APPENDIX. Containing a copy of the advertisement inserted in the New Bedford Shipping List, by Wm. Hall, of that city, which eventually led to the rescue of his son from exile; together with the correspondence between Mr. Hall and the United States Secretary of State, the American Consul, and Seamen's Pastor at Honolulu, and others, in regard to the abandonment of his son, by the captain of the whale ship Condor, on the shores of the Okotsk Sea. From the New Bedford Shipping List. "INFORMATION WANTED!" "To any or all of the whalemen or merchantmen bound to, or cruising in the Okotsk Sea and Shanter Bay, and to all friends of humanity in that part of the world, the subscriber would most earnestly appeal for all possible assistance in regard to the following case: "The subscriber, being generally known to the officers of the New Bedford whaling fleet, does hereby declare, upon the authority of Samuel H. Whiteside, late master of the whale-ship Condor, of New Bedford, that his son, Daniel Weston Hall, together with a young man named Elias D. Tolman, alias Albert Sherman, also of Massachusetts, were left by said. Whiteside, upon the coast of Shanter Bay, on the 6th of October, 1858; since which time no farther intelligence of them has been received by their anxious friends. " Any information in regard to the above named boys, will be thankfully received by the subscriber; any assistance or protection which may be rendered them, by any person or persons whatsoever, and any counsel or aid, whatever, in the above mentioned case, shall be rewarded with the eternal gratitude of an afflicted circle of relatives. "The said Hall is now seventeen years and seven months old, five feet and six inches in height, and stout built, having black eyes, and a small scar upon his forehead. WILLIAM HALL, No. 129 Union Street, New Bedford, Mass. March 29, 1859. Letter to the United States Secretary of State. HON. LEWIS CASs, Secretary of State, Washington City. DEAR SIR:-Allow me to represent to you, as the head of the Department of State for the United States, that my son, Daniel W. Hall, of New Bedford, aged now, if living, about eighteen years, sailed from this place in the ship Condor, of New Bedford, Samuel H. Whiteside, master, in August, 1856, on a whaling voyage to the north Pacific. After a very successful cruise, and when the ship was full of oil and bone, and nearly ready to start for home, two of her boats were overtaken by the night, at a distance from the ship, and their crews landed upon the Siberian coastfor shelter during the night. When morning came, my son, with another young man, named Albert Sherman, also of Massachusetts, were missing; the boats waited a short time and then returned to the ship, which soon set sail for the Sandwich Islands. Since that time, nothing has been heard of either of these boys; and as winter was coming on, their friends have great cause to fear that they perished from hunger and cold, unless picked up by some of the natives or Russian trappers. And now, Mr. Secretary, having placed these facts before you, the subscriber, as parent of the boy Hall, most humbly prays, that you will use such means as you have at your very extensive command, through |