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and invisible from the road. There rather flat. The Palace itself was are several dead yellow leaves on the totally destroyed at the Revolution; vines, probably from the drought. but there remain the Stables, the We dined at the table d'hôte with the principal of which is a noble lofty diligence company. There was arched hall, 600 feet long, and 45 Priest at table with a cross of honour wide, in which the Prussians had 400 round his neck, suspended by a blue horses in the year 1815. The Charibbon. He is a Chaplain to the teau of the Duke d'Enghien (a son of King. He carries his own wine with the Prince who was murdered by him when he travels, had his wicker- Buonaparte) also remains. It is a cased bottle of Burgundy in a cooler handsome uniform pile of building, of water, and courteously pressed us but greatly inferior in size and splento partake. We find the same for- dour to what was the palace. At malities as to passports are required Chantilly, at four in the afternoon, in from the French as from foreigners. the shade, in a North aspect, and in a The Priest was obliged to produce his current, the thermometer was at 88; passports to the gens d'armes, who and it was under this power of heat came to inspect them during dinner; that we walked above half a mile to he was only travelling between Amiens see the Stables. The trees in this and Paris, to prepare for a confirma- country are loftier than in England, tion. On entering and leaving a mixed the poplars in particular. We procompany like that of the table d'hôte, ceeded on the road to St. Dennis, every one bows and pays his saluta through a wooded country intermixtions to the company. At breakfast ed with corn-fields and vineyards. dinner, and supper, every one spreads Saw on the road a man and woman a large napkin before him; it is lighting a fire on the back of a large thought barbarous not to use it.—I dead pig. Our postillion's explanawas laughed at this morning for say- tion was, that it was done in order to ing bon matin (good morning). In burn the fat. At St. Dennis, a large England, we say, good morning, good town, only four miles short of Paris, afternoon, &c. ; but the French, only we determined to stop all night, that good day, or good night. In asking we might have an opportunity of seefor any thing at table, we say coming the Chapel Royal, which is the monly in England, I will trouble you to help me, &c. An English gentle man, last year, at a table d'hôte, wishing to partake of a dish which he saw placed next to a Frenchinan, began to address the Frenchman very gravely, "Je vous troublerai, Monsieur;" the Frenchman stared at his apparent rudeness, in proposing to trouble him; but very politely assisted him the moment he understood the nature of his request.-The French complain greatly of the heat, and inquire if it be the same in England. The women in the towns and villages sit in the streets at their work, in small parties, on the shady side. The young women every where have coloured pocket handkerchiefs tied round their heads. At Creil we crossed the River Oise, and proceeded to Chantilly through a beautifully wooded and hilly country. The sight of green trees is very refreshing, after the arid sameness of corn fields and stubbles. At Chantilly we stopped to see the seat of the Bourbons; which belonged to the Prince of Condé. It

burial-place of the Kings of France. But this is too long a story to be begun at the bottom of a sheet.

August 7th.We left St. Dennis at ten this morning. At entering Paris there was nothing to impress the notion of a Metropolis; no preparatory towns or villages after leaving St. Dennis; and on entering, a remark able quietness and thinness of population, nor any thing in the streets or shops better than in Amiens and Cambrai, and other towns. But in the neighbourhood where we are quar tered, viz. that of the Thuilleries, there is considerable splendour. have as yet seen nothing except in driving through the streets; and the thermometer being now (one o'clock) at 82, 1 am in no haste to explore. Here is, however, no such smoke as in London, and our hotel is very quiet and airy. X.

(To be continued.)


May 6.
four enviable country, that there
T is among the noblest distinctions

is surrounded by woods; the country is scarcely a misfortune incident to GENT. MAG. May, 1820.


human nature, for which some benevolent institution is not amply pro vided; these, of course, are chiefly applicable to the relief of persons in humble stations: but an Association has lately been formed to afford the comforts of life, and the advantages of refined society, to Females of respectability, who, though born to higher expectations, have by various circumstances, been reduced from a state of affluence to comparative indigeuce, or the possession of very limited incomes only.

Your Readers will have anticipated that I allude to the Establishment at Bailbrook House, near Bath, which commenced in the year 1815, under the auspices of the Dowager Duchess of Buccleugh, Lady Willoughby, and other Ladies of distinction,- -was sanctioned by her late Majesty and the Princesses, and in 1816 was me. thodized, and matured by the unwearied zeal of Lady Isabella King, who has in a peculiar manner devoted her time, her influence, and her fortune, to its foundation and support.

