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commissioners of and retreat, and ealth, but the said commissioners of rs thereof shall be of the act, chapter reof in such ma

1 be deemed to ef
health officer, res
n the city of Ne
selecting his own

ming to the city of New

13 of chapter 195
ended by chapter
1 have been given
in such bond, be
y of this State, or
commissioners, &
an action on such
and shall be er
me as much mo
of such bond er

New York, or other person discha made according to the provisions days after such requirement being or consignee of such ship or vesse shall be subject to a penalty of fi and every person or passenger on w have been required, or for whom might have been paid under this a for as provided for in the twelfth amended, in every case where any shall be incurred by the owner signees, master or commander of port of New York, under any of t cerning passengers coming to the of May, 1847, and of this act, by 1 fusal to give the bonds, or any of consignee of such passengers, in r or refusal shall have occurred, sha alties and may be sued and recover ner as is by law provided in relat consignee or consignees of the ves 339 of 1850.)

[Section 6 amends section 1 of c 7 amends section 3 of chapter 483 further amended by chapter 523 o

SEC. 8. The commissioners of e employ and appoint [and dismiss


or to prevent the health officer from 1 assistants, [other than those of the y duties required by law to be dishis authority. (As amended by chap.

14 of chapter 483 of 1847.]

on 5 of the same chapter, which secded by chapter 339 of 1850, and by

of owner or have arrived ressel shall

pense shall faction of th authorized b SEC. 14. T any other a charge as ph SEC. 15. Sc lations in th passed May admitted int pital money after such pa SEC. 16. So marine hosp amendments 1841, as auth demand or re master, mate, York, is herel SEC. 17. Th require the he the marine h quarantine en marine hospit fice, and disch

health of the city of New York may
their employ, or in that of the com-
to act as the agent of the board of
ncerning the protection of the city
of contagious or infectious diseases.
e duty of the superintendent of the
used for quarantine purposes, to fur-
th as often as may be required, a full
persons in the said hospital affected
nfectious disease, and of all such pa-
ischarged as cured; such report shall
agent of the board of health, and no
who have been received as patients
or infectious diseases, or under treat-
ged or removed from the marine or
quarantine purposes without a permit
h officer.

oners of emigration shall receive into

nissioner of healt
health officer from
than those of the
by law to be di
amended by chap

f 1847.]
apter, which se
of 1850, and by


of owner or assignee of any vessel have arrived, and from which they vessel shall be permitted to leave pense shall have been paid, or secu faction of the commissioners of em authorized by them for such purpo

SEC. 14. The health officer shall any other authority over the m charge as physician thereof, than 79 SEC. 15. So much of the act con lations in the nature of quarantin passed May 13th, 1846, as require admitted into the marine hospital pital money during any tempora after such payment, is hereby repe

SEC. 16. So much of the Revised marine hospital and its funds, amendments thereto, passed Apri 1844, as authorizes or requires t demand or receive hospital mone master, mate, sailor or passenger a York, is hereby repealed.

of New York may that of the com t of the board of ection of the c ectious diseases rintendent of the e purposes, to furDe required, a full hospital affected ad of all such p such report shall of health, and no eived as patients , or under treat m the marine of without a perm shall receive int

BSEC. 17. The commissioners of e require the health officer to perfor the marine hospital, in which cas quarantine enclosure, and perform marine hospital, and all other dut fice, and discharge the patients fro

aereim the quies of the assistant pnytake upon himself and assign to such the charge of such portions of such him best adapted to secure the objects nstitution, and the care and proper e inmates thereof; and the said comcom time to time such additional mediporary wants of such hospital and the uire.

t physician of such marine or other purposes, shall from time to time, as ct and appoint such and so many The department of such hospital which d to or be under his supervision and 1 for the proper care of the inmates of ents, but the number of such nurses termined and controlled by the "phytal," and the compensation of such d of each of them, shall be fixed and issioners of emigration.

n of marine hospital" shall have and of five thousand dollars, to be paid he assistant physicians shall have and thousand two hundred dollars per erly or monthly, as the commissioners mine, and in that ratio for any period ian or assistant; and all salaries and ch physician and assistant physicians,

SEC. 21. 1
this act may

and in the
court havin
applied to
for the said
pound or co
upon such te
Compound w
any such bor
act to be giv
persons, pass
other counti

the time of d
Soon to beco
marine or ot
with the pr
disease existi

the commuta
fixed by said
just and equ
penses consed
the persons f
the existence


SEC. 22. TH

the assistant par
and assign to such
portions of suci
O secure the objects
e care and proper
and the said cor
ch additional med
h hospital and the
amarine or other
m time to time, as
ach and so many
ch hospital which
is supervision and
e of the inmates of
per of such nurses
olled by the "phy
pensation of such
shall be fixed and

l" shall have and
lollars, to be paid
ns shall have and
ndred dollars per
the commissioners

tio for any period nd all salaries and sistant physicians

SEC. 21. The penalties and forfe this act may be sued for and rec and in the name of said commiss court having cognizance thereof, a applied to the support of such quarantine purposes as specified in for the said commissioners, before pound or commute for any of the upon such terms as they shall think compound with the owner or consi any such bond or bonds as are req act to be given by such owner or persons, passenger or passengers, other country, or who from sick the time of departure from the fo soon to become a public charge, d marine or other hospital for quara with the provisions of this act, in disease existing at the time of depa the commutation for said last men fixed by said commissioners at su just and equitable, and sufficient penses consequent upon the care, s the persons for whom such commu the existence and continuance of state:

SEC. 22. This act shall take effec

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