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The Orleans Cadets, Captain Charles D. Dreux, was the first volunteer company mustered into the Confederate service from Louisiana, April 11, '61. There were 103 members, 37 of whom were under eighteen years of age, and it was said that Captain Dreux was the only married man in the command. After six weeks, at Pensacola, they were merged into a battalion, which included the Crescent Rifles, Louisiana Guards, Shreveport Grays, and Terre

bonne Rifles. Dreux was made Lieutenant Colonel of the battalion. We reached Yorktown a few days after the Bethel fight. Col. Dreux was killed in a skirmish near Newport News, July 5, '61, and, it is said, was the first Confederate officer killed during

the war.

The 11th of April, 1862, found this battalion a part of Magruder's little army of 7,000 in the trenches along the Young's Mill line, repelling McClellan's 100,000 men. Our discharges from service were promptly issued us on that day, but, to the credit of the men, they remained on the line until the eve of Gen. Johnston's retreat to Richmond, when the battalion, having determined upon an artillery organization, passed out of existence. Capt. Charles E. Fenner, of the Louisiana Guards, had no difficulty in raising his company of light artillery, as the boys, recently discharged, on arrival at Jackson, Miss., promptly signed his roll, and on the 16th day of May, 1862, Fenner's Louisiana Battery was mustered into service. From that time the battery was identified with the Western Army.

When Gen. Hood reached the environs of Nashville, in December, 1864, Fenner's Battery was ordered to report to Gen. Forrest, who was trying to capture a Federal command enclosed at Murfreesboro.

In the retreat of our army from before Nashville, Fenner's Battery followed Forrest's Cavalry across the muddy and mountainous roads towards Columbia. The bad roads, and starved horses, caused slow travel-dropping the command far behind. The enemy's cavalry succeeded in cutting off three pieces, which the cannoneers dismantled and buried along the roadside, then made their way athwart the country, swimming Duck river, and rejoining our army. These were the only guns we ever lost.

Fenner's Battery was paroled at Meridian on the 10th day of May, '65, where the members stacked their muskets which they had carried for several weeks.

Walter H. Rogers, born in 1843, is a well known and successful lawyer of New Orleans, and ex-Attorney General of the State of Louisiana.

Walton Fry, born in 1837, is in charge of the books of the Board of Liquidation, City of New Orleans.

William H. Renaud, born in 1836, is a member of the firm of John I. Adams & Co., wholesale grocers, New Orleans.

J. W. Noyes, born in 1839, is in charge of the financial affairs of Fell & Johnson, insurance agents, New Orleans.

Alexander H. Clark, born in 1844, is a well known planter and merchant at Hope Hull, Ala.

Cornelius Young, born in 1839, hardware merchant at Selma, Ala. John K. Renaud, born in 1843, is of Myles & Co., salt dealers, New O Those living in New Orleans are of Camp No. 2.

Cadets, from a daguerreotype take Group 1: Six members of Compa Va., early in June, 1861, just befo the Dreux Battalion for Yorktown.

Group 2: Seven members of Tan Battery, Army of Tennessee. Th group 1, with an additional three were mess mates when paroled at 1 in May, 1865. The picture was ma

1895, twenty years after, group 2 t Group 3: The same men arrange the same seven men shown in No. 2 to-day from a recent photograph. tions are the same in groups two title page.

Home Endorsement, offered by D Whereas, The CONFEDERATE VET its beginning served efficiently as Confederate Associations, and has signal ability, liberality, and a de the cause in which it is engaged, a mote the prosperity and growth of t Camps, and as such organ it is should receive the heartiest suppo erate Veterans; therefore,

Resolved, That Frank Cheatham to the CONFederate VETERAN its dorsement, and recommends to all t official organ, and that we call upo Camps in the organization that i veterans to rally to its support an assistance in their power to promo and usefulness. Nashville, May 10 The above was unanimously ado JOHN P. HICKM

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Macon, Ga,, did much to honor the Confederate dead from all the South at her Memorial Service, April 26. There was a larger attendance than on any like occasion. The company was estimated at 5,000, Col. Dupont Guerry introduced Gen. Evans, Commander of the Georgia Department United Confederate Veterans, and used the following words concerning the occasion:

"We are here on this holy anniversary occasion to publicly declare to mankind and to God our steadfast devotion and undying gratitude to the brave men who fought and died for us, to commemorate in praise and song, in tears and prayers, their heroic deeds and


sufferings, and to testify anew our unvarying faith in the purity, patriotism and philanthropy of their motives and purposes."

