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Union. The people of the United States are the first nation in history where all speak the same vernacular language. The fallen States of antiquity, were ruined in a great measure by the conflicting interests of different races, languages and dialects. And wherever this state of society exists in any nation, the same discord, misunderstanding, jealousy, faction, and national ruin prevail. Fortunately for America, the English language has ever been the prevailing and dominant tongue throughout the country. It is the only idiom for the transaction of public business and for the administration of justice; and is the only language in which public records and laws are recorded. Through this universal channel of unity, the people of all classes can freely communicate their thoughts and feelings, without misapprehensions or the imperfections of translations.

It has been estimated with as much accuracy as the nature of the case will admit, that the whole number of newspapers, periodicals, and tracts, issued daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly, in various sections of the United States, on a fair average, would give one weekly periodical print in every town in the country; supposing each town to contain two thousand inhabitants. If we add to this estimate the thousands of literary works, which are daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly ap. pearing in volumes,-the whole catalogue of public prints and bound volumes, would give a dividend of one to every five inhabitants throughout the nation; who can read them in the English language. These literary ligaments are the strongest ties of social union, which can bind a people together. Educated in the same schools, academies, colleges, and seminaries, speaking and writing the same lan

guage-reading the same papers and books, all advocating the same pure literature, sound government, just laws, equal rights,-moral conduct, and devout religion; the people present to the world a political anomaly, a national unity of principles, feelings and actions, which never has been found in any other country.

With a view of strengthening the American Union,-and drawing the chords of national affection still closer, -the government has established a post-office system, which brings daily to every man's door, the news of all parts of the world; aided by telegraph connections, which furnish all necessary information in advance of the mail, every hour of the day. Such a system of social intercourse, where a nation of thirty million of people, scattered over a territory of three million of square miles,—can converse with each other daily through the mail, the press, and more than thirty thousand miles of telegraphs, with the rapidity of lightning, leaves no room for disunion or dissolution.

In addition to all these social and national ties, the American people who are educated, and eminently social in their thoughts, feelings, volitions, and actions, are constantly associating with each other on terms of respect and equality; where every one is appreciated according to his moral worth,without caste or aristocratic distinction,-mingling in their families, in their neighborly parties,—in their religious worship,-in their literary, political, and benevolent meetings; traveling in every part of the country,-meeting together in their innocent amusements, and schools of learning; while all of these relations and associations operate as so many cords of love and friendship to strengthen and perpetuate the national Union.

The American Union was organized in a spirit of compromise and conciliation,-upon the principle of mutual forbearance and reciprocal concession, for the individual and general good of all; and on these principles the government has ever been wisely conducted. This republican government never requires the sacrifice of compromising the principles of the Constitution; by confounding right and wrong, by infringing on natural rights, and by doing injustice to the lowest subject; but confines compromises, as it justly should, to those minor differences; which arise from a choice of the best ends, and the best means for obtaining them; so as to carry out and enforce the principles of the Constitution and laws.

It has ever been regarded as no ordinary element of stability in any government, that the people voluntarily and habitually control themselves by the sound principles of moral science. It has frequently been remarked by unprejudiced, intelligent foreigners, who have traveled in America, that the moral institutions of the country,including the Sabbath, the marriage contract, the temperance enterprise, the general diffusion of useful knowledge, the charitable societies for the poor and unfortunate, have become so common and familiar, and have reached such a degree of eminence, that they have almost become a second nature to the people. The cause of temperance has so generally diffused itself through all classes of society, that may travel from one extremity of the nation to the other, without meeting a squalid beggar, or a staggering drunkard. The domestic relations of American society are held in such profound veneration; and the Christian Sabbath is so sacredly regarded, that should a general law be enacted abolishing them, by any future tyrant, the, num


ber of families and marriages would not be diminished; nor the sanctity of the Sabbath disregarded. Wherever misfortune overtakes a human being,— no matter who he is, or where he came from, he finds a well-regulated hospital at hand to relieve his distress, and supply his wants.

America is the world's asylum, and the home of the friendless! Here the persecuted, the oppressed, and the disconsolate of all nations, find a happy home-a safe retreat from tyranny. Here the liberty-loving exi es of Jerusalem, Greece, Rome, Poland, Hungary, and Ireland, find a balm for their wounds, which they have received in battling for freedom's cause, —here they find a cordial for all the fears and frowns of despots.

