SEDGWICK AND MCCOY-A Synopsis of the Classification of the British Paleozoic SENECA (L. Annoi), Opera Omnia, Ex 1855 Elzevir, 1649 SERRURERIE du Moyen-Age-Les Ferrures de Portes, par Raymond Bordeaux avec dessins par Henri Gerente et G. Bouet, 40 plates and numerous wood engravings, 4to, cloth, 17s 6d SENECA (L. Annoi), Operæ quæ exstant omnia a Iusto Lipsio, emendata et Scholiis, illustrated, portrait, and engraved title on sides, and the signature "J. Evelyn, 1672," inside the author of " Sylva" (?), folio, finely bound old calf extra, French Royal Arms on sides, marbled edges, 15s 1652 SENIOR (N. W.), Journals, Conversations, and Essays relating to Ireland, 2 vols 8vo, cloth, pub. at 21s for 4s 6d 1868 SETON (George), St Kilda, Past and Present, illustrated with numerous fine plates of scenery and costume, small 4to, cloth, 12s 6d 1878 Rocks, by the Rev. Adam Sedgwick, with a systematic description of British Palæozoic Fossils in the Geological Museum of the University of Cambridge, by Frederick McCoy, illustrated with figures of the new and imperfectly known species, 2 vols 4to, cloth, 36s 1855 SEEMAN (Berthold), The Botany of the Voyage of H.M.S." Herald," under the curiosities of the world. Here will be found a sumcommand of Captain Henry Kellett, 1845- mary of all that has already been written on the sub51, edited by Prof. Edward Forbes; Fos-ject, together with observations made during a visit to sil Mammals, by Sir John Richardson and Berthold Seeman, illustrated with nearly 150 large plates, 3 vols 4to, cloth, uncut edges, pub. at £8, 8s for £3, 3s 1852-57 SEETZEN (U. J.), Reisen durch Syrien, Palästina, Phonicien, die TransjordanLänder, Arabia Petraea und UnterAegypten, Herausgegeben und Commentirt Von Professor Dr Fr. Kruse, in Verbindung mit Drs Hinrichs, Fr. Hermann Müller, 4 vols 8vo, half-calf, 25s Berlin, 1854 SELKIRKSHIRE New Statistical Account of, 8vo, cloth, 2s 1841 The St Kildans may be ranked among the greatest the islands. SEYMOUR'S HUMOROUS SKETCHES, comprising 86 caricature etchings, illustrated in prose and verse by Alfred Crowquill, with biographical notice of Robert Seymour, royal 8vo, cloth extra, 12s 6d 1878 SHADWELL (Thomas), Dramatick Works of, with an Account of his Life and Writings, portrait, 4 vols post 8vo, russia, neat, gilt edges, £3, 10s 1720 SHAFTESBURY (Earl of), Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times, fine portrait and vignettes by Gribelin. 3 vols Svo, calf gilt, 10s 6d 1723 Knight's Pictorial Edition, including Biography and Doubtful Plays, with all the well-known wood engravings, 8 vols imperial 8vo, half-calf extra, marbled edges, £5 SHAKESPEARE N.D. N.D. Knight's Cabinet Shakespeare, 12 handy volumes, 12mo. cloth, gilt, in a box, 18s SHAKESPEARE-Dramatic Works, the Text formed from an entirely new collation of the old editions, with the various readings, notes, life; and history of the early English stage by J. Payne Collier, together with the extra volume of "Notes and Emendations," portrait, original copy of this fine edition, 9 vols 8vo, cloth, £5, 5s 1844 SHAKESPEARE Plays, edited by J. Payne Collier, portrait, vignette, and facsimile, thick royal Svo, cloth, published at 21s for 10s printed from the Text of S. Johnson, G. Steevens, and J. Reid, portrait and numerous fine vignettes after Smirke and others, 12 vols small 8vo, russia, gilt, marbled edges, fine old set, 36s 1807 SHAKESPEARE-The Plays of, from the Text of Steevens, each play illustrated by a steel engraving on India paper and a woodcut, after designs by Thurston, 8 vols SHAKESPEARE-Dramatic Works, with Svo, half-calf, £2, 12s 6d Remarks on his Life and Writings, by Thomas Campbell, portrait and vignette, thick royal 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt edges, 21s Moxon, 1852 1807 SHAKESPEARE-The Variorum Edition, with the Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators, to which are added Notes by Johnson and Steevens, revised and augmented by Reed, with a Glossarial Index, portrait, &c., 21 vols royal 8vo, large paper, calf