It is not necessary here to enter into a detail of the plan. This may be seen in a short Pamphlet publish ed at Bath in 1819, and in an article in the Quarterly Review, No. XLIII. p. 96.

This Institution has hitherto answered every expectation that was formed of its utility; but it is to be feared, that unless some further and more general exertions are made in its behalf, its permanence is rather problematical; an appeal is therefore made to the Publick for its assistance to enable the Guardian Committee to purchase the house hitherto occupied by the Society, and to endow it with sufficient funds to ensure its continuance. Surely, Mr. Urban, this appeal will not be made in vain; the British Publick will not suffer an Institution which has for its end the relief and solace of so interesting a portion of its members, to languish for want of encouragement-the fate of the orphan daughter of the man who has enlarged the boundaries of human knowledge by his science, who has enriched his country by his commerce, or shed his best blood in her service, can never be an object of indifference. Besides, Sir, I contend we are all concerned in supporting establishments of this description;

for who shall say, that in an extended circle of friends and relatives, some untoward fate, some sudden death, may not deprive a family of its main support, and make them fly with joy to a Society where a trifling income, which under other circumstances, would scarcely give the means of subsistence, may enable them to enjoy the comforts of life, and all the advantages of social intercourse.

As this Institution is not so generally known as it deserves to be, i trust that the insertion of this Letter

in your widely-circulating Publica tion may induce the Rich and Bene volent to lend their support to this excellent and well-conducted Esta blishment. A FRIEND.


Mr. URBAN, April 5. YOUR impartiality having inclined you to publish in p. 195 some observations on your Reviewer's Account of Mr. Wix's " Letter to the Bishop of St. David's;" let me request you to publish also an observation or two relating to Mr. Wix's important Proposal.

Mr. Wix's Proposal plainly was not, in the first instance, for union with the Roman Church: the Proposal was to consider the expediency of a Council to ascertain whether means could be devised to prevail with that Church to renounce her corruptions and delusions as the way to union. This was repeatedly stated by Mr. Wix in his "Reflections," and in his "Letter to the Bishop of Saint David's," subsequently published.

Could the Roman Church be hap pily prevailed with to reform herself from her corruptions, and to renounce her delusions, Christian union with her, as with any other branch of the Church of Christ, pure and free from unscriptural additions and er rors, would be meritorious, and consistent with the spirit of the Gospel of our blessed Redeemer.

But S. T. P. baving alluded to your Reviewer's Account of Mr. Wix's "Letter to the Bishop of St. David's," expects that "the Reviewer will, perhaps, form a correcter view of the impracticability of the projected Union, as well as of some of the pernicious tendencies of its proposal." Here S. T. P. adverts simply to a projected Union," omitting to state the care which was taken to show

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that there can be no Union with the Church of Rome, but on the renunciation of her errors, among which errors were specified Invocation of Saints, and Transubstantiation; Mr. Wix observing, moreover, in the Preface to his Letter to the Bishop of St. David's, p. 5, "The Author will yield to no one in just abhorrence of the errors, of the delusions, aud of the superstitions of the Romish Church" and at p. 7, "There can, indeed, be no reconciliation of the Reformed Religion with the Romish, as terms now stand; that is, while the errors and corruptions, unhappily maintained by the Church of Rome, are unrenounced, and while the supremacy of the Pope over all Christian Churches is maintained."

A perusal of these passages from Mr. Wix's Letter to the Bishop of St. David's (and many more to the same effect might be produced), can not fail to satisfy every impartial reader that Mr. Wix's object was to submit for consideration, whether a Council between the Church of Eng. land and the Church of Rome, might not happily lead to the renunciation of Roman errors, and then to Union. Yours, &c. E. A. P.


May 8. S every object appears in a dif

Aferent light to different observ

ers, and the volume of Nature is scarcely more diversified than the power of expression, there is at least some shadow of excuse for travellers becoming authors, and a colour of reason for many literary attempts in a line, in which it must be confessed that comparatively few succeed, so as to attain distinguished excellence or secure lasting fame.

These observations are intended as an apology for the presumption of giving publicity to the following faint sketch of a district viewed under circumstances by no means favourable for delineating its features with exactBess, but which appeared to the writer so remarkably attractive, that he felt an irresistible impulse to endeavour to preserve their original impression upon his own mind, by committing an account of them to paper, and ventures to hope that objects which seemed so worthy of notice in his opinion, may not be entirely uninteresting to others.

