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hope.' And he burst forth into a flood of tears. Soon a change came over him, as if he had taken a deep resolution, and he stood gazing at me with the same kind of expression as when I met him in the corridor.

"I was transfixed to the spot, and could not answer him, but when I again regained my self-command tears of pity ran down my cheeks -tears of pity for Roland.

"I told him how I should ever remain faithful to my promise; that I would never mention a word I had heard that night. Still he was silent, and in a mournful voice he bade me depart.


That night I saw him leave the house; I saw him gaze long at the ancient pile; I saw him kiss his hands at his parents' room, then vanish amidst the dark forest-and I have never seen him more."

We all thanked Hubert for his interesting story, and thought how cruel was jealously to have interrupted the sway of such a divine love, and cast the actors in death's outstretched arms.




O traveller who has been privileged to gaze upon the Lake of the Four Cantons can ever forget the rugged mountain which raises its half score of jagged summits not far from the town of Lucerne. Of this frowning mountain mass, one of whose peaks would far overtop Helvellyn piled on Snowdon, several tales are told. We choose the best known.

Pontius Pilate, governor of Judæa, after many years of evil-doing, was at length summoned to Rome by the Emperor Tiberius to give an account of his misdeeds. Before the wicked governor's approach, the Emperor was terribly angry and breathed out fierce threatenings of punishments in store; but as soon as the accused made his appearance, the wrath of Tiberius died away; Pilate was kindly received and soon dismissed without rebuke. But as the governor disappeared, the Emperor's wrath again awoke. Pilate was a second time summoned to the Imperial presence, and again

now condemned the prisoner, who forestalled the executioner by stabbing himself. The body was then cast into the River Tiber.

But presently terrible storms arose and continued increasingly, until it was discovered that the body of the malefactor Pilate was the cause of all the mischief. It was therefore taken from the water and sent to Vienne in Gaul, when similar storms of wind, hail, thunder and lightning so terrified the inhabitants that they hastily despatched the accursed object to Lausanne. Here, too, the dreadful tempests compelled the people to carry away the body to the top of a lonely mountain and cast it into a silent lake at its summit. Thus came Pilate to the neighbourhood of Lucerne.

Soon the unquiet spirit began to move about in his new abode. He wandered from peak to peak stirring up the tempest; then he raised the surface of the little lake until it overflowed and sent its waters to bear destruction through the neighbouring lowlands. Many were the pranks he played among the shepherds, coming suddenly behind them and thrusting them and their flocks over a frightful precipice, or leading them astray to perish miserably.

At length a great magician came that way. To him the natives applied, with many prayers, that he would rid them of the evil spirit. He consented, and proceeded to climb to the spot where Pilate reigned amid the chaos of storm and desolation. He began the utterance of spells so mighty that even the very rocks tottered before him; yet Pilate moved not. The magician proceeded to still more powerful incantations; insomuch that even at this day a spot is pointed out, where, in the midst of the grass, no green blade grows, owing to the might of the sorcerer's words. The struggle waxed fierce, and at length Pilate was obliged to make terms. He agreed to rest in peace, upon condition that he should be allowed to roam at will for one day in the year. Thus the magician brought peace to the distressed inhabitants. Pilate kept his word. Once only in his red judicial robes, raised above the lonely the year, upon Good Friday, he sits, clothed in lake. Whoso sees him, to him is that sight a sign of speedy death. Yet if anyone in a spirit of lightness and folly casts aught into the dark waters, or intentionally disturbs them, tain, the sky becomes overcast, and the bright forthwith the clouds collect around the mounlightnings flash forth. Thus runs the tradition of the Pilate Mountain.

All matter for insertion in "THE ENGLISH HOUSEHOLD

kindly received as before, and dismissed with a like result. As soon as he left the spot the Emperor again became angry, and sent a third time for the delinquent. The courtiers, however, now suspecting the influence of magic, examined the accused, and found upon him a charm to disarm the Emperor's fury. This they took away, with the result that Tiberius Printed for the Proprietors by M. & M. W. LAMBERT, 50, Grey

MAGAZINE" must be sent in to the Office, 50, Grey Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne, not later than the 14th of every month, and written on one side only.

Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne.


BY REV. J. MILLIGAN. Even now I see

The busy post-house, where the Royal Mail
Changed its four reeking steeds each day at noon.
How vivid I recall that noonday scene!
The buxom landlady, in curls and smiles-
The hunch-back hostler, busy as a bee-
The jovial driver, of such portly size

That, when he mounted to his seat, the coach
Rocked like a ship at sea; and perched behind,
Upon a semi-circular seat, the guard,
In scarlet coat, with face as fiery red
As sun at setting ;--the clear ring of hoofs,
The roll of wheels-the schoolboys' loud huzzas,
As down the street, amid a cloud of dust,
Rattled the Royal Mail !