extra, £7, 7s 1813 A very fine set of this beautiful edition. SHAKESPEARE-Dramatic Works, with Glossary, printed in fine clear type at the Chiswick Press, post 8vo, brown morocco, gilt edges, 7s 6d 1823 The smallest form of a complete Shakespeare. SHAKESPEARE Dramatic Works, Knight's, with Biography by Charles Knight, containing nearly 2000 beautiful Illustrations by Harvey, &c., GENUINE ORIGINAL EDITION, 8 vols imperial 8vo, calf extra, marbled edges, £8, 8s 1839 SHAKESPEARE - Comedies, Histories, Tragedies and Poems, edited, with Notes, Glossary, &c., by J. Payne Collier, together with the same editor's volume of Notes and Emendations," originally published for the Shakespeare Society, portrait, 7 vols 8vo, calf extra, marbled edges, £4, 4s 1858 One of the best and most readable editions of Shakespeare. N.D. SHAKESPEARE-The first collected Edition of the Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare, a reproduction in exact Facsimile of the famous first folio, 1623, by the process of photo-lithography, under the superintendence of H. Staunton, portrait, folio, red morocco extra, gilt top and edges, £5, 5s 1856 A very handsome and beautiful volume, and of the greatest value to collectors. SHAKESPEARE - The Plays of, edited by Howard Staunton, with numerous illustrations by (Sir) John Gilbert, engraved on wood by the Brothers Dalziel, 3 vols royal 8yo, half-morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges, FIRST EDITION, 638 1858-60 Copies of this edition, with the first impressions of the woodcuts of Gilbert's powerful drawings, are now fast disappearing from the market. SHAKESPEARE The Works of, complete, edited by W. G. Clark and John Glover, with introductions to each play and poem, and footnotes, beautifully printed on fine toned paper, 9 vols 8vo, cloth, £8, 15s Cambridge, 1863-66 The best critical edition which has yet been published. The text is based on a thorough collation of the four Folios, and of all the Quartos of the separate plays. In the footnotes are found the "various readTHE SAME, 7 vols 8vo, half-calf ex- Metre, Punctuation, &c. Copies of this edition are ings and the references to Grammar, Orthography, tra, £3, 10s getting rare. SHAKESPEARE-Works, with a scrupu- SHAKESPEARE-Jest Books; Reprints lous revision of the Text by Charles and Mary Cowden Clarke, portrait, thick 1864 royal 8vo, calf gilt, 14s SHAKESPEARE Dramatic Works, edited with Biographical Introduction by Henry Glassford Bell, portrait and vignette, thick royal 8vo, cloth, 9s 1864 SHAKESPEARE-Plays, carefully edited by Thomas Keightley, portrait, printed at the Chiswick Press, 7 vols foolscap 8vo, half-morocco, gilt tops, £2, 15s 1866 SHAKESPEARE Complete Works, edited by Howard Staunton, with copious Notes, Glossary, Life, &c., portrait, 6 vols 8vo, calf extra, marbled edges, £3 SHAKESPEARE 1873 of the early and very rare Jest Books supposed to have been used by Shakespeare, edited, with Introduction and Notes, by W. C. Hazlitt, 3 vols post 8vo, roxburghe, 20s 1864 The Works of, Text SHAKESPEARE-Commentaries, by Dr revised by the Rev. Alex. Dyce, portrait, G. G. Gervinus, translated by F. E. Bun9 vols 8vo, calf extra, marbled edges, £5 nett, a new edition thoroughly revised 1875 by the translator, with a Preface by F. 1874 J. Furnival, 8vo, cloth, 12s SHAKESPEARE-Illustrations of Shakespeare, comprised in 230 vignette engravings on wood, by Thompson, from designs by Thurston (adapted to all editions), royal 8vo, calf gilt, 9s One of the most popular, at the same time most learned editions of Shakespeare. SHAKESPEARE - Dramatic Works of, the text carefully revised, with notes by S. W. Singer, illustrated with all the fine outline plates of Valpy's Edition, 10 vols 1875 post 8vo, half-morocco, 48s SHAKESPEARE-The Howard Shakeillustrated with 350 outline illustraspeare, tions by Frank Howard, R.A., thick post 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt edges on 1876 red, 18s SHAKESPEARE Dramatic Works, in Reduced Facsimile from the famous First Folio Edition of 1623, with