students in the College will be 100 guineas. The Principal is entrusted with the moral and religious instruction of the students, and the more immediate su-perintendence of their conduct; and will preach, in conjunction with such Professors as are in holy orders, in the College Chapel, and perform the other offices of the Established Church. The Lectures of the Professors are arranged under four heads: 1. Oriental Literature; comprising, 1. Instruction in the Rudiments of the Oriental Languages, especially the Hindostanee and Persian; 2. Lectures to illustrate the History, Customs, and Manners of the People of India-II. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy; comprising, 1. Instruction in the Elements of Euclid, Algebra, and Trigonometry; on the most useful properties of the Conic Sections, the nature of Logarithms, and the principles of Fluxions; 2. Lectures on Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Optics, and Astronomy, illustrated by Experiments, and rendered sub servient to the arts and objects of common life; with some elementary instructions in Chymistry, Mineralogy, and Natural History:-III. Classical and General Literature; comprising, 1. Lectures to explain the Ancient Writers of Greece and Rome, particularly the Historians and Orators; 2. Lectures on the Arts of Reasoning and Composition; and on the "Belles Lettres :"-IV. Law, History, and Political Economy; comprising, Lectures, 1. On General History, and on the History and Statistics of Modern Europe; 2. On Political Economy; 3. On General Polity, on the Laws of England, and on the Principles of the British Constitution. The College year is divided inte Two Terms, each consisting of 20 weeks, the first beginning Feb. 2, and ending June 19, and the second beginning August 1, and ending December 21. In the last week of the Second Term public examinations will be held; when the students will "be arranged in four lists according to their merits; a copy of which will be inserted in the records of the Company; and suitable Prizes and Medals will be distributed. This plan may be expected eventually to produce happy effects on the concerns of the Company in the East. The education of persons destined to fill the important offices of Magistrates, Ambassadors, Provincial Governors, &c. should certainly be conducted on some such compréhensive plan as the foregoing. The cultivation and improvement of their intellectual powers should be accompanied with such a course of moral discipline, as may tend to excite and confirm in them habits of application, prudence, forethought, integrity, and justice. And to render such a system of education fully efficient, it is essential that it be founded on the ba sis, and conducted under the sanc. tion, and in strict conformity with the spirit, of our holy religion. Proceeding on these principles, it may reasonably be expected that this In stitution, under the favour of Prov. idence, will be productive, among other happy effects, of a benign and enlightened policy towards the native subjects of British India, tending at once to improve their social and civil condition, and to diffuse throughout the Eastern hemisphere the blessed influence of Christian truth. Ch. Ok. List of New Publications. ELEVEN select sermons of the late Rev. James Saurin, on the following subjects: the omnipresence of God; the manner of praising God; the sovereignty of Jesus Christ in the church; the equality of mankind the worth of the soul; the birth of Jesus Christ; the resurrection; the absurdity of libertinism and infideli. ty; the harmony of religion and civil polity: Christian heroism; general Nott, D. D. President of Union Col. mistakes. Price 1 dol. Philadel- lege. Schenectady. John L. Stephia. T. & W. Bradford. Devout Exercises of the Heart in meditation and soliloquy, prayer and praise. By the late pious and ingenious Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe'; reviewed and published at her request, by 1. Watts, D.D. Small 18mo. 1 vol. pp. 189. Charlestown. S. Etheridge. An American Primer; including the Westminster Assembly's Shorter Catechism, divided into forty-six lessons, with contents, notes, and hymns. Salem. Joshua Cushing. Discourses on the sovereign and universal agency of God, in nature and grace. By the Rev. Robert M'Dowall, minister of the Reformed Dutch church in Ernest-town, Upper Canada. Albany. Webster and Skinner. 