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Honour's a mistress all mankind pursue; Yet most mistake the false one for the true: Lured by the trappings, dazzled by the paint, We worship oft the idol for the saint. Courted by all, by few the fair is won;

Those lose who seek her, and those gain who shun :

Naked she flies to merit in distress,

And leaves to courts the garnish of her dress.

The million'd merchant seeks her in his gold; In schools the pedant, and in camps the bold: The courtier views her, with admiring eyes, Flutter in ribands, or in titles rise:

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The beacon of life's dreary sea;
The star of immortality!

Fountain of feeling, young and warm,
A day-beam bursting through the storm!
A tone of melody, whose birth

Is oh! too sweet, too pure, for earth!
A blossom of that radiant tree
Whose fruit the angels only see!
A beauty and a charm, whose power
Is seen, enjoy'd, confess'd each hour!
A portion of that world to come,
When earth and ocean meet,-the last o'er-
whelming doom!

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Hope deferred, maketh the heart sick; but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.

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HOPE-Fallacy of.

At summer eve, when Heaven's ethereal bow Spans with bright arch the glittering hills below,

Why to yon mountain turns the musing eye,
Whose sunbright summit mingles with the sky?
Why do those cliffs of shadowy tint appear
More sweet than all the landscape smiling near?
Tis distance lends enchantment to the view,
And robes the mountain in its azure hue.
Thus, with delight, we linger to survey
The promised joys of life's unmeasured way;
Thas, from afar, each dim-discover'd scene
More pleasing seems than all the past hath

And every form that fancy can repair
From dark oblivion, glows divinely there.

What potent spirit guides the raptured eye
To pierce the shades of dim futurity?
Can wisdom lend, with all her heavenly power,
The pledge of joy's anticipated hour?
Ah, no! she darkly sees the fate of man-
Her dim horizon pointed to a span;
Or, if she hold an image to the view,
Tis Nature pictured too severely true.

Campbell. HOPE-Flattery of. Hope is a flatterer, but the most upright of al parasites; for she frequents the poor man's but, as well as the palace of his superior.


HOPE Inspiring Influence of. Hope is a vigorous principle; it is furnished with light and heat to advise and execute; it sets the head and heart to work, and animates a man to do his utmost. And thus, by perpetually pushing and assurance, it puts a difficulty out of countenance, and makes a seeming impossibility give way. Jeremy Collier.

This hope is earth's most estimable prize;
This is man's portion, while no more than man:
Hope, of all passious, most befriends us here;
Passions of prouder name befriend us less.
Joy has her tears, and transport has her death;
Hope, like a cordial, innocent though strong,
Man's heart at once inspirits and serenes;
Nor makes him pay his wisdom for his joys;
Tis all our present state can safely bear.


Human life hath not a surer friend, nor many times a greater enemy, than hope. 'Tis the miserable man's god, which, in the hardest gripe of calamity, never fails to yield him beams of comfort. 'Tis the presumptuous man's devil, which leads him awhile in a smooth way, and then makes him break his neck on the sudden. Hope is to man as a bladder to

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True hope is swift, and flies with swallow's More dismal by such light: while those that wings,

Kings it makes gods, and meaner creatures kings.

HOPE-Treachery of.


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HOPE-Proper use of.

Used with due abstinence, hope acts as a healthful tonic; intemperately indulged, as an enervating opiate. The visions of future triumph, which at first animate exertion, if dwelt upon too intently, will usurp the place of the stern reality; and noble objects will be contemplated, not for their own inherent worth, but on account of the day-dreams they engender. Thus hope, aided by imagination, makes one man a hero, another a somnambulist, and a third a lunatic; while it renders them all enthusiasts. Sir J. Stephen.


In solemn sorrow, mix'd with wild amazement, Observed a dreadful silence.



Full in the midst the polish'd table shines, And the bright goblets, rich with generous wines;

Now each partakes the feast, the wine prepares. Portions the food, and each the portion shares. Homer.

