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opinion, i. 182.

Prevents cen-
tralization, ibid. Is of substan-
tive value, i. 183. Trustees
feel their responsibility, i. 185.
Necessity of union of estates
into a national government, i.
186. General representative
government necessary besides
local self-government, i. 187.
Basis of representation, i. 188.
Direct and double elections, i.
191. Necessary rules and
principles, i. 192. Frequency
of parliament, i. 196. Pro-
tection of members, i. 196.
Parliamentary law and usage,
i. 199 and sequ.
Republic, what does it consist
in, with reference to Mor-
mons, i. 121.
Republic, French, the constitu-
tion of 1848 entire, ii. 281.
Repudiation, i. 126. Sir A. Ali-
son on it, i. 127, note. Re-
futed, ibid.
Responsible Ministers, i. 175 and

Responsibility, personal, of offi-
cers. See officers personally

Revolutions, unavoidable before
liberty can be established in
monarchies, ii. 65.
Reward of Prosecutors, i. 98.
Robespierre, dictum as to what
government ought to be, i. 294.
Read Rousseau daily, ii. 75,

Romans refusing to enlist, ope-
rated like English refusal of
supplies, i. 161. Endeavor to
give moral consistency to decla-
rations of war, ii. 84, note.
Roman Emperor, absolute, why,
i. 61.

Rome perishing of political bank-
ruptcy, i. 184.
Romilly, Sir Samuel, against
judges asking prisoners, i. 93.
Intention of proposing a bill

of compensation, i. 98. On
lawyers, i. 265, note. Against
judges sitting in the commons,
i. 244. On evil effects of want
of parliamentary rules in
French constituent assemblies,
i. 205.

Rousseau against division of
power, i. 166. Contrat So-
cial, ii. 75. Against division
of power, ibid. His influence
on French revolution, ibid.
Rosseauism, see Rosseau.
Russell, Lord John. History of
English Government and Con-
stitution i. 46, note. A senti-
ment of his, i. 79.

SANDERSON, de Conscientia, on
vox populi vox Dei, ii. 110,

Sardanapalus, inscription on his
tomb of, ii. 33.
Say, Mr., ii. 111.

Schmidt, I. J. Translation of

Ssanang, &c., ii. 83, and note.
Scott, General Winfield. His ac-
count of the offer in Mexico,
to assume the government, ii.
15, note.

Security, not necessarily liberty,
i. 44.

Self-Accusation in China, i. 96.
Self-Determination, i. 38.
Self-Development of administra-
tion of justice, i. 236 and sequ.
Self-Government. Term used by
Béchard. See Béchard.
Self-Government, local. See Local
Self-Government and Autonomy.
The two words compared, i. 51,

Self-Government. The Anglican
tribe alone has the word, i. 29.
History of the term, i. 267,

[blocks in formation]


ganic and institutional, i. 271.
It protects individuality, ibid.
Anecdote of William Pitt, re-
lated by duke of Wellington, i.
272. Opposite to apathy, i.
273. Is not weak, ibid. With-
out it, danger that govern-
ment forgets its true ends, i.
274. Propter vitam vivendi
perdere causas, ibid. De
Tocqueville on inability of
French to rule themselves,
although they have had so
many revolutions, i. 275.
stitutional self-government, i.
349 and sequ. Local self-
government, i. 353. By-laws,
important and characteristic
of self-government, i. 353 and
sequ. Essential effects of in-
stitutional self-government, ii.
13 and sequ. Love of insti-
tutions, ii. 14. It makes
obedience easy, ii. 17. English
revolution left most institu-
tions untouched, ii. 20. For-
mation of government in Ore-
gon, ii. 21.
Inability of the
French to establish govern-
ments, ii. 22. Why the Dutch
did not establish governments
in foreign parts, ii. 23, note.
England the mother of repub-
lics, ii. 23. Assimilative power
of institutional self-govern-
ment, ii. 24 and sequ. Sta-
bility of this government, ii.
25. Napoleon, quoted, ii.
26, note. Political fashions
prevented by it, ii. 26. Liberty
a thing that grows in institu-
tions, ii. 27. Louis Napoleon's
saying that liberty does not
found states, ii. 28. Dangers
of institutional self-govern-
ment, ii. 29 and sequ. Self-
government must always be
adequate to the executive, ii.
30. Liberty requires union,
ii. 30. Demagogues, ii. 33.

