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of the Daughters of the Confederacy, and reappointed November 8, 1895, and empowered to put it with its amendments into proper shape for printing, hereby certify this paper to be in every clause a true copy of that passed on by the Convention of November 8, 1895, with the exception of a few grammatical and clerical corrections made necessary by the amendments.



Atlanta, November 9, 1895.

Gavel presented to the United Daughters of the Confederacy by Mrs. Raines; Vice-President. It is of elegantly polished hard wood cut from near General Lee's residence, Washington-Lee University, and the broad silver band is handsomely engraved.


On Friday morning, November 8, the Georgia Chapters of Daughters of the Confederacy met in Atlanta for the purpose of forming a State Division. Representatives were present from the Charter Chapter in Savannah, from Augusta, Atlanta and Covington.

Officers for this State Division were elected as follows: President-Mrs. C. Helen Plane, Atlanta; Vice-President-Mrs. L. H. Raines, Savannah; Corresponding Secretary-Mrs. John Ottley, Atlanta; Recording Secretary and Treasurer-Mrs. Conyers, Covington. No other business of importance was transacted.

DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY LAY, NOV. 9. One of the largest and most enthusiastic audiences which has yet assembled in the Auditorium of the Cotton States and International Exposition, assembled on the morning of Nov. 9, to do honor to that Storm-cradled nation that fell, and to aid in the dedication of the exhibit of Confederate relics, that commemorate so touchingly the flag which now Has not a hand to wave it,

And the heroes who knew how to die to save it.

The exercises were opened by "Maryland, My Maryland," played by the Fifth Infantry Band, which was the gift for the occasion of Col. Kellogg,

of the United States Army. Dr. Barnett, himself a brave Confederate soldier, led in prayer. Mrs. Helen Plane, President of the Atlanta Chapter of D. of C., delivered an address of welcome to the National Order.


The comprehensive address of Mrs. C. Helen Plane, President of the Georgia Division, Daughters of the Confederacy, will be read with universal admiration and it will stir the deepest sentiments and most sacred memories of all who lived and acted as did this venerable patriot, whose own hero went down in the strife. Deference to her demand causes the withholding of her own wonderful sacrifices.

Daughters of the Confederacy, Ladies and Gentlemen:

To appear before you to-day as a chosen representative of Southern women, to meet and greet you on this glorious occasion, I deem the proudest moment of my life! I do so with words of warmest welcome, and feelings of intensest regard and affection.

I welcome you to Atlanta, this marvelous and beautiful peach blossom city of the South, which has opened its homes and hearts and arms to receive, welcome and honor us.

But what language can express the thousand thoughts that come surging through my soul at sight of this vast assemblage? Who can tell the majestic thrill that vibrates through each link of this adamantine cordon of sisterhood?

"THE DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY!" Some few of us are time-worn survivors of that

bloody struggle-many more have been born of heroes who dared to die for it! We feel ourselves welded heart to heart and hand to hand by a chain of illustrious deeds and memories that can never fade.

Glorious heritage! and we are worthy of it! We are to-day the living "out-put," the precious and polished gems from the fiery crucibles of war and adversity; many widows and orphans who, with a patience and fortitude unparalleled, have filled the places of dead heroes-and such heroes!

The ages that will roll in the future will but brighten the pages of history which bear the record of the civil and military leaders of that imperishable conflict.

The boasted glories of ancient Greece and Rome, and of more modern times, tell of no blood-bought fields like ours. The heroic valor of Scotland's Robert of Bannockburn pales before that of our peerless commander-in-chief, Robert E. Lee. The solid square of the Corsican's Old Guard on that fearful and fatal field of Waterloo, stood not more invincible in the face of death than ever stood our Christian hero, Stonewall Jackson.