Brown number one, who came over with William the Conqueror in the capacity of a water clerk, and was afterwards raised to the peerage), down to the present time would be a great success. In the meantime let us have the sequel to your "First Journey;" and if you have any further information regarding our amiable friend, Mr. Thick, put it in.

Kindly excuse my impertinence, and, in the language of poor people applying to Parliament when they want anything, your petitioner will ever pray, &c.


WHEN I got home on the completion of my "First Journey," and announced to the wife of my bosom the pleasant change which had come over our fortunes, she was greatly affected. The dear little woman burst into tears, and did not know what to say, where to look, or what

MR. BROWN'S SECOND JOURNEY: to do for gladness. Her heart was full; and,

Or Further Reminiscences of a Commercial Traveller.


Snobtown, N.B.,
June 10th, 1881.

Sir,-I beg to inform you that I have perused the libel and caricature which you have thought fit to publish regarding me in that wretched brochure, "Mr. Brown's First Journey."

It is on a par with your previous vulgarity. I have a great contempt for all commercial travellers and persons in that sphere of life. For yourself, I only hope that before you die you will receive a paper medal; and when you quit this vale of tears I will subscribe to a monument for you with this proviso, that it be made of the best brass, pedestal, statue, and all. In the meantime, allow me to state that when you come to Snobtown you will get a warm reception and no order. Yours affectionately, P.S.-Mr. McShy sends his kind regards.



Argyle Street, Glasgow. Mr. John Brown, Edinburgh. June 12th, 1881. Sir,-We have seen "Mr. Brown's First Journey," and have read it with exceeding pleasure. It is a striking but ill-drawn likeness of ourselves. We think you a poor writer, and allow us to add that your style wants finish as well as accuracy. We have ordered 500 copies to give (not away) to our fireman to light the furnace with. Be sure and call the next time you are in Glasgow, as some of us desire to present you with an illuminated address. Yours faithfully,



Hope Villa, Balham, Surrey.
June 13th, 1881.


My dear Mr. Brown,-I have swallowed your RemIniscences" with delight. They are immense. I read them in their collected form at one sitting, and laughed until I brought the tears to my eyes, and found myself minus two of my waistcoat buttons. I would not lay the flattering unction to your soul, or your body either-as the schoolmaster said when he thrashed the boy-but I am sure that you are destined to take a high place amongst authors.* I would not presume to advise, but I do think "history" is your forte; and I hope that you will devote your talents to some really great work. Family histories are now in vogue: the Frasers, the Maclarens, the McPatricks, the McSandies, the Colquhouns, the Carrs, the Phillipsons, and the Ridleys have all their chronicles; and what has been done for these families you might do for your own, viz., the Browns. I honestly think that the history of the Browns (from Over the left.-J. B.

placing Johnny on my knee, she remarked

"That was just what I hoped for, John, on the sad night when you came home, with your face as long as a mill lead, and told me that you had been asked to look out.' There is nothing, my dearest," she continued, "which happens to the right-minded, to the leal and true, but what is intended by a higher power for their ultimate good. The treatment you received from McJohn and McShy seemed to me a draught from a coarse earthen vessel. But that is revenged now; it is exchanged for true bliss, served up to us in golden cups. Let us pray," added my 'better-half,' with an emotion which graved itself in bold lines over her features, "that we may be kept humble." Then, recollecting herself, as she saw me smiling at her excitement, Mrs. Brown suddenly changed the subject, and broke out with, "Now, John, what do you think of your son?"

"O, I have been taking stock of him all the while; and I am sure," said I, "he is a perfect beauty. Don't you think," I added, with the slightest twinkle in my left eye, "that he takes after his mother' in regard to his looks, and after his father as regards wisdom."

"Not at all, you bad man. You flatter me, and at the same time you are fishing for a compliment to yourself. Now, you know, John," she added, "that I hate flattery, and will not have it even from husband." my "Ah, well, my dear," said I, in my blandest manner, "I dare say we had better change the subject." (This is what I always do when the usually placid surface of Mrs. Brown's temper gets a little ruffled.)

