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ed to suspect and to hate, where wise and unambitious, and straightforward policy, enlightened statesmen took their stand for Louis Philippe had gained the confidence truth and for civilization, and thus help on of the British Conservatives. It proved the history of man, and rescue human nature that they had not forgotten the pains which from the oft too-merited charge of selfish- the French king had taken to preserve the ness, pride, and want of sympathy with revolution of 1830 from the excesses and fellow-men. barbarities of the revolution of 1793. It prov

That being must, indeed, have but a sor-ed they remembered that Louis Philippe, in ry and a limited view of public events, who order to preserve the peace of Europe, had does not perceive in the late visit of the refused the crown of Belgium, though ofhouse of Brunswick to the house of Orleans fered to his son the Duke of Nemours; an event replete with good, and big with that, from the same worthy motives, he joyous hope and bright anticipation. For had withdrawn his troops from Ancona, as does he not see in it the union of western well as from the walls of Antwerp, the and constitutional Europe against any po- moment the citadel had surrendered; and licy hostile to right and to freedom which that he had, year after year, kept under, northern powers might be disposed to es- even at the risk of his own life, and of the tablish or promote? And does he not see lives of his sons, that spirit of aggression, in it the security and permanency of Bel- conquest, and war, which, if it had not gium as a neutral state-a neutral but ef- been repressed, must have involved Europe fectual barrier against aggression and in- in years of bloodshed, rapine, and desosult? And does he not see in that inter-lation. Do not tell me that this was no change of kindly looks, affectionate sym- national act of respect or confidence paid pathies, and national respect, a security by the Queen of Great Britain, but that it against the predominance of a Bourbon po- was simply a personal mark of respect and licy in Spain, and against the establish- confidence. In constitutional states this ment of a clashing policy towards Portu- is not the course or order of proceeding. gal, as well as against any unworthy or In absolute monarchies, the imperial or the illiberal and intolerant spirit in the South monarchical will is every thing. In limitSeas? And does he not perceive in it a ed or constitutional monarchies the royal pledge that French policy as to Algeria will is directed by public opinion. Not the will not be such as would require from us ever-varying, unstable, and inconsiderate either protests or loud complaints, menaces opinion of the multitude, of the thoughtor hostilities? Two of the most honest, less and ill-informed, but that calm, quiet, well-principled, and admirable men, have deliberate voice which is heard and obeymet-we mean M. Guizot and Lord Aber-ed, because it is the voice of reason, of nadeen. The Queen Victoria was accom- tional respect, and of public principle. panied by the "Travelled Thane," and M. It is a glorious sight to behold the flush Guizot, with his unostentatious manners, of joy and delight, proceeding from kindred simple and charming tastes and feelings, hearts, and expressed in kindred smiles or and irreproachable life, was there, to re- tears, at first interviews or at second ceive, with gentlemanly urbanity and states- meetings, where recollections of the first manlike dignity, our secretary of state for are vivid and delightful. Such were the the foreign department. Tell me not that interviews of Albert and Victoria, after such an interview was nugatory. Tell me years of youthful separation! It is a glorinot that it will have no effect on the po-ous sight to see old veterans in the public litical or commercial relations of the two cause, once rivals, afterwards hoary-headed countries. Tell me not that all the charms contemporaries, meet again on neutral of our youthful monarch, and all the high-ground, and exchange those hearty conminded courtesy and affability of her justly gratulations which wise and good men esteemed consort, have produced no effect will offer to each other in after years. on the French court, the French press, the Such was the interview to which Soult and French government, or the French people! Wellington were parties, when the hero of Tell me not that the visit was one merely Toulouse met the conqueror of Waterloo of ceremony, or of court friendship, or sim- in the metropolitan banqueting-room of the ply of pleasure and amusement. No! it citizens of London. But it was even a was much more than this. The mere fact finer sight than these, when the young of the visit, which was asked by the one, queen of a mighty empire, herself full of and consented to by the other, was in itself love, light, life, hope, peace, and joy, quita great event. To ask for a visit, and to ted for a while the shores of her own muchpay it, showed how by pacific, honorable, I loved empire, to do homage to the venera



like and Conservative policy. Honor to the King of the French! and honor to the Queen Victoria!—but honor, also, to Lord Aberdeen and to M. Guizot!