Gen. Evans in his beautiful address said if he could crystalize the best spirits of human history, the rarest devotion to conviction of every age, and the tenderest memories of the bravest struggles that ever involved the sacrifice of life, he would blend them all in one hallowed offering:

"To the Memory of Our Confederate Dead!" Then he said: "I crave for this moment the genius which no living man possesses to declare in speech the thought and feeling, the faith and hope, the budding glory and the aftergloom which this scene is designed to celebrate. It is the pathetic quality of this memorial which makes it so sublime as to exceed all eulogy. Here is no artificial magnificence, no pride, nor pomp, no grand array, no royalty lying in state. But in their stead the hush of human nassion the

"O, Southern w ture stirred you to a holy meaning to crown upon the patriotic manhood itself at a fount of of this ceremony ! you have unconsci for as this day sh have a tongue to tender respect for woman's heart!

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These terse facts have been procured about Lieut. A. H. Buchanan, Engineer for Army of Tennessee:

E. Johnston, the idol of one of the best armies known in history, said long after the war that he had "planned many a battle upon Buchanan's maps," having no other guide. Gen. Johnston's faith in him was implicit, and he mentions him in his "Narrative" (name of his book) as "that very

He has endured his share of sacrifice. At one time three of his brothers-Confederate soldierswere murdered by outlaws in Arkansas in the garb of United States soldiers, and, midst insolent jeers, were thrown out of wagons in the presence of wives and mother. The inoffensive father was also murdered by them without provocation.

He entered the Confederate service in 1861 as a Topographical Engineer, and continued through the war in that capacity. When the Federals captured When the Federals captured intelligent officer." They were ever faithful friends. Nashville he made an unsuccessful attempt to move his family through the lines to Northwest Arkansas, and on that account failed to be in the battle of Shiloh. He served with Bragg's Army from a short time before the battle of Murfreesboro until Bragg was relieved by Gen. J. E. Johnston, and he was with him, and then with Gen. Hood-the same army-until the close of the war. He was paroled with it in North Carolina. He was in the various battles with this army, in all its campaigns with the Headquarter Topographical Engineer Corps, and always in active duty, winter and summer, never having any idle time.

Since 1869 he has occupied the chair of Mathematics in Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn., and since 1876 he has spent his summer vacations


about four months in each year-in the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, making the triangulation of the State of Tennessee.

The foregoing brief sketch was procured through the most effective source known of the modest man, but never ceasing laborer in what duty suggests.

Although Mr. Buchanan ranked only as a Lieutenant in the war, he held so important a position, and so established his capacities, that Gen. Joseph

In steadfast devotion to his church, Prof. Buchanan has served its University at Lebanon when double the salary was offered him to teach elsewhere in a promoted capacity.

His labor for the Government in the Geodetic survey of Tennessee has been so nearly completed, and is so accurate, that he can compute the distance to within less than a foot from the Capitol at Nashville to points in North Carolina and Virginia. He has been commended many times publicly for the complete success of this work. Such accuracy can be attained only through the most delicate applications of the Higher Mathematics. When the transit of Venus occurred several years ago, Prof. Buchanan was one of the three men selected to make observations for scientific purposes of the government from the Naval Observatory at Washington. His economic methods are no less noteworthy than the accuracy of his work.


Capt. Will A. Miller, of Decatur, Texas writes: I was First Sergeant of Harris' Company, Col. Smith B. Bankhead's Battalion of Artillery, in Gen. L. Polk's Corps, and was the ranking officer of my company when we left Corinth, and commanded the company on the bloody field of Shiloh. I was given a Lieutenant's commission when we returned to Corinth. I came with Gen. Tom Hindman to the Trans-Mississippi Department, where I served as First Lieutenant of Gen. Cabele's (Old Tige) Artillery until Dec., 1864, when I was wounded in the knee, on account of which I still walk with a crutch, but have never lost my Rebel vim. Several years ago I organized "Ben McCulloch Camp, U. Č. V." I expect to be at the reunion at Houston in full force. Would like to hear from any of my old comrades.