Without further preface, therefore, Mr. Urban will be so good as to con sider the Writer as an old Correspon dent addressing him from Pontefract in Yorkshire, and informing him that having left York very early on a fine July morning, he arrived at Tadcaster to breakfast. At the entrance of Tadcaster, noticing a bridge over the wharf, which is the boundary of the jurisdiction of the city of York called "the Ainstey," and including the con. servancy of this river, as also of part of the Humber, the Ouse, the Derwent, the Dar, and the Ayr-the bridge is reported to have been built out of the ruins of an antient castle, and it is principally striking, as af fording by its elevation a good view of the town and its environs.

The Church, standing on the bank of the river, is a small edifice, and in general the appearance of the place scarcely affords any indication of its antient importance; but it has indisputable pretensions to the rank of a Roman station, and was called Calcaria, from the lime-stone quarries in its neighbourhood, which, to the present time, have continued to supply the whole district with materials for building, and a useful substance for manuring the land.

At Tadcaster the road from York is divided into three branches; that on the right-hand leading to Skipton, that on the left to Ferry Bridge and Doncaster, and the central one, to Leeds.

Pursuing my route towards Sherburn, had a good view of the family seat of the Vavasours, who have enjoyed considerable possessions here for many centuries, one of them being summoned to Parliament by writ, in the reign of Edward I. as descended from the antient Kings of Northumberland.

Sherburn, whose Saxon origin is indicated in its name, has lost all its antient dignity; its buildings are mean and irregular, and its little church only remarkable for having been erected out of the remains of a Royal palace which once belonged to King Athelstan. There is, however, an Hospital, and a free Grammar School, which latter sends exhibi tioners to St. John's College, Cambridge.

In the fields near the road between Sherburn and Ferry Bridge, I noticed the

the cultivation of Teazles, here employed for the purpose of dressing woollen cloth, the staple manufacture of this part of Yorkshire. Towards the East the country is so well wooded, that it has the appearance of a forest, but in various directions are pleasing views, interspersed with villages, corn-fields, and beautiful meadows.

About six miles from Sherburn, passed two very pleasant lodges, conpected by handsome iron gates, the approach to a seat of Sir John Ramsden, Bart. near the village of Brotherton, remarkable in history for its Castle, to which Queen Eleanor retired, on being taken in labour whilst she was enjoying the diversion of hunting; and where was born Thomas, thence denominated, de Brotherton, afterwards created by his father, King Edward 1. Marshal of England; so says Camden. But Hume mentions Thomas, who was Earl of Norfolk and Mareschal of England, as the son of Edward's second Queen, Margaret of France, and not of Elea. nor: and yet, especially, in another place, says, that Edward having compelled the Constable and Mareschal, Humphrey Bohun, Earl of Hereford, and Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk, who held these high offices by hereditary right, to resign them into his hands, bestowed the office of Mareschal upon Thomas de Brotherton, his second son; and it is generally admitted, that he had four sons, besides eleven daughters, by his first Queen.

At Ferry Bridge, the river Ayr, which having received the waters of the Calder, higher up, is a considerable stream, makes a remarkable flexure in its course, and affords a very pleasing addition to the scenery around, being covered with vessels, where white sails enliven the prospect most agreeably.

One mile beyond Ferrybridge, on a hill, and close to the turnpike-road, is a very large square stone, apparently the foundation of an antient cross: and at the descent to Pontefract, a deep ravine has been cut through the solid rock, and has acquired the denomination of Nevison's Leap from the following remarkable tradition:

Nevison, a highwayman, noted about the middle of the last century for the number and audacity of his

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depredations, and famous for having ridden from London to York on one horse, a distance of 200 miles, in twenty hours, having committed a robbery near Pontefract, was closely pursued; and in order to effect his escape, desperately leaped across this road where the rock is cut through to the greatest depth, and thus eluding his followers, for that time made his escape; but afterwards was apprehended, convicted, and executed at York.

Not far from Nevison's Leap, are the remains of a mansion house, the property of the Earl of Harewood, who inherited a considerable estate, in the neighbourhood of which the "New Hall," as it is still called, forms a part.

An old gateway, upon which is a coat of arms, reputed to have been borne by an Earl of Kingston, and having for supporters two talbots, leads into a court; and on the opposite side is the principal entrance to the house, which has also the figure of a talbot over the door, and the date 1591.

The apartments are lofty and spacious. In the upper story, one of them seems to be near ninety feet long, and the roof of the building is covered with lead, and commands an extensive prospect over the neighbouring country.

