ePub 版
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to Gamaliel Smith, I intended to add a third, containing the direct proofs for the divine authority of the Apostle Paul. These proofs are drawn from certain passages in the narrative of Luke, in his own Epistles, or in other writings of that age. The nature of the object in which he engaged, namely, the conversion of the gentiles, and the consequent destruction of superstition and vice, together with the consummate wisdom, patience and self-denial which he displayed in the fulfilment of this glorious end, led me to contrast his principles and conduct with those of the pagan philosophers; and this necessarily embraces a field of inquiry too spacious for my present purpose. For this reason I have withheld the third part for the present, but shall cheerfully lay it before the public if I find that my labour in this small performance has not been in vain. In the prospect of its completion I feel an animating hope, that I shall furnish the public with proofs the most satisfactory, evidence the most triumphant, that Paul of Tarsus was neither an impostor nor a fanatic; that he was neither himself deceived, nor that he attempted to deceive others; but that he was, what he is represented to be in the Acts, an apostle of Christ, miraculously converted, and endowed by him with divine power and wisdom to reform the world; and that, in the discharge of this high commission, he exhibited an assemblage of virtues that place him next to Jesus of Nazareth in the records of the human race.

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Page 201, line 6, for proved read approved.

Page 228, line two from the bottom, for resolutions read resolution: and

line 14, for or of prohibitions read or prohibitions of practices.

Page 242, line 16, dele more and for than read that.

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