The memorable pass of Thermopyla was not more heroically defended than were the rock-girt hills of Missionary Ridge by our own Leonidas of Tennes

The Fabian policy of brave Joseph E. Johnston in his masterly retreat in Georgia, before overwhelming numbers, was well worthy the military genius of the successful rival of Hannibal. Marcel


lus lived again in Alabama's brave and beautiful boy, John Pelham. The success of Shiloh's bloody field was ours, the day was won, Victory was perching her gory wings on our standard, when the fatal shot that took the life blood of dauntless Albert Sidney Johnston, snatched it from us and gave it to the enemy.

Nor can I, on the sacred soil of Georgia, refrain a passing tribute to one of her sons, beloved in Alabama as in his native state; one who perished in the flower of his manhood, a sacrifice at Port Gibson; I allude to General Tracy. Receiving the fatal order to charge the enemy, he buckled on his armor, and repeating to the comrade by his side the sad but appropriate words of the Latin poet,

"Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori," intrepidly rode to his death as rode the Three Hundred! Gallant Lyt. Tracy!

But the instances of personal bravery and incredible daring are countless; they fill the world's eye and challenge its admiration. The roll of honor is interminable; its cherished names crowd the temple of fame. In its carved niches stand for all time the proud but pallid forms of Forrest, Stuart, Beauregard, Hood, Hardee, Hindman, Bragg, and the gallant Hills, Morgan, Magruder, Ewell, Early, Pickett, Price, Harvey, fearless Wheat of Zouave memory, Pike, Elzy, Pendleton, Wilcox, Wise, Withers, dashing Van Dorn, Bee, Bartow, and the noble Lamar and Cobbs of this Empire State, Marmaduke, and Breckinridge, Gustavus, and lovable Edmund Kirby-Smith, who has so lately joined the illustrious band! "When can their glory fade?"

From the billowy shores of the historic Potomac, where sleeps the hallowed ashes of our loved President, to the thousand mounds of those who fell in fight or perished in prison walls, this once desolated Southland is now, and will forever remain, alike, the Mausoleum and the Mecca of patriots. The undying nimbus of glory shining from each lowly but loved mound, will expire only when the light of the God of Day goes out, and it is our precious privilege to hallow and worship it. It is more dear to us than was the sacred fire to the Vestal Virgin. Let us keep it burning!

We are in part the sentinels guarding the bivouac of the dead. We are the true chroniclers of their valor. Our deeds and their precious memories must be kept perennial in the hearts of our children.

"When spring with dewy fingers cold
Returns to deck their hallowed mould,"

Let each one bear their wealth of flowers and strew them with a loving hand. The laurels they won must never fade. Their trophies and mementoes must be gathered and garnered in the museum appropriated for them and given into our keeping. The banner they bore through field and flood must remain a sacred thing when every shred has mouldered to dust! Never can we forget that,

"Four stormy years we saw it flung

Like meteors in the sky,

And heroes, such as Homer sung,
Followed it to die!"

But that banner is now furled, never to kiss the breeze again! The tender heart and poetic pen of

Father Ryan has embalmed, and laid it away lovingly, as does the mother her dead infant's last worn robe! There let it rest.

To-day, this precious commemorative day of the immortal past, thank Heaven, gleams upon us with the rainbow promise of prosperity in the future.

The god of battles who stilled the roar of cannon has revived the roar of machinery in the land, the sword is laid down, and the pruning hook taken up-the war steed no longer "Smelleth the battle from afar," but has given place to the patient beasts of the furrow, and white-winged Peace, once affrighted from our borders, again hovers in reposeful security over them.

The stars and stripes, immortalized by gifted Key, flutter and float on land and sea, and we salute them!

We have accepted the situation gracefully if not graciously, and are loyal if not loving subjects of our common country, the grandest Republic the world has ever seen.

That it may never be again subjected to the "bloody arbitrament of the sword," but bloom and bourgeon as the rose through coming ages is my heartfelt prayer not only for ourselves, but posterity.


In her address, Mrs. M. C. Goodlett, who had the honor of being first President of the general organization, made a strong appeal for coöperation from all the States.

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had been accomplished, and gave a description of its Confederate soldier's home.