But the top-stone, the crowning arch of this sublime structure, which binds together this national edifice with indissoluble union and durability, is the Christian religion. American religion, like all other American institutions, differs from other nations, ancient or modern, in many important particulars. It is truly the religion of the Bible. The pure principles of the Christian religion, are substantially the same in all civilized nations. But it has been the misfortune of all nations, except America, to commence their national existence with Paganism. And, although, most of them still remain pagans,—yet it is to be regretted, that many of these nations, who have abandoned heathenism, and embraced the Bible, have unfortunately retained too much of the alloy of paganism, in form or substance. But, it will ever be the boast of America, in humble gratitude and dependence on the Great Master of Salvation, that no American citizen ever bowed the knee to Baal,no pagan temple was ever erected on American soil. And although Ameri

can religion is above all civil law, in matters of conscience; and all religious sects, which do not interfere with the rights of others, are freely tolerated; yet all religious associations embrace substantially the same Bible doctrines,-one eternal, all-powerful, wise, benevolent, glorious and just God, the free agency and immortality of man, salvation through Christ, the resurrection of the dead,—and the final judgment and general retribution; with other kindred principles of gospel faith,--in harmony with moral science. The motto of every American is,—

"Our country, may she ever be right!


But, right or wrong,―our country! " The American Union can never fall, except by the quintuple crime of treason, fratricide, matricide, infanticide, and suicide, a compound felony, as yet unknown in heaven, earth, or hell. Surely a nation of such providential and marvelous history,-constructed upon the wisest principles-must be safe; where the greatest diversity is combined in the most perfect unity; where every power has its just and equal balance; while the labors of government are discreetly and safely divided between the people and their public officers, equally diffused throughout the Republic: where the only ob*ect of the government is the general weal, and the greatest good of all; a national Union, founded on sound law, pure morals, and the Bible's religion; in a land where civil and aggressive war has never been known; in a coun try where every facility for the acquisition of wealth, learning fame, and happiness, are freely offered to all; where a free and happy people are indissolubly united and bound together by every social tie of interest, affection, virtue, and bliss; where the laws of society, in all their relations, adapt

ations, excellences, and utility, are understood and obeyed; where justice is the only test of right, and moral excellence is the only standard of merit. Such a government, embracing so many principles of national stability never can fall, until it is dissolved by the "Wreck of matter and the crush of worlds."

That the American government has imperfections, and needs improvement, is not necessary to deny; and were it otherwise, it would be Heaven, and not the American Union. And it is equally true, that it is the best government the world has ever seen; and contains more excellence and utility, and more principles of national stability, than all the other governments of ancient or modern times. Its value

is beyond all computation or human estimate. Its durable support is found in the heart of every freeman, every patriot, and every lover of humanity on the globe; and its durability is unmeasured by the flight of years, or the dateless eras of futurity.

To think of dissolving such a government, for weal or woe, would be the height of madness and folly, as well as universal ruin to all. Suppose the Union dissolved,-who in the whole Republic would be in the least benefited? or who in the whole Union would not be injured?

Who could wish to survive the ghastly, bleeding, groaning, expiring corse of his country? How would you divide the territory of three thousand million of acres, in which all the inhabitants are tenants in common? How would you divide the salubrious atmosphere, the broad seas, the wide rivers, the expanded lakes, the sublime cataracts, the mineral waters, and the sweet gushing fountains? Where can vou find a court, except in Heaven's high chancery, which has jurisdiction to dissolve this partnership of thirty

million of freemen,-and close up the business of the firm, justly and satisfactorily to all the parties concerned? What dismal, ill-fated characters shall express the equation or proportion for dividing thirty millions of husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers and sisters, friends, relations, and lovers? What doomed figures can be selected from the whole universe; which would consent to stand as the exponent, for the dividend each citizen should have in the graves of our common ancestors, and the bones of our heroes? Give us the arithmetic of each citizen's dividend in the ashes of Washington and his generals! What American Judas,-what human demon would dare to annihilate the model government of this world, and, for aught we know, of other worlds, and then meet in a future existence, the frown,-the withering scowl of cold contempt,--from Wash

ington and his heroes? Who could endure, for a single moment, the finger of scorn,-the curse of God, and of all creation, emphatically say. ing, "That is the wretch, who dissolved the American Union!" Dissolve the Union! Perish the thought before High Heaven! Never think of it, until the sun, moon, and stars shall be turned to darkness,-and rush madly from their orbits,--wandering rayless, and trackless through infinite space! Dissolve the Union! For what purpose? For good, or evil? For evil? Never,--until the last saber shall be shivered to atoms,-and the heart of the last American shall cease to beat? For good? Impossible, until it shall be necessary to light a taper at noonday to improve the light of the blazing sun,—or dip an oar to hasten the plunge of Niagara, or wave a lady's fan to increase the fury of the tornado!





