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Having doubled the Horn, we proceeded on our course, under full sail; wind and weather favoring us to an extraordinary degree, until after we had crossed the equator in the Atlantic.

Off the Bermudas, we experienced rough weather, and were considerably delayed by bafiling and adverse winds; but met with no accident more serious than the loss of a studding-sail boom or two, in consequence of being taken suddenly aback, or the splitting of some of the smaller sails, in a squall.

After passing the Bermudas, we were so fortunate as to get a favorable " slant," which we held for several days, during which time, we started neither tack, sheet, nor halyards; but, with the wind a little abaft the beam, and every stitch of our canvas, with the exception of studding-sails, distended to the breeze, we bounded over the blue rolling billows of the North Atlantic, at the rate of eight or ten knots an hour, homeward bound.

The joy which would have filled our bosoms, under ordinary circumstances, in view of our rapid progress toward the dear home from which we had been so long absent, and the prospect of a speedy re-union with the beloved friends who, doubtless, anxiously awaited our

arrival in port, was, upon the present occasion, considerably modified by a sad event which had occurred during our passage from the equator.

This was the death of one of our shipmates, who, after suffering greatly from the scurvya disease which is sometimes unavoidable on shipboard had finally died, and been consigned to an ocean grave. The deceased, during his last days, had fondly cherished the hope that he might live to reach home, that he might not die among strangers, and be cast into the deep to become food for fishes, but that his last hours might be cheered by the presence of a beloved circle of relatives, and his remains be laid in consecrated ground.

The knowledge of this vainly cherished hope of our departed shipmate, added greatly to our sorrow, as we performed the sad office of enfolding his inanimate form in its coarse cerements, and rendered the occasion of his burial one of more than usual solemnity.

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At length we crossed the Gulf Stream, and, bracing the yards sharp up, stood well to the northward, hoping to be able to run into port before the wind.

The remainder of the homeward passage was soon accomplished; and, on the nineteenth of June, 1860, the welcome cry of "Land ho!" thrilled us with joy, and raised our spirits to the highest pitch of excitement.

The land was soon visible from the deck; and the emotions of joy and gratitude which filled my bosom, as I recognized the bluff called Gay Head, which forms the western extremity of Martha's Vineyard, where a portion of my school days had been spent, can be more easily imagined than described.

Shortly after sighting the land, we took a pilot; and with a fair wind, stood up the bay under full sail. One after another, familiar objects on shore rose into view; and, as we approached the land, sail after sail was clewed up and furled, to the joyful shouts and songs of the excited crew. At length, under topsails alone, we entered the harbor of New Bedford; where the ship was immediately surrounded by a fleet of boats, bringing friends and relatives, eager to greet the ocean wanderers, and give them a cordial welcome home.


At this time, I was at the wheel; and, as watched the approach of the boats, I recognized among the foremost, one which belonged to my

father, and in which I had taken many an adventurous voyage in my boyhood's days. I observed two men in the stern sheets, and my heart beat fast in joyful anticipation, as I fancied that I recognized in one of them, the well known form of my father.

In a few moments more, the boat glided alongside of the ship; her painter was hastily made fast to the main chains, and my father, grasping the man-ropes, sprang up the side with the agility of a boy, in his eagerness to greet his son, who "had been dead, but was alive again."

He had not recognized me as he approached the ship; for four years, at my time of life, produce a wonderful change of form and feature; and, notwithstanding my hardships, I had grown both tall and stout; but, after a brief inquiry as to my whereabouts, of one of the officers, he hastened aft; and in a moment more, the now happy parent and his long absent son stood face to face, hand grasping hand in affectionate pressure, and the eyes of both suffused with tears of joy, while, for several moments, neither could find voice to speak words of salutation, or give utterance to the emotions which filled his bosom. I pass over

the scene which ensued, and which my pen is incapable of describing.

The wind being fair, we stood up the harbor under the three topsails; and, without coming to an anchorage, ran alongside the wharf, and moored the ship at once, and before the crew were allowed to go ashore.

Upon landing, I found the wharf crowded with people, among whom were many of my former acquaintances and friends, who had åssembled to greet me, knowing that I was expected to return in that ship. As I stepped ashore, cheer after cheer went up from the assembled multitude; while hundreds crowded around me, eager to shake hands with me, or even to catch a glimpse of the returned wanderer, in whose adventures they had taken such a lively interest. Without boasting, I may say that I doubt if His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, during his late visit to this country, was anywhere received with more genuine and hearty good will, not to say enthusiasm, than that which was exhibited toward me upon my arrival at New Bedford.

As soon as I could escape from the crowd, I jumped into a hack, in company with my father and brother-in-law, Mr. Wood, and drove to

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