ePub 版

Curious cases of perversion of memory-Remarkable case of double personality-
Case of double or divided consciousness-Exaltation of memory a fatal diagnostic
sign-Exaltation of memory in the brain diseases of early life-Improvement of
memory in advanced life often precursory of apoplexy-Cases of exaltation of
memory-Memory of the insane-Shakspeare on the memory of the insane,


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Cerebral localization of speech-Is loss of speech the result of affections of the
anterior lobes of the brain?-Loss of speech caused by cerebral abscess-Cases of
loss of speech in general paralysis and softening of the cerebellum-Disease of



Impaired and paralysed sight-Defect of vision symptomatic of disease of the
brain-Early signs of cerebral amaurosis-Cephalalgia a symptom of centric
cerebral amaurosis-Value of the ophthalmoscope in detecting obscure diseases of
the eye-Double vision a symptom of disease of the brain-Case of sudden restora-
tion of sight-Loss of sight caused by tumours in the brain-Causes of amau-
rosis-Loss of sight premonitory of apoplexy-Singular case of sudden recovery of
the sense of vision-Importance of the early detection of cerebral disease-Symp-
toms of amaurosis dependent upon vascular congestion-Singular case of morbid
derangement of sight-Exaltation of vision premonitory of brain disease-Cases
of morbid exaltation of vision-Spectral illusions-Goethe's power of producing
phantasms-Cases of hyperæsthesia of vision connected with disease of the
optic thalamus-Perversion and aberration of sight-Peculiar expression of the

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Obscurity of the pathology of the brain-Cases illustrating the difficulties attending
the investigation of cerebral pathology-Opinions of celebrated authorities as to the
proximate cause of insanity-Capillary congestion a cause of insanity-Appa-
rently normal condition of the brain often observed after death from acute insanity
-Disordered condition of the psychical co-ordinating principle a cause of insanity
-Pathological phenomena of general paralysis-Softening of the brain and
hemiplegia-Idiopathic ramollissement of the brain-Influence of deposits in the

arteries upon the circulation-Diseased arteries a cause of apoplexy-Diagnosis
of insanity-Affections with which insanity is liable to be confounded-Distinction
between insanity and delirium-Diagnosis of cerebral congestion-Distinction
between insanity and cerebritis-Diagnosis between meningitis and inflammation
of the substance of the brain-Anesthesia preceding cerebro-spinal disease-
Incipient symptoms of general paralysis-Diagnosis between general paralysis
and wasting palsy-Diagnosis of softening of the brain-Premonitory symptoms
of acute and chronic softening-Cerebral abscesses and tumours-Importance
of knowing the antecedents of patients-Diagnosis of cerebral cephalalgia-
Importance of cephalalgia in a diagnostic point of view-Neuralgic and Rheumatic
cephalalgia-Nervous headache, and the cephalalgia symptomatic of tumours of
the brain-Diagnosis between cerebral and idiopathic sickness of the stomach-
Treatment of incipient insanity-Duties of the physician-Depletion in insanity,
its use and abuse-Caution to be exercised in the exhibition of purgatives-Use
of hellebore by the ancients for the cure of insanity-Value of opium in the treat-
ment of incipient insanity-Use of chloroform in cases of insanity-Isolation of
the patient from his friends-Mr. Spurgeon's method of subduing evil thoughts-
Necessity of self-control-Importance of early treatment of organic disease of the
brain-Value of tonic treatment in incipient apoplexy and paralysis-Treatment
of softening of the brain-Disease of the brain caused by mechanical injuries to the
head-Injurious effects of blows upon the head-Importance of watching the state
of the brain after injuries to the head-Various diseases of the brain preventible if
treated in the early stage-Abscesses from blows upon the head-Course of
treatment to be adopted after severe blows upon the head-Importance of the
early detection of head symptoms-Treatment of cases of impaired intelligence
-Importance of a cultivation of the faculty of attention-Treatment of impair-
ment and loss of memory-Treatment of the mind after an attack of insanity-
Susceptibility of the memory to improvement-Mental remedies for the improve-
ment of memory-On the cultivation of the memory-Montaigne's loss of memory
-On the advantages and disadvantages of a commonplace book-Impairment of
memory the result of undue straining in early life-Importance of the careful
cultivation of the memory-Excessive straining of the memory in schools-When
does the intellect begin to decline ?-The vital, not the intellectual, principle
affected in old age-Celebrated men who have retained their intellectual powers
to a great age, as exhibited in the lives of Cherubini, Corneille, M. des Quen-
sounnières, M. Leroy, Fontenelle, Voltaire, Richelieu, Mr. Waller, John Maple-
toft, Titian, Benjamin West, R. Cumberland, Handel, Ben Jonson, Sir Isaac New-
ton, Locke, Dr. Johnson, Bacon, Chaucer, Sir E. Coke, Lord Eldon, Lord Kenyon,
Lord Hardwicke, Lord Stowell, Bolingbroke, and Lord Mansfield-Is great
vigour of memory allied to defect of judgment?—Great strength of memory com-
bined with intellectual vigour, illustrated in the lives of Dr. Johnson, Edmund
Burke, Clarendon, Gibbon, Locke, Archbishop Tillotson, Grotius, Pascal, Leibnitz,
Euler, Muratori, Ben Jonson, Themistocles, Cyrus, Hortensius, Niebuhr, Sir
James Mackintosh, Dugald Stewart, Dr. Gregory, and Seneca-Kind treatment of
the insane-Duties of the psychological physician

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THERE is not in the whole range of medical literature, ancient or modern, a passage that transcends in grandeur of conception, majesty of diction, and sublimity of truth, the exordium with which Hippocrates introduces to the reader his celebrated aphorisms: 1. 'O Bios ẞpaxis (Life is short); 2. 'H dè réxvn μaкpǹ (Art long); 3. Ο δὲ καιρὸς ὀξὺς (The occasion Meeting); 4. Ἡ δὲ πείρα σφαλερὴ (Experience fallacious); 5. Ἡ δὲ κρίσις χαλεπὴ (Judgment difficult).

"O de kaιpòs oùç." How important it is, to fully καιρὸς ὀξὺς.” appreciate, when considering the treatment of the diseases of all vital structures, the practical significance of this great medical apophthegm.

"The occasion fleeting!" Let this profoundly wise axiom ever be present to the mind, and engraven in imperishable materials, and in indestructible characters, upon the memory.

If these "fleeting" moments of inestimable, incalculable, and precious value, are neglected or trifled with; if serious morbid states of brain are overlooked, or, if


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