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Moved by Rep. Flagg, of Ontario, seconded by Rep. White, of Ohio, that the hours of meetings of this session be as follows, viz., morning sitting from 9 A. M. to 12:30 P.M.; afternoon sitting from 2:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M.; evening sitting from 7:30 P.M. till adjournment.

Bro. Oronhyatekha moved in amendment that the hours of meeting be from 10 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. and from 5 P.M. adjourn at will. Rep. Hastings moved to refer the whole matter to a committee of three of which the representative from the District of Columbia should be chairman. The motion prevailed and the chair appointed Reps. Gurley, of D. C.; Draper, of New York, and Hastings, of Wisconsin, such committee.

The R. W. G. Templar then directed the R. W. G. M. to retire and introduce the Representatives whose credentials had been approved. They were accordingly admitted, and the Right Worthy Grand Lodge Degree conferred upon them.

Moved by Rep. Brackett, of Maine, seconded by Rep. Crooks, of New Jersey, that all motions (except motions to adjourn, to reconsider, to refer, to lay upon the table, to indefinitely postpone, to adopt, and the previous question) and all resolutions shall be reduced to writing, signed by the mover and seconder, and sent to the desk of the R. W. G. Secretary before the same shall be entertained by the chair, and that all resolutions offered shall be referred to the Committee on Distribution for reference to the appropriate committees, without debate, unless otherwise ordered by this body.

Rep. Bullard, of Montana, moved in amendment to strike out the words "and seconder." Amendment accepted and the motion was then adopted.

The Committee to whom was referred the matter of the time of holding the sessions of this body reported as follows:


To the Right Worthy Grand Lodge:

The Committee to whom was referred the resolution and amendments touching the time of the sessions of the R. W. G. Lodge would recommend the adoption of the following:

That the hours of the meetings of this session be as follows, viz.: Morning session from 10 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.; afternoon sitting from 5 P.M. till adjournment. Fraternally submitted,



Motion to adopt lost.

Past Rep. Stearns, of New York, moved, seconded by Rep. Bullard, that we meet at 9 A. M., close at 12:30 P.M., meet at 3:30 P.M., close at 5:30 P.M., meet at 8 P.M., and adjourn at will. Carried.

The R. W. G. Templar then read his annual report as follows; ANNUAL REPORT OF THE RIGHT WORTHY GRAND TEMPLAR. WASHINGTON, D. C., May 27, 1884.

To the Officers and Members of the Right Worthy Grand Lodge I. O. G. T.: The Independent Order of Good Templars-the strongest, most compact, and complete total abstinence organization of the age, after successfully solving the primitive problems of existence, and safely arriving at a vigorous maturity, and its Supreme body having enjoyed the hospitality and the welcome of fifteen of the States of the American Union, besides those of Canada and Great Britain, comes now, with a befitting degree of propriety, after a full generation of existence, to hold the thirtieth annual session of the R. W. G. L. in Washington, the capital city of the American Nation, whence the Order had its origin and birth.

While years past have not all been roseate hued, and the immediate past, it must be confessed, has in a degree been harassing by reason of dissensions (caused by unappreciated and over ambitious individuals), temporarily checking our progress by the creation of a seeming diversity of opinion and method, and involving us in the financial straits of a heavy debt, we may now rejoice in the dawn of a new era, when we may with safety again as of yore, plan for a more active, vigorous, and brilliant future. In our rejoicing, however, let us not forget to gratefully recognize the hand of Divine Providence in permitting us to assemble in this grand and beautiful city-the pride of a nation; and while receiving the kindly greetings of our friends to tell them and all the world that the aims, objects, and motives of our beloved Order have passed the crucial test-have been fully vindicated. The last vestige of the burden of debt, which for so many years has bowed us down, has been lifted, and once more the bright sun of prosperity shines upon us all.

Thirty years of steady growth in numerical strength, in social, political, and moral power, have prepared us to enter upon a broader field, with greater courage and intenser zeal. Should not the success of our principles in the past encourage us to hope for grander results in the near future?

During these thirty years we have seen four million enslaved men and women in this new world made free to be reduced to a yet greater bondage through the power of unbridled appetite. We have seen an immense emigration to this same new world from the old, of peoples who have brought with them the love of strong drink, and an utter disregard of moral ideas, the curse of which has fallen upon the flower of young manhood. We have seen a great National party arise, wielding immense power in behalf of human freedom, and yet, contrary to its professed interest in the weak and lowly, enriching the National Treasury by consenting to the existence of a monster-the fierce Vampire of the Still-which has drank up so much of the rich blood of National life and virtue.