She described the thrilling times of the war, and what even young girls did for the soldiers. And she established for the women of the South that they were very important factors in the war. "As farmers, merchants, shoemakers, tailors, smugglers." She described how women in the war would carry smuggled goods two to three hundred miles on horseback, smuggling medicines and other supplies to Southern hospitals. Young girls would pilot Confederate scouts through the enemy's lines at some unguarded point, while older ones would go boldly into prisons and bribe the guards to let out some beloved Confederate. She showed how great the mistake was by the Northern people who believed our women were "weak, dependent creatures, who would keep their husbands and sons at home to protect them."

She declared that a history of Southern women from '61 to '65 would be far more interesting and thrilling than all the sensational novels sent from the North. She emphasized the importance of a history of Southern women not only during, but since the war. The sacrifice of the South was not made in vain, for it created respect not only of the Northern people but of the whole world.

The address would make a splendid Chapter in the best of histories.

Enthusiasm and depth of feeling reached a climax when Miss Nellie Knight, of Alabama, gave a most dramatic and thrilling rendering of that inspired cry of a fallen nation, Father Ryan's "Conquered Banner." The copy of the song she used was itself a relic, tattered, worn and marked with tears, and the song itself is undying, for not a dry eye in the audience looked into the gray ones of the singer as she uttered the wonderful words. As an encore she sang our dear old "Suwanee River."

Mr. Lucien L. Knight gave a beautiful rendition of an ode, written for the occasion by Mrs. Clara Dargan McLean, a heroine of the seige of Fort Sumter.

MRS. MACLEan's ode.

Mother of men! thou liest in solemn state
Upon the bier of many faithful hearts,

All mute and cold, pierced thro' with many darts,
A queen discrowned by Fate.

Bring here the frankincense of loyal rows,
And myrrh. the meed of grief too deep for tears,
The precious spice of love, t' embalm thro' years,
And gold for royal brows.

We shall not wake thee from thy dreamless sleep,
With murmuring moan disturb thy deep repose;
No blatant tongue shall travesty thy woes,

As silent here we weep.

Yet we remember! Aye, nor can forget,
Those deeds of splendor, those heroic days,
When thy leal sons rode forth thro' bloody ways
Where Death and Honor met

O dream of glory past! Of high resolve,

To teach the world how brave it is to dare,
And daring, do-tho' costing lives so rare,
A nation to evolve.

Roll drums, and sound across the utmost sea!
Blow bugles. in one long majestic strain!
Tho' she is dead, she dieth not in vain,
Whose death hath made us free.

Free to live on and learn to suffer wrong,
Nor vengeance seek, nor feel ignoble fear;
Free to see truly and to grandly bear,
And grow thro' suffering strong.

Mother of Men! we gather round thy grave,
And pledge thy pure name ne'er shall be belied;
A martyr thou hast lived, a martyr died,
The South's best self to save.

Yes, we will bury thee with pomp and pride,
And leave thee sleeping in thy sacred shroud:
For we behold thee far above the cloud,
Transfigured, glorified!

Sound we a pean, then, and not a knell,
Sing we a Jubilate not a dirge;

For lo! the South holds Victory's noblest vergel
God is in Heaven! All's well!

Then Mrs. Virginia Clay Clopton, perhaps the most famous woman of the Confederacy, individually, read a paper amid deafening applause.

(Mrs. Clopton's paper to come.)

The whole audience rose and waved their handkerchiefs as the boys in blue, once our enemies, now our friends, burst into the familiar strains of "Dixie." The oration of Dr. J. S. Hopkins, a soldier, a scholar and a divine, was a fitting crown for a perfect day.

(Dr. Hopkins' address to come.)

The most phlegmatic soul could scarcely fail to have been moved when the great audience, that to an individual had "sworn so madly that their dear flag should ever wave," rose and waved their handkerchiefs when the band gave our great national hymn, and this honor to the "Star Spangled Banner," proved that we were again, at heart, one people and one nation, with one God, one heart and one flag.

