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of the scenes, it gives to them a kind of solemnity, which keeps up our attention, and consequently enhances our pleasure. As to the style of writing, it is throughout a master-piece; and far above the standard of common novel writers.

72. Letters on the Events which have passed in France since the Restoration in 1815. By Helen Maria Williams. Svo. pp.

199. Baldwin and Co.

THE literary reputation of Miss Williams has long been fully established; and ber warm admiration of the French Revolution, unappalled by the dismal scenes of which she was a frequent witness, are well recollected. She is now nearly thirty years older, and her former ardour is somewhat abated. Still, however, she says,

"The interest I once took in the French Revolution is not chilled, and the enthusiasm I once felt for the cause of Liberty still warms my bosom. Were it otherwise I might perhaps make a tolerable defence, at least for a woman, by reverting to the past, and recapitulating a small part only of all I have seen, and all [ have suffered. But where the feelings and affections of the mind have been powerfully called forth by the attraction of some great object, we are not easily cured of long cherished predilection. Those who believed as firmly as myself in the first promises of the Revolution, have perhaps sometimes felt, like me, a pang of disappointment; but no doubt continue, like me, to love Liberty, quand même to use the famous unfinished phrase of an Ultra, applied to the Kingit may have given some cause of complaint.

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"I am yet to learn, however, what there may be in common with the abhorrence of military despotism expressed in my last letters, and the renunciation of liberal principles. The strange prestige for our Imperial Ruler that prevails in England often renews an accusation which has long since been brought against our Country by Foreigners, that she considers Freedom as a home production, chartered for her own use, and resigns with great equani. mity the government of the rest of Europe to Monarchs-' qui montent à cheval;' the French term for a conqueror."

The Letters have certainly great merit. They describe with fidelity what the Writer of them has seen and known; and her reflections on passing events are the result of attentive observation.

Amongst other subjects of discussion are the persecution of the Protestants, and a supplementary Letter in their Defence; Chamber of Deputies; Law of Elections; Liberty of the Press; Concordat; Mandement; Literature; Science; Bible Society; Missionaries; Education; Recruiting Law; Catholic Processions; Aix-laChapelle; and the Proposition to change the Law of Elections.

73. Chronicon Mirabile; seu, Excerpta Memorabilia e Registris Parochialibus Com Pal. Dunelm. Pondere non Numero. 8vo. pp. 26. Garbutt, Sunderland.

THIS is a Tract, which (similar to "Jacob Bee's Book," noticed in 1819, Part ii. p. 614.) if it had no intrinsic merit, is of sufficient rariety to make it valuable, only 25 copies having been printed. But it possesses other attractions.

The "Prologue," from the pen of the Editor, Sir Cuthbert Sharpe, will be found in our Poetry for the pre

sent month.

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"John Slater, one of the bailiffs, from St. Nicholas, bur. 8 July, 1722. "Mem. Ye River was risen so high yt they could not bring the corps up New Elvet, but were obliged to carry it up Old Elvet & y Ratten Row. It was ye greatest flood yt had been in ye memory of man."

"7 June, 1725. All communication between Shincliff and ye Town was stopped by a great flood, which yet rose not so high (by near a yard perpendicular) as yt of July 8, 1722, commonly called Slater's flood.

"June 21. Towards night there was another flood very near as high as y⚫ former, but did not last so long: for yt kept to ye heigth near 12 hours; but ye brooks did more harm yn in ye former flood-The public news give an account yt most counties of England have suffered as much or more by water ya wee; & yt a great part of Europe bave been equalt sufferers

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sufferers by Rain and (wt we felt not so much of,) bail and lightning."

"1568. Md, that a certaine Italian

brought into the cittie of Durham, the 11th day of June, in the yeare above sayd, a very great strange & monstrous serpent, in length sixteene feete, in quantitie & dimentions greater than a great horse; which was taken & killed by spe

ciali pollicie in Ethiopia, within the Turkes dominions. But before it was killed, it had devoured (as it is credibly thought), more than 1000 p'sons, and destroyed a whole countrey."

"From Norton.

"The Reverend Mr. Thomas Forster, A. M. Parochial Curate of Barnard Castle, son of the worthy and Reverend Mr. Joseph Forster, present Vicar of this place, bur. 29 May, 1743. Comeliness and cheerfulness shone brightly in him: his expressions were handsome, facetious, and mild: to all easy and just: to his friends particularly respectful. In short, he, wanted no quality or virtue to make him a compleat gentleman and good Christian. He died universally lamented by all that knew him, or had the happiness to be of his acquaintance, in the 35th year of his


Mrs. Mary Forster, wife of the Rev. Mr. Joseph Forster, Vicar, bur. 27 April, 1744. It may be truly said of this gentlewoman, that none ever excell'd, & very few equall'd her, in the true social virtues which adorn human life. She employed her whole time in continual acts of piety & charity. In her, the poor never wanted a friend to relieve them in their various distresses, nor her neighbours a willing & impartial mediator in their differences. In short, the whole pleasure of her life was doing good, & her death is a general loss."