Importance of constitution de-
pends on institutions, ii. 34.
Love of effete institutions, ii.
35. Advantages of institu-
tional government, ii. 43 sequ.
High meaning of the term
people, under such govern-
ment, ii. 44. It breaks the
shocks which occur in central-
ized countries, ii. 46. Insti-
tutional self-government con-
centrates the attention of the
people on domestic matters, ii.
49. Patience learned by it, ii.
51. It is the only government
which prevents the growth of
too much power, ii. 57 and
sequ. Multiplied veto no safe-
guard, ii. 58. It causes lon-
gevity of states, ii. 61 and
sequ. It makes wealth and
liberty compatible, ii. 62. In-
security of uninstitutional
states, ii. 64 and sequ.
Self-Incrimination, i. 93.
Self-Taxation, i. 125.
Senate, French, i. 301. Russian,


Senatus Consultum, on the French

empire to be erected, ii. 343.
Sending for persons and papers,
i. 203.

Septennial Bill, i. 195.
Sewell, Christian Politics, i. 337,


Shakers, i. 145, note.
Shakspeare on pardoning, ii.

Sheriff, personally responsible, i.

Sidney, Algernon, i. 44.
Siege, State of, i. 130.
Silence, Liberty of, i. 114.
Smith, Joseph, founder of mor-
mons, i. 345.

Smith, T. Tomlin, on local self-

government, 351, note.
Socialists, Fear of, in France, ii.

Socrates's favorite Saying, ii. 27, | Supplies, in England, i. 161.


Soldiers, Quartering of, i. 135
and sequ.

South Carolina, number of votes
polled, ii. 137.
Sovereign, every Frenchman de-
clared to be one, i. 322, note.
Sovereignty, what it consists in,

i. 168.
Sovereignty, Imperatorial, ii. 77
and sequ.

Sparta, why preferred by ancient
philosophers, ii. 67.
Speaker, i. 199 and sequ.
Sprenger's Malleus Meleficarum,
ii. 113.

Ssanang Ssetsen Changsaidshi,
translated by I. J. Schmidt, ii.
83 and note.

Standing Armies, i. 137. Con-
stitution of the United States,
ibid. Declaration of Independ-
ence on them, i. 138. Inju-
rious spirit they engender, i.
139 and sequ. Short appropria-
tions, i. 141. Ought they to
have the right to vote? i. 141.
Must not be deliberative bo-
dies, i. 141.

State, meaning of the word, when
England was a republic, i. 56,

State of Siege, i. 130.

St. Just, ii. 31; ii. 60, note.
Story, Judge, on Treason, i. 102.

On Property, i. 125, note.
Commentary on the Const. of
United States, i. 204. Opi-
nion on the importance of par-
liamentary usage, &c., i. 209.
On Codification, i. 225. Con-
tributions to Encyclopædia
Americana, i. 232. Strictly
abstained from politics, when
judge, i. 245.

Sweden, four estates, i. 312.
Switzerland, i. 74.
Supremacy of the Law, i. 128 and

Supreme Courts, American; de-
cide on unconstitutionality of
laws, i. 168.

Suspension of Habeas Corpus Act
in England, i. 130.

TAXATION, i. 122 and sequ., i.
158 and sequ. Federalist on
it, ibid.

Test-Oaths in England, i. 121.
Theo democratic government of
Mormons, i. 121.

Three Houses or more, mischief
of, i. 213.

Tittman, F. W., Grecian Polities,
i. 41.

Tocqueville, De, opinion that the
French always look toward the
central government, although
they change it so often, i. 275.
On Pardoning in United States,
ii. 151.
Townsend's History of House of
Commons, i. 202. Modern
State Trials, i. 264, note.
Treason. Absolutists against
a fair and regular trial for
treason, i. 297.

Trench, on Proverbs, ii. 116.
Trial by Jury, i. 250 and sequ.
Division of judicial labor, ibid.
Guarantee of liberty, ibid.
Best school for the citizen.
Doubts on its benefits, i. 251.
Chatham's opinion, i. 251.
Declaration of Independence
on it, ibid. The advantages
of it, enumerated, i. 252. Ju-
ries of experts, i. 252, note.
Hallam on it, i. 256. Against
unanimity, ibid. To Locke, i.
258. Absolutists against it, i.

