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most despotic rule had prevailed in Paris, and bathed it with his tears. Attached to and, as he was suspected by all parties of the cause of liberty, and ardent in its purentertaining ambitious projects, and had a suits, he saw in the conduct of his father real, active, conspiring party of his own, an act of treason to the cause he affected he was, in fact, honorably banished for up- to espouse, and an event which must terwards of a year, and returned as a deputy minate fatally to himself. The Duke of of the National Assembly almost without Orleans himself apprehended from that permission. But who was not at that period very moment his own arrest and assassinthe object of suspicion? Mirabeau, the ation, and he said upon one occasion, "I eloquent, the patriotic, and the magnifi. am perfectly sure I have signed my own cent, was also accused immediately after-death-warrant." Oh, with what feelings wards, with the Duke of Orleans, of having of horror and disgust did the Duke of Charbeen guilty of "Treason against the country," and, although both were for the moment acquitted, yet the latter remained the object of suspicion and hate. He was, in fact, a state-prisoner in Paris, and could not pass the barriers of the city.

tres place the letter of their father in the hands of his sister-that sister whose life was aimed at by the act against the emigrants.

Disgusted with the march of the Revolution, and satisfied that for him there was The young Duke of Chartres was, during neither peace nor happiness in France, the this period, much agitated by contending Duke of Chartres formed the resolution of emotions. He knew that the first men and writing to the Convention for permission the first measures of the Revolution of 1788 to leave for ever the land of his birth. The were moderate and wise, but he felt within resolution so taken, was his own act, and him all the horror of which a young and was the result of the impressions produced pure heart is susceptible at the contempla- upon his mind by the murder of Louis XVI. tion of the crimes which had succeeded. The letter was drawn up; but, notwithHis father sought to make him believe that standing the political conduct of his father the only chance of escaping the scaffold had been atrocious, his filial duty towards and ruin, ignominy and death, was to march him induced him to submit the letter for with the Revolution, and not to op- his consideration prior to forwarding it to pose any measures, however unprincipled the assembly. As the Duke of Orleans and deplorable. That the Duke of Orleans was a member of the Convention, he could was imperceptibly led on to this sad eventual decision, step by step, and day by day, must, I think, be admitted, and the duchess did not oppose his views, or seek to restrain the licentiousness of his political


The Duke of Chartres felt in a preeminent degree the practical evils which the Revolution was bringing upon himself when his sister was compelled to proceed to Tournay, there to await for the Decree of Exceptions. The prince accompanied his sister to the frontiers, shed many bit ter tears on leaving her, and sighed for times more in harmony with his views of "a happy life."

have aided the desire of his son; but he simply wrote to state, "that the idea was destitute of common sense." The Duke of Chartres obeyed, although his brother, Montpensier, was allowed to serve with the troops at Nice, and thus proceeded to Italy.

Of the military life of the Duke of Chartres it is now essential that I should speak at some length, and with great distinctness, and to connect it with the previous part of this sketch. It is a charge brought against the present King of the French that he served all governments as a soldier, and that he thus, indirectly, at any rate, supported the cause and projects of the NaEvents marched with such rapidity, and tional Assembly. When but fourteen years the fate of the Duke of Orleans, his father, of age the young prince was appointed became so evident, that the Duke of Char-colonel of the Chartres Infantry. This tres joined his sister in Belgium. Louis was, of course, a mere compliment, but it XVI., the virtuous and the unfortunate, had was the beginning of his future, though been murdered, and the Duke of Orleans had consented to his death. After that memorable vote had been given, he wrote to the Duke of Chartres, "My heart is oppressed with sorrow, but for the interests of France and of liberty I have thought it my duty to vote the death of Louis Capet." The son looked on the letter with horror,

brief, military existence. Though young, however, he was courageous and ardent, and, being attacked on one occasion by a mob of armed peasants, himself and his brothers were in danger of their lives. But boldly they confronted their assailants, and the king often now laughs at the remembrance of the altered features of the peo

