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giving tongue lustily, like a pack on full scent, making our way aint Peter's churchyard, up the path the richly-carved façade of John ay's chapel.

nat a funny ship that is!" said Gradus, about ten years old, as he pointed with candle towards the upper part of the pel, "I never saw such a clumsy one in y life."

Yes," answered Ille-ego, who claimed seniority over us all, "I suppose 'tis like what they used to build in former days: there is a boat alongside of her, and they seem to be at lowering a cask by a rope—”


"And there's one man upon the stern," em cried Hic-hac-hoc, interrupting Ille-ego, "did the you ever see such a great high stern?-not a hich I bit like Curwood's boats :-see, there's a man 1 have pulling a fish out of the water."

ere was

terwards stion, that ime before, shades, and act. A very ers to their perceived and of urging the clearly-for it making such as llow one who was earful and dismal a Kupon this compliI consider it as a fair

"I swear 'tis a bigger one than Tityre-tu caught in the Loman the other day with a black palmer," resumed Gradus.

"And his line's as thick as a rope," said A-B-C., who was our youngest volunteer, and at the bottom of the lowest form in school.

"Ah, and there's another ship," rejoined Hic-hac-hoc, "oh, and a good many more:and what are those men doing?—but the nose of one of them has been knocked off, and the nose of the other has been rubbed quite flat."

"There is a man up there," said A-B-C., "with a long stick in his hand :-I wonder if 'tis a fishing-rod-but it's got no reel."



A hearty peal burst forth from all sides, at r, perhaps, until then the expense of the simplicity of A-B-C. of scholastic annals; The whiles they laughed a id polished not himself shine struck across the ch An overwhelming ma-sciously drew their attenti 1 with me-the truth was dials. revail; the tide flowed rably, the oppositionists -obliged to submit, and Decome guides for the whole

"Almost three o'clock, ceiving the shadow fell ove "Come, come along the hac-hoc, catching hold of his to pull him away.

[blocks in formation]

Tiverton was known by the appellation of Twyford as early as the year 872, which was in the beginning of the reign of Alfred the Great; but the appearance of it then, and during some centuries subsequently, was miserable to a degree. It consisted only of a few Arab-like hovels huddled together near that part of the town now occupied by Frog Street-this was all. When the Saxons set themselves earnestly to build a house-perhaps, we should imagine a pig-sty-they, in the first place, cleared the ground of stocks, stones, rubbish, or other impediments, and formed a level surface of earth, which surface was to be the floor of the interior. When this was done to satisfaction, they sketched the plan of the intended edifice on the spot it was destined to occupy, without paper, without pencils, without pens or ink, and without rules and scales; but, like some ancient ma thematic an, drew the figure on the sand with (for all I know) their fingers; and then they were better able to see what they were about. On this circumferen ial line, so drawn, for it was but a boundary without divisions, they drove into the ground a closely-set row of stakes, and cut them off even at a proper height, where they were to support the conical roof. Then their fingers again came in requisition, and they crammed the crevices and interstices in this framework with wet clay or mud, thereby setting a fair example to our modern workers in "wattle-and-dab." A few sticks overlaid with straw completed the building, by covering it in with a rudely thatched roof. There was a multum-in-par vo hole on one side, which, in itself, contained all the requisites of doors, windows, ventilators, light-holes, and, in short, every other luxury to be found in more recently-constructed houses; and the interior was not divided into compartments or rooms-perhaps it was not spacious sufficient in area to admit of it.

But this one "stall, Served them for kitchen, parlor, and all." They were kind and considerate enough, however, to allow the smoke of the enkindled fire the fullest privileges and blessings of liberty. It was not only permitted to range at large amongst the assembled company within the hut, but was suffered by its own free will to escape either by the door or through a hole in the roof left for that purpose.

Such, then, was the ordinary Saxon mansion. Who would not have lived in those days?

"Their houses were like Dirty Dick's,

And built with mud, for want of bricks."

