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D. C. Love, of Crawford, who served patriotically in the eleventh Mississippi Regiment as a private, is a typical representative of the men who "did the work" in Confederate service. A friend sends this engraving with expressions of admiration in his career, "fighting heroically not for glory, for position and renown, but for principle." Comrade Love was a graduate of Davidson College, N. C., and the Law School of Cumberland University, at Lebanon, Tenn. The class was graduated in April, '61, that the young men might hasten to arms in the cause of the South.

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At the second Manassas battle he captured in a long, hard struggle with the Seventh New York Zouaves, a much prized Sharp's rifle, and a full box of cartridges was secured. At Sharpsburg, in the At Sharpsburg, in the firing of this fine gun forty shots at "point blank" range, the barrel was so heated as to blister his hands. He was wounded at Sharpsburg in the Wilderness, and severely at Hatcher's Run.

Comrade Love has written a history of his company for the Columbus Dispatch. It comprises twenty-four closely written pages of foolscap.

J. T. Lowry, Lynnville, Tenn.: The morning

after the surrender of Fort Donelson the little town

Dover was almost devastated. Household goods of every description were scattered on the streets. While our Regiment, the Third Tennessee, was being marched to a transport, en route a northern prison, I picked up a nice linen bosom shirt and put it in my knapsack. When we arrived at Camp Douglas it was the only garment I had of a citi

zen's suit. Months afterward the balance of a suit was secured, and one dark night in June, '62, I discarded my threadbare gray and made my escape through the magic influence of two dollars in silver, and finally reached home without being recaptured. I learned through comrades afterward that the pay the guard received for permitting me to scale the fence in the rear of his beat was not enough for what he had to endure for the act. It was discovered that he had allowed me to make my escape and he was court-martialed for the offense. The sentence of that court was that one side of his head be shaved close, and that he then be drummed out of service.

The old linen shirt is still in my possession, and the name of the owner, "J. T. Morgan," is still legible. Although the peaceable possession of the garment for so long a period might annul his right to it, he can have the half that contains his name.


At the recent meeting of delegates at Nashville, Tenn., to consider amendments to the Constitution of the National Daughters of the Confederacy, such changes were made as will enable all Southern women of merit to become members. In substance they say:

"All women shall be eligible for membership in this Association who may be either widow, wife, mother, sister, or lineal descendant of such men as served in the Confederate Army, Navy, or Civil Service, or of those women who, wherever they resided during the war, gave personal aid to the cause."

National, as well as State, organization rests upon the subordinate Associations. There can be no individual membership in either. They merely represent the subordinate and lower Associations. True, they have officers and committees, but they must all be members in good standing of some subordinate Association.

The first subdivision formed in a State under charter from the National Association becomes charter or parent chapter, and in it is vested the power to organize different subdivisions in their own State, and all charters for subdivisions must emanate from them. When, say, three or more subdivisions have been formed, the parent chapter calls a meeting of delegates from each subdivision in her State, and

thus forms a State Association under commission from the National Association.

The Charter Association should report annually to the Secretary of the National Association, on blanks to be furnished by it, and they should also be required to pay to the National Association annually, say, ten cents per capita for current expenses.

When a State Association is formed, the subordinate Associations should no longer report directly to the National Association, but to the State Association, making their returns to it just as they had previously done to the National.

The President of each State Division shall be a Vice President of the National Daughters of the Confederacy; her rank to be determined by the date of her election. All federations shall be under the

management of their State Divisions.

The following were appointed as an Advisory Committee to consider further changes and report at the regular convention to be held at Nashville, November 6, 1895, for further perfecting the organization: Miss Mary S. Lamar, Savannah, Ga.; Mrs. E. H. Parsley, Wilmington, N. C.; Mrs. R. A. Allison, Jackson, Tenn.; Mrs. A. T. Smythe, Charleston, S. C.


