Maidens withering on the stalk,
Mammon wins his way, 307 Man, a Christian is the highest style of, 208
Man, abridgment of, 237
Man a debtor to his profession, 353
Man a fool at forty, 206
Man, a proper, as one shall see, 36 Man, a sadder and a wiser, 282 Man after his desert, 97 Man after his own heart, 2 Man, all may do what has been done by, 209
Man, architect of his own fortune, 376
Man, as good kill a, as a book, 356 Man bear his own burden, 20 Man, better spared a better, 59 Man of Scio, blind old, 314 Man, broken with the storms of state, 68
Man, child is father of the, 268 Man, dare do all that may become a, 84
Man, what, dare, I dare, 87
Man, despised old, 75
Man delights not me, 97
Man dress'd in a little brief autho- rity, 31
Man, dull ear of a drowsy, 53 Man, expatiate free o'er all this scene of, 176
Man forget not, though in rags he
Man, free as nature first made, 160 Man, give the world assurance of
Man goeth to his long home, 9
Man, good old, 34
Man, happy the, 162
Man hath always treasures, 285 Man, he felt as a, 242
Man, honest, the noblest work, 181 Man, I love not, the less, 311 Man is born unto trouble, 4 Man is his own star, 181 Man is one world, 122 Man is the nobler growth, 254 Man lay down his life, 18 Man, let him pass for a, 40 Man, little better than the wicked,
Man never is, but always to be blest, 176
Man not suddenly good, 352 Man, not good to be alone, I Man not passion's slave, 100 Man not suddenly evil, 352 Man of a cheese-paring, 61 Man of mettle, 214 Man of morals, 128 Man of my kidney, 29
Man of pleasure, man of pains, 209 Man of Ross, 185
Man of such a feeble temper, 70 Man of the world, 249
Man of unbounded stomach, 68 Man of wisdom is the man of years,
Man wants but little, 208, 237 Man, well-favoured, 34
Man, what a piece of work is, 97 Man, what can an old, do but die, 329
Man, where the good, meets his fate, 207
Man who turnips cries, 221
Man, wished Heaven had made her such a, 107
Man with him was God or devil, 159
Man with large gray eyes, 268
Man without a tear, 297 Man with soul so dead, 293 Man, worth makes the, 181 Mane, hand upon thy, 311 Manichean god, 247
Mankind, survey, from China to Peru, 218
Mankind, wisest, brightest, mean- est of, 181
Mankind's epitome, 159
Manna, his tongue dropped, 135 Manners, evil communications. corrupt good, 20 Manners, of gentle, 198 Manners with fortunes, 183 Man's best things, 327 Man's first disobedience, 130 Man's house his castle, 354 Man's inhumanity to man, 262 Man's love a thing apart, 319 Man's as true as steel, 79 Man's the gowd for a' that, 263 Mansions, in my Father's house,
Mantle of the standing pool, 76 Many a time and oft, 40 Many are called, 15 Many-headed monster, 297 Many labour for the one, 315 Mar what's well, 75 Marathon, gray, 308
Marathon looks on the sea, 320 Marble leapt to life a god, 347 Marble, sleep in dull cold, 68 Marble to retain, 315 Marble with his name, 185 Marcellus exiled feels, 181 March, beware the Ides of, 69 March, in life's morning, 289 March is o'er the mountain-waves,
Marcia towers above her sex, 170 Mare, gray, the better horse, 388 Margin, a meadow of, 257 Mariners of England, 289 Mark, death loves a shining, 209 Mark the archer little meant, 297 Mark the perfect man, 5 Marlborough's eyes, 219 Marmion, the last words of, 295 Marred the lofty line, 293 Marriage-bell, merry as a, 309 Marriage of true minds, 113 Marriage tables, 92 Married to immortal verse, 149 Marry ancient people, 358 Mars, an eye like, 102 Marshal's truncheon, 30 Marshal'st me the way, 84
Martial cloak around him, 326
Martyrdom of John Rogers, 386 Martyrs, blood of the, 375
Mary hath chosen that good part, 16
Mast, nail to the, 344
Mast of some great ammiral, 132 Master Brook, think of that, 29 Master-passion in the breast, 179 Masters, spread yourselves, 36 Master spirits of this age, 71 Matter will re-word, 102 Mattock and the
Maturest counsels dash, 135
Maudlin poetess, 190
Maxims preaching down a daugh-
ter's heart, 333
May, chills the lap of, 233
May I govern my passion, 166 Maytime and cheerful dawn, 270 Maze, a mighty, 176 Maze, mirthful, 233
Mazes lost, wandering, 136 Meadows brown and sear, 338 Meadows paint with delight, 39 Meadows trim with daisies pied, 149
Meaner beauties of the night, 117 Means of evil out of good, 131 Means, the end justifies the, 169 Measure on the grass, to tread a,
Measures, not men, 238
Meat, I cannot eat but little, 114
Meats, funeral baked, 92
Meccas of the mind, 340
Meddles with cold iron, 153
Medes and Persians, law of, 12
Medicine, miserable have no other, 31
Medicine thee to sleep, 110
Medicine to make me love him, 56
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