1806, Vol. 1. Part 2. of the New Cyclopedia, or Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. By Abraham Rees, D.D. F.R.S. editor of the last edition of Mr. Chambers' Dictionary, with the assistance of eminent professional gendemen. First American edition, revised, corrected, enlarged, and adapt ed to this country, by several literary and scientific characters. 4to. Price 3 dolls. Philadelphia. S. F. Bradford. Lemuel Blake, No. 1, Cornhill, agent in Boston. Discourse at a public meeting of a number of Singers, who were improving themselves in church music. By Nathaniel Emmons, D. D. Prov. idence, R. L. David Hawkins, jun. An Introduction to the Study of the Bible: containing proofs of the authenticity and inspiration of the Holy Scriptures; a summary of the history of the Jews; an account of the Jewish sects; and a brief state, ment of the contents of the several books of the Old and New Testaments. By George Pretyman, D. D. F. R. S. Lord Bishop of Lincoln. 12mo. Price 1 dull. Philadelphia. James P. Parke. A discourse delivered before the members of the Portsmouth Female Asylum, at a third service, on the Sabbath, Aug. 10, 1806. By J. Appleton. Portsmouth. S. Whidden. An address delivered to the candidates for the Baccalaureate, in Union College, at the anniversary commencement, July 30, 1806. By Eliphalet venson. Noah's Prophecy on the enlargement of Japheth, considered and illustrated in a sermon, preached in Putney, Vt. Dec. 5, 1805. By Clark Brown, A. M. late minister of Brimfield, Mass. Brattleboro', W. Fessenden. A Wreath for the Rev. Daniel Dow, pastor of a church in Thomp son, Con. on the publication of his Familiar Letters, in answer to the Rev. John Sherman's treatise of one God in one person only, &c. By A. O. F. Utica. Merrell and Seward. A sermon, preached at the ordination of the Rev. Nathan Waldo, A.B. in Williamstown, Vt. Feb. 26, 1806. By Elijah Parish, A. M. pastor of the church in Byefield, Mass. Hanover, N. H. Moses Davis. pp. 16. A sermon preached before the London Missionary Society, at their eighth annual meeting, in Tottenham Court Chapel. By John M. Mason, A. M. pastor of the Associate Reformed Church in the city of NewYork. London. Briggs & Cottle." A sermon, containing reflections on the solar eclipse, which appeared on June 16, 1806, delivered on the Lord's day following. By Joseph Lathrop, D.D. pastor of the first church in West Springfield. Second edition. 8vo. pp. 20. Springfield. H. Brewer. The Sixth of August, or the Litchfield Festival. An address to the people of Connecticut. Hudson and Goodwin. Sept. 1806. Sermons to young people; preach. ed A. D. 1803, 1804, on the following subjects: faith and practice; inquiry concerning eternal life; religion our own choice; indecision in religion; the principle of virtue God's glory man's end and happiness; encouragement to early seeking; selfdedication; prayer; observation of the Lord's day; the excellence of religion; the happiness of life; the standard of honour; good company recommended; caution against bad company; caution against bad books; frugality; dissipation; the instability of life; procrastination; redemption of time; reflections on death; judgment; the person and character of the judge, the state of those who die in sing the future blessedness of the righteous. To which are added, prayers for young families. Also, sermons, 1. on religious education; 2. answer to the objection, that education in religion shackles the mind; 3. reflections of the aged on the early -choice of religion. By James Dana, D. D., New Haven. Increase Cooke. 1806. pp. 502. Home. A poem. Small 8vo. pp. 144. Boston. Samuel H. Parker. Price 75 cents. An historical View of Heresies, and Vindication of the primitive Faith. By ASA M'FARLAND, A. M. minister of the gospel in Concord, N. H. IN THE PRESS. Tho 3d vol. of Scott's Commentary, embracing the remainder of the Old Testament, may be expected from the press of W. W. Woodward, Philadelphia, about the first of November. Also, about the same time, vols. 1 and 2 of Adams' Lectures, with the plates; the other two volumes will shortly be published. PROPOSED BY SUBSCRIPTION.. Fenelon's treatise on the education of daughters translated from the French, and adapted to English readers, with an original chapter on religious studies. By Rev. T. F. Dibdin, B. A. F. A. s. 12mo. 1 vol. with an engraved frontispiece. Price 1 doll, to subscribers. Albany. Bac. kus and Whiting.. wich. By Rev. George Henry Glasse, The works of Dr. Benjamin Frank lin, philosophical, political, and