CRISTMAS DINNER-RECALL THE CONTRAST.-The Lee Camp Soldiers' Home, Richmond, had the following bill of fare at their last Christmas dinner:

Stewed oysters, roast turkey, cranberry sauce, roast venison, currant jelly, roast shoat, apple sauce, baked ham, wheat bread, corn bread.

Stewed tomatoes, sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes. Mixed pickle, celery, cheese, crackers.

Oranges, apples, bananas, nuts, raisins, confectionery.

Mince pie, fruit cake, pound cake, currant cake, chocolate cake, sponge cake, tea, coffee, cigars.


At the battle of Fredericksburg, December, 1862, Major John Pelham, Chief of Stuart's artillery, and then only eighteen years old, with one Parrot gun delayed the Federal advance for an hour to give time for necessary manœuvres, fighting his gun in the face of the concentrated fire from the entire Federal artillery, as well as the musketry fire from their assaulting column. His gunners in this memorable action were Mississippi Frenchmen, azd above the frightful din of battle could be heard the strains of their hymn, "The Marsellaise, sung by them as they worked their piece.

Pelham's conduct on this occasion won the loftiest praise man has ever earned. Lee, watching him, said: "It is glorious to see such courage in one so young!" Such words from such a man!

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A pleasant party were on an excursion on the Potomac, when a singer rendered "Jesus, lover of my soul," to the comfort of every auditor. After the singing he was interrogated by a fellow passenger, who referred to the peculiar intonation of his voice, when it became the satisfactory conclusion of both that the singer gave that same song when a sentinel in the war, and the gentleman said to him. That song saved your life I heard you singing, detected thereby where you were, and had my gun well upon you when you began the lines,

Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of thy wing,'

when I took down my gun; I couldn't pull the trigger then." The singer recalled the particular occasion, that he was much depressed that night and started the song which revived memories of home.

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The donations for the year are given in an extended list. In it are mentioned seven organizations of Daughters of the Confederacy. The Kansas City Daughters have taken a very active part for it, mentioning especially liberal contributions for books. The Librarian reports that the Woman's Exchange of St. Louis sent them 300 volumes, and the GlobeDemocrat sent about 100 volumes recently. Nearly every newspaper in Missouri has donated to it.

The Missouri Pacific Railway has built a side track and established a station for the Home. The average age of the eighty beneficiaries is over 63


The Fifteenth Connecticut Regiment at New Berne, N. C. The National Tribune:

During a large part of 1864 the Fifteenth Connecticut Infantry was stationed at New Berne, N. C., being the Provost Guard of the city. Its members made a good impression upon the people, and many acts of kindness were passed between the regiment and the citizens. The yellow fever scourged the city and carried off many members of the regiment, as well as citizens. Acts of reciprocal helpfulness greatly strengthened the friendly ties between soldiers and civilians. The survivors of the regiment decided to build a monument at New Berne to the 70 comrades who died there, and the State of Connecticut gave them substantial assistance. It was erected, and on Nov. 14, 1895, a party of surviving veterans arrived at New Berne to dedicate it. They were headed by Col. Charles L. Upham, President of the Fifteenth Connecticut Veteran Association, and Senator O. H. Platt accompanied them to make the dedicatory address. The citizens of New Berne, headed by the city officials and the Confederate Veteran Association, gave them a reception and at banquet, at which appropriate patriotic speeches were made. The yankee veterans were the guests of the city, and were treated with the greatest hospitality. A great concourse turned out to witness the unveiling, and the people supplied a lavish abundance of flowers.

J. E. Rucker, Temple, Texas: I wish to see the VETERAN as solid as the principles for which it contends, and think every town in the South ought to have a live agent.

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The VETERAN realizes the great responsibility of what it says, and it dares not express conviction rashly, since it is so sincerely approved by so many thousands in the South, and as was never any publication before. It has declined to refer to protests by Sons of Grand Army Veterans against like organizations of Sons of Confederates. Then the ugly language of certain newspapers against the rearing of Confederate monuments has been ignored.