But, on the other hand, we have also seen the little prohibition cloud, no larger than a man's hand, arise" 'way down East," and spread all over the National domain, until the rock-girt shores of New England, the broad prairies of the West, the fertile fields of the South, the Sierra heights and productive valleys of the sunny Pacific have become enriched by its copious showers.

The doctrine of "Total Abstinence for the individual and prohibition for the State," and this by constitutional methods, is no longer an abstraction, an experiment, but a stern reality and a measurable success. Its advocates are no longer a forlorn hope, sent in advance to feel the way and draw the enemies' fire, but they are an immense army of brave men and not less heroic women, who are battling for God and humanity.


The end for which we ́are laboring is the utter annihilation of the traffic in intoxicating liquors to be used as a beverage. This end can only be secured by political action. If, then, we would form a correct estimate of the progress of the great work in which we are engaged, we can only do so by discovering the progress that has been made in convincing the people of the right, duty, and success of prohibiting, constitutional and legislative, and the willingness of the voters to use their political power for the entire suppression of the traffic.

The evidence of progress in each of these directions during the past year has been both marked and encouraging.

Wherever the people have had the opportunity of expressing their views at the ballot-box upon the simple question of prohibition, the expression in its form has been highly gratifying to all who are interested in the success

of the movement.

To speak in detail of the progress of the cause throughout our widely extended jurisdiction would occupy more space than can be accorded to this portion of the report.

A general survey of the field, however, with a more particular allusion to the situation in one or two localities, will not be considered amiss, and will be all that the limits of this report will permit.

At the election in the state of Ohio last autumn, the question of amending the constitution of the state, so as to entirely prohibit the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, was submitted to a popular vote, and although the question was greatly embarrassed by the peculiar manner in which it was submitted, and although all the papers and speakers of the Democratic party openly opposed its adoption, and the speakers and papers of the Republican party generally opposed it or refrained from saying anything in its support, over 323,000 votes were returned in its favor, while it is believed by many that an honest return of the votes cast would show that the amendment was fairly adopted and should now be recognized as a part of the constitution of the state.

The Rev. E. A. Stone, of Galion, Ohio, makes the following very emphatic statement in The Watchman, published in Boston, Massachusetts, December, 27, 1883: "The returns since the battle, from all sections of the state, show that had the votes been honestly counted the amendment was carried by an overwhelming majority, and this is not estimate but careful counts and estimates from all sections. * *Shout it out to the whole land-Ohio carried the second amendment, but the leaders of both the great political parties were so corrupted by the money power of the liquor traffic that they ha ve refused to listen to the voice of majority."


The Rev. Dr. Miner, in his sermon before the Massachusetts legislature, quotes these statements of Mr. Stone, and thep remarks:

"If such statements are true, pray how much of our boasted liberties remain to us? Is not the high moral vote of the North of as much consequence as the empty partisan vote of the Sonth? May not the earnest temperance workers of Maryland, South Carolina, and Georgia fling back to the North the taunt' Give us an honest count?'"'

Kansas maintains her stand firmly in favor of her constitutional and legislative prohibition.

The liquor interests have made a most determined resistance; the opposers

of the law are being gradually driven to the wall, and there is good reason to believe that ere long the triumph of prohibition in that state will be complete.

From reports received from 66 of the 81 organized counties of the state, it is found:

First. That the number of saloons in the state has been materially diminished.

Second. That an unusually large per cent of the prosecutions under the law have resulted in convictions; and

Third. That the principle of prohibition is growing stronger with the people.

Prohibition has actually driven the saloons out of 41 counties where they existed under license.

In 972 cases tried under the law, 729 resulted in conviction. Fines to the amount of $95,200.00 have been imposed, and 81 saloon-keepers have been imprisoned.

In Iowa the situation during the past year has been one of great interest. At the time of our last session, the prohibitionists were mourning over the fact that their supreme court had rendered a decision that nullified their constitutional amendment, which had been adopted by a popular majority of about thirty thousand. It was then generally supposed that measures would be taken to secure a speedy resubmission of the question, but it appears that a different view of the matter has been taken. No movement has been made for a resubmission. One of the judges of the court, who coincided in the decision referred to, was a candidate for re-election. He failed to secure a renomination, but a lawyer who believed the amendment to have been constitutionally adopted, was placed in nomination and triumphantly elected over the candidate of the other party holding opposite views.