ple when himself and his brothers caused quired their lives and their services, and their horses to halt, turned upon those not their opinions." He preserved disciwho had been their pursuers, and caused pline, set an example of order, secured for it to be made known that it was the young himself the respect and confidence of his Duke of Chartres who now required their men, but once more, however, resorted to dispersion. It was in November, 1785, his policy of gaining temporary popularity that the duke was appointed proprietary by adhering to the movement of the mocolonel of the 14th regiment of Dragoons. ment. That movement, at the period of Accompanied by his brothers Montpensier which I am writing, was for the supression and Beaujolais, he wore the uniform of the of all emblems of nobility; and he declared, National Guards in the district of St. Roch at a meeting of the Constitutionalists of on the 9th of February, 1791; and, as a la- Vendôme, “that he was too much the friend mentable proof that at that period revolu- of equality not to have received the decree tionary principles had, in spite of all the for the suppression of such emblems with lessons of Madame de Genlis, taken posses- transport.' The rest of his declaration was sion of his youthful mind, when he entered in the same spirit; but nearly forty years his name in the register he struck out all afterwards he was reminded of it by those the titles of rank and nobility which had who cried, "Down with the Lilies of Orbeen inserted, and absurdly wrote, "Citi-leans! Down with the Lilies of the Bourzen of Paris!" I am afraid this mode of bons!" And masons were employed with attracting popularity had something to do, their chisels and their hammers to erase in prospective, with his subsequent can- the "Lilies" from the Palais Royal. By didateship for the post of commandant of the battalion of St. Roch. If such were the case, his object failed, for he was not elected. The desire of securing popularity for the moment, to effect the object for the moment desired, has been through life the policy of Louis Philippe. This is one of the weak points of his character. "I think the Republican government is the most perfect in the world!" said Louis Philippe to Lafayette, at the Hôtel de Ville of Paris, in July, 1830, and by that phrase he obtained the silent acquiescence of the Republican party in his favor. But what was the consequence? They afterwards reproached him as a traitor, and for ten years sought to take away his life, because the programme of Republican institutions was necessarily abandoned as incompatible with a monarchy. "You are my brethren," exclaimed Louis Philippe to the National Guards; "I am only one of your comrades." What was the consequence? His "comrades" took the liberty of dictating to him what line of conduct he should take in his political government; and his "comrades" in other places, when he did not follow their advice, took up arms against him, and fought day by day against his throne, him-non, and the Duke of Chartres gained his self, and his family.

acts of justice, benevolence, and charity, the young duke however distinguished himself; at one time in saving the life of a Romish priest from the fury of a sanguinary mob; at another time, rescuing an individual from a watery grave; and at all times taking care of the health and comfort of those who were placed under him. Thus his political failings were compensated for by his personal virtues and graces.

In August 1791, the Duke of Chartres proceeded with his regiment to Valenciennes, and there spent the winter. He was commandant of the place, and discharged the duties which devolved on him with zeal and ability. His brother, Montpensier, as well as himself, were thus serving in the Army of the North, when they were joined by their father, and by their other brother, the Count of Beaujolais, the latter of whom was only twelve years of age. It was under the orders of the Duke of Byron, a friend of his father, that the Duke of Chartres made his debut on the battle-field. The Duke of Byron at that time commanded a division of the northern army of Valenciennes and Maubeuge. The campaign was opened at the end of April 1792, at Boussu and Quarag

first laurels at Quirevain, by rallying a diAt length came the order for proprietary vision of the army which, under false apprecolonels to join the army, and the Duke of hensions, had fled towards Valenciennes. Chartres proceeded to Vendôme, and there, Under Marshal Lucknor, also, he distinaccompanied by his tried and faithful friend guished himself by taking Courtray, though M. Peyre, took his post as head of the the subsequent retreat of his commanding regiment. In the army he sought to forget officer prevented him from availing himself all politics, and to be nothing more nor less of all the advantages of the victory. And than a soldier. He used to say, "that he who can avoid noticing the extraordinary was a soldier of France, and that she re-coincidences of the chequered life of Louis