lite. rary. The work will be elegantly printed on a new Small Pica type and vellum paper, in large, Svo. The work will be ornamented with nume rous engravings, and a full length portrait from the best likeness allow. ed to be in existence, Price $2 50 each vol. Philadelphia. William Duane. A complete History of the Holy Bible, as contained in the Old and New Testaments, including also the occurrences of 400 years, from the last of the prophets to the birth of Christ, and the life of our blessed Saviour and his apostles, &c. with copious notes, explanatory, practical, and devotional. From the text of the Rev. Laurence Howel, A. M. With considerable additions and improvements. By the Rev. George Burder, author of Village Sermons, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Price $2 25, each vol. Philadelphia. Woodward. FOREIGN. A dissertation on the prophecies that have been fulfilled, are now fulfilling, or will hereafter be fulfilled relative to the great period of 1250 years; the Papal and Mahometan apostacies; the tyrannical reign of Antichrist, or the Infidel Power, and the restoration of the Jews. By George Stanley Faber, B. D, 2 vols. Contemplations on Sacred History, Dbituary. We presume the following account of the death and character of Mr. PITT, one of the most eminent statesmen my age or country has produced, will be interesting to most of our readers. It is -copied from the Christian Observér. EDITORS. THE RIGHT. HON. WILLIAM ON Thursday, the 24th Jan. [1806] at half past 4 in the morning, at his house at Putney, died, in his 48th year, the Right Hon. William Pitt, First Lord of the Treasury, and Chancellor of the Exchequer. The life of this distinguished statesman had been despaired of for some days, and his health had materially declined for many weeks antecedent to his dissolution; a journey, which he took to Bath for the sake of the waters, having failed to produce the expected benefit. It was said that he was informed by his physicians of his approaching end, on Tuesday, the 22d January, and that he appeared to receive the intimation, although it was unexpected, with that firmness, which was natural to him. We are happy to be able to copy from the Pewspapers of the 24th January, the following particulars respecting his last days, which are said to be "from authority." "Upon being informed by the Bishop of Lincoln of his precarious state, Mr. Pitt instantly expressed himself perfectly resigned to the divine will, and with the utmost composure asked Sir Walter Farquebar, who was present, how long he might have to live. Mr. Pitt then entered into a conversation of some length with the Bishop of Lincoln upon religious subjects. He repeatedly declared in the strongest terms of humility a sense of his own unworthi. ness, and a firm reliance upon the mercy of God through the merits of Christ. After this the Bishop of Lincoln prayed by his bed-side for a considerable time, and Mr. Pitt appeared greatly composed by these last duties of religion. Mr. Pitt afterwards proceeded to make some arrangements and requests concerning his own private affairs, and de. clared that he died in peace with all mankind." When we advert to the account which was given of the last hours of the late Duke of Bedford, we feel a sensible satisfaction in reflecting that the same philosophical death has not characterized the late prime minister of this country. Mr. Pitt, as well as Mr. Burke, in yielding up their de. parting spirits, appear to have professed the good old faith of their country. Under what precise circumstances of bodily, or mental debility, any of the expressions ascribed to Mr. Pitt may have been delivered; and whether some of them may have been spoken merely in the way of assenting to questions, put, according to the forms of our church, in her order for the visitation of the sick, by the respectable prelate, once his tutor, who attended him, we are not particularly informed. It is impossible for us at the present moment not to feel a very deep regret that a regular at tendance on the duties of public worship did not constitute a part of the character of this illustrious politician. We mention this circumstance, because we feel it to be our duty to qualify the accounts, which we ressive of the Christian end of distin guished personages, by some reference to the general course of their lives, which, undoubtedly, must be allowed to be the least fallible index of human character. Mr. Pitt has died at a