The whole town at first consisted merely of a small number of these, concentrated close under the castle walls, as a brood of chickens crowded around the old hen for safety; for when the island was so full of foreign as well as civil enemies, when Britons, Saxons, Picts, Scots, and Danes, were all ravaging the same territories, and were all contending among themselves, using as well as speaking daggers, no man, for one night, could with certainty call his life his own. He was liable to be surprised at any unguarded hour, pillaged, burnt out of his house, and murdered. The people, therefore, very naturally congregated near the walls of the stronghold of the powerful baron who might reside in the neighborhood, and who by them was looked up to as their immediate king, and from whom they received that protection from unforseen attacks which they, in their helpless state, could by no means give to themselves.

Some historians assert that Tiverton castle bears not the date of such remote antiquity as that of which I have been speaking; but there are very good reasons for supposing that this hypothesis has been advanced like an unsupported piece on a chess-board. That it kept the surrounding country in awe and subjection long before the conquest there is little rationale to deny; yet the most authenticated documents lay its foundation so late as the year 1106, by Richard deRipariis, Redvers, or Rivers, Earl of Devonshire, and first Baron of Tiverton, who, about that time, obtained a grant of the barony from King Henry the First.

Baldwin Rivers, Earl of Devon, and successor of him who built the castle, was driven from his fortress by the arms (not the fists and toes) of King Stephen.

It suffered many sieges and assaults during the contests between the two roses, by cause of the active part that several of its lordly tenants took in those fierce wars.

After the union of the two families of Lancaster and York, when the white and red complexions were amicably blended in the persons of William Courteney, Earl of Devon, and the fair daughter of Edward the Fourth, this castle rose to its highest pitch of strength and splendor. "Here was held the court, and this was the constant place of residence of the widowed princess fifteen years." Her son, the Marquis of Exon, or Exeter, lived here occasionally with great magnificence. It was from this castle that he was taken to

the Tower of London on his attainder, and thence to the scaffold, where he suffered through the severity and unrelenting rigor of Henry the Eighth.

From the time of this king, who seized on the estates of the marquis, it gradually sank into decay: the parks and pleasure-grounds were neglected, metamorphosed, and finally sold to various persons by the crown, but the parks were not disparked till the fifteenth of Elizabeth.

Wherever there is a castle of any antiquity, and which is known to have experienced the vicissitudes of fortune, fertile brains, a love

could do that as well as any body else: there was no objection to it whatever, either on their parts or on mine:-it was fair and just, and nothing was so longed for as to convert unsubstantial words into actual and accomplished deeds. True it was, the cook shortly found herself minus candles, tinder-box, and all the et ceteras, and nine points of the law very soon confirmed that manœuvre.

We set off, giving tongue lustily, like a pack of hounds on full scent, making our way through Saint Peter's churchyard, up the path opposite the richly-carved façade of John Greenway's chapel.

"What a funny ship that is!" said Gradus, a boy about ten years old, as he pointed with his candle towards the upper part of the chapel, "I never saw such a clumsy one in my life."