Philippe After having served under Luck- [joined the army of Dumouriez, then adnor, that marshal was replaced by Keller- vancing to the frontier to commence an mann, subsequently Duke of Valmy. "Ah! active campaign. That general divided his sir," said Kellermann, when he first gazed army into two wings of twenty-four batat the Duke of Chartres, "this is the first talions each, and the right wing was intime I have had the honor of seeing so trusted to the young duke. It was at this young a general officer. How have you period of his life that the battle of Jemcontrived to be made a general so soon?" mapes was fought, and to which Louis To most young men of his age the inquiry Philippe ever and anon delights to return, would have been sufficiently embarrassing, and of which he is justly proud. Many sarbut to the Duke of Chartres it was not so; casms, diatribes, quolibets, caricatures, and and with great promptitude and ready wit burlesque songs, have been published, since he replied, "By being the son of him who Louis Philippe ascended the throne in 1830, made a colonel of you," alluding to his to endeavor to ridicule the battles of Valmy father. The Duke of Valmy was so delight-and Jemmapes, and to detract from his ed with the answer, that he seized his hand, merits and efforts; but all who know the and expressed his satisfaction at such a history of the Republican wars, and, above rencontre. That Duke of Chartres is now all, those who can remember the effects King of the French; but the son of the they produced at the time on the public Duke of Valmy is now one of his most en-mind, will not allow themselves by such lightened but vigorous opponents in the French Chamber of Peers.

lished fame; and the Duke of Chartres, covered with laurels, left the winter quarters of the army of Belgium to visit his beloved sister, who had been included as an emigrant in the laws of proscription.

artifices to be cheated out of the certainty, that they were great, important, and very When the Legislative Chamber screamed memorable events. His chain of mounted at the very top of its voice that "the country chasseurs and his Bataillon de Mons saved was in danger," and, in July 1792, called on the French army from a most signal defeat, all who could carry arms to rush to the and that at a moment when a victory by the frontiers, France assembled various armies, Austrians seemed wholly certain. Driven and, amongst the rest, 33,000 men at Sedan from all their positions, the Austrians fled, under Dumouriez. The Duke of Chartres and left the battle-field at Jemmapes coverwas appointed to the command of Stras-ed with their dead and their artillery. At bourg, but he replied, "I am too young to Anderlacht, at Tirlemont, and at Varroux, be shut up in a citadel; I entreat to be al-new successes added to his already establowed to remain in active service." The request was complied with, and the young prince served under Dumouriez. It was in the month of September 1792 that the bat tle of Valmy was fought, in which the duke so distinguished himself as to have for ever after caused his name to be especially remembered as connected with that memorable event. He commanded twelve battalions of infantry; and such was his bravery, talent, and indefatigable zeal, that Kellermann said of him, "Embarrassed by an attempt at selection, I shall only particularize amongst those who have shown distinguished courage M. Chartres and his aide-de-camp, M. Montpensier, whose extreme youth renders his presence of mind during one of the most tremendous cannonades ever heard, the more remarkable."

The Duke of Chartres not only was no coward, but he had even a taste for war, or, at least, for active duty; for, when offered a superior command of newly levied troops to be stationed at Douay, he declined the promotion, and preferred the camp and the trenches to a comparatively easy life in a comfortable garrison.

Permitted by the government of the day to remain in the line, the Duke of Chartres

How sad was that moment! Young, healthy, patriotic, enthusiastic, full of talent, enterprise, and knowledge, he found himself no longer the Duke of Chartres, but the son of "Egalité;" his father tracked, hunted down, suspected; all his family scattered and in danger; his country torn to pieces by a despotic, sanguinary, and most criminal government; and Buzot, a popular demagogue, demanding that his father and his three sons should be exiled from their native land.

That was the moment that the duke pressed upon his father the duty of availing him. self of a decree of proscription, and of retiring to the United States. But his advice arrived too late: the decree had been withdrawn. "Egalité" still deceived himself with the false hope of better days, and retreat from that moment became impossible.