Tribune, Roman; his vetitive
power, i. 218.

Troplong, his opinion that de-

mocracy in Rome victorious in
the emperors, ii. 81. Report
on petitions to change the re-

[blocks in formation]

UNANIMITY of Juries, Hallam
against it, i. 256. Locke, like-
wise, i. 258. Unanimity no
sign that Vox Populi Vox Dei,
ii. 111.
Unicameral System. Its danger,
i. 210. Part of Gallican liber-
ty, i. 310.

Uniformity of men greater than
their diversity, i. 318 and

Uninstitutional Multitude, ii. 70.
Uninstitutional States, their in-
security, ii. 64 and sequ.
Unity of Power dazzles, i. 169.
Gallican type, i. 167 and sequ.
United States, constitution of,
entire, ii. 249.

Universal Suffrage believed to
constitute the republic, ii. 55.
Upper House, principles on which
it may be formed, i. 214.

VALLETTE, on the Formation of
Laws and Parliamentary Pro-
cedure in France, England,
United States, Belgium, &c.
&c., i. 206, note.

Vaughn, Age of Great Cities, &c.,
ii. 99, note.

Verdicts ought to be definite, i.

[blocks in formation]

Our so-called veto power is no
real one, i. 218. Provision of
American Constitution regard-
ing it, i. 218. Multiplied and
mutual, no safeguard of liber-
ty, ii. 58.
Vice-President of United States
is president of U. S. senate, i.

Villêle, French minister, carried
French septennial bill, i. 195.
Vincke, Account of Internal Ad-
ministration of Great Britain.
See Niebuhr.
Vociferous crowds mistaken for
the people, ii. 104.
Votants and Voters; term justi-
fied, ii. 138, note.

Vote, sole basis of liberty, an
error, i. 308.

Votes, General, of Yes or No,
ii. 123 and sequ. See Elec-


Vox Populi Vox Dei, ii. 89 and
107 and sequ. An imposing
maxim, ii. 107. Periods when
an impulse from on high seems
to be given, ii. 108. Crusades,
ii. 109. Where the maxim
originated, ii. 110. Acclama-
tion, ii. 110. Conclamatory
character of the middle ages,
ii. 110. Unanimity no proof,
ii. 111. Petition of French
manufacturers against calico,
ii. 111. Unanimity of fashion,
ii. 112. Unanimity in Witch
trials, ii. 113. Two nations
clamoring for war against each
other, ii. 114. Unanimity often
proceeds from the worst pas-
sions, ii. 114. Governments
by paid applauders or cla-
queurs, ii. 115.
Case of pro-

verbs, ii. 116. Pope Pius IX.
calls Italian rising a vox Dei,
ii. 116. Vox Populi Vox Dei
now especially appealed to in
France, ii. 117. It is no canon
or test in politics, ii. 119.

Wardlaw, Judge, "Opinion," i.


WAR, Power of Declaring, i. 162. | Western History, want of a pro-
In England and in United per term, i. 30, note.
States, ibid. Cabinet wars, i. | Westphalia, Kingdom of, ii. 98.
William III., his saying on liber-
ty of conscience, i. 119.
not create public debt, i. 161.
Winthrop, Robert C., states
when publicity first establish-
ed by law, i. 154, note. On
inconvenience and advantages
of publicity, i. 155, note.
Witch Trials, unanimity on, ii.

Warrants, General. See General

Wharton, Francis, State Trials of

the United States, i. 106.
Wealth necessary for modern
civilization and liberty, ii. 62.
Webster, Daniel, great passage
on Division of Power, i. 169
and sequ.
Webster's Works,
i. 286, note.
Wellington, relates an anecdote
of William Pitt, regarding po-
litical self-reliance, i. 272.
Does not strive for a sovereign-
ty, ii. 14.


Words, history of important, i.
327, note.

Writing, instead of Publicity, Mr.
Raikes on it, i. 150, note.
Written Constitutions, i. 178,


YES or No, general Votes of, ii.
123 and sequ. See Elections.


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