"Lo, the poor Indian! whose untutored mind
Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind!
His soul proud science never taught to stray
Far as the Solar Walk or Milky Way;
Yet simple nature to his hope has giv'n,
Behind the cloud-top't hill, a humble heaven;
Some safer world, in depth of woods embrac'd,
Some happier island in the wat'ry waste;

Where slaves, once more, their native land behold,
No fiends torment, no Christians thirst for gold.
To be contents his natural desire;

He asks no angel's wing, no seraph's fire;
But thinks, admitted to that equal sky,
His faithful dog shall bear him company."

I AM an aged oak, seared in the leaf, but sound at heart; and the bleak

winds of more than a hundred winters have whistled through my branches.

This old, red, and mortal casket, measuring seven feet in height, weighing two hundred pounds, and well proportioned, contains a young, white, and immortal spirit, destined, as I humbly hope, for an eternity of bliss. This large old pate, of high front and broad temples, which has been pelted by the storms of a thousand moons, and has been a target for thousands of tomahawks and arrows, is still sound as a nut; and contains a soul clear as the sun, and calm as the breast of the lake, when the loud winds are hushed in silence.

My long and flowing locks, which have been the sport of winds and waves through field, flood, and flame, for more than a century; once black, as a raven, but now blanched with the frosts of ages, remain thick and firm, as in the heat of youthful blood. My large, good-natured, black eyes, which, long time ago, could measure the dimensions of a humming-bird or butterfly through the distance of two hundred yards, are now dimmed with a good old age, and no better than a white man's vision.

My high, broad, and tawny cheeks, which have been so frequently and so sweetly kissed by Lady Washington, and her revolutionary sisters, as tokens of respect for my deeds of daring in the battle-field, liave lost their youthful charms; and are now covered with the scars of war, and the wrinkles of anxious care. My broad shoulders, which, in the day of my hunting glory, could bear an old buffalo to my wigwam, over miles of vale and mountain, are now satisfied with the weight of my bow and quiver; together with my scalping-knife, saber, pipe, horn, rifle, and tomahawk, suspended on each side. These two brawny, tawny, and horny hands, have never been stained with innocent blood; nor have they

ever drawn a bow, except in liberty's


My trusty blade, a present from the brave Kosciusko, has scalped hundreds in fighting for American Liberty; and still thirsts for the blood of tyrants. These large athletic limbs have stood sentry over the immortal Washington, while sleeping in his tent; and have bounded like an antelope over hill and dale, through flood and flame, with the speed of a hundred miles between the rising and setting sun, to fight for the pale faces, in their battles for freedom. My cap, made of the purest gold, and plumes of the richest feather, were a present from my good Lady Washington; as a tribute of respect for dashing out the brain of that tory Indian; who so sacrilegiously and cowardly fired at her husband, while on his knees under a forest tree, devoutly invoking the aid of the Great Spirit, on the eve of battle. My keen old Damascus saber, which has been wielded in the wars of many past centuries, by the hands of the best Jewish, Egyptian, Grecian, and Roman heroes; and once the favorite blade of Cæsar, was presented to me by General Washington, as a token of gratitude for saving his life in the heat of battle.

My war-robe -a large Cashmere shawl-presented by that great and good man, General Lafayette, which now drapes this mortal body from my shoulders to my leggins, has more than once been shared in its ample folds with Washington, Kosciusko, and Lafayette; in sheltering them from the snows that drifted over them in the battle-field; while they slumbered together as quiet and happy as babes in a mother's arms; under the watchful care of myself, and my braves, on the eve of battle. On this rich and beautiful purple robe, which cost my warm-hearted benefactor one thousand dollars in Europe,

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