for the marvellous, or the power of supersti- The second item tended towards me, in the tion, generally creates some mysterious le imposition of a tax or forfeit but no tax gends respecting it, which are to be found in placed on humanity was ever levied with the mouths of the inhabitants in the vicinity. such facility and good-will. The law enTiverton Castle has not been without its forced, secundo, that I should find candles, changes and chances; it has risen high and tinder-box, and matches, and that I should it has fallen low; and conquered, affrighted, steal them from the cook, for it was sagaciously or endangered garrisons, as well as some of perceived that, as my home was nearer to the the town refugees, have had recourse to va- scene of action than the residences of any of rious stratagems in order to secure safety to the others, there would be the greatest advanthemselves and their property from the threat- tages arising from the enactment of such a ening enemy that might surprise them. The clause as this second article compelled. most usual and favorite place of security (in Proximity, and, therefore, convenience of romance) is undoubtedly a dungeon or sub-transportation, was the great incentive and terranean passage-what castle is without it insubvertible argument. And as to the matsomewhere (though no one can find it?)—and ter of stealing what we wanted, of course I who is it that has ever been to Tiverton and has not heard of the "dungeon," that passes from the castle the whole way under the town? To resort thither with half a dozen candles "to explore," has often been the frolic of a holiday afternoon among schoolboys. I remember when I was about twelve years of age, and at the time forming one of a large body of rebellious subjects, who groaned under the despotic and harsh government of that tyrannical sceptre, (as all boys fancy,) the ferula, that some five or six of us formed the design of making a visit to the dungeon, under the sweet persuasion that Our antiquarian search and research could not but be attended by such success and discovery, as would shed more light on certain obscure passages in events of by-gone ages than had ever been enkindled by the laborious pens of all the historians that ever wielded a goosequill. The conditions and items of the bill of enforcement when drawn up were so far complimentary to me, (being the projector,) inasmuch as it was resolved, in that scarce document, that I should lead the way at the head of the forces, and conduct them through the whole enterprise. This was the substance of the first article, but to which I would by no means agree. It would have been ridiculous indeed if I had; for there was a circumstance born amongst us afterwards which tended to prove beyond question, that one or two of the party had, some time before, ventured into the said Tartarean shades, and who subsequently confessed the fact. A very brief harangue reduced matters to their "Ah, and there's another ship," rejoined proper positions; they quickly perceived and Hic-hac-hoc, "oh, and a good many more:acknowledged the absurdity of urging the and what are those men doing?—but the nose blind to lead those that saw clearly-for it of one of them has been knocked off, and the was the same thing-and of making such as nose of the other has been rubbed quite flat." would be useful as guides follow one who was "There is a man up there," said A-B-C., an utter stranger into so fearful and dismal a" with a long stick in his hand :-I wonder if place. When I look back upon this compli- 'tis a fishing-rod-but it's got no reel." ment of their promotion, I consider it as a fair A hearty peal burst forth from all sides, at page of courtesy, never, perhaps, until then the expense of the simplicity of A-B-C. detected in the volume of scholastic annals; The whiles they laughed a gleam of sun-for Lord Chesterfield polished not himself shine struck across the chapel, and unconby the study of such. An overwhelming ma-sciously drew their attention upon two ancient jority instantly sided with me-the truth was dials. great, and did prevail; the tide flowed strongly and favorably, the oppositionists were borne down-obliged to submit, and agree, in fine, to become guides for the whole party.

"Yes," answered Ille-ego, who claimed seniority over us all, "I suppose 'tis like what they used to build in former days: there is a boat alongside of her, and they seem to be lowering a cask by a rope-"

"And there's one man upon the stern," cried Hic-hac-hoc, interrupting Ille-ego, “did you ever see such a great high stern?—not a bit like Curwood's boats :-see, there's a man pulling a fish out of the water."

"I swear 'tis a bigger one than Tityre-tu caught in the Loman the other day with a black palmer," resumed Gradus.

"And his line's as thick as a rope," said A-B-C., who was our youngest volunteer, and at the bottom of the lowest form in school.

"Almost three o'clock," said Gradus, perceiving the shadow fell over that figure.

"Come, come along then," rejoined Hichac-hoc, catching hold of his neighbor's arm to pull him away.

“Nesciunt reverti," said Ille-ego, reading | Another five minutes served to replace the the inscription on one of the dials.

On arriving at the destined spot, there arose a call for ammunition and stores. Pockets, hats, coat sleeves, and holes cut to get between the lining and the cloth of trowsers (where pockets were not long enough) were pregnant with candles, matches, tinder, and potatoes to make candlesticks of. There was a most prolitic birth.

