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Kidd, Mr. Schobie, chief officer; Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Lacey, major Adderley, enfign fir Richard Cox, Mr. Ryon, Mr. Dunn, and Mr. Friend, one of the company's pilois. There were about fifty-five people on board, only fourteen of whom are faved.

Vienna, Feb. 14. Jofeph de Pfeilheim died the 30th of last month at Clagenfurt. He was diftinguished through life for his humanity to the poor, for whofe relief he appropriated, during the last ten years, the interest of 50,000 florins.

John Pengs, a farmer, died lately at a village near Piritz, in Pomerania. He was borne to his grave on fheaves of corn, according to his own defire; and a spade, ploughthare, and hedging-bill, were placed on his coffin. He had cultivated upwards of two thoufand acres of land. He had had twenty-five children, and fuch as lived he taught to be as induftrious as himfelf. He pofseiled a chearful difpofition, the happy effect of a peaceful mind; and his memory was the faithful depofitory of remarks, fhrewd, fenfible, and ingenious, which he had made during a long courfe of years. Vienna, Feb. 17. The new criminal code inflicts upon offenders only one mode of death, which is hanging. Treafon and rebellion will be punished with the confifcation of effects, and perpetual imprifoninent, and in fome cafes with death. Fetters and perpetual imprisonment will be the punishment of fuch as kill others in duels. Blafphemers will be confined in the hofpital for the reception of lunatics. The other punishments denounced, are thofe of being fettered and labourng at the public works, whipping, being expofed on the pillory, branded, &c. See p. 3.

Naples, Feb. 9. Yesterday, at a

concert before the royal family, the celebrated D. Saveria Savilla, well known for his wonderful vocal powers, being in the act of finging a most charming air, which was honoured with profound attention, expired instantaneously without a groan, in one of the most exquifitely beautiful paffages of the fong.

Rome, Feb. 10. The pope has ordered the fuppreffion of a convent of Clairifts, two of Benedictines, and fix Brotherhoods: the effects of thofe houfes are to be applied to ufeful foundations, and among the reft to the establishment of an hofpital for the recep ion of poor girls, who will be taught fome bufinefs, whereby they may get a living, and when they quit the houfe to marry, will have a portion of forty crowns. The above fuppreffions were ordered in the town of Gubbio, which contains only 5000 inhabitants, and in which there were 22 convents.

21. The Academy of Sciences at Lyons propofed in 1785, for the duc de Villeroy's medal, the following quellion - Whether the experiments on which fir Ifaac Newton etablifhed his theory of the different refrangibility of the rays of light are decifive or illufory-Eight different differtations on this fubject were admitted, four of which at tacked the great Newton, and four defended him. Two of each of thefe productions were much inferior to the reft, fo that the contest lay between the other four. The medal was finally adjudged to that which bore this motto, Simplicitas experientiis vigorque demonftratione ; and the Acceffit (admishon) to the paper with the following-Tantum novimus, quantum experiendo didici, mus; both in fupport of our immortal countryman.

22. In fome late accounts from Madrid,


2. On Friday the claims of the inhabitants of St. Eustatius were finally argued before the privy council; when it was decreed, that lord Rodney and general Vaughan are to refund the money to the faid claimants. See Vol. VII. p. 29.

Madrid, it is faid, that two Syriac Clugny, governor of Guadaloupe, priests are arrived in that capital, on his royal highness's arrival in and have given fuch fatisfactory the West Indies, and a request that proofs of their knowledge in the he would favour these islands with Eaftern languages, that his Catho- a vifit. lic majefty has charged them with the tranflation of the manufcripts in thofe languages which make part of the king's library at the palace of the Efcurial. This news must be interesting to the learned, to whom little more is known, but that in the cruifes of den Lewis, in 1611, he fell in with two veffels near the port of Salee, of which he made himself master; and that among the riches they contained, were found a collection of upwards of three thousand volumes, treating of phyfic, philofophy, and matters of religion, &c. The emperor of Morocco offered 450,000l. to have them restored; but Philip king of Spain would never confent to it.

4. On Thursday was tried at Kingston in Surry, before Mr. jus tice Gould and a fpecial jury, a caufe of importance to the public, wherein Robert Taylor, affignce of William Taylor, a bankrupt, was plaintiff; and Theodore Henry Broadhead, efq, late fheriff of Surry, was defendant. The cafe was, that in Easter Term, 1786, Meflrs. James, wine merchants, of Breadftreet, obtained judgment in a caufe against the faid bankrupt, and fued out execution thereon, and took his ftock in trade and effects in execution; that three or four days after, a commiffion of bankruptcy was taken out by the faid Robert Taylor, against the faid bankrupt, and thereupon the plaintiff claimed the faid goods back, as being the bankrupt's property; when, after a long trial, it came out in evidence, that the commiffion of bankruptcy was concerted and taken out for the exprefs purpose of defeating meffrs. James from receiving their just de mand; and therefore the jury found a verdict for the defendant, to the fatisfaction of the whole court, by which decifion meffrs. James receive the full benefit of the faid execution, and the commiffion of bankruptcy falls to the ground.