period of his life, in many respects, peculiarly affecting. Having resumed the reins of government, on the ground of the alleged incompetency of the preceding administration, he had proceeded to form a strong coalition on the continent, which was supposed to promise a happy adjustment of the affairs of Europe. He lived however to see this new alliance broken, and Bonaparte still more triumphant than ever over all the armies of the confederates. These calamities deeply af fected his mind, and as the public has been assured by Mr. Rose, in parliament, had a great influence on his constitution already broken by the fatigues attendant on his official duties, and by the anxieties inseparable from the weighty cares and responsibilities of government- His political antagonists were preparing to charge upon him the disasters of Europe, and both he and his friends were contemplating the expected conflict in the House of Commons, where he felt prepared to make a firm, and full defence, when he was called by the God, who made him, to "give account of all things done in the body" before a far more awful tribunal. (To be continued). JUDGE PATTERSON.' On the 16th of September, 1806, died, at Albany, at the mansion house of his son in law, Stephen Van Ren salaer, Esq. the Hon. WILLIAM PATTERSON, one of the associate Judges of the Supreme Court of the United States. The remote occasion of his death is supposed to have been a fall from his carriage, some months since, which brought on the lingering and distressing disease that terminated his valuable life. He endured his sufferings with exemplary patience, fortitude and resignation. In Mr. Patterson, it may be said with great truth, that his country has lost an able, independent and upright Judge, a real and enlightened patriot, and the State of New-Jersey, one of its most valuable and respectable citizens. Endeared to his family and numerous friends by every amiable quality, his death to them, in the prime of his life, is a source of the deepest affliction; but great is their consolation in knowing that he lived and died a CHRISTIAN. "In his cold relics let the great discern, TO CORRESPONDENTS. We thank TASOPHILUS for his excellent "Critical Observations on cer tain passages in the New Testament," which will be found in this number. The author of "Letters to a friend," entitled "Universalism confounds and destroys itself," is not forgotten, and shall be attended to in due course. C. Y. A. On "the Execution of Laws," is received, and shall enrich the department in the Panoplist for which it is designed. A. R. on religious zeal; J. on Infidelity; F. on Faith, and on the doctrine of Imputation, and the lines of Rezin, are received, and under Examination. ZETA, On David's Imprecations against his enemies, is approved, and shall appear in the next number. We regret that we are compelled to defer, till our next No. the communication relative to the exercises at the late commencement at Bowdoin College, with the excellent Address of the President. Similar communications from the other colleges would be acceptable. SALVIAN, for whom we have high respect, has been neglected longer than was intended. He shall be heard the next month. At the same time shall appear, a review of Dr. Nott's Missionary Sermon. The VIIth Letter of CONSTANS, is on file, as are several communications prepared for this number. The Biographer of President Davies is requested to forward the remainder of his sketch early in October. The readers of the life of Rev. WILLIAM TENNENT are requested to notice the following extract of a letter to one of the Editors of the Panoplist, from the venerable Dr. JOHN RODGERS of New York, which, while he corrects on error, adds his sanction to the general truth of the biographical sketch of that extraordinary man. "My Dear Sir, "New York, July 24, 1806. "The design of this hasty letter, is to inform you, that the name of the Rev. Mr. Rowland in the sketch of Mr. William Tennent's life, which I perceive you are publishing in your valuable Panoplist, was John, no David. (See Panoplist p. 58 and 59, vol. II.) I knew him well and often heard him preach. There are some other smaller mistakes, but they do not greatly affect the narrative, which is interesting and useful.” ERRATUM. In our last Number, p. 125, 2d column, line 20, instead of-Farewel God, &c. read,-Farewel, then, forever, to all hope and possibility of pardon, of peace with Heaven, of the smile of a reconciled God, &c. |