We are led to hope for continuation of this "Chronicon Mirabile."

74. Remarks on The General Sea-bathing Infirmary at West Brook, near Margate; its public utility and local treatment. By Christianus. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. 130. Simpkin and Marshall. TRULY this is a very singular publication, interesting in many respects, although compiled from documents chiefly of a controversial nature, and even of an angry complexion in some particulars." Delirant reges, plectuntur Achivi," i. e. in plain English, The Governors of a noble Institution dispute, and its poor inmates suffer of course.-We unfeignedly regret whilst we record the melancholy fact. Not inattentive GENT. MAO. April, 1820.

spectators of the bustling scene, yet cautious not to mix in the fray which we lament, we consider ourselves qualified to offer some impartial thoughts on the subject; and we do here offer them accordingly, in the spirit, and (we should be happy to add) with the power, of conciliation. With almost all the known parties engaged in the controversy we live in habits either of intimate friendship or of courteous acquaintance and sincere good-will: and, respecting each gentleman concerned for the purity of his separate motives, and for the uprightness of his intentions, we yet cannot but own our reluctant conviction that every disputant in his turn, and in proportion to his means, seems to have erred from the practice of Christian charity. Throughout the unnatural contest, we have sought anxiously and in vain, to discover, if possible, one direct and manly overture towards peace; we have tried to trace in the muddy road one step distinguished for the regularity and precision of its onward course; we have listened to many conversations, and have perused many papers, with this view to no purpose; and now we terminate our enquiries with a brief Review of the book before us, still cherishing hopes that men of character and worth will ere long mutually forgive their heats, and forget their estrangement.

The Work is pleasingly dedicated, thus:

"To the friend of man, who shews forth the praise of God, not only with his lip, but in his life; to James Taddy, esq. of Hartsdown, V. P. of the General Seabathing Infirmary; these REMARKS, in and gratefully dedicated, by Christianus,” testimony of his virtue, are respectfully

A concise Preface informs us, that "Throughout the following pages the Compiler is not aware of any misrepresentation on his part :"

an information which we will not allow ourselves to doubt, since we perceive the Author to have preserved with scrupulous and laudable fidelity every authentic document produced by both parties, no matter whether such document made for or against his own side of the question.

We shall state the rise of the debate.-A Clergyman, whom to name and to honour for his discharge of parochia!

parochial duties we consider insepa rable acts of justice, on the 29th of August, 1814, commenced an attack on the management of THE INFIRMARY; that attack occasioned a most elaborate defence: and the war of words ended in the exclusion of the interests of that Establishment from the public benefit of the Clergyman's pulpit, and every other Church-pulpit in the whole island of Thanet, ever since. This we deem rather a strong measure: and in the pamphlet before us it is made the theme of animated argument. On Sunday, 1st of October, 1815, a disgraceful counterexpedient was adopted, and two gentlemen were taken into custody: the illegality of their detention led to a law-suit, &c. &c.-" Hinc illa lachrymæ." Fresh troubles occurred in August, 1819. Every circumstance is narrated in the present publication in warm, but gentlemanly language on the part of its Compiler. We should have been glad to have discovered, however, less of party zeal and more of charitable forbearance in certain glowing passages.

For THE GENERAL SEA-BATHING INFIRMARY itself, and its present Directors and Governors we entertain sentiments of grounded esteem. ESTO PERPETUA.

75. A Letter to the Author of a Tract, entitled, "The Stage," &c. By James Plumtre, B. D. Vicar of Great Gransden, Huntingdonshire, &c. 12mo. pp. 21. IN p. 6 of this pamphlet, we find the following passage:

"The Fathers of the Christian Church, by conspiring to suppress the Theatres of Greece and Rome, re-barbarized Europe, and condemned the victims of their tuition to a millennium of ignorance, vassallage and woe."

