The Introduction by the Editor.
CHAP. I. Life a pilgrimage through a state of spiritual
conflicts; The Pilgrim's Progress a guide to all hea-
venward pilgrims; the author furnished with leisure
time to write it, by being for many years shut up in
prison for refusing to violate his conscience.........
CHAP. II. The Pilgrim's Progress having been written
in prison, difficulties were thrown in the way of its
CHAP. III. Bunyan's extraordinary qualifications to
write the pilgrimage, sanctified by prison discipline..
CHAP. IV. Bunyan's release from jail, and his publi-
cation of The Pilgrim's Progress........
CHAP. V. The inquiry, Was Bunyan assisted in the
composition of his Pilgrim's Progress, answered in
the negative-1st, From his own declarations, to
which may be added, "I am for drinking water out
my own cistern;" The opinions of the learned; an
analysis of every work previously published on the
same subject, or with a similar title page. For a
list of these rare volumes see the Index. In these
analyses will be found a genuine picture of Popery
as painted by herself..........
CHAP. VI. A bibliographical account of all the editions
of The Pilgrim's Progress published during the
author's life, with notices of the more prominent
modern editions, and translations into the languages
of nearly all nations.........
CHAP. VII. An account of the versions, commentaries,
and imitations of The Pilgrim's Progress.........
CHAP. VIII. The opinions of many learned men of its
singular merits, and the causes of its extraordinary
CHAP. IX. Observations upon some of the most promi.
Enters the Valley of Humiliation; fights with, and
overcomes Apollyon; comes to the Valley of the Sha-
dow of Death; terrified by the spies; assaulted by
foes who care not for his sword; betakes himself to
another weapon,
All-prayer;" comes out of the
valley, and passes the old giants, Pagan and Pope... 111
Overtakes Faithful, a fellow-pilgrim; hold communion
with each other; converse with Talkative; Evange-
list forewarns them of persecution; enter Vanity
Fair; are maltreated; imprisoned; Faithful is tried
and burned......
...... 117
Christian pursues his journey, and is joined by Hope-
ful; By-ends wishes to join them; the sophistry of
Hold-the-world detected; Demas tempts them to
the Hill Lucre, but they refuse; arrive at the River
of the Water of life; they go into By-path Meadow;
follow Vain-confidence; are taken by Giant Despair,
and imprisoned in Doubting Castle; arguments for
and against suicide; escape by the Key of Promise;
erect a Pillar to caution others.......
77 Arrive at the Delectable Mountains; entertained by
the Shepherds; are shown Mounts Error, Caution,
79 and Clear; see the Celestial Gate; receive some
85 cautions; fail in attempting to convert Ignorance;
robbery of Little-faith; meet the Flatterer, and are
caught in his net; released by a Shining One; meet
Get over the Slough of Despond, and are admitted at
the Wicket-gate, and rejoice together; they are fed,
washed, and sent on their way; the children eat the
enemy's fruit; are assaulted, but rescued by the
Arrive at the Interpreter's house; shown the signifi-
cant rooms, the man who prefers a muck-rake to a
celestial crown, the spider in the best room, the hen
and chickens, butcher and sheep, the garden, the
field, the robin; the Interpreter's proverbs; tree rot-
ten at the heart; they relate their experience; Mercy
is sleepless for joy; they are washed, which enlivens
and strengthens them; sealed and clothed
Great-heart guards them to the house called Beautiful;
pass the Sepulchre where Christian lost his burden;
pardon by word and deed, an important distinction ;
see Simple, Sloth, and Presumption hanging; names
of those that they had ruined; Hill Difficulty; By-
ways, although stopped and barred up, still entered;
rest in the Arbour, but are afraid to sleep; still suffer
by forgetfulness; punishment of Timorous and Mis-
trust; Giant Grim slain......
Pilgrims arrive at the Palace Beautiful; Great-heart
returns; they are entertained for a month; the
children catechised; Mr. Brisk makes love to
Mercy; her sister Bountiful's unhappy marriage;
Matthew sick with the enemy's fruit; is healed by
Dr. Skill; his prescriptions; instructive questions;
they are greatly strengthened; Mr. Great-heart sent
to guard them....
