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pork, one pound of bread or flour, half a gill of rum, brandy or whisky, and at the rate of one quart of salt, two quarts of vinegar, two pounds of soap, and one pound of candles, to every hundred rations; or the value thereof, at the contract price, where the same shall become due; and if, at such post, supplies are not furnished by contract, then such allowance, as shall be deemed equitable, having reference to former contracts, and the position of the place in question:

SEC. 9. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That to those in the military service of the United States, who are, or shall be employed on the western frontiers, there shall be allowed, during the time of their being so employed, two ounces of flour or bread, and two ounces of beef or pork, in addition to each of their rations, and half a pint of salt in addition to every hundred of their rations.

SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That the monthly pay of the officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians and privates on the military establishment of the United States, be as follows; to wit: General Staff, a major general, one hundred and sixty-six dollars; a brigadier general, one hundred and four dollars; a quartermaster general, one hundred dollars; adjutant general, to do also the duty of inspector, seventy-five dollars; chaplain, fifty dollars; surgeon, seventy dollars; deputy quartermaster, fifty dollars; aid-de-camp, in addition to his pay in the line, twenty-four dollars; brigade major, to act also as deputy inspector, in addition to his pay in the line, twenty-four dollars; principal artificer, forty dollars; second artificer, twenty-six dollars; regimental lieutenantcolonel commandment, seventy-five dollars; major of artillery, and major of dragoons, fifty-five dollars; major of infantry, fifty dollars; paymaster, adjutant, and quartermaster, in addition to their pay in the line, ten dollars; captains, forty dollars; lieutenants, twenty-six dollars; ensigns and cornets, twenty dollars; surgeons, forty-five dollars; surgeon's mates, thirty dollars; sergeant majors, and quartermaster sergeants, eight dollars; senior musicians, seven dollars; sergeants, seven dollars; corporals, six dollars; musicians, five dollars; privates, four dollars; artificers allowed to the infantry, light dragoons and artillery, nine dollars; matrons and nurses in the hospital, eight dollars.

SEC. 11. And be it further enacted, That the commissioned officers aforesaid shall be entitled to receive, for their daily subsistence, the following number of rations of provisions, to wit: a major general, fifteen rations; a brigadier general, twelve rations; a lieutenant-colonel commandant, and quartermaster general, each, six rations; a major, four rations; brigade major, and aid-de-camp, four rations; a captain, three rations; a lieutenant, ensign, or cornet, two rations; a surgeon, as well hospital as regimental, three rations; a surgeon's mate, two rations; a deputy quartermaster, two rations; a principal, and second artificer, each, two rations; a chaplain, two rations; or money, in lieu thereof, at the option of the said officers, at the contract price, at the posts respectively, where the rations shall become due.

SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That the officers herein after described shall, whenever forage shall not be furnished by the public, receive, at the rate of the following enumerated sums, per month, instead thereof, to wit: the major general, twenty dollars; the brigadier general, sixteen dollars; lieutenant colonel, twelve dollars; quartermaster general, adjutant general and surgeon general, each, twelve dollars; major, ten dollars; aid-de-camp, brigade major, and surgeon, each, ten dollars; captain of cavalry, eight dollars; chaplain and surgeon's mate, each, six dollars; deputy quartermaster, and subalterns of cavalry, each, six dollars; principal artificer, paymaster, adjutant, and regimental quartermaster, each, six dollars.

SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That if any officer, non-commissioned officer, private or musician aforesaid, shall be wounded or

[blocks in formation]

Allowance to persons wound the line of their duty.

ed or disabled in

Officers, noncommissioned officers, privates and musicians, subject to arti

cles of war.