HOSPITALITY-Definition of. Breaking through the chills of ceremony and selfishness, and thawing every heart into a flow. Washington Irving. HOSPITALITY-of the Heart.

There is an emanation from the heart in genuine hospitality which cannot be described, but is immediately felt, and puts the stranger at once at his ease. Ibid.

HOSPITALITY-Invitation to.
Dry those eyes which are o'erflowing,
All your storms are overblowing:
While you in this isle are biding,
You shall feast without providing.
Every dainty you can think of,
Every wine which you would drink of,

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HOSPITALITY-of the Yeomanry. Some hold, when Hospitality died in England, she gave her last groan among the yeomen of Kent. And still, at our yeomen's tables, you shall have as many joints as dishes. No meat disguised with strange sauces; no straggling joynt of a sheep in the midst of a pasture of grasse, beset with salads on every side; but more solid, substantial food: no servitors (more nimble with their hands than the guests with their teeth) take away meat before stomachs are taken away. Here you have that which in itself is good, made better by the store of it, and best by the welcome to Fuller.

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HOURS-Definition of.

Hours are golden links; - God's token reaching Heaven. Dickens.

HOURS-Virgin Divinities.

Then came the Hours, fair daughters of high


And timely Night; the which were all endued
With wondrous beauty, fit to kindle love.
But they were virgins all, and love eschew'd,
That might forslack the charge to them

By mighty Jove, who did them porters make
of heaven's gate (whence all the gods issued),
Which they did daily watch, and nightly wake
By even turns, nor ever did their charge forsake.

HOUSE-in Chancery (loquitur).

Rats run through my drains, and breed in glory in my sinks, and mice by hundreds have taken possession of my cupboards; the wind which sweeps through the crevices of my shutters plays deadly Eolian tunes on the cobwebs which hang in festoons; but the spiders which spin them do not grow fat, for I am by far too lonely for a decent fly to buzz in. My kitchens are uninhabited, save by houseless cats and long dark London-bred newts, which have lost their colour and their spirits long ago.

HOUSE-Furniture of a.


A house is never perfectly furnished for enjoyment, unless there is a child in it rising three years old, and a kitten rising six weeks. Sou hey. HOUSE-Haunted.

No human figure stirs, to go or come;
No face looks forth from shut or open


No chimney smokes; there is no sign of home From parapet to basement. Hood.

HOUSE-Owner an Ornament to the.

My precept to all who build is, that the owner should be an ornament to the house, and not the house to the owner. Cicero. HOUSE-and surrounding Scenery.

It was a picturesque old house, in a fine park, richly wooded. Among the trees, and not far from the residence, he pointed out the spire of the little church of which he had spoken. The solemn woods over which the light and shadow travelled swiftly, as if heavenly wings were sweeping on benignant errands through the summer air; the smooth green slopes; the glittering water; the garden where the flowers were so symmetrically arranged in clusters of the richest colours, how beautiful they looked! The house, with gable, and chimney, and tower, and turret, and dark doorway, and broad terrace-walk, twining among the balustrades of which, and lying heaped upon the vases, there was one great flush of roses, seeming scarcely real in its light solidity, and in the serene and peaceful hush that rested all around it. Dickens.

HOUSEWIFE-An Industrious.
She was a woman of a stirring life,
Whose heart was in her house; two wheels she

Of antique form;-this large for spinuing wool,

That small for flax; and if one wheel had rest, It was because the other was at work.

Wordsworth. HOUSEWIFERY-the Study of Woman.

Nothing lovelier can be found In woman, than to study household good, And good works in her husband to promote. Milton.

HUMAN NATURE-Characteristics of.

Human nature is not so much depraved as to hinder us from respecting goodness in others, though we ourselves want it. This is the reason why we are so much charmed with the pretty prattle of children, and even the expressions of pleasure or uneasiness in some part of the brute creation. They are without artifice or malice; and we love truth too well to resist the charms of sincerity. Steele. HUMAN NATURE-Corruption of.

If we did not take great pains, and were not at great expense to corrupt our nature, our nature would never corrupt us.

Lord Clarendon.

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