All in all, the occasion will long be kept green in the memories of all who were with us, as a day full

of sweet and tender memories, with no taint of rancor or bitterness.

Such occasions teach the salutary lesson that the heart which does not thrill responsive to the heroism of the brave men who wore the gray, are not the stuff of which patriots are made, and are too craven to ever be truly loyal to any country or any flag.

Mr. John K. Ottley, of Atlanta, Secretary of the Georgia Division, did her part so well as to justify a finer presentation of the proceedings and of the cause than the VETERAN exhibits, but this official organ will never tire in their service.

The United Daughters of the Confederacy give promise of a strong organization and great usefulness. The president and other officers appreciate the high honors paid them. They are impressed with the good that may come by their general cooperation and, the United Confederate Veterans, of 715 Camps and more to follow, may expect a co-operation very soon that will show the women of the South, as of old, fully alive to the noble needs already appealing to them.

There is much regret at the loss of a history of the Daughters of the Confederacy in Virginia, as well as further delay of report about the Texas Daughters and the progress of their work in building a monument at Dallas, caused by sickness.


Gen. Wm. L. DeRosset, Wilmington, N. C., writes of Col. Parsley, whose widow is so zealous in the cause of the Daughters of the Confederacy. My old friend and comrade, William M. Parsley was one of four sons of a prominent citizen of this town, who did much towards equipping companies organized here. He went into service as Captain of Company F. Third North Carolina Infantry, was several times wounded but not seriously, and gradually rose by promotion to be Lieutenant Colonel of his Regiment. He was killed the day before the surrender at Appoinattox. After peace was declared his remains were brought home and lie in our beautiful Oakdale Cemetery. It was on the occasion of a meeting of his brother officers for the purpose of arranging to receive the remains, that it was determined to perfect a permanent organization of the officers, and hence grew the Association of Officers of that regiment, later, after admitting the enlisted men, known as the Third North Carolina Infantry Association, and it is doubtless the oldest. organization of the kind in the United States. They have met every year, regularly, on May 16th, since 1866.

Col. Parsley was particularly careful as to the comfort of h men, and was beloved by them, and always enjoyed the esteem of his brother officers.

Mrs. Parsley has always been one of the most devoted members of the Ladies Memorial Association, and earnest in her endeavor to organize the Sons of Veterans.


When, in October, 1861, a Tennessee lad volunteered to go and fight for "Dixie's" land, he had his first picture taken. The ambrotype was well tinted and thirty years afterward it looked as fresh and well as when taken. He concluded to put it in the VETERAN, but unhappily it had received some injuries in the nineties and does not special credit to the person or the artist.

The lad was ambitious for prominence, and as he could not wear stars, he procured a girl's belt buckle and so ornamented the standing collar of his butternut uniform. The picture showed his dirk and pistol buckled on, but the fact must be told as the space given the defective print takes away even the outline.

The face is not as smooth now, but the hair, never black nor red, has not yet any gray. If the defects had been known before, the fancy to have it engraved, the vanity of boyhood days, would not be so conspicuous in the VETERAN now.

It was a familiar face in the Forty-first Tennessee Regiment, and at the last great roll call when those who suffered together are reassembled, this member shall hope to hear the name of the editor of the VETERAN, and to answer "Here!"

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photo engraving was made at the time, with the in tention of publishing a sketcn in the VETERAN, but it was deferred. A communication of much importance had been expected from him. He had expressed his anxiety and determination to write it but was called to Florida to attend a son through a severe illness and had delayed it. A note was written to remind him afresh, and his brother, Mr. Joseph H. Thompson, answered it saying: "My brother will be dead before this reaches you."

Dr. Thompson was born in Tennessee, but a part of his childhood was spent in Texas. He enlisted as a private soldier but ere long was detached and assigned to an Arkansas regiment under Gen. Hindman, as surgeon. And subsequently he was transferred to the Forty-First Tennessee, and will be remembered with pride and gratitude by members of that gallant command until the last man shall have lost his life.