About this time Tooth and Claw had their final fling at me. They sent me an epistle full of the sweetest denunciations, and threatened me with everything except capital punishment. I answered them with a brief letter, couched in my most forcibly polite style, and as it was the means of putting a stop to a pleasant correspondence, I transcribe it in extenso :-

Gentlemen,-Yours of the 17th instant to hand. I have left your service. I have dismissed you from hold

[blocks in formation]

I REMAINED at home for some time after this, busied with the arrangements for our removal to Edinburgh. I will not forget that "flitting" as long as I live. Even now I tremble as I think of it. The baby was cross, my wife was crosser, and my mother-in-law, who was assisting us, was, undoubtedly, crossest. My wife declares that I was the most ill-tempered of the ill-tempered quartette; but, of course, that is scarcely correct. We secured a nice house, up six pair of stairs, top flat, right hand door, which, as described in the advertisement, had "Dining room, drawing room, three bed rooms, kitchen, scullery, &c., all on one floor; rent £40, and taxes extra". There was one recommendation about the dwelling, and it was this- We were as near heaven and as far removed from earth as we possibly could be; upwards there was nothing between us and the skies, earthwards it was all the same, but different, for there was an immensity of space (looking from the front windows) which we were undesirous of taking at a single step.

Having learned off the catalogue of my new employers, Messrs. Rutherford and Wise, I applied myself to mastering the duties of my situation, and found them eminently agreeable. I had an office in town, and a clerk of seventeen summers (of whom more afterwards).

I was much pleased with Edinburgh. The beauty of it is undeniable; and, on a fine day in June, when the leaves are in their first with a blue sky, trimmed with snow green, white clouds-the graceful drapery of celestial worlds-the town, as seen from a height, has a magnificent appearance. But, like all terrestrial towns and things, the modern Athens has its drawbacks and its imperfections. These are not seen by the inhabitants, although apparent to the stranger. The people who dwell in the lofty stone mansions, with which this city abounds, affect a lofty stone manner to all but their own immediate circle; and, although there are many rich and genteel people there, it is also true that the majority are very genteel but very poor, and these latter affect the manners and customs of their wealthier neighbours. To this day, you will find families who come down in full dress to a dinner composed of half a pound of mutton chop, a tapioca pudding, and a demi bottle of two shilling claret, divided among three. But these are surface faults.

There is wealth, and genius, and learning, and culture, and generous hearts to be found in the Scottish Metropolis.

Another epistle from an old friend and acquaintance has just turned up among my manuscripts. It is as follows:

My dear Mr. Brown,-I beg, in the most respectful and humble manner, to write you these few lines, hoping that they will find you quite well as they do not leave me in the same. The object of my addressing you at this critical juncture of my affairs is to explain my real situation to you, convinced, as I am, that you will not turn a deaf ear to my request. You may perhaps be aware that I have left Messrs. Tooth and Claw, and not with a benediction. I served those gentlemen with my mind and heart, my soul and body, for five years, and I know that I did my duty honestly and faithfully. Should I never write another line, I will speak the truth to you. They always made me their scape-goat. It was they who prepared the shot; and I had to fire it, while they remained at an easy but safe distance. I had 26s. per week and no perquisites. One day, because I was rather elevated (a large order had come in through my exertions, and, being wearied, I stepped along to the Trongate and had a nip of claret-only one), I was dismissed upon the spot. The shock to my weak nerves was such that I fell flat on the floor, and the only thing I remember is staggering down the stairs, the boys jeering at me all the while, and the girls laughing behind the parcels; while a wicked porter, who never previously dared to whisper in my presence, called out, in stentorian tones, as I was passing through the back door :

"This comes, Mister Jamie Thick, of painting your nose and lifting your little finger once too often up towards the evening star."

I took my bed for ten days, and am only now recovering. I am afraid that I can never look the world in the face again. There is nothing for me but to turn my face to the wall. I am convinced that I shall soon divest myself of this my mortal coil, to go, I hope, to a better and brighter sphere.

I have taken the liberty of writing to you, as, if I recollect rightly, our mutal relations were always pleasant. Hoping that Mrs. Brown and the family are well, I am, my dear sir,

Your most obedient servant,

JAMES ARTHUR THEOPHILUS THICK. P.S.-Owing to my bank account being for the present overdrawn, I am in great pecuniary distress. If you could send me £20 on my personal security for one month, I will gladly pay you 10 per cent. interest. J.A.T.T.

I did not reply to my correspondent's letter for a few days, when I sent him £2, which was what he asked for, less the 0, and that, as my wife remarked, was only a nothing.