The approach to Pontefract, or as it is more commonly pronounced, Pomfret, is very striking. On an eminence are still visible the ponderous fragments of its old Castle. Pieces of massive walls and broken arches are here and there interspersed amongst shrubs and briars: and on the opposite side of the road are the remains of the antient parish church, with its beautiful tower, fast falling to decay. The attention of the tra veller thus powerfully arrested, his imagination takes its flight from these nodding ruins to those early ages when the fierce conflicts of rival princes or of haughty chieftains levelled alike the proud fortress and the sacred fane.

Pontefract was antiently, that is, by the Saxons, called Kirby, but acquired its more modern name from the Normans. Hildebert Lacy having been presented by the Conqueror with the possessions here formerly holden by Alric, a Saxon, is said to

have built the Castle, which passed by inheritance to the Earls of Lancaster, by whom it was considerably augmented, and is reported to have been of great importance as a military post, and very magnificent as a residence.

Here dwelt, at those intervals when the distractions of the times permitted so conspicuous a personage to retire to his baronial mansion, Tho

mas Earl of Lancaster, who, in the reign of Edward II., was one of the most powerful of that confederacy which at the beginning of the fourteenth century plunged the nation into the horrors of civil war.

Arrogant in manners, and vindictive in temper, he had an inveterate animosity against every one who en joyed the favour of the Sovereign. Scarcely submitting to the superiority of the Monarch himself, and provoked by the insolence of Gavaston, an unworthy minion of the Court, the Earl of Lancaster, who was the first Prince of the blood, the most opulent subject in the kingdom, readily joined with other discontented and factious nobles in the daring project of compelling the King by force, to banish his favourite minister. They accordingly made their appearance at the Parliament holden at Westmioster, attended by a military array, which enabled them to effect the ob ject of their wishes, and compelled the unfortunate Monarch to submit to any terms which his discontented and turbulent Barons thought fit to impose.

The King, unable to contend against such powerful enemies, endeavoured to conciliate those amongst then who appeared to take the lead, and evidently with that view conferred upon Lancaster the high office of hereditary Steward of England: but no sooner had they retired to their several castles in the country, than he adopted the fatal resolution of recalling his favourite, and of procuring the oath which he had been compelled to take, to be formally dispensed with. Gavaston, thus reinstated in power and favour, resumed his wonted ostentation and hauteur; and Lancaster and the rest of the Barons first absented themselves from the Parliament; but finding that this indication of their discontent was not uheient to produce any effect upon

the King, again took arms, and in open defiance of the laws, demanded a complete change in the form of government.

(To be continued.)

DR. JOHN GEYLER. "Brant! Barclay! Badius! Bow to Geyler's fame." Mr. URBAN,

YOUR Correspondents, pages 127

and 196, A LOVER OF GREAT GAINS FROM BOOKS, and Mr. R. TRIPHOOK of Old Bond Street, seem to differ not little in their valuation of Dr. Geyler's Navicula Fatuorum. It is very probable, however, that both are right in their statements; and that Mr. T. especially means not to undervalue an author whom Germans universally extol. Of this truth I need adduce no stronger proof than the fact, that, in less than three years from the completion of his Navicula, three separate editions thereof ap peared; all ostensibly from the presses of Strasburg.

Now, Sir, the edition by me deemed alone genuine, runs in the titlepage thus: "Navicula sive speculum fatuorum præstantissimi sacrarum literarum doctoris Joannis Geyler Keysersbergii, concionatoris Argentinensis; in sermones juxta turmarum seriem divisa: suis figuris jam insignita, atque a Jacobo Othero diligenter collecta. Compendiosa vitæ ejus descriptio, per Beatum Rhenanum Selestatinum." The second edition (assuming the date 1510, but which I consider spurious) omits the words here given in Italics, and presents a very different vignette of THE SHIP OF FOOLS passing “Ad Narragoniam,” i. e. in plain English, " To the land of Folly." The third edition has no vignette.

The true edition contains two hundred and eighty leaves, decorated with one hundred and twelve grotesque wood-cuts, borrowed from the fine Olpe edition of Brant, 1497, with singular exactness. The second edi tion contains two hundred and seventyseven leaves, illustrated by the cu rious vignette already noticed, and one spirited cut taken from an infe rior copy of Brant's Stullifera Navis. The third edition consists of two hundred and forty-one leaves, without ornament of any kind.

Each of the three publication, pro. fesses

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