Oath to be

taken and subscribed by them.

disabled, while in the line of his duty, in public service, he shall be placed on the list of the invalids of the United States, at such rate of pay, and under such regulations, as shall be directed by the President of the United States for the time being: Provided always, That the rate of compensation to be allowed for such wounds or disabilities to a commissioned officer, shall never exceed, for the highest disability, half the monthly pay of such officer, at the time of his being so disabled or wounded; and that the rate of compensation to non-commissioned officers, privates and musicians, shall never exceed five dollars per month: And provided also, That all inferior disabilities shall entitle the person so disabled, to receive an allowance proportionate to the highest disability. SEC. 14. And be it further enacted, That the officers, non-commissioned officers, privates and musicians aforesaid shall be governed by the rules and articles of war, which have been established by the United States in Congress assembled, as far as the same may be applicable to the constitution of the United States, or by such rules and articles as may hereafter by law be established.

SEC. 15. And be it further enacted, That every officer, non-commissioned officer, private and musician aforesaid, shall take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation, to wit: "I, A. B, do solemnly swear or affirm (as the case may be) to bear true allegiance to the United States of America, and to serve them honestly and faithfully, against all their enemies or opposers whomsoever, and to observe and obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the rules and articles of war." SEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the arm the troops. President of the United States, to arm the troops aforesaid, whether riflemen, artillerists, dragoons or infantry, as he shall think proper; and that it be also lawful for him to forbear to raise, or to discharge, after they shall be raised, any part thereof, in case events shall, in his judgment, render his so doing consistent with public safety, and general convenience and economy.

President to

To forbear to raise, or to dis

charge them.

Penalty on enticing a sol. dier to desert, or purchasing his arms or cloth ing, or conceal.

ing deserter &c.

1790, ch. 10. Former acts repealed. March 3, 1791. June 7, 1794, 1792, ch. 9.

Existing commissions, ap. pointments and enlistments not to be vacated thereby.

SEC. 17. And be it further enacted, That every person, who shall procure, or entice a soldier in the service of the United States, to desert, or who shall conceal such soldier, knowing him to have deserted, or who shall purchase from such soldier, his arms, or his uniform clothing, or any part thereof, and every captain or commanding officer of any ship or vessel, who shall enter on board such ship or vessel, as one of his crew, knowing him to have deserted, or otherwise carry away such soldier, or shall refuse to deliver him up to the orders of his commanding officer, shall, upon legal conviction, be fined, at the discretion of the court, in any sum not exceeding three hundred dollars, or be imprisoned, for any term not exceeding one year.

SEC. 18. And be it further enacted, That the several acts, intituled "An act for regulating the military establishment of the United States;" "An act for raising and adding another regiment, to the military establishment of the United States, and for making further provision for the protection of the frontiers;" "An act for making farther and more effectual provision for the protection of the frontiers of the United States," be, and the same are hereby repealed; and also so much of any act, or acts of the present session, as comes within the purview of this act: Provided always, That nothing in this section contained shall be so construed, as to vacate the commissions, which have been issued, or any appointments or enlistments, which have been made, in pursuance of the acts herein repealed.

APPROVED, March 3, 1795.

CHAP. XLV.—An Act making further provision for the support of Public Credit, and for the redemption of the Public Debt.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That it shall be lawful for the commissioners of the sinking fund, and they are hereby empowered, with the approbation of the President of the United States, to borrow, or cause to be borrowed, from time to time, such sums, in anticipation of the revenues appropriated, not exceeding, in one year, one million of dollars, to be reimbursed within a year from the time of each loan, as may be necessary for the payment of the interest which shall annually accrue on the public debt; and for the payment of the interest on any such temporary loan, which shall not exceed six per cent um per annum, so much of the proceeds of the duties on goods, wares and merchandise imported, on the tonnage of ships or vessels, and upon spirits distilled within the United States, and stills, as may be necessary shall be and are hereby appropriated.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That a loan be opened at the treasury, to the full amount of the present foreign debt, to continue open until the last day of December, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six, and that the sums, which may be subscribed to the said loan, shall be payable and receivable, by way of exchange, in equal sums of the principal of the said foreign debt; and that any sum, so subscribed and paid, shall bear an interest equal to the rate of interest which is now payable on the principal of such part of the foreign debt, as shall be paid or exchanged therefor, together with an addition of one half per centum per annum; the said interest to commence on the first day of January next succeeding the time of each subscription, and to be paid quarter yearly, at the same periods at which interest is now payable and paid upon the domestic funded debt: Provided, That the principal of the said loan may be reimbursed at any time, at the pleasure of the United States.