Again did the Duke of Chartres return to the army, and acquired new eulogiums and deserved praise for his conduct at the siege of Maestricht. At Nerwende, also, under


Dumouriez, he showed the most extraordi- of the young Duke of Chartres, leading him nary courage, and had a horse killed under also to abandon his post as general, and him, still remaining on the field of battle thus exasperated all parties against his the whole night, and, by ra lying the troops, father. That these are facts, cannot be deprevented the reverse of fortune which Du- nied. But why should Dumouriez, and why mouriez and his army experienced from be- should Madame de Genlis, have acted concoming still more disastrous to the French trary to their convictions and their principles? The latter was a Monarchist, the former a Constitutionalist. Then why should they both act as Conventionalists? It was impossible. Dumouriez felt that he was no longer fighting for the nation, but for a faction, and for a faction opposed to the real welfare of his country. Why, then, should he be reproached for having refused to serve it? So with regard to Madame de Genlis. She had no one feeling in common with regicides; and her pupils she taught to love liberty, but to love justice more.

This was the critical moment for both Dumouriez and the duke. Their hour had arrived; and they, who had fought so nobly and so well, were required by the Committee of Public Safety to proceed to Paris. They were supping at Saint Amand-desBoucs when the order arrived; and, as it was obvious that their lives were to be demanded as an act of vengeance for the advance of the Austrian forces, Dumouriez and the duke resolved on leaving France, and on seeking at least safety from a scaffold already saturated with the blood of the good and the brave. In vain were they followed, fired on, pursued. They repaired to the Austrian head-quarters at Mons; and there the duke, who was invited to enter the service of that power, declined to do so, "as he could not consent to carry arms against his country," obtained passports, and in a few days joined his sister in Switzerland. His father and brothers had been arrrested and confined in prison. His mother was a prisoner in the castle of Penthievre, the château of her illustrious ancestors. He was a stranger in a strange land, without friends, fortune, prospects, or home, and compelled to suffer from the odium attached to his father's name, "Egalité of the Convention." This was the military life of Louis Philippe. He was afterwards a wanderer and a teacher; but here ended his life as a soldier.

Madame de Genlis and Dumouriez have been accused of having been really the cause of the condemnation and death of the father of Louis Philippe. The accusation against them may be thus condensed. First, as Madame de Genlis inspired the Duke of Chartres with a horror of the Convention, and as all her notions were opposed to the spirit of the age in which she lived, the young duke, by expressing himself strongly in society, and by writing to his father letters which were subsequently seized, rendered him obnoxious to the populace as well as to the Convention, and afforded a pretext to the demagogues for the execution of their murderous projects. Second, As Dumouriez came to the resolution of no longer defending France against hostile invasion, and induced Valence to join him in his defection, he influenced also the mind

The defection of Dumouriez, the avowed abhorrence of the Convention by the young Duke of Chartres, the flight of General Valence, the determination of Madame de Genlis and Mademoiselle d'Orleans to seek an asylum in Switzerland, all concurred to render the arrest and condemnation of "Egalité" next to unavoidable. But is the present king to be blamed? Was it his duty to wait in France till his turn came to be denounced, arrested, and massacred, because his father still continued the slave of Marat and of Robespierre? He exerted all his influence with his father to prevail on him to leave France; but first he would not, and then he could not, do so. He besought his father to cease to have connection with the regicidal faction. But his father was too deeply pledged to listen to this salutary counsel. What was to be done? He had fought for his country when her government was apparently national, and when the independence and integrity of the nation were threatened. He had gained the applause, as he had merited the approbation, of the best generals of France for his military skill, and for his enthusiasm and zeal. But how could he aid a cause which had actually changed, which had forsaken all its original principles, and had degenerated into one of crime and bloodshed? It was unfortunate that his letters to his father were seized, and it was unfortunate that they were thus brought in evidence against the author of his being. But he would have been unworthy of the name of a son had he not at least sought to have prevailed on his father to forsake the cause of the sanguinary Convention.

But to renew the thread of the narrative. The Duke of Chartres soon followed his sister, and rejoined her at Schaffhouse.