The only entrance now known, and before which we stood, is under a small archway, about a foot and a half span, and not rising more than two feet out of the ground. Tradition says, that this arch is in reality the head of a doorway, which formerly rose high enough to allow soldiers egress and ingress, when they wished privately and by secret passages, to pass this way: but, that time and neglect have suffered so much earth and rubbish to accumulate there, that the door has been filled up as it now appears, to within only two feet of the top. Thus speaks tradition-but tradition sometimes tells fibs-and a slight examination of the spot will convince any one, that the honest god of Veracity prompted not those that unloosed such a tale upon the world. Prometheus never struck brighter sparks from the flint, than Hic-hachoc had been doing for a minute or more with great assiduity. But the tinder was unwilling to light. It was either damp-or else the striker did not let the hasty sparks fall pro

tinder in the box, and also to select two or three good matches from the bundle, that appeared to hold the greatest quantity of brimstone on their points-and moreover, what was supremely joyful-to enkindle a throbbing flame on the end of one of them.

[blocks in formation]

perly into the box-or else, by-the-by, the ON SEEING MR. STANFIELD'S PICsaid tinder grievously lacked a little of Staghl's phlogiston.

"Let me try," said Ille-ego, taking the flint and steel out of his hands. "Many a time have I struck a light and lit a candle to explore here."

"I' faith you may take it," rejoined the other, resigning every thing to him, "for I have nearly knocked my knuckles to pieces, the flint is so small."

Ille-ego was stronger in the arms, and the tinder was soon a-light.

"Give me a match!" he cried, "before it




ALL honor to thee, Stanfield!-thou hast done
For thine enduring fame, but little less
Than He, th' immortalized, who dying won
His country's safety ;-He, whom we address
As Nelson, th' unconquered, whose excess
Of glory, brightest at its setting shone;
Oh, might he deign our artist's toils to bless,
And, looking down from his celestial throne,

goes out again." The match was unwilling See victory gained once more-once more his trito ignite, as the tinder had been before."

"There's fire, there's fire," exclaimed Hichæc-hoc, "put the match there!"

"And now there's a deal of fire running about on the farther side of the box-let me put another match there!" added Gradus, offering his assistance.

Five minutes-perhaps more-had been consumed in the fruitless attempt to kindle these matches: five minutes to us, just then, appeared a long time. A-B-C. now stepped in, to tender his ready powers.

"Why don't you blow it?" said he, puffing into the box with all his might.

"You cursed little fool!" roared Ille-ego; "and now you've blown all the tinder away! D-nation and the devil!"

"Vexed as we were at this ill-judged puff, we gave vent to a laugh-all but Ille-ego, and the innocent offender. True it was, the smoking ashes were scattered far and wide. "Pick it up, pick it up?" was the spontaneous cry.

umph own.

Let England's sons before this canvass stand With holy awe, and first a tribute pay Of wonder due to the all-powerful hand That made perpetual this triumphant day; Then to their feelings let them give full sway. This, the best record of their country's might, Of their sires' glory, this the brightest ray; So shall their bosoms glowing at the sight Of vanquished navies swell, and future Nelsons fight.

Here, as before an altar, stand and view
The holocaust of men-dread sacrifice,
But veiled in vapor. Those th' artillery slew
Were anthemed by their slayers. In the deep lies,
Graved as they died, a host;—and the shrill


Of the dismembered and the not yet dead
Ne'er from the caverns of those vast ships rise:
For naught is heard, but when some mast is

The Mascarenhas.


Or huge beam riven in twain, among those thun. upon the annals of India, is a task boldly to ders dread.

be undertaken and easily to be executed. But never was an idea more fallacious. The

Peal follows crash, and crash succeeds each very variety of the matter, the richness in peal,

War shrouds himself in smoke from Heaven's
pure eye,

His stern voice awes the winds, the mute waves

The common fear, and slow and mournfully
Heave their clear bosoms. Without power to

Dismasted ships, magnificent wrecks, around
The conquering Victory in confusion lie;
Safety have some in their submission found,
The rest desponding fight, defeat with valor bound.