ble monarch of a great and a neighboring | ancient monarchies and empires whose nation; and in the presence of other queens foundations are almost as old as the world, and other princes, to ratify the bonds of which sprang from the deluge; yet that it alliance and friendship which at present hailed with delight this visit of Britain's exist, and to give, besides this, a moral queen to the monarch of the Gauls, and guarantee for the future to both govern- saw, in that visit, the triumph of a wise, ments and to both people, to both dynasties enlightened, pacific, and truly statesmanand to both empires, that slight causes should not be allowed to disturb the mutual relations of Great Britain and France. But there was more than even this. The visit of our monarch to the château of Eu is a pledge that our relations with France shall neither be stationary nor fruitless. The French people, sensitive sometimes There is an incident in the life of the almost to absurdity, are accessible to the then Duke of Orleans belonging to the most tender sympathies, and the most no- period at which I had arrived when I closed ble and generous aspirations. Talk as the the first part of this monarch's extraordirepublicans may in some of their journals, nary memoirs, which I had forgotten in my the smiles of the queen were not without narrative. It is the following:-Whilst entheir value-for they have disarmed the gaged as professor of mathematics, geobitter spirits of the ultra-nationalists in graphy, and the French and English lanspite of themselves. Talk as they may of guages, at Richeneau, his conduct was so France assuming an attitude of suspicion exemplary, his views so elevated, and his and distrust-but the French are as sus- principles so worthy of one of his age and ceptible of acts of confidence and affection as they are of distrust and mefiance-our commercial relations will be influenced by our political alliances; and the chambers of peers and deputies will rightly feel that, when the Queen of Great Britain landed at Tréport, to render homage to the French government and king, the nation was not forgotten; and that the French were thus appealed to to form with us a yet closer and more compact alliance.

position, that, without knowing him to be either the Duke of Chartres or of Orleans, the inhabitants of that spot felt so sincere a respect for both his talents and virtues, that they elected him to be their deputy to the Assembly of Coire! True, indeed, the reception by him at that moment of the heart-rending intelligence of his father's execution prevented him from carrying into effect their highly complimentary inserved a strong feeling of gratitude and tentions, but his majesty has always preaffection for old Helvetia.

I have thus commenced the second part of the life of Louis Philippe; not that the events to which I have referred have any connection whatever with the portion of knapsack on his shoulder, with staff in hand, The day had at length arrived when, with the history of that great man to which I am and with a desire to increase his knowabout to direct attention, but because ledge by travelling, and to obtain peace events of such a nature as these are worthy and repose from the dreadful agitations of of being most distinctly referred to and western and of central Europe, he sallied commemorated in the pages of REGINA. forth, with a faithful French servant named In future years, when the historian shall Baudoin, to attain the objects he had thus take his pen, and, searching though the in view. How often in his quiet family periodical literature of our present times, circle at Neuilly in after years did the duke shall turn to the journals which were con- converse with his friends and children retemporary with these transactions, he may, lative to this expedition! He had originperchance, record that whilst Fraser's Ma-ally intended at once to proceed to Amergazine would yield to none in a love of na-ica; but, on arriving at Hamburg, his petional grandeur, independence, and dig. cuniary resources were so small, that his nity, nor to any in a desire to see all the old alliances of Great Britain maintained, and a profound respect for vested interests exhibited, as well as an adherence to existing and long-signed treaties displayed; and that, whilst it delighted at all times to contemplate the old governments, laws, and traditions, of by-gone days, as well as those

aunt, the Princess de Conti, on the one hand, and his old and faithful friend, Madame de Genlis, on the other hand, so unable to assist him, that he came to the resolution of wandering over the regions of the north. Accustomed to brown bread and a draught of cold water, to a hard mattrass, a very little wardrobe, