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Jehovah from on high

Will hear my voice what time to him I cry.

Be aw'd, and do not fin,

Speak to your hearts alone,

Upon your beds, each one,

And be at peace within.


Offer the offerings just

Of righteousness, and in Jehovah trust.

Many there be that say

Who yet will show us good!

Talking like this world's brood;

But, Lord, thus let me pray,

On us lift up the light


Lift up the favor of thy count'nance bright. 30

Into my heart more joy

And gladness thou haft put,

Than when a year of glut

Their ftores doth over-cloy,

And from their plenteous grounds


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Thou Lord alone in fafety mak'st me dwell.

PSAL. V. Aug. 12. 1653.

Ehovah to my words give ear,

My meditation weigh,

The voice of my complaining hear

My King and God; for unto thee I pray.

Jehovah thou my early voice

Shalt in the morning hear,

Ith' morning I to thee with choice

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Will rank my pray`rs, and watch till thou appear.


For thou art not a God that takes

In wickedness delight,

Evil with thee no biding makes,

Fools or mad men stand not within thy fight.

All workers of iniquity

Thou hatft; and them unbleft

Thou wilt destroy that fpeak a ly ;

The bloody' and guileful man God doth deteft.

But I will in thy mercies dear

Thy numerous mercies go

Into thy house; I in thy fear

Will tow'rds thy holy temple worship low.

Lord lead me in thy righteousness,

Lead me because of thofe

That do obferve if I tranfgrefs,

Set thy ways right before, where my step goes.
For in his faltring mouth unstable
No word is firm or footh;

Their infide, troubles miferable;

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An open grave their throat, their tongue they fmooth,

God, find them guilty, let them fall

By their own counfels quell'd;

Push them in their rebellions all

Still on; for against thee they have rebell'd.
Then all who trust in thee shall bring

Their joy, while thou from blame

Defend them, they shall ever fing



And shall triumph in thee, who love thy name.

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PSAL. VI. Aug. 13. 1653.

ORD in thine anger do not reprehend me, Nor in thy hot difpleasure me correct; Pity me, Lord, for I am much deject, Am very weak and faint; heal and amend me: For all my bones, that ev'n with anguish ake, Are troubled, yea my foul is troubled fore, And thou, O Lord, how long? turn Lord, restore My foul, O fave me for thy goodness fake: For in death no remembrance is of thee;


Who in the grave can celebrate thy praise ? ΤΟ Wearied I am with fighing out my days, Nightly my couch I make a kind of fea; My bed I water with my tears; mine eye Through grief confumes, is waxen old and dark I'th'midft of all mine enemies that mark.

Depart all ye that work iniquity,


Depart from me, for the voice of my weeping
The Lord hath heard, the Lord hath heard my
My fupplication with acceptance fair [pray'r,
The Lord will own, and have me in his keeping. 20
Mine enemies fhall all be blank and dafh'd

With much confufion; then grown red with fhame, They fhall return in hafte the way they came, And in a moment shall be quite abash'd.

PSAL. VII, Aug. 14. 1653.

Upon the words of Chufh the Benjamite against him.


ORD my God to thee I fly,
Save me and fecure me under

Thy protection while I cry,
Let as a lion (and no wonder)

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He haste to tear my foul afunder,
Tearing and no rescue nigh.

Lord my God if I have thought
Or done this, if wickedness

Be in my hands, if I have wrought
Ill to him that meant me peace,
Or to him have render'd lefs,
And not free'd my foe for nought;

Let th' enemy pursue my foul
And overtake it, let him tread
My life down to the earth, and roll
In the duft my glory dead,

In the dust and there out-fpread
Lodge it with dishonor foul.

Rife Jehovah in thine ire,
Roufe thyfelf amidst the rage
Of my foes that urge like fire;

And wake for me, their fury' affwage ;
Judgment here thou didst engage
And command which I defire.

So th' affemblies of each nation
Will furround thee, feeking right,
Thence to thy glorious habitation
Return on high and in their fight.
Jehovah judgeth most upright

All people from the world's foundation.

Judge me Lord, be judge in this
According to my righteoufnefs,
And the innocence which is
Upon me caufe at length to cease





Of evil men the wickedness
And their pow'r that do amifs.

But the just establish fast,

Since thou art the juft God that tries
Hearts and reins. On God is caft
My defense, and in him lies,
In him who both juft and wife
Saves th' upright of heart at last,

God is a juft judge and fevere,
And God is every day offended;
If the unjuft will not forbear,



His fword he whets, his bow hath bended

Already, and for him intended

The tools of death, that waits him near.

(His arrows purposely made he
For them that perfecute.) Behold
He travels big with vanity,
Trouble he hath conceiv'd of old
As in a womb, and from that mold
Hath at length brought forth a lie.

He digg'd a pit, and delv'd it deep,
And fell into the pit he made;
His mischief that due courfe doth keep,
Turns on his head, and his ill trade'

Of violence will undelay'd
Fall on his crown with ruin fteep.

Then will I Jehovah's praise
According to his juftice raife,
And fing the Name and Deity
Of Jehovah the most high.

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