Enter the Valley of Humiliation, and are pleased with
it; shepherd boy's song; see the place where Chris-
tian and Apollyon fought; come into the Valley of
the Shadow of Death; are greatly terrified; Giant
Maul slain; find Old Honest, a pilgrim, sleeping;
he joins them; story of Mr. Fearing; good men
sometimes much in the dark; he fears no difficul-
ties, only lest he should deceive himself; case of
Self-will; a singular sect in the Author's time....... 205
Are entertained at the House of Gaius; pilgrims the
descendants of the martyrs; Matthew and Mercy
betrothed; riddles in verse; Slay-good, a giant,
slain; Feeble-mind rescued; proves to be related to
Mr. Fearing; Not-right killed with a thunderbolt;
Matthew and Mercy, and James and Phebe, married;
Feeble-mind and Ready-to-halt join the pilgrims;
profitable converse between Honest and Great-heart 217
Vanity Fair; the death of Faithful had planted a little
colony of pilgrims there; pleasant communion;
courage and an unspotted life essential to pilgrims;
Samuel and Grace, and Joseph and Martha, married;
the Monster (state religion) assaulted and wounded;
believed by some that he will die of his wounds; pass
the place where Faithful was martyred; the silver
mine; Lot's wife......
Arrive at the river near the Delectable Mountains;
By-path Meadow; Slay Giant Despair, and Diffi-
dence, his wife, and destroy Doubting Castle; release
Mr. Despondency and Miss Much-afraid; Great-
heart addresses the Shepherds in rhyme; Mounts
Marvel, Innocent, and Charity; see the Hole in the
side of the Hill; Mercy longs for a curious Mirror;
the Pilgrims are adorned.....
Story of Turn-away; find, Valiant-for-truth wounded
by thieves; account of his conversion; the question
debated, that if we shall know ourselves, shall we
know others in the future state? arguments used by
relatives to prevent pilgrimage; the Enchanted
Ground; an arbour called the Slothful's Friend; in
doubt as to the way, the book or map is examined;
Heedless and Bold in a fatal sleep; surprised by a
solemn noise, they are led to Mr. Stand-fast in
prayer, he having been assailed by Madam Bubble... 232
Arrive in the Land of Beulah, and are delighted with
celestial visions on the border of the River of Death;
Christiana summoned, addresses her guide, and
blesses her children and her fellow-pilgrims; her
CHAP. II. Diabolus occupies the castle; deposes the
Lord Mayor, Mr. Understanding, and a wall erected
to darken his house; Mr. Conscience the Recorder
put out of office; very obnoxious to Diabolus and the
inhabitants; Mr. Lord-will-be-will heartily espouses
the cause of Diabolus, and is made the principal
governor; the image of Shaddai defaced, and that of
Diabolus set up; Mr. Lustings made Lord Mayor:
Mr. Forget-good, Recorder; new Aldermen appointed,
-Messrs. Incredulity, Haughty, Swearing, Whoring,
Hard-heart, Pityless, Fury, No-truth, Stand-to-lies,
False-peace, Drunkenness, Cheating, and Atheism;
three strongholds built Defiance, Midnight-hold,
and Sweet-sin-hold......
CHAP. III. The Revolution known to king Shaddai;
his resentment against Diabolus; his gracious inten-
tion of restoring Mansoul; intimations published, but
suppressed by Diabolus; his artifices to secure the
town and prevent its return to Shaddai............
CHAP. IV. Shaddai sends an army of 40,000 spiritual
energies to reduce Mansoul, under the command of
Captains Boanerges, Conviction, Judgment, and
Execution, who address the inhabitants powerfully,
but with little effect; Diabolus, Incredulity, Ill-
pause, and others, interfere to prevent submission;
Prejudice defends Ear-gate, with a guard of sixty
deaf men......
CHAP. V. The Captains give battle to the town, which
resolutely resists; they retire to winter quarters;
Tradition, Human Wisdom, and Man's Invention,
enlist under Boanerges; they are taken prisoners,
and join Diabolus under Captain Anything; hostili-
ties are renewed, and the town much molested; a
famine and mutiny in Mansoul; a parley; proposi-
tions made and rejected; Understanding and Con-
science quarrel with Incredulity; a skirmish......... 276
CHAP. VI. Lord Understanding and Mr. Conscience
imprisoned; the besieging officers petition Shaddai
for a reinforcement; it is approved; Emmanuel, the
king's son, is appointed to conquer the town; marches
with a great army, and surrounds Mansoul, which is
strongly fortified against him.........
CHAP. VII. Emmanuel prepares for war against Man-
soul; Diabolus sends Loth-to-stoop with proposals
for peace, which are rejected; he proposes to patch
up a peace by outward reformation, offering to become
great Diabolonians tried, condemned, and executed,
to Mansoul's great joy.
CHAP. XI. Experience is made an officer; the charter
renewed and enlarged, with special privileges; minis-
try established; Mr. Conscience the preacher, his
duties and rewards specified; the inhabitants are
clad in white; receive many distinguishing favours
from the prince; God's peace appointed to rule; the
unexampled felicity of the town......
CHAP. XII. Carnal-security prevails; Emmanuel pri-
vately withdrawing, Godly-fear detects it, and excites
the people to destroy Carnal-security; they try to
induce Emmanuel to return.........