They proposed to live at Zurich in peace four o'clock, to give lessons in the higher and solitude; but they were discovered branches of geometry in the college in The Royalists abhorred the very name of question; and, during fifteen months, he Orleans; the emigrants loathed them even did not once fail in fulfilling his duties with more than they did the republicans, and scrupulous punctuality and care; nor once, often insulted them in the public streets. during his long exile, cease to render his Thus new calamities were in store for them. misfortunes honorable by the noblest resigThe Duke of Orleans, their father, was ar- nation. rested and sent to prison. Not one voice could be heard in his favor; no one pitied him; no tear was shed for himself or his children; and at Zug the latter sought an asylum and peace. Scarcely a month had elapsed when they were seen by some emi. grants, and denounced, and the magistrates, fearful of offending the then savage government of France, requested that they would withdraw from that small Swiss canton. What was to be done? A thousand romantic projects suggested themselves Separation seemed unavoidable. The features of the Duke of Chartres were too marked to be easily concealed. His sister was received into the Convent of St. Claire at Bremgarten, and the duke resolved on making a pedestrian journey through Switzerland. Beautifully was it said by his devoted friend and instructress, "How often, since my misfortunes, have I congratulated myself on the education I gave the Duke of Chartres; on having made him learn, from his childhood, all the principal modern languages; on having accustomed him to serve himself without assistance, to despise every thing that was effeminate; to sleep on a plank of wood merely covered with a straw mattress; to face the sun, cold, and rain; to fit himself for fatigue by daily practising violent exercises; and lastly, on having taught him many branches of knowledge, and on having inspired him with a taste for travelling. All that he was indebted for to the chance of birth and fortune, he had lost; and nothing now mained to him but what he held from na-vian peninsula. ture and from me."

The death of the Duke of Orleans, his father, reached him soon after his entrance to this college, and deeply affected him.— He was by right and descent, law and justice, from that moment the Duke of Orleans. But where was his palace? where his mother? where his sister and brothers? where the Adelaide and the Montpensier he loved so well? Even his name he was compelled to conceal, and to write "Chabaud" instead of " Chartres" or "Orleans." At the expiration of that period, he remained with M. de Montesquieu under the assumed name of Corby, and with the title of aide-de-camp. But as his sister was residing with his aunt the Princess of Conti, as the Duke of Modena, their uncle, had provided them with a small sum of money, and as Madame de Genlis had at last given up her charge, and retired to Hamburgh, he resolved on proceeding thither ;-and there was he, the young, talented, amiable, interesting Duke of Orleans, the son of a regicide, and the son of a traitor, whose life had been forfeited to the decision of revolutionary savages, there was he, without friends, profession, property, home, uncared-for, unloved, unthought-of, except by his sister, Montpensier his brother, and Madame de Genlis, as much a wanderer on the earth as if his own crimes had been the cause of his poverty and disgrace. But he had the happy consciousness of having done right, and of intending to do it; and, with such resolutions, he came to the determire-nation of exploring on foot the Scandina

As Duke of Orleans, if not by name, at

The young soldier and duke, after hav-least by right, I shall follow him in his waning traversed the Swiss cantons, assumed derings in the second part of his eventful the name of Chabaud, and entered the Col- and extraordinary career. There we shall lege of Reichneau in the month of October, find him with a steadfast friend, Count 1793, as professor of mathematics. He Montjoie, and an honest, faithful servant, was then only twenty years of age! To good Baudoin, who shared with his master hard fare, early hours, college rules, strict all the sufferings and sorrows of a persecudiscipline, he conformed with cheerfulness ted exile. I shall conduct him from Euand regularity, and calmly suffered the se- rope to America, to England, to France; verity of his lot, and the injustice of men install him at the palace of his ancestors, who, when they knew him, treated him with see him revelling in the enjoyment of rank, arrogance, not only without complaint, but fortune, society, and every luxury which without even seeming to be astonished. Un-taste, wealth, and ease, can bestow, until der a most inclement sky, and amidst the the Revolution of 1830 once more rang the snows of winter, he rose every morning at tocsin in his ears, and which proved to be

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