an Introduction by J. O. Halliwell Phillipps, small 8vo, half-morocco, gilt top, 9s SHAKESPEARE 1876 Dramatic Works, a new Variorum Edition, edited by Horace Howard Furness, comprising Hamlet, 2 vols, Macbeth, and Romeo and Juliet, 2 vols, beautifully printed on fine paper, 4 vols 8vo, cloth, £2, 15s 1825 SHAKESPEARE-Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments under the Hand and Seal of William Shakespeare, including the tragedy of King Lear and a small fragment of Hamlet, from the original MSS. in the possession of Samuel Ireland, illustrated with numerous fine facsimiles of coloured drawings, MSS. autographs, portraits, seals, &c., LARGE PAPER, folio, half-bound, uncut edges, £5, 15s 1790 The above work, being the record of the famous Ireland forgeries, is now very scarce. According to Lowndes there are only 138 copies extant. Only a very few copies on large paper were issued to original subscribers. 1877 SHAKESPEARE-HALLIWELL (James O.), Historical Account of the New Place, Stratford-upon-Avon, the last Residence of Shakespeare, printed on thick paper, and illustrated with numerous wood engravings, facsimiles, &c., folio, cloth, 388 1864 "A monument of scholarship, research, and sound judgment, this work can hardly fail to mark a most important era in Shakespearian Literature." SHAKESPEARE-Songs of, illuminated by H. C. Hoskyno Abrahall, 13 plates of letterpress, with borders in gold and colours, 4to, cloth extra, gilt edges, pub. at 42s for 12s 6d N.D. SHAKESPEARE - Notes and Emendations to the text of the Plays, from manuscript corrections in a copy of the folio, 1632, in possession of J. Payne Collier, facsimile, 8vo, cloth, pub. 14s, 1853 for 7s 6d SHAKESPEARE Remarks, Critical, Conjectural, and Explanatory, upon Shakespeare Plays, resulting from a collation of early copies, with valuable extracts from the MSS. of John, Lord Chedworth, by E. H. Seymour, 2 vols 8vo, calf gilt, marbled edges, 8s 6d 1805 SHAKESPEARE - Life of, with Enquiries into the originality of his Dramatic Plots and Characters, and Essays on the Ancient Theatres, &c., by Augustine Skottowe, 2 vols 8vo, half-calf, 5s 1824 SHAKESPEARE-DYCE (A.), Remarks on J. P. Collier's and C. Knight's Editions of Shakespeare, 8vo, cloth, 8s 6d 1844 SHAKESPEARE-The Boydell Gallery, a Collection of Engravings illustrating the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare by the Artists of Great Britain, containing nearly 100 beautiful plates, reduced and reengraved by the Heliotype process, with selections from the text, edited by J. Parker Norris, imperial 4to, calf extra, gilt top, £3, 10s 1874 SHAKESPEARE - Shakespeare et son Temps, Etude Litteraire, by M. Guizot, 8vo, calf, 3s 6d Paris, 1852 SHARPE (C. K.), A collection of Etchings, Portraits, &c., by Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Earliest impressions, all carefully mounted, folio, half-calf, gilt, £8, 8s This collection is probably unique, several pieces are here found which do not appear in the published collection. The above was formed by the late Mr Maidment, who, being a friend of Mr Sharpe, received from him copies of his works as they appeared. [SHARPE (C. K.),] Portraits, by an Amateur-1. Earl and Countess of Winton; 2. Lady Marie Stewart; 3. The Duke and Duchess of Lauderdale; 4. The Duke of Lauderdale; 5. Viscount and Viscountess Dundee; 6. Madam de Stael, not printed for sale, ON INDIA PAPER, 4to, half-morocco, 38s 1833 Only two copies of this were prepared. SHARP (W., Engraver), with Descriptive Catalogue of his Works by W. S. Baker, portrait, crown 8vo, cloth, 7s 6d Philadelphia, 1875 SHAW (Henry), The Art of Illumination, as practised during the Middle Ages, with a description of the Metals, and progress employed by the Artists at different Periods, numerous coloured and plain illustrations, royal 8vo, cloth, 25s 1870 K S HA W (Henry), Booke of Sundry Draughtes, principally serving for Glasiers; and not impertinent for Plasterers, Gardeners, &c., containing 117 plates of designs (reprint of the edition of 1615), 