UPON entering on my duties as agent and representative for Messrs. Rutherford and Wise, I found that it was usual to keep in Edinburgh a stock of such goods as were in most demand, and from which I could rapidly supply all the wants of my customers. I was expected to see all our clients from Berwick to Inverness, once every six months, and as it was only the best men in each town that I called upon, I did not find my duties unreasonably onerous. In my previous journey Tooth and Claw had excepted Edinburgh and Glasgow, as these were called their strongholds, and Mr. Tooth

did Edinburgh himself, while Glasgow was left to the tender mercies of Mr. Claw. It was consequently with some hesitation that I looked forward to making my start in these towns. In commencing, in Edinburgh especially, I felt some natural perturbation, for I had been informed that I should there find the cream of the men in our trade. Educated often beyond the requirements of their business, they supplemented their education by a wide acquaintance with literature. I was told it was not a mere acquaintance of titles and prices, but a well grounded knowledge of books and authors.

Having mastered, as far as possible, in the time at my disposal, the various details of my catalogue, I commenced on Monday morning, having previously got a third thin ivory card printed



With a few of these in my pocket I went forth, nervously twittering at the thought of encountering for the first time our Edinburgh friends. After meditating upon whom I should call, I finally resolved to visit firstly Mr. Timothy McCheek.

He had a fine shop in one of the principal streets, and upon presenting my card, he quietly took me into an office in the middle of the shop, and showed me a placard :

"Commercial Gentlemen must call before 9 o'clock in the morning. Those not complying with this rule will not receive any orders."

Addressing me in a loud nasal sort of tone, he remarked, "I see you are a new hand, and cannot be expected yet to be aware of the rules of this establishment, otherwise I would not have spoken to you to-day. You may leave your account, and I will get it checked. Call to-morrow at half-past eight." I thanked Mr. Timothy McCheek for his kind intimation, and as a traveller has to suit himself to all hours and tempers and whims and inconveniences, I noted the engagement and kept it accordingly. This gentleman gave me the smallest order, deducted the largest discount, and made himself more generally disagreeable than all the rest of the trade in the town. Leaving Mr. McCheek, I called on a large buyer, Mr. Portobello, and was received by him in a gentlemanly manner, asked to return after six o'clock, and after wishing me every success in my new appointment, showed me very kindly to the door. The next customer whom I ventured to visit was Mr. Pleasant-a new and secondhand bookseller, in a large way. He was a

tall, stout, fair-complexioned person, with a soft voice and a heavy beard, and was, altogether, the model of a gentleman-being kind, goodnatured, and liberal-minded. He showed me some splendid and rare works in fine condition-but remarked that he had so complete a stock of ancient and modern authors that he did not feel inclined to add to it at the present time, but added that if I had anything out of the way, recherché, scarce, or special, he would look at my stock. I ventured to mention that I had some such works, and Mr. Pleasant gave me a good order. From my note book I extract the most curious :-

13/12 Longshank's Instruction to Bagmen, 2s. 6d. 13/12 Boyd on Red Basil Almanacks, 3s. 6d. 13/12 Andrew's Notes on Diligence in Business, 1s. 1d. 13/12 Gemmell on Brotherly Love in Trade, 2s. 26/24 Maclesocks on Politeness & Good Caligraphy, 2s. 6d. 39/36 Thomas Dickson on the Good Feeling existing between Edinburgh Aristocrats and Glasgow Millionaires, with practical illustrations, 3s. 6d.

Upon reaching home at the end of my day's work, I found the following from my new employers-rather a different letter from the stinging epistles of Tooth and Claw:

Fleet Street, London.


Dear Sir,-We are glad that you are to begin work next week. We trust that your engagement will be pleasant and profitable to you, and that you will like your work. We shall be glad, if possible, to hear from you every night, think you will find our customers, as a whole, very agreewhether you have any orders to send on or not. able to deal with. You will have your difficulties and discouragements, and if there is anything which we can do shall be most happy to do so. to explain matters, and render your work more easy, we Do not hesitate to take us into your fullest confidence. All our men have been of high character, and we are confident that you will do your best to maintain our reputation in that respect. One thing we object to, and that is treating our customers, or giving their intoxicating liquors of any kind. We know that some travellers do this largely; but our opinion is that such is a bad policy; because, in the first place, it does not lead to sound business; in the second place, we have to pay it; and, thirdly, when continued by a traveller over a number of years it is sure to end in his ruin, body and soul. night for your expenses for the ensuing week, and you will receive your salary from us on the first of every month. All monies collected to be remit ed daily, unless you are able to get it banked in time. As to expenses, if a good order can be got do not hesitate to spend more than the nominal sum allowed for that purpose, explaining to us the reason for the additional outlay. We like our men to live in a good style, and not to appear shabby. Kindly excuse the length of this letter. We are, yours truly,