Dominica, Dec. 20. On the 11th instant arrived here the Pegafus, prince William Henry, commander. He was accompanied by the Amphion and Solebay of 32 guns each, and the Rattler floop of 18 guns. He was received by the governor, the legislature, and the officers of the 30th regiment, who paid him the highest honours. A very clegant fupper and ball was given to his royal highnefs. He was alfo elegantly entertained by the officers of the garrifon. The affembly and the merchants prefented addreffes, to which the prince gave very polite anfwers, affuring them, that in safe of future wars, as well from duty, as from remembrance of their kind civilities, he would pay particular attention to the island of Dominica. Two French floops are just arrived with the congratulations of the vifcount de Damas, governor of Martinico, and of the baron de- 9. The first tone of a new


were both feverely wounded, but neither mortally, though difabled from fighting with fwords, and in this condition were carried to quarters.

church at Wimbledon, in Surry, fmall fword, and accompanied by a was laid by the rev. Mr. Randal. fecond. In a few minutes they Benjamin Bond Hopkins, efq. and many other refpectable inhabitants attended at the ceremony. The contributions have been very handfome-amongst the largest of which ftands the name of Mr. Levi, the Jew, who, much to his honour, forgetting the diftinctions of religion, contributed one hundred pounds to the building of a Christian church.

Jerjey, March 19. Yesterday I took a ride to St. Owen's Bay, to fee fome trees which have lately been difcovered within high-water mark, with every appearance of a fallen foreft. They cover at prefent upwards of three fquare acres of ground, but feem to extend be yond all human reach into the fea. Many of these trees are entire, and measure upwards of forty fect long, and it is evident they have grown on the fpot, as their roots and earth fill adhere. But what renders this discovery still more wonderful is, that, for many miles round this bay, it is a barren fandy defert, and not a fhrub to be feen on it.

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Bath, April 1. Yesterday John Twycrofs and Richard Wetenall, were convicted before the mayor on feveral counts, of keeping a faro and other gambling tables, and fentenced to pay, Twycrofs four hundred, and Wetenall fourteen hundred pounds; with a hearty with expreffed by the worthy magifrate, that the law could be more weightily enforced against thefe atro cious offences.

Caen, March 30. Two officers, of equal rank, belonging to a regiment quartered here, having unhappily quarrelled, one in his rage ftruck the other; the blow was returned, and the combatants parted. They immediately retired withput the town, each armed with a

The circumflance of a blow was confidered in fo ferious a light, that the colonel convened the corps, and the refult of their deliberation was, that one of the officers must die !

This refolution was communicated to the combatants, accompanied by an information, that the corps expected that they would again go out, and determine the affair with piftols. They accordingly took the field, each being borne in a chair, and ten officers of the army attending.

The first hot was fired by the officer who received the blow, and the ball lodged in the aggreffor's body; he however returned the fire, but miffed his antagonist-the third fhot took place in his breast, and he funk, but not lifeless, though unable to hold a piftol.


They were again removed quarters; the corps again met, and refolved, that, if both the combatants recovered, they fould again take the field: the aggreffor however died, and was buried with military honours.

A few days after his death, the brother of the furvivor arrived at Caen from Bourdeaux-an exprefs had been fent to him, and he came for the purpose of revenging his brother's honour and death, in cafe his opponent had furvived.

10. A letter from on board the Lord Hyde packet-boat, arrived at Falmouth from New York, fays, that the day before they failed the General Washington, carrying twenty guns, arrived there from Madeira, laden with wines, and


brought in with them an Algerine corfair which they had taken after an engagement of an hour and an half. Captain Henderfon of the Washington, fays, he had no irons of his own to put on the prifoners, but he found plenty on board the corfair, which he made ufe of, as they began to be very outrageous. They intended to fend the prifon. ers to the dey to exchange fome Americans for them, and if that were refused, that they then fhould be made flaves of, and treated in the fame manner as the Algerines treat their prisoners.

12. On Monday morning, the cth inftant, the town of Campden, in Gloucestershire, was alarmed by a violent shock, which was at firit thought to be an earthquake, but which afterwards appeared to arife from an explofion of gunpowder at a house in that town, where a perfon had defignedly, in confequence of a difagreement between himself and one of his family, fet fire to a quantity of gunpowder in the garret of his fon's houfe, which deftroyed every thing in the houfe, leaving it a mere fhell. The mifguided perpetrator was blown above one hundred yards, but no perfon was killed except himself.