The last state election in Iowa turned upon the question of prohibition, it being really the only question involved, and the candidates favoring prohibition were elected, and the legislature at its recent session placed upon the statute book a prohibitory law, with provisions for its enforcement and pen alties for its violation, that are entirely satisfactory to the stalwart prohibitionists of the state. There is no reason to doubt that Iowa will maintain the high ground she has taken on the question, and in addition to the excellent prohibitory law now upon her statute book, that ere many years have passed by, her constitution will be recognized as containing a provision forever prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors to be used as a beverage within her borders.

The movement for constitutional prohibitory amendment is on the increase In quite a number of states the question has been before the legislature and the resolution for submission has been lost by but a few votes, while in other states the measure has met with greater opposition.

It is not in the United States alone that this question of prohibition is receiving increased attention, and that rapid strides towards the entire suppression of the liquor traffic are being made.

In the Dominion of Canada most rapid progress has been made within the past year, and the indications are favorable for the success of prohibition throughout the entire dominion in a comparatively short time.

In Great Britain and Ireland the movement for prohibition under the leadership of Sir Wilfred Lawson, aided by his faithful coadjutor, is making substantial progress, and it is only a question of time when their labors will be crowned with success.

All over the continent of Europe can be seen evidences that the attention of the people is being turned to the evils resulting from the use of intoxicating drinks, and in several localities movements have been inaugurated with a view of adopting measures for the suppression of these evils.

In Australasia the subject is receiving increasing attention, and at every

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session of the colonial parliament measures designed to remove the evils of intemperance are under discussion, and substantial progress in the right direction is frequently made.

But at the present time, and more especially in the United States, the locality around which the greatest interest is concentrating is the state of Maine. Maine took the lead in radical prohibitory legislation. For more than a quarter of a century she has had upon her statute books a stringent prohibitory law. The question as to the success of her prohibitory legislation has been under discussion all over the civilized world; and everywhere it has been felt and acknowledged that the success or failure of the experiment in Maine would have great influence for or against the adoption of similiar legislation in other localities.

At the election during the coming fall, in September next, the people of Maine are again to express their views upon the question of prohibition by voting upon a proposition to insert a provision in their State Constitution forever prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors to be used as a beverage within her bounds. What will their decision be? They have tried license and they have tried prohibition. What is their opinion as to the merits of the two systems? The Republican party for years has declared prohibition to be a success, and as a party has committed itself in its favor. The Democratic party has ceased to oppose it in its party conventions, if it has not taken ground in its favor.

Up to the present time the question of prohibitory constitutional amendment has been submitted in but three states-Kansas, Iowa, and Ohio. In the first two named the verdict of the people in favor of the measure was clear and emphatic, and the evidence is strong that an honest count of the votes would have shown that a majority of the people of Ohio were also in favor of constitutional prohibition. Let the people of Maine now give an overwhelming majority in favor of the measure, and it will give the movement an impetus that will be irresistible in its influence in other states where the measure is now under discussion.

Our order has the deepest interest in the result of this contest in Maine, and all that can be done by individual members, by subordinate and Grand Lodges, and by this R. W. G. L., should be done to aid the friends of prohibition in the state named in securing the desired result.

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At our last session this body placed itself on record in emphatic condemnation of the high license" movement as a delusion and a spare," and in favor of voting "only for such men, and with such political party as will favor the entire suppression of the liquor traffic."

The "high license" movement is having its run. It was started by the opponents of prohibition with the hope of arresting the onward progress of constitutional and legislative prohibition, and it is very much to be regretted that many good men, who have previously been regarded as true friends of prohibition, have been drawn into the movement It is gratifying, however, to see the evidence that these men who have thus been drawn away, are gradually getting their eyes opened, and are returning to their proper places in the ranks of prohibition. One good result of this "high license ment has been to call forth a thorough discussion of the whole question of license by some of the ablest men in the land, and the folly and wrong of the whole license system will be better understood than ever before.



As the two great political parties of the country, except in a few localities, do not favor the entire suppression of the liquor traffic," the action of this body was a virtual endorsement of the independent organization for the suppression of the liquor traffic, and has been so accepted by the Order generally.

A national convention to place in nomination candidates for president and vice-president of the United States, pledged to prohibition, to be supported at the ensuing election, has been called to meet in the city of Pitts

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