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Mr. SPEAKER: It seems to me most fitting that when the scenes of strife and confusion which usually fill this Chamber have been succeeded by the Sabbath quiet we should put aside the ordinary activities and thoughts of the world and spend a little time in meditating upon the virtues and conduct of those of our colleagues who have penetrated the great beyond.

The great Giver of Life has so ordered things that after the allotted years that man spends in the activities and strife of this world he should pass on to another state of existence, where, no doubt, he will find new conditions and new opportunities for the exercise of all those powers which his schooling in this world has developed. Our fellow-laborer, LLEWELLYN POWERS, after a life of great activity and usefulness in business and the public service, has made this change. We can not penetrate the veil and discover what his present condition may be. It only remains for us to think of and talk over his useful life and derive such lessons and strength from it as we may.

When I entered the Fifty-ninth Congress, I at once came into close relationship with LLEWELLYN POWERS as a member of the Committee on Banking and Currency, of which he also was an old and active member. I should say that the strongest elements in his character were his absolute independence, his self-reliance, his boldness and fearlessness in defending those things that he conceived to be right and for the highest interests of his country, and attacking fiercely those things that he judged wrong or ill-advised.

But the legislative warfare of Mr. POWERS was never personal; it never had any bitterness in it. While he respected

the opinions of his fellows, while he freely yielded to them the same right of individual judgment and action which he claimed for himself, he did his own thinking; he made up his mind without much reference to the opinions of his fellows. After careful research and investigation, after informing himself as thoroughly as circumstances would permit, and having made up his mind upon any matter, he was like adamant; he could not be moved nor swerved from his purpose to be loyal to his own convictions by personal considerations, selfish suggestions, or any ulterior motive whatever. For these characteristics in his life I admired LLEWELLYN POWERS while he was among us; I revere his memory now that he has passed from us, and I am glad of this opportunity to testify to my appreciation of his strength as a legislator, to his strict honesty, and his unfailing courtesy to all his brother Members of this House.

The people of his district evidently knew of his sterling characteristics, appreciated his honesty and unselfish devotion to their interests, and his character as a man at their full value, and kept him here many years as their Representative. His service in this House has honored them as well as himself, and in his death the House has lost one of its most conscientious, industrious, and able Members, his district a Representative of the first order, and his country a statesman and patriot.

Mr. POWERS was not what would be called a religious man. His mind was of that practical turn which was interested in and busied itself with all the business and material activities of life; but he had a simple child-like trust, and I have no doubt that as he went down into the dark valley he could say in truth with the great poet of humanity,

I know not where His islands lift
Their fronded palms in air;

I only know I can not drift

Beyond His love and care.

If it be given to those who have entered the great beyond to have memory of the deeds done in the body and to know of the results of the life they led here, surely satisfaction must fill the heart of our brother in the realms above when he thinks of the useful and stainless life which he led in this world. Let us emulate his virtues; and while recognizing that like all humanity he had his frailties and failings, we can not do better than to follow in his footsteps in our service in this Chamber, and strive as he strove, with singleness of heart, to uphold that which is right, to fight with courage and persistence against that which is wrong in legislation, and to do our part in bringing the country which we all love up to a full realization of its highest ideals.


Mr. SPEAKER: Llewellyn POWERS was the scion of a martial race. Beneath the gentleness of his mien, the 'modesty of his manner, there was easily discernible the stalwart strength and the unfaltering courage that under other circumstances would have made a warrior.

The elements

So mix'd in him, that Nature might stand up
And say to all the world, "This was a man!"

And the elements were so mixed as not only to make a model man, but a typical legislator. He came of a family of lawyers, too. It was not necessary to read his biography to know that LLEWELLYN POWERS was not only a jurist, but that he possessed fundamentally a judicial mind, clear, lucid, strong, practical. It was natural that such a man should become a lawmaker. was fortunate for his people that he was so long intrusted with the great responsibilities which he discharged with such signal fidelity.


At this time we can look back over the career of this remarkable man with peculiar pleasure and peculiar reverence. He possessed that rare quality that Gibbon has aptly portrayed in Antoninus Pius-equanimity. It is necessary in a lawmaker, it is essential to a successful executive. This man did not seek the limelight. He was in no sense spectacular. Appreciating and deserving the confidence of the people, he sought their sober approval rather than their hilarious applause. He was not deterred by popular clamor. He was not intoxicated by fulsome praise. These qualities made him a great governor.

The phenomenal, the unprecedented majority which he received when a candidate for that high office indicated the confidence of his people, their unalterable faith in a man whom they had known so long and whom they had tried in so many, so varied, and responsible positions. And from my knowledge of the legislator and the man, it is with peculiar pleasure that I can contemplate him as the chief executive of a great Commonwealth. Fearless, possessing that serene courage that is not even conscious of danger, is not even conscious of its own fearlessness, any more than a saintly woman thinks of her sinlessness or virtue, it was a matter of course; firm as adamant, yet without stubbornness, modest, willing to hear, possessing that humility that always accompanies deep thought and great learning.

A good listener, conscious of his own fallibility, careful, considerate, patient in research, he at last reached his own conclusion; and when convinced of the rectitude and the wisdom of his action, no consideration of interest or fear could move him. There was a clamor in his own State, as there is clamor in every State when we stand upon the precipitous brink of war, and he turned a deaf ear to his critics, and then secured the end for which they boldly complained by the voluntary sacrifice of his private fortune.

He came into this House rich in honor and in experience. Without seeking the position, he discharged its duties with patience, with diligence, and with marked ability.

Back again to the practice of the great profession that he loved and honored he displayed his signal disinterestedness, his earnest desire to serve his people and do their bidding. Having been a Member of Congress, he became again a member of the state legislature. It is a simple incident, but it is a strong light upon character. I know nothing that indicates to my 78125-H. Doc. 1512, 90–2- -3

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