After the war Dr. Thompson practiced medicine and surgery in his native state. He was magnetic and generous in an eminent degree, and his faithfulness as a friend was unceasing and untiring.

OUR OLDEST VETERAN.-An exchange states that North Carolina has a Confederate veteran, Elijah Walker, now 101 years old. When he enlisted in the great war he was 67. He fought all through the war and was severely wounded several times, having been shot in both hands, which latter wounds partly disabled him. As long as he could support himself he would take no State pension.



Gen. Thomas Neville Waul, of Texas, is a native of South Carolina, born near Statesburg, January 5, 1813, and was an only child. His mother died when he was an infant. His grandfathers on both sides were soldiers of the Revolution.


The death of his father, his own ill health and straitened circumstances induced young Waul to eave the South Carolina College before graduatng. He declined to take any part of the small atrimony, giving all to his stepmother. He went west on horseback, stopping at Florence, Ala., where h e, at the age of seventeen, was made principal of a school. At the end of a year, with strong credentials, he went on to Vicksburg, Miss., where he met S. S. Prentiss. The two became fast friends, and young Waul studied law in his office. made such progress in the law that he was licensed to practice before the Supreme Court of his State while yet a minor. He resided afterward at Yazoo City, and then at Grenada, where he married Miss Mary Simmons, of Georgia. He succeeded in the law a nd became active in politics. He was elected to to the first Confederate Congress from Texas, but declined a re-election, having determined to go in the field. He then raised Waul's Legion" of 2,000 men.

In the seige of Vicksburg, Col. Waul won promotion, and was made Brig. Gen., after his exchange. n the battles of Mansfield and Pleasant Hill, La.,

he so distinguished himself that he was given the command of Walker's division, after Gen. Walke was wounded, and later of all the troops in tha field. In the battle of Saline, or Jenkins Ferry, hard fought in the mud with muskets and bayonets, it being impossible to use artillery, two Texas Generals were killed, and Gen. Waul, the other, was severely wounded.

After the war, Gen. Waul having lost his property along with his people, he resumed the practice of law. He served as a member of the Constitutional Convention of Texas, but has refrained from political life, except in a few instances. His merits for Commander of the Trans-Mississippi Department of United Confederate Veterans were pressed with great zeal at Houston.

In a personal letter, dated Neyland, Texas, Nov. 12th, enclosing photograph, Gen. Waul states: "According to promise, I enclose you photograph taken a year since in my preserved uniform, the coat has been so well cared for by my good wife, that she would be entitled a premiun at any Dress Parade' of Confederate survivors."



Of the interesting and important events that should be in this VETERAN is a report of the grand gathering at Columbia of the United Confederate Veterans of South Carolina.

An important feature, of which official notice has been given, was the election of Gen. H. L. Farley, historian for the State Division. General Walker issued an official order in regard to it:

Resolved, That the General commanding the South Carolina Division of United Confederate Veterans, do appoint a historian of this Division, who shall in turn appoint Brigade historians, to be aided by selected Regimental and Battalion historians, whose duty it shall be to collect all the facts and incidents connected with South Carolina troops in the Army of the Confederacy to be preserved for the use of this Division by the Division historian. That at each meeting all comrades be invited to read such recollections as they may prepare. Adjutant General Holmes writes additional to Gen. Farley: It affords the writer-who having served with you in war, worked with you in peace, and knows your worth-pleasure to extend this order.

On motion of Comrade Holmes and seconded by Capt. Geo. B. Lake, of Edgefield, the following preamble and resolution were unanimously passed:

"Whereas, The CONFEDERATE VETERAN, edited by Comrade S. A. Cunningham, of Nashville. Tenn., has proven its worth to the United Confederate Veterans and all kindred associations, in materially preserving the truths of history for the Confederate side, in the war between the States, and is most deserving of our upholding. Be it

Resolved, That we adopt the CONFEDERATE VETERAN as the official organ of the South Carolina Division United Confederate Veterans, and suggest to all veterans to become subscribers."

JAMES G. HOLMES, Adg't Gen. and Chief of Staff.

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