The Subaltern ...W. Blackwood and Sons, 1872 - 248 頁 |
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accordingly Adour advance appeared Arcanques arms army arrived artillery assailants attack baggage battalion batteries battle Bayonne began beheld Bidart Bidassoa brigade British British army camp cavalry column command comrades corps cottage course covered dark detached direction division Duncan effect enemy enemy's fell field fire formed forward French front garrison glacis ground guard guns half halted heights hence hill horses hour immediately infantry Irun Jean de Luz light Lord Wellington Marshal Soult ment miles morning musketry night o'clock occupied officer once ourselves outposts party passed perhaps permitted piquets Portuguese present occasion Pyrenees quarter reached reader rear recollect regiment returned river road round shot sentinels shot side Sir John Hope skirmishers sleep soldiers soon Spanish spent St Etienne St Jean St Sebastian stationed stood tents tion tirailleurs took town troops Urumea village watch whilst whole wood wounded