11. The parliament of Paris entered on their Journals, on the 31ft of March, the letters patent which abolish the Droit d'Aubaine; and by which all English fubjects dying in France are to be confidered as natural born fubjects.

Bath, April 16. A few weeks ago nine or ten large trees on the Entry-Hill road fide, about a mile on the fouth fide of this city, fuddenly flipt from their fituation for the pace of fifty yards into the adjoining field, carrying with them an immenfe weight of earth; and, notwithstanding this extraordia 1787.

nary march, they continue their erect pofture, and are now breaking into leaf: it is become the fashionable walk to obferve this new and furprifing scene.

Calcutta, O. 12. The following melancholy accident fhows that a tiger is not always deterred from approaching fire. A small veffel from Ganjam to this port being longer on her paffage than was expected, ran out of provifions and water: being near the Saugar Islands, the Europeans, fix in number, went on fhore in fearch of refreshments, there being fome cocoa nuts on the ifland, in queft of which they ftrayed a confiderable way inland. Night coming on, and the veffel being at a distance, it was thought more fafe to take up their night's lodging in the ruins of an old pagoda, than to return to the veffel. A large fire was lighted, and an agreement made, that two of the number fhould keep watch by turns to alarm the rest in case of danger. It fell to the lot of one Dawson, late a filverfmith in this town, to be one of the watch. In the night, a tiger darted over the fire upon this unfortunate young man, and in fpringing off with him, ftruck its head against the fide of the pagoda, which made it and its prey rebound upon the fire, on which they rolled over one another once or twice before he was carried off. In the morning the thigh bone and legs of the unfortunate victim were found at fome diftance, the former ftripped of its flesh, and the latter fhockingly mangled.

20. The first regulated dramatic performance of nobility, and perfons of diftinction, took place at Richmond-houfe, with the Comedy of The Way to Keep Him. The following were the Dramatis Perfonæ : Love


Lord Derby.

Edgecombe. Sir Baflful Conftant, Major Arabin. Sir Harry En glefield. Mr.Campbell. Hon. Mrs. Ho

Widow Belmour,

Mrs. Lovemore,


Hon. Mrs.Da


Lovemore, fpeak to the judges at the proper Sir Brilliant Fashion, Hon. Mr. time and when the other caufes were over, and the court rifing, he addreffed the judges, faying, that yefterday he would not contend with their lordships, as to the propriety of pleading guilty to two informations at once, though he had only been ferved with one, because the court were his friends; and a grenadier having carried his bag, gave occafion to one of the counsellors privately to ask him; "if he came to befiege them?" That day he had brought the bag himself, and requelled the court to inform him, if he might fubpoena one witness, and obtain the authority of the court to recover a letter relating to the first information, as the nicest delicacy ought to be attended to, great perfonages only being involved in the caufe between the court of France, St. James's, and himself.

Lady Conftant,

Mits Camp
Mrs. Bruce.

[This new fpecies of polite entertain ment was frequently repeated in the Sequel; tickets of admiffion being diftributed among the nobility and perfons of diflinction only The duke of Richmond, who, on thefe occafions, acted himself as mafter of the ceremonies, was more than once honoured with the prefence and approbation of their majefties, and the royal family.]

25. The corps of engineers is in future, by his majefty's orders, to take the name of "The Corps of Royal Engineers, and to rank with the royal regiment of artillery. Gaz: Lord George Gordon appeared in the court of king's bench; and, being called upon to plead to the Ceveral informations exhibited against him, he defired to plead to them feparately; but this requifition being refufed, he pleaded not guilty" to them all. His lordfhip was attended by a corporal of the guards, who carried his books and


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26. Lord George Gordon again appeared in court. He went up to the mafter of the crown-office, and the fecondary, and told them, that the court had been wrong in preff ing him to plead, the day before, to two informations, as Mr. Jones, of the crown-office, had only ferved him with one; however, he would

The court informed his lordship, that the trial being now at iffue, the delicacy was out of the question; and that he might apply to their proper officers for whatever fubpœnas and papers were neceffary for his defence. His lordship bow ed with gratitude and submillion to the judges; and the court rose.

Lord George Gordon went to Mrs. Fitzherbert's immediately af ter the court of king's bench rose, and left a meffage that the would be fubpoenaed to appear in the king's bench, in the profecution againft him by the courts of France and London, and entreated the might not be the leaft alarmed on the fubpoena being served upon


27. Yesterday fifteen malefactors were executed before Newgate; among whom was Elizabeth Sedgewick, the incendiary. See p. 12.

30. Lord George Gordon appeared in court, with Mr. Wilkins the printer, who published the pa


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