Such is this picture, an historic page,

By heaven-born genius given-trophy sublime
Of England's prowess-to the latest age,
When other deeds shall be devoured by time,
This still shall flourish as in early prime;
This still shall cause unnumbered hearts to swell,
In countries distant, yea, in every clime,
The British youths shall glory as they tell,

incident, and the abundance of startling events, make the amalgamation into a connected story a completion of the utmost difficulty. The abundance offered to the writer insensibly lead on the unskilful to failure. A tempts to discursive improvidence, and would romance founded on Indian history must be like a tessellated pavement: every stone different in hue and color from the other, indivito arrange the whole, that out of apparent dually brilliant, requires the master-hand so incongruity harmony may arise, and the mind be satisfied in contemplating the multifarious arrangement, that of the many minute and seemingly opposite elements, a perfect whole is produced.

How far Mrs. Stewart, the author of this singularly well-told tale, has effected this object, we will leave the reader to decide.

Of Nelson's battle won, which Stanfield drew so Should he think that she has not quite reached well.

The Mascarenhas; a Legend of the Portuguese in India. By the Author of "The Prediction," &c. 3 vols. Smith, Elder, and Co. London.

THE whole history of India is one continued romance, a romance tinged with horrors, darkened by superstition, and prodigal of blood. The banner that old Time has ever waved over that country of antiquities has borne upon it the dread symbols of the most revolting superstitions quartered with the blood red hand of rapine; and, though a few flowers may be discovered wreathed among the more horrible types, they are not enough to relieve the dire emblazonry of crime mingled with fanatical mystery. Even when the good few, with a truly christian zeal, endeavored to supplant this terrible banner, by elevating upon its fertile soil the glorious cross, this beautiful sign of glory to God and peace and good-will to men, too soon became a symbol of mad persecution, an apology for licentious barbarity, and an index to point out where stood the walls and where were sunk the dungeons of an inquisition that has blasphemously arrogated to itself the title of "Holy."

If ever a country was pre-eminently persecuted and devoured, if ever man in his various tribes had his better energies crushed out by the madness of hostile, God-insulting and man-defacing faiths, that country was, and still is, India; and it is in its various and beautiful regions, that we find him the most debased by a contemptible notion of his future self, and a childlike subserviency to the jugglery of a false priesthood. It may be thought, that with such materials with which to operate, the engrafting a well-written romance

perfection, that a few of the precious materials that she has placed in juxtaposition do not look well beside each o.her, and that one, perhaps two, of the stones that she has placed in the tessellated pavement of her story, are ought to have been wholly omitted, we beg but pebbles put foreign to their purpose, and to remark, that these discrepancies are less imputable to the authoress than to the taste of the times, and to the very nature of her subto give some faint notion of the work. ject. This will be fully shown as we proceed

fixing the exact epoch of the tale, and giving It is opened by a well-written introduction, a rapid but very lucid description of the then state of India. At that time, the Portuguese domination was fast declining, whilst that of England was just beginning to extend itself slowly but surely, and the great, or rather the famous, (for the terms are not synonymous,) Aurungzebe was at the zenith of his power.

knows, a Mahommedan, and he was rather This emperor was, as everybody severe upon the great majority of his subjects, the Hindoos. Their interests and their religion were energetically espoused by a Mahrattah chief, Rajah Sevagi, who is certainly, whatever the fair writer may have intended, the hero of the romance. He holds a mountain district on the confines of Aurungzebe's dominions, and not only continually annoys him by predatory excursions, but even goes to the length of plotting to dethrone him, ror, who may be more auspicious to the Hinand to set up in his place some other empedoos, and more tolerant to the Brahminical code. To carry these views into effect, he does not scruple to league with one Gomez, a lusty, hard-featured, hard-hearted villain, a pirate by profession, and a very brute in all manner of practice. This Gomez is a Portuguese, whose head quarters are situated at Chittagong, and who is in command of some thousand valiant vagabonds, his countrymen, and of several thousand other vagabonds, Hindoos, not quite so valiant, but equally

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