8vo, boards, 5s Pickering, 1848 "From a treasury of working drawings for the use of glaziers, &c. The immense variety of the forms given, and the great beauty of the arrangement of of reference." many of them, makes this volume a most useful work SHAW (Thomas George), Wine, the Vine and the Cellar, second edition, frontispiece and wood engravings, 8vo, cloth, 9s 6d 1864 SHEE (Sir M. A.), Life of, by his son, Martin Archer Shee, 2 vols 8vo, cloth, 6s 1860 SHELLEY (Percy B.), The Poetical Works of, including his Dramatic Scenes, portrait, 3 vols post 8vo, cloth, 18s Moxon, 1847 This beautiful cabinet edition is now scarce. SHELLEY (Percy B.), The Poetical Works of, edited with Introduction and copious Notes by H. Buxton Forman, illustrated with fine portrait engraved on steel, and copper-plate etchings, LIBRARY EDITION, 4 vols 8vo, cloth, 45s 1876 SHELLEY (Percy), The Prose Works, now first collected and edited, including the Novels, Political Pamphlets, &c., &c., 4 vols 8vo, cloth extra, 45s 1880 SHERIDANIANA; or, Anecdotes of the Life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan; his Table-talk and Bon Mots, portrait, with a few extra anecdotes inserted, post 8vo, half-calf, 18s 1826 SHETLAND-Art Rambles in Shetland, by John T. Reid, with 80 fine woodcuts drawn and engraved by the author, roy. 8vo, cloth gilt, 21s SHETLAND—A Collection of Topographical and Miscellaneous Papers, Maps, Original Documents, Cuttings, &c., Illustrating the History, Topography, Family History of the Island of Shetland, formed by the late James Maidment, Esq., during the last sixty years, and PERFECTLY UNIQUE, 4to, half-calf, £4, 48 1869 N.D. SHETLAND AND ORKNEY-New Statistical Account of, 2 vols 8vo, cloth, 6s 6d 1842 SHIRLEY (James), Dramatic Works and Poems, now first collected, with Notes by W. Gifford, edited, with additional Notes, &c., by the Rev. Alex. Dyce, portrait, 6 vols 8vo, half-russia gilt, £4, 15s 1833 SHIRLEY (James), The Dramatic Works and Poems of, now first collected, with Notes by the late W. Gifford, and additional Notes and some account of Shirley and his Writings by the Rev. Alex. Dyce, fine portrait, 6 vols 8vo, boards, uncut edges, very scarce, £5, 10s 1833 SHIRREFS (Andrew), Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, portrait, 8vo, calf, 1790 98 SIBBALD (J.), Chronicle of Scottish Poetry from the Thirteenth Century to the Union of the Crowns, to which is added a Glossary by J. Sibbald, 4 vols 8vo, half-calf, 75s 1802 SIDNEY (Sir Philip), The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia, with the Author's Life and Death; a brief Table of the Principal Heads, &c., fine portrait, folio, calf, 21s 1674 This edition contains the Arcadia, Sonnets, Defense of Poesie, Astrophel and Stella, and the May-Lady. SIDNEY (Sir Philip), Poetical Works, with Essay on the Defence of Poetry, portrait by Vertué, and engraving, post 8vo, half-morocco, 5s 1724 SIDNEY (Sir Philip), Memoir of, by H. R. Fox Bourne, 8vo, cloth, 5s 1862 SIMOND (Louis), Journal of a Tour and Residence in Great Britain during the Years 1810 and 1811, with Appendix on France 1815-1816, numerous fine plates, THICK PAPER, 2 vols 8vo, half-morocco, uncut, 9s 1817 "A valuable and very interesting journal,"-Lowndes. SIMPSON (W.), Picturesque People, being 1843 "The power, the strangeness, the volubility of his language, the audacity of his satire, and the perfect originality of his manner, made Skelton one of the most extraordinary writers of any age or country."Southey. SKENE (George), Donald Bane: an Heroic 158 1796 SKENE (W. F.), The Highlanders of Scotland, their Origin, History, and Antiquities, with a Sketch of their Manners and Customs, 2 vols 8vo, boards, uncut edges, 45s 1837 SLEZER (J.), THEATRUM SCOTIÆ, containing the Prospects of the Castles, Palaces, Towns, Colleges, Ruins of Abbeys, Churches, Monasteries, and Convents in Scotland, new and enlarged edition, with Life, by Dr John Jamieson, containing 69 plates printed from the original copperplates, folio, half-morocco, uncut, £8, 10s 1814 |