CHAP. XIII. The Diabolonians take courage; plots are
formed to re-conquer Mansoul; vices, under virtuous
names, are introduced, and do immense mischief;
and 20,000 Doubters are raised to surprise the town 330
CHAP. XIV. Mr. Prywell discovers the plot; prepara-
tions for defence; more Diabolonians executed; the
Doubters assault Ear-gate, but are repulsed; the
townsmen will not parley; flattery tried in vain;
Jolly, Griggish, Gripe, and Rakeall, executed; Any-
thing and Loosefoot imprisoned.
CHAP. XV. Mensoul makes a rash sortie by night and
is worsted; Diabolus attacks Feel-gate, which he
forces, and Doubters possess the town, doing incre-
dible mischief; Mansoul petitions Emmanuel, and
Credence is appointed Lord Lieutenant............
CHAP. XVI. A new plot laid to ruin the town, by riches
and prosperity; Emmanuel appears to assist Man-
soul; the army of Doubters routed; he enters the
town amidst the joyful acclamations of the inhabi-
XLIX.-LXV. Of the golden spoons, bowls, basons,
flagons, and cups belonging to the temple; the
chargers; the goings out; the singers; the union of
the holy and most holy temple; the holiest or inner
temple; the vail; the doors, golden nails, floors, and
walls of the inner temple; the ark of the covenant;
placing of the ark, the mercy-seat, the living waters,
and the chains in the oracle or inner temple........... 492
LXVI.-LXX. Of the high-priest, and of his office in
the inner temple; of the high-priest's going alone,
and but once a year, into the holiest; the cherubims;
the figures that were upon the walls....................................................... 505
FOREST OF LEBANON, showing it to be typical
of spiritual things..........
CHAP. VIII. Of the golden shields and targets, and
what they typified; as King Solomon supplied all
this armour, so God arms his saints....
CHAP. IX. Of the vessels of pure gold, not for divine
worship, but private use; sometimes full of bitter
draughts, at other times the cup of consolation and
of salvation: God's love tokens like honey............ 527
A most interesting letter from Pomponius Algerius,
an Italian martyr, one of the pillars in God's house 530
CHAP. X. The porch of the house capable of holding
1000 men; a refuge from the storm; a defence from
persecutors; not enough to be content with the porch;
we must enter the house.......
CONCLUSION-Why persecution is allowed of God........ 536
THE WATER OF LIFE; or, A Discourse showing
the Richness and Glory of the Grace and Spirit of
the Gospel, as set forth in Scripture by that term,
The Water of Life.....
Advertisement by the Editor..
The Epistle to the Reader, or Bunyan's Bill of his
Master's Water of Life..
TEXT-Rev. xxii. 1-The divisions. First, The subject
matter. Second, The quantity of this water, "a
river." Third, Its source, the throne of God.
Fourth, Its quality, pure and clear as crystal.
The Spirit of grace compared to water
The greatness and abundance of the Water of Life;
what a river this is, and inferences to be drawn from
the term RIVER ...................
The head or well-spring of the water of life..................................
The nature and quality of this water; pure, clear; no
grudge or upbraiding in it; comes from God's very
heart; mighty beyond conception; no fear of excess
or of surfeiting here; the chiefest good, the highest
good; conduct influenced by doctrines.....
The application of the whole; this water of lite excel-
lent in nature, abundant in quantity, has a glorious
head-spring, and a singularly good quality; therefore
ought to be abundantly used; bless God for provid-
ing it, and test all doctrines by it................
A MAP, showing the Order and Causes of Salvation
and Damnation. By John Bunyan, Author of The
Pilgrim's Progress. Printed and sold by William
Marshall, at the Bable, in Newgate Street, where you
may have Dr. Owen's, and Mr. Bunyan's Works.
This curious and rare copper-plate engraving, on
a large sheet, was published in 1663; soon after
the author was first sent to prison, the profits pro-
bably assisted in maintaining his family. It is now
engraved from an original impression in 1691, at
which time the words, "Author of The Pilgrim's
Progress," and the publishers' names, were added.
It has never been re-published in any edition of
Bunyan's Whole Works, until the present complete
series. It commences with a symbol of the Trinity:
on the one side is the line of grace, from election, by
every step of the ascent to eternal glory; and, on the
other, in a darker shade, the road from reprobation
to eternal ruin. The whole is interspersed with
THE BARREN FIG-TREE; or, The Doom and
the Downfall of the Fruitless Professor: showing
that the day of grace may be passed with him long
before his life is ended-the signs also by which such
miserable mortals may be known. A treatise founded
upon Luke xiii. 6-9..........
Advertisement by the Editor...........
To the Reader........
Introductory Remarks on the parable........
6. By the three years, the patience of God that for a
time he extendeth to barren professors......