And in p. 7, we are told that the Theatre has been a palladium of liberty, wisdom, and civilization. We coincide partly with these highly-coloured statements; and we are certain that the Drama is a strong support of our national good sense, especially in checking foppery, frivolity, and nonsense. It has, inter alia, in

Tartuffe and Mother Cole, properly exposed canting hypocrisy; and the furious desire of the Methodists to abolish its delightful, and often very instructive powers of entertainment,

has produced this pamphlet, in which Mr. Plumtre very properly recommends expurgation only. By what authority do the Methodists call upon a learned and enlightened Nation to adopt their trash, when rational piety alone justly exhibits the glory of God, and safely interferes in human affairs? Does not a late Quarterly Review state, that they have propagated nothing but dirt, idleness, and groaning, as true Religion, among the Hottentots? Does not this pamphlet state their Gothic hostility to taste and the fine arts, when (p. 8) they grumble at a statue of Apollo being placed on Drury-lane theatre? When our manufacturers are distressed, are our public places of amusement to be abolished, which occasion an expenditure probably of more than two millions, in dress, toys, and jewellery, because those who attend them must appear in superior apparel. Did this brave, this highly-informed, this opulent and philosophical Nation, learn to acquire its glory, its wealth, and its science from itinerant preachers? and is it thought that we can be reduced to barbarisin, and be priest-ridden like Spain and Portugal? We speak not in an intolerant spirit. We admit the high merit of the Moravian missious. We respect the learning of numerous excellent Dissenters. We esteem the general virtue and benevolence of the Quakers: but we will oppose bare-faced folly and mischief, from an assured tile to Reason. Furthermore we deprinciple, that Christianity is not hosprecate the conversion of plays into sermonizing school-books, where the only dramatis personæ are good papas and mamas. Sensible adults do not need to be treated like children. Wit and good writing highly aid the intellectual taste, and generate a preponderant regard for mind and sentiment. The licence desipiendi in loco, is not only a necessary relaxation, but much more favourable to charity and brotherly love, than the insulting contracted egotism and disputatious narrow-minded pertinacity of Un-God-like Fanaticism.

76. A Sermon preached in the Parish

Church of Weston-under- Penyard, on Sunday, July 18, 1819, in aid of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. By Richard Walond, M. A. Rector of the said Parish; and



Treasurer of the Cathedral Church of Hereford. 8vo. pp. 24. Rivingtons. 77. A Discourse addressed to Unbelievers; or an Astronomical View of the Existence of the Deity. By the same. 8vo. pp. TWO instructive and sound Discourses, where new matter is happily produced on subjects apparently trite. Take the following specimens:

"Whatever is temporal was made by a superior eternal power, that produced it according to His will. The Cause therefore is an intellectual Being. For, supposing a Cause to be entirely the same, and not to produce an effect that afterwards it produces, without any preceding change, it is evident that it operates not by necessity of nature, but voluntarily, and therefore with understanding; as a man who speaks (if we may so say), that before was silent, according to the liberty of his own will." 2d Serm. p. 13.

Mr. Walond concludes with extracts from Professor Vince's Refutation of Atheism. The following passages must, we think, be deemed highly interesting.

"The Universe is also found to contain phænomena, very unlike to any that we have hitherto described. With the best glasses, objects have been discovered, under the appearance of round well defined bodies, of a faint light, some of which have a luminous point situated in the centre; and in respect to their magnitude they cannot be less in diameter, than that of our own planetary system, including the Georgium Sidus. But the most re. markable and singular phænomenon is under the form of an elliptical ring, of a magnitude immense, and beyond the power of all calculation. p. 20.

"When astronomers, with their best telescopes, penetrate into the depths of the Universe, and arrive at the visible boundary of the creation, when apparently nothing is beyond but void space, we might expect darkness to be the termination. In this vast concave expanse however, there are several faintly-illuminated spots, and one of considerable extent; appearing like openings in the dark back-ground into more distant regions. And in all these the boundary of light and darkness is very well definedwhence then the source of this light? and why confined to parts of the expanse?" p. 20.

"The extent of our views, great as it now is, probably comprehends but a very small part of the Universe. To admit a time when there were no created beings, we must suppose the Deity to have existed an eternity of ages by himself, and inactive; a supposition very

hard to be admitted; and if creation had no beginning it can have no bounds. The account of Moses applies to our own system only. Objects have been discovered, whose distances are estimated to be such, that their light must have been nearly two millions of years in travelling down to us: for that length of time, therefore, we are enabled to trace back the existence of the Material Creation."


Unitarians not Infidels; or The Principles of Unitarian Christians stated and explained, and erroneous views respecting them corrected. A Sermon preached before an Association of Unitarian Christians at Hull, September 20, 1818; in which are also defined the Nature and Objects of the Association. By John Platt, Unitarian Minister at Doncaster. 4th Edit. 12mo. pp. 12.

The Title explains the Contents. 79. Tottenham. A Poem. By J. A. Heraud. 8vo. pp. 40. Nichols and Son.

nious. The hero of it is Bruce, founThis Poem is pleasing and harmoder of the Castle which bears his name.