Seeking the views of brave men from the other side, "Corporal" James Tanner, who represents ultra sentiment in behalf of Union Veterans, was addressed. "Corporal" Tanner will be recalled as the Commissioner of Pensions, whose generosity toward his comrades lost to him that important position. He was criticised severely and abused by many who would have felt differently if they had known how heroically he pleaded with citizens at a great mass meeting in New York, for the sole purof providing a Confederate Home in Richmond. pose Both of his legs were shot off below the knees by a cannon ball. He has been tried in the fire.

His lettler is dated Washington, D. C., March 22, '95; and contains the following extracts:

"Your very kind note came duly to hand. I noticed the publication of protest by the Sons of Union Veterans in this city against the organization of Sons of Confederate Veterans. Like you, I was pained to see it, and deprecate controversy on these lines. I sincerely hope that the sons of the old 'Johnny-Rebs' will, individually and collectively, take all steps possible to assist the diseased and shattered men who composed the armies of the Rebellion. It seems to me that this is the proper and natural sentiment of the human heart. * * * This comes as a consoling thought to me many a time when, in my personal experience, the pain tears me to pieces, and when I cannot help wishing that the gunner, in the Rebel battery I faced at the Second Bull Run, had sent the shot, which reached me, considerably higher, or not quite so high.

I note also what you say about the protest against the erection of Confederate monuments. Nothing you or I can say or do will change the opinions of mankind in respect to these matters, I suppose.

And I confess that it is very easy for me to look at it from two standpoints. From my standpoint as a Union Soldier, and as a Northern man, I look at it and say to myself, 'Why are these men thus honored?' * * * But then, calm reason arises and says, these men represented a tremendous unanimity of sentiment in their section, and they died for that sentiment. And all my life, without regard to what quarter of the earth, or to what people it applied, I have felt and maintained that those who do not remember and honor their dead, especially if they died fighting for them, should be regarded only with centempt.

Many will differ with me. I cannot help that. These are my honest sentiments. I never have concealed them, and never shall.”

It earn

The VETERAN will be diligent in establishing fraternal relations between real veterans. estly seeks the good of all sections, but principles are stronger than the government. There ought to be monuments in Washington to men of principle and purity of character, regardless of sections in which they lived or their convictions about States' rights.

There is a namby pamby sentiment for conglommerate mixture of the "blue and gray," putting the blue first, which has been carried to excess, and does not express the sentiment of heroes on either side. This sentiment has been pressed by an element that would break down barriers as to honor of service and give opportunities for blending by those who have not whorthy standing, North or South.

Dr. H. W. Manson, of Rockwall, Texas, calls attention to the fact that the managers at Houston will provide for crippled veterans especially, and that none with one leg need walk while there, unless they wish to. He adds, "Please tell Tennesseans that there will be a large delegation of old Tennesseans, now Texans, at Houston."

The following incident is strictly historical. While Potter's raid was in progress through South Carolina, near the close of the war in '65, a halt was made at one of the old homesteads on Cooper River. Col. James C. Beecher, commanding the thirty-fifth U. S. colored troops from Massachusetts, made the house his headquarters, and, to refresh himself and his officers, ordered some old wine taken on the march from the house of Dr. Sandford.

Suspecting that the wine might have been "doctored" for their benefit, he called the negro servant and asked him to drink of it to first see the effect.

The gentleman living there, seeing how he would peril the life of the negro, and indignant at the reflection put upon Dr. Sanford, said: "I will show you that Southern men do no such things as you suspect," and pouring out a glass, drank it himself.


The thirtieth anniversary of Lee's surrender (April 9, 1865) finds the character of the vanquished General a model to which all may refer with approval. "His modesty was his highest virtue," said a learned critic. Gen. Winfield Scott, Commander of the United States' armies, under whom Lee served in Mexico, said, "He was the best soldier I ever saw in the field."