March 3, 1795.

[Obsolete.] Commissioners of the sinking fund may bor

row, &c.

Provision for the payment of the interest on

such borrowing.

Loan to be

opened to the the foreign debt.

full amount of

How credits



SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That credits to the respective subscribers, for the sums by them respectively subscribed to the said loan, shall be given to shall be entered and given on the books of the treasury in like manner as for the present domestic funded debt; and that certificates therefor, of a tenor conformable with the provisions of this act, signed by the Register of the Treasury, shall issue to the several subscribers, and that the said credits, or stock standing in the names of the said subscribers, respectively, shall be transferable, in like manner, and by the like ways and means, as are provided by the seventh section of the act aforesaid, intituled "An act making provision for the debt of the United States," Ante, p. 138. touching the credits or stock therein mentioned; and that the interest to be paid upon the stock which shall be constituted by virtue of the said loan, shall be paid at the offices or places, where the credits for the same shall, from time to time, stand or be, subject to the like conditions and restrictions, as are prescribed in and by the eighth section of the act last aforesaid.

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the interest and principal of all loans, authorized by this act, shall be made payable at the treasury of the United States only, so far as relates to the payment of the principal and interest of the domestic debt.

SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That so much of the duties on goods, wares and merchandise imported, on the tonnage of ships or vessels, and upon spirits distilled within the United States, and stills, heretofore appropriated for the interest of the foreign debt, as may be liberated or set free, by subscriptions to the said loan, together with such further sums of the proceeds of the said duties, as may be necessary, shall be, and they are hereby pledged and appropriated, for the payment of the VOL. I.-55 20

Principal, &c. where to be


Certain duties, which shall be set free, appropriated.


Certain duties

to continue to

be collected.

Ante, p. 390.

Substitution of certain duties.

interest which shall be payable upon the sums subscribed to the said loan, and shall continue so pledged and appropriated, until the principal of the said loan shall be fully reimbursed and redeemed: Provided always, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to alter, change, or in any manner affect, the provisions heretofore made concerning the said foreign debt, according to contract, either during the pendency of the said loan, or after the closing thereof; but every thing shall proceed, touching the said debt, and every part thereof, in the same manner as if this act had never been passed, except as to such holders thereof, as may subscribe to the said loan, and from the time of the commencement thereof in each case, that is, when interest on any sum subscribed shall begin to accrue.

SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the several and respective duties laid and contained in and by the act, intituled "An act laying additional duties on goods, wares and merchandise imported into the United States," passed the seventh day of June, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, shall, together with the other duties heretofore charged with the payment of interest on the public debt, continue to be levied, collected and paid, until the whole of the capital or principal of the present debt of the United States, and future loans which may be made, pursuant to law, for the exchange, reimbursement or redemption. thereof, or of any part thereof, shall be reimbursed or redeemed, and shall be, and hereby are, pledged and appropriated for the payment of interest upon the said debt and loans, until the same shall be so reimbursed or redeemed.

SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the reservation made by the fourth section of the aforesaid act, intituled "An act making provision for the reduction of the public debt," be annulled, and in lieu 1790, ch. 47. thereof, that so much of the duties on goods, wares and merchandise imported, on the tonnage of ships or vessels, and upon spirits distilled within the United States, and stills, as may be necessary, be, and hereby are substituted, pledged and appropriated for satisfying the purpose of the said reservation.

Appropriations made to certain fund.

1792, ch. 38.

ch. 11.

SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the following appropriations, in addition to those heretofore made, be made to the fund constituted by the seventh section of the act, intituled "An act supplementary to the act making provision for the debt of the United States," passed the eighth day of May, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, to be hereafter denominated "The Sinking Fund," to wit: First, So much March 2, 1791, of the proceeds of the duties on goods, wares and merchandise imported; on the tonnage of ships or vessels, and on spirits distilled within the United States and stills, as, together with the monies which now constitute the said fund, and shall accrue to it, by virtue of the provisions herein before made, and by the interest upon each instalment, or part of principal, which shall be reimbursed, will be sufficient, yearly and every year, commencing the first day of January next, to reimburse and pay so much as may rightfully be reimbursed and paid, of the principal of that part of the debt or stock, which, on the said first day of January next, shall bear an interest of six per centum per annum, redeemable by payments on account both of principal and interest, not exceeding, in one year, eight per centum, excluding that which shall stand to the credit of the commissioners of the sinking fund, and that which shall stand to the credit of certain states, in consequence of the balances reported in their favour, by the commissioners for settling accounts between the United States and individual states: Secondly,-The dividends, which shall be, from time to time, declared on so much of the stock of the Bank of the United States, as belongs to the United States (deducting thereout such sums, as will be requisite to pay interest on any part remaining unpaid of the loan of two millions of dollars, had of

the Bank of the United States, pursuant to the eleventh section of the act, by which the said bank is incorporated): Thirdly,-So much of the duties on goods, wares and merchandise imported, on the tonnage of ships or vessels, and on spirits distilled within the United States and stills, as, with the said dividends, after such deduction, will be sufficient, yearly and every year, to pay the remaining instalments of the principal of the said loan, as they shall become due, and as, together with any monies, which, by virtue of provisions in former acts, and herein before made, shall, on the first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and two, belong to the said sinking fund, not otherwise specially appropriated; and with the interest on each instalment, or part of principal, which shall, from time to time, be reimbursed, or paid, of that part of the debt or stock, which, on the first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and one, shall begin to bear an interest of six per centum per annum, will be sufficient, yearly and every year, commencing on the first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and two, to reimburse and pay so much, as may rightfully be reimbursed and paid, of the said principal of the said debt or stock, which shall so begin to bear an interest of six per centum per annum, on the said first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and one, excluding that, which shall stand to the credit of the commissioners of the sinking fund, and that, which shall stand to the credit of certain States as aforesaid: Fourthly,-The net proceeds of the sales of lands belonging, or which shall hereafter belong to the United States, in the western territory thereof: Fifthly,-All monies, which shall be received into the treasury, on account of debts due to the United States, by reason of any matter prior to their present constitution: And lastly,-All surpluses of the revenues of the United States, which shall remain, at the end of any calendar year, beyond the amount of the appropriations charged upon the said revenues, and which, during the session of Congress next thereafter, shall not be otherwise specially appropriated or reserved by law.

[blocks in formation]

Monies accru. ing fund, to be ing to the sink. under the direc tion and man. agement of the


1790, ch. 47.

How long to

SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That as well the monies which shall accrue to the said sinking fund, by virtue of the provisions of this act, as those which shall have accrued to the same, by virtue of the provisions of any former act or acts, shall be under the direction and management of the commissioners of the sinking fund, or the officers designated in and by the second section of the act, intituled "An act making provision for the reduction of the public debt," passed the twelfth day of August, one thousand seven hundred and ninety, and their successors in office; and shall be, and continue appropriated to the said fund, until the whole of the present debt of the United States, foreign and domes- be appropriated. tic, funded and unfunded, including future loans, which may be made for reimbursing or redeeming any instalments or parts of principal of the said debt, shall be reimbursed and redeemed; and shall be, and are hereby declared to be vested in the said commissioners, in trust, to be applied, according to the provisions of the aforesaid act of the eighth day of May, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, and of this act, to the reimbursement and redemption of the said debt, including the loans aforesaid, until the same shall be fully reimbursed and redeemed. And the faith of the United States is hereby pledged, that the monies or funds aforesaid, shall inviolably remain, and be appropriated and vested, as aforesaid, to be applied to the said reimbursement and redemption, in manner aforesaid, until the same shall be fully and completely effected.

SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That all reimbursements of the capital, or principal of the public debt, foreign and domestic, shall be made under the superintendence of the commissioners of the sinking fund, who are hereby empowered and required, if necessary, with the


ment of the cap

ital of debt to be

under the superintendence of

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