80. God's Revenge against Rebellion: an Historical Poem. With copious Notes, illustrative of the present State of Ireland. Occasioned by a late Edict from Rome, and a Circular Letter of a Titular Bishop in the West of Ireland, against Bibles and Protestant Schoolmasters. By the Rev. John Graham, M. A. 8vo. pp. 24. Duncan at Glasgow.

IN this animated Poem the misery of the lower class of the natives of Ireland is strongly depicted, and one primary cause of it pointed out: "Near where the Boyne runs babbling [vale,

thro' the dale, Where Spring in all her glory decks the Where tuneful birds, inspired with joy and love,

Raise to the skies the music of the grove, See where the pardoned rebel's cottage [ing lands!


To shame the beauty of the neighbourThro' all the roof, with soot and ashes foul,

The melancholy blasts of winter howl: Together on the earth, in this damp sty, His dog, his wife, his swine, and children lie.

An unfenced garden, emblem of his sloth, Exhibits weeds of wild luxuriant growth: Vile are the marks on this abode of sin, Dunghills all round, and filthiness within. The wretched owner once was young and

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But Superstition, foe to human kind, Had laid strong hold upon his youthful mind;

Taught him to tremble at a Bigot's word, And kept him from the SCRIPTURES OF THE LORD."

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"STRANGERS visiting Ireland are apt to charge a considerable portion of the filth and misery of the Popish peasantry, either to the Government, or the landed proprietors; and to represent them in the tours they publish, as an oppressed and broken-hearted people, rendered indolent by extreme ill usage. But those best acquainted with Ireland, know, that the wretchedness of these deluded people proceeds almost exclusively from causes which are unhappily beyond the controul of either the Government or landed proprietors. The poor Irish Roman Catholicks are, in the first instance, most oppressively taxed and fleeced by their own clergy; without whose purchased permission, they can neither be baptized, instructed, married, buried, nor even rest in their graves, -not to mention the continued drain, by purchased absolutions and permissions to commit what they are taught to consider sins, venial or mortal; and, beside, this mendicity is in a manner interwoven with the very frame and constitution of Popery."

81. Britannia's Tears over her Patriot and Hero, the late illustrious and benevolent Duke of Kent and Strathearn, Field-Marshal, &c. Earl of Dublin, K.G., G. C. B., K. G. V., who departed this life January 23, 1820, in the 53d year of his age; an Elegy, descriptive of his Life and Last Hours; with Engravings of the Duke and Duchess and of Kensington Palace. To which is added, A Biographical Memoir. By a Clergyman, late of Oxford. 8vo. pp. 30. G. Greenland,

THESE hasty effusions of the heart," we are told, are the production of one who "admired the virtues, felt the personal kindness, and will ever retain a lively remembrance of the high moral worth, and transcendant benevolence of the Roya! Duke."

The Author justly observes that

"He was educated by his Royal Father in Christian Principles. The seeds of virtue sown in him expanded, as he grew up, into blossoms and fruit, resembling those which adorned the youth, the manhood, and the old age of our late venerated Sovereign. He had rank and affluence. There was no need for him to practice bypocrisy to serve his interests; he loved religion for its own sake; he practiced

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"In every department of Literature, France occupies a lofty pre-eminence.— Her Divines, her Historians, her Statesmen, and her Poets are all of the first order. In Divinity, the sermons and funeral orations of Bossuet, Massillon, Flechier, and Fenelon breathe the sublimest eloquence, the purest morality, and the most ardent and unaffected piety. -In History, Rollin and St. Real are justly admired for their truth and pers. picuity. In Statistics, the writings of Montesquieu and D'Aguesseau contain the soundest principles of Government with the finest sentiments of Libertywhile in Poetry, a host of illustrious names presents itself, from which it is difficult to make a selection.-The Satires of Boileau and the Fables of La Fontaine have never been surpassed-there is a strength and brilliancy in the one, a terseness and naïveté in the other, that defy competition.Florian and the Abbé Delille are entitled to the reputation of elegant and descriptive tinguished for two of the grandest characPoets, and the Henriade is eminently disteristics of Epic Poetry, Sublimity and Pathos. But it is the Dramatic genius of France that constitutes her greatest glory! The dignity of the tragic muse has been nobly upheld by Corneille, Racine, and Voltaire; while the inimitable Moliere, in comedy, has so completely formed a school of his own, that some of the best writers of our own country have not scrupled to adopt him for their model, and to borrow from his resources - his plays are the most finished productions of the comic muse; in the delineation of character, he must however rank second to Shakspeare, for the world never produced three such exquisite originals as Mercutio, Benedick, and Falstaff.

"The following Extracts have been selected

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