When he surrendered the remnant of his army, which had been invincible so many years, Gen. Meade, in conversation with him, asked how many men he had at Petersburg, when his lines were broken, and when Lee replied "Forty thousand," Mead said, "I am amazed, and could not believe it if it were not you who said it."

When terms of capitulation were agreed upon, and the officer who had gone to take an inventory of Lee's army, reported to Gen Grant, stating that there were 8,000 men for duty, 120 cannon, etc., Grant refused to permit the firing of any salute of victory. In every way he showed his appreciation of the heroism and long persistance of Gen. Lee.

In a tribute to his character, Rev. Dr. Henry M. Field, who was reared in the Berkshire hills of New England, a born abolitionist, but who venerates the memory of his "Black Mammy" as do Southerners, visited Lexington, Va., and concludes a tribute as follows:

"As I took a last look at the recumbant statue, I observed that its base bore no ephitaph; no words of praise were carved upon the stone. Only above it on the wall was the name Robert Edward Lee, with the two dates, Born January 19, 1807, Died October 12, 1870.

That is all, but it is enough, for any eulogy would but detract from the spell of that single name: One of the few, the immortal names That were not born to die.

Comrades: Receive and act upon this suggestion before going to Houston. Call at a printing office in your town or city and ask the printer to do you a favor. Tell him to give you two or three cards, two by three, or four, inches, and toprint your name, Company and Regiment, in the war, on the top side, so it may be read distinctly above the hat band, and keep it in your hat at Houston. A choice copy of the VETERAN will be sent to every printer who will do delegates this favor. It is unnecessary to add brigade, division, etc. Don't fail to do this and you will be gratified with the result.

The next VETERAN will be forty pages or more and the prospects are good for permanent enlargeIt will be distributed largely at the reunion.


Of the Tennessee comrades whose deaths occurred recently, the honored names of Capt. Jasper Smiley and Col. James H. Lewis, members of the Bivouac at Lewisburg, and Col. Thomas Boyers. Ex-President of the Donelson Bivouac at Gallatin, are mentioned. Each deserves extended record heae.

Capt. Smiley was in all respects a worthy man. Col. Lewis was a lawyer of distinction and one of the most public-spirited men in the State. He removed to Birmingham a year or so ago.

Col. Boyers was a prominent character in Tennessee. He was founder of the Nashville American, the oldest journalist in his State, and occupied important positions in the Confederate army. His last editorial wss "Plea against indecent journalism." Just a week after the large funeral of Col. Boyers there was another at Gallatin for Prof. A. M. Burney, President of the Howard Female College. Prof. Burney was one of the most ardent of Southerners and a good man.

Dr. W. M. Yandell, April 12, '95: John C. Brown Camp, U. C. V., of Elpaso, Texas, was organized in March, 1892. The annual election of officers is held on March 2nd, each year-Texas Independence Day. The camp observes the National Decoration Day. The officers this year are: Wyndham Kemp, Commander; H. F. Stacey and H. H. Neill, Lieut. Commaire, Quartermaster; A. L. Justice, Surgeon; B. manders; P. F. Edwards, Adjutant; Chas. LongueE. Majors, Chaplain.

The roster shows something over thirty active. members, several of them-Governor Thornton being one-living in New Mexico. It was one of the first camps to make the VETERAN its official organ.

T. M. Church, Adjutant, Oakville, Texas, April 14, 95: Camp John Donaldson, U. C. V. 1895, held their regular quarterly meeting on last Saturday. After electing the VETERAN as the official organ for the Camp, it selected comrades C. C. Cox and R. M. Miller as delegates to the Houston Reunion, Ben E. Freasier and J. C. Wright as alternates, and Miss Clara Bell Church, Sponsor. The March VETERAN is superb; the old log church at Shiloh looks very natural as I saw it thirty-three years ago. My company-A., Second Texas Infantry-left sixteen brave comrades on that bloody field.

