SUCKLING-HERRICK. SIR JOHN SUCKLING. 1609-1641. HER fect beneath her petticoat, Like little mice stole in and out, As if they feared the light; But oh! she dances such a way! No sun upon an Easter-day Is half so fine a sight. 123 On a Wedding. Her lips were red, and one was thin, Ibid. Why so pale and wan, fond lover, Prithee, why so pale? Will, when looking well can't move her, Looking ill prevail? Prithee, why so pale? 'Tis expectation makes a blessing dear ; Heaven were not heaven, if we knew what it were. Song. Against Fruition. ROBERT HERRICK. 1591-1660. OME asked me where the Rubies grew, SOME And nothing I did say ; But with my finger pointed to The lips of Julia. The Rock of Rubies, and the Quarrie of Pearls. Some asked how Pearls did grow, and where? To part her lips, and showed them there The quarelets of Pearl. The Rock of Rubies, and the Quarrie of Pearls. Her pretty feet, like snails, did creep, A little out, and then, As if they played at Bo-peep, Did soon draw in again.* Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, On her Feet. And this same flower, that smiles to-day, To the Virgins to make much of Time. Her eyes the glow-worm lend thee, The shooting stars attend thee; And the elves also, Whose little eyes glow Like the sparks of fire, befriend thee. Night Piece to Julia. Attempt the end, and never stand to doubt, Seek and Find. Oh if a man could but fasten his eyes to her feet, as they steal in and out, and play at bo-peep under her petticoats.-CONGREVE. Love for Love. Act. i. Sc. 5. Let us crown ourselves with rosebuds, before they be withered.Wisdom of Solomon, ii. 8. LOVELACE-SHIRLEY. 125 RICHARD LOVELACE. 1618-1658. OH! could you view the melody Of every grace, And music of her face,* You'd drop a tear; Seeing more harmony In her bright eye, Than now you hear. Orpheus to Beasts. I could not love thee, dear, so much, Loved I not honour more. To Lucasta on going to the Wars. To Althea from Prison. When flowing cups run swiftly round Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage; Minds innocent, and quiet, take That for an hermitage. Ibid. JAMES SHIRLEY. 1596-1666. NLY the actions of the just ONLY Smell sweet and blossom in the dust.+ Contention of Ajax and Ulysses. Sc. iii. *The mind, the music breathing from her face. BYRON. Bride of Abydos. St. 6. The sweet remembrance of the just Psalm xci. 4. Common Prayer. RICHARD CRASHAW. Circa 1616-1650. HE conscious water saw its God and blushed.* THE Whoe'er she be, Translation of Epigram on John . That not impossible she, That shall command my heart and me. Wishes to his supposed Mistress. A happy soul, that all the way In praise of Leseius' Rule of Health. To heaven hath a summer's day. Sydneian showers of sweet discourse. Ibid. SIR JOHN DENHAM. 1615-1668. COULD I flow like thee, and make thy stream My great example, as it is my theme! Though deep, yet clear; though gentle, yet not dull; Strong without rage; without o'erflowing full. Cooper's Hill. Line 189. Actions of the last age are like Almanacs of the last The Sophy. A Tragedy. year. * Nympha pudica Deum vidit et erubuit. Aquæ in vinum versæ. That e'er wore earth about him was a sufferer ; The Honest Whore. Part i. Act i. Sc. 12. We are ne'er like angels till our passion dies. Ibid. Part ii. Acti. Sc. 2. ABRAHAM COWLEY. 1618-1667. 'H' adorning thee with so much art TH Is but a barb'rous skill; 'Tis like the poisoning of a dart, Too apt before to kill. What shall I do to be for ever known, The Waiting Maid. The Motto. * Of the offspring of the gentilman Jafeth, come Habraham, Moyses, Aron, and the profettys; and also the Kyng of the right lyne of Mary, of whom that gentilman Jhesus was borne.-JULIANA BERNERS. Heraldic Blazonry. |