You will receive a cheque for £8 15s. every Saturday


CHAPTER IV. UPON visiting Messrs. High and Mighty, I was received by the junior partner of the firm in a rather unusual manner. Mr. Mighty was standing in the saloon, with his hands in his trousers pockets. He was a tall, sallow-complexioned man, with Dundreary whiskers and an eye-glass, while his hooked nose completed the picture, and brought up to my mind the

actor who "had an heye like an heagle." I GARRETT ROWAN, THE FENIAN.

walked slowly up to this dignitary and presented my card. He read it, and seemed staggered at being addressed by an ordinary traveller. He perused the card with the aid of his eye-glass several times before he seemed to comprehend its purport, and then, as my intention seemed gradually to dawn upon his mystified understanding, he remarked:

"Oh, I suppose it is the manager you wish to see; you had better wait half-an-hour, and he will perhaps be able to see you. I take no personal interest in the business except to interview and polish off the authors, and return rejected manuscripts."


Author of "Stories of Irish Life," "Arnold Percival Montaigne," &c.

CELIA: "I'll put myself in poor and mean attire,
And with a kind of umber smirch my face."

FEW days after this, a man, weary and travel-stained, dressed in coarse freize, a slouched hat on his head, and a stout stick in his hand, darkened, with his shadow, Micky Flynn's door. "God save all here," he said,

as he stooped his head and entered the Shebeen.

"God save ye kindly," was Betty's reply, as she welcomed her newly arrived customer. Looking at him sharply, however, she perceived that he was a stranger. "Loike enough it's a detective in disguise," she thought within herself-for many such were about at the time.

Betty, however, was much more annoyed at the supposed detective when, upon coming as far as her little counter-where she stood awaiting his demand-instead of stopping, he stalked on to her private apartment-the kitchen-and then, taking a chair, coolly sat himself down at the fire.

I felt that I had made a mistake in addressing Jupiter, and was rather chagrined and somewhat smaller in my own estimation during the remainder of the day. When I did see the manager, I found him a fussy little man, very good-natured, but quite aware of his importance. He used a few big oaths occasion"I wish the fellow would make himself scarce ally, which, he explained, were not used by him out o' this. What does he mane, the sneak, in the sense of profane swearing, but just to prying about people's primises in this way? give emphasis and point to his statements. I But, no matther, me and Micky, anny day, is did not agree with the manager's sentiments, able for the loikes o' him." but quietly held my tongue; and, in after days, when I knew him better, I told him that " "speech was silvern, silence was golden, but oaths were very bad coin indeed." Mr. Sonsie told me to leave my catalogue and accounts, and to call back in an hour, when my order would be ready, my account checked, and the cash waiting for me. I suggested that it would be to his advantage to look at my samples. "Look at your samples, Mr. Brown? Edinburgh men do not require to do that. Looking at samples may be necessary for London or Manchester, and for inferior towns, but here we know our business, and can tell what we want, what will sell, and what is genuine. Why sir, all my leisure hours are devoted to the reading of reviews, and there is no book of any importance which I do not know about immediately after it is published. Look at samples; no, sir, I have not descended to that position yet! I tried to reason with Mr. Sonsie, but he good-naturedly silenced me, and, thinking I might injure my chance of getting a good order, I kept my opinion to myself. I called at the time appointed, and the manager had selected a large number of our new works. When I was leaving I passed Mr. Mighty at the door, and bowed to him respectfully, but that gentleman looked me solidly through and through, and did not return my nod.

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(To be continued.)

"We have ever found," says an American paper, "that blacksmiths are more or less given to vice."


"What do ye want in there, honest man?" she cried, following the intruder. to me, but ye have the impeedence--that room's not public, sur, no wan's allowed in there-but mesel' an' me man, Micky—and, 'pon me conshence, it's well fur ye he's not at home, or there 'id be-I can tell ye-the mischief's own 'pay the piper.'

"Mrs. Flynn, I hope I see you well to-day," the stranger replied, as he took off his hat, and drew from around his neck a large muffler, and smiled pleasantly in her face.

In a moment there were uplifted hands and a forward bound, while Betty exclaimed in glad surprise" Well, I never! Glory be to God, but it's Mr. Garrett Rowan. But the Blessed Vargin and the Saints be about us," she added, "why do ye wear that pig-dhriver's coat, sur, and thim corduroy breeches?"

It need not be told that explanation was soon forthcoming, and that the kitchen door was afterwards carefully closed Flynn's new visitor.



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