D. S. Sullivan, Secretary, kindly writes that the Louisiana Historical Association recently elected the following officers and Board of Governors for the year ending March 7th, '96:

President, Col. E. A. Palfrey; Vice Presidents, Wm. Laughlin, and Col. J. A. Chalaran; Secretary, Treasurer, and Custodian, D. S. Sullivan. The following comprise the Board of Governors:

Capt. L. A. Adam, John L. Blork, R. Fletcher, Capt. J. T. Purvis, Col. W. R. Lyman.

J. A. Holman, Comanche, Texas, March 13, 1865: The surviving ex-Confederates of Comanche have met and organized John Pelham Camp U. C. V., with sixty members. Elected officers, sent in our dues to the National organization, and expect to be represented at Houston, May 23 to 24. J. T. Tunnell was elected Commander, L. Young, First Commander; J. Holman, Second Commander, and the VETERAN was adopted as the official organ.

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Some of the organizers of the C. V. Camp of New York City:

Stephen W. Jones, a native of Norfolk, Va., was one of the first.

He enlisted as a private at Warrenton, N. C., in April, 1861, and was paroled at Greensboro, N. C., in May, 1865, at which time he was Captain in the Fortysixth North Carolina Regiment. He was in all the engagements of his command.


John F. Black was born in New Orleans, Enlisted as a private in a Louisiana Guard Regiment, and was paroled at Meridian, Miss., in '65, He was then First Lieutenant in the Twenty-fifth Lousiana Regiment, having served four years. He was the first year on the Peninsula near Yorktown, was in the seige and surrender of Vicksburg and later served at a Fort near Mobile.

The VETERAN would do special honor to Comrades in the metropolis who organized, and have maintained the Confederate Veteran Camp of New York. It desires to give other notices hereafter.

The February number had a sketch of Col. A. G. Dickinson, its valiant Commander, and it is permitted in this issue to furnish an interesting historic sketch of his valuable services through Texas during the war. How few of us knew of it!

Capt. Edward Owen, was one of the first of comrades in the New York Camp to take an interest in the VETERAN. His kindness there was preceded by that of his brother, the late Wm. Miller Owen, of Louisiana, who soon after the VETERAN was established kindly sent it a sketch of all the Confederate Monuments in New Orleans. W. Miller Owen, was Adjutant of the Washinton Artillery, New Orleans, and published a handsome ilustrated volume of nearly 500



Jos. H. Stewart, a native of Maryland, enlisted in May, '61, as a private in First Maryland. In the next month he was elected a Second Lieutenant of another Company. He was captured while on picket duty, and after being released was promoted and appointed to the regular Army, C. S. A. He was paroled April 30, '65, by Gen. Wilson, at Macon, Ga.

pages from his own diary, and other authentic sources. A review of this work, "In Camp and in Battle," may be expected later.

Capt. Edward Owen's career duing and since the war will be read with pride by comrades.

He enlisted May, '61, for the war, in New Orleans as First Sergeant of First Company Battalion, Washington Artillery, of that city. He was engaged in more than thirty battles, some of which were Bull Run, Second Manassas, Seven Pines, Mechanicsville, Gains' Mills, Frazer's Farm, Malvern Hill, Wilcox Bluff, Rappahannock Station, Sharpsburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Drury's Bluff, Chickahominy, and the siege of Petersburg for a whole year. He surrendered at Appamattox, C. H. He was promoted after the Battle of Bull Run to First Lieutenant for "gallantry and meritorious conduct on the field," and later he was made Captain, which position he held at close of the war.

In '63 Capt. Owen was detailed as acting Adjutant for a short time on the staff of Col. J. B. Walton, Chief of Artillery of the First Corps, Army of Northern Virginia.

He was wounded in the leg at Sharpsburg, in '62, and on the head in the battle of Drury's Bluff, in '64. He was captured, with his Battery during the battle of Chancellorsville, while defending Marye's Heights, by Fredericksburg, May, '63, and was confined in Old Capitol prison at Washington for two months, when a special exchange was arranged. After the war he went in cotton business in New

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