A. J. Richburg, St. Paul, S. C. writes loyally:

I have been a subscriber to the VETERAN for more than a year, and expect to have it as long as I live, for the glorious work it is doing to perpetuate the memory of the Confederate soldier, and the heroic deeds of the Southern army. I followed the fortuzes of Robt. Lee for four years as Sergeant Major of the Twenty-third South Carolina.

[blocks in formation]

The above is from the tablet upon the handsome monument at the grave of Samuel Davis near Smyrna, Tenn. There is an iron enclosure of about sixteen by twenty-five feet, in which rises a marble shaft on granite to the height of about seventeen feet. There have been buried within the enclosure the hero, his parents, and maternal grandmother. So many tributes have been revived recently, and so many statements slightly erroneous, that effort will be made to give in the June VETERAN an elaborate and accurate sketch of the noble young man. To this end request is made for such data as may be recalled by all who know anything of the event. Samuel Davis should never be thought of as a spy. Clad in the gray uniform of his government, ornamented with bright, brass buttons, with the bright pistols of a soldier, he was a scout.

Conditions may have been sufficiently exasperating to have provoked his execution, but it was certainly unjustifiable. The tributes paid him recently by Union veterans, who were present, furnish the incentive for the promised sketch.

Hon. H. C. Russell, Land Commissioner of Nebraska, concurred with the author of the account that follows:

A UNION SOLDIER's tribute.

J. A. M. Collins, who served in the Second Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and was present at the execution of Sam Davis in 1863, and who attended the

late reunion at Shiloh, writes from Keokuk, Iowa, April 20, 1895:

Dear Friend: The remembrance of our pleasant trip on the beautiful Tennessee river, to the ever memorable battlefield of Shiloh, still clings to me.

You seemed so much interested in the short account related by me of the hanging of Samuel Davis by our army at Pulaski, Tenn., in 1863, that perhaps a more minute and extended one would be welcome. With all the incidents which led up to his capture, I am not familiar.

To my mind Davis was of the highest type of American manhood, and although he, from the nature of his offense, was doomed to die an ignominious death, yet it did not in the least detract from his manhood, because of the glorious manner in which he met it.

In military law his offense was unpardonable, and his death justifiable, yet it seems to me the very essence of cruelty to condemn such a fearless man to death on the gallows, and allow the cowardly deserter the consolation of dying the death of a soldier..

While standing on that little trap door between earth and heaven, he was truly offered his life if he would betray the one in our lines from whom he received papers found in his possession. Three times he indignantly spurned to purchase freedom at such a price. I was standing near by and I heard Capt. Conn (Provost Marshal) say, "Mr. Davis, you have but five minutes to live unless you give up your secret." In answer to the second summons he said, "The life of the one, who gave me those papers is worth more to the Southern Confederacy than mine." The third and last request was as resolutely declined, the trap sprung; and Davis was dead, regretted not alone by Confederates, but by every soldier in our line who was capable of appreciating a noble nature.

Admitting death as the inevitable penalty for such a breach of military law, I have always felt the befitting manner for such a man as Davis to have met it would have been to face a file of soldiers, free without blindfold, and even himself allowed to give the order to fire; then he would have died the death of the true soldier he was.


There may be a doubt in the minds of some whether or not his courage and his manhood would have been equal to such a sublime ordeal, but no such doubt exists with those who saw him die. my mind, his triple command, "Ready, Aim, Fire," would have rung out on the morning air as a defiance to death and a triumph over his enemies, but the fate of war decreed otherwise.

Sufficient time has elapsed since this event to obliterate all feelings of a sentimental nature in connection with it, if I ever had any, and my undiminished admiration still is proof positive that noble deeds of men live after they are dead, and I have recounted this incident to my friends many times as evidence of it.

The sentiments here expressed are for the man and not the cause for which he died, and I believe they would have received a hearty "Amen" from all Federal soldiers who witnessed his untimely death.


Robt. C. Wood writes of Chas. Broadway Rouss: * * * His career has been phenomenal. had acquired a handsome competence in mercantile business before the two sections of the country engaged in war. Selling out his stock for what it would bring he enlisted in Company B, Twelfth Regiment of Virginia Confederate Cavalry. He served with credit.

After the surrender at Appomattox, he made his way to his home in the valley of Virginia, and worked as a laborer on his father's farm. Wearying of occupation that afforded no scope to his rest


less energy, and gave no promise of satisfying his ambitions, he determined to seek his fortune in New York. He reached this great metropolis without friends, money, or credit. He was subjected to disappointments, trials, and hardships that would have disheartened one less resolute than himself. He was reduced to sleeping on the park benches, and making forages on the free lunch tables for food. He carried his wardrobe on his back. Finally, he succeeded in securing some shelving in a cellar room on Church street, and made his maiden essay as a merchant in New York with a stock of goods liberally estimated as worth $65.00. A foothold gained, he commenced to mount the ladder of success. He studied the methods of business and evolved new theories and methods. He sold for cash only. The little den in Church street was soon exchanged for more capacious rooms on Broadway. In time, the latter gave way to still more ample facilities for the storage of goods and the con

duct of business. Finally, to accommodate his business, he erected his present mammoth establishment on Broadway at the cost of $1,250,000, and built a large warehouse on Thompson street. His sole grievance now, as I have heard him say, is that he is cramped for room.

Although Mr. Rouss has become an important factor in the commercial life of New York, he has remained a staunch and loyal Southerner in his sentiments and feelings. His participations in the grand struggle of the South in 1861-65 is a matter of pride with him, and no one is left in doubt of this fact. The portraits of Lee and Stonewall Jackson are displayed as evidence of it.

From the time that fortune commenced to crown his labors, his purse has been open to the needy Confederate soldiers and to the widow and orphan. I have never known him to fail in response to a worthy appeal, and I have known him to give thousands to the work of perpetuating the history of the heroic struggle of the South.


* *

For years past he has been hoping to see the establishment of a National Memorial Association that would worthily perpetuate the memories of the lost cause and of the brave men who sacrificed their lives in its defense. He has set in motion an undertaking to accomplish this, and he will succeed, if intelligent, earnest purpose, and unflagging energy avail. It is to be considered at Houston.


Gen, Jo O. Shelby, who has been appointed Major General for Missouri in United Confederate Veterans has designated the following staff officers:

Adjutant General and Chief of Staff, Colonel H. A. Newman, Huntsville; Inspector General, Jerre Cravens, Springfield; Chief Quartermaster, Frank L. Pitts, Paris; Chief Commissary, John U. Howard, St. Louis; Judge Advocate General, Henry M. Withers, Kansas City; Surgeon General, Dr. McPheeters, St. Louis; Assistant Surgeons, Dr. J. R. Snell, Kansas City; Dr. A. V. Small, Sedalia; Brigadier General (Eastern District), James Bannerman, St. Louis; Brigadier General (Western; District), Elijah Gates, St. Joseph. The following are aides, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel: H. M. Bledsoe, Cass county; John T. Crisp, Independence; Maurice Langhorn, Jackson county; James Hatton, Arcadia; Waller Young, St. Joseph; E. A. Asbury, Higginsville; Gideon Thompson, Platte county; William Fisher, Vernon county; K. F. Petticord. Marion county; O. H. P. Craton, Howell county; J. Q. Plattenburg, Lafayette county; Holly Nichols, Bates county; W. C. Bronaugh, Henry county. Headquarters are established at Morgan's hotel, Gennessee street, Kansas City.

Col. H. A. Newman, Adjutant General to the Missouri U. C. V., is a Tennessean, but went to Missouri in 1855. He served under "Pap" Price for a time, was afterward with his brother, Col. T. W. Newman, then on staff appointment until the surrender at Greensboro, N. C. Col. Newman has done much for our cause in Missouri.

In Remitting for the VETERAN send P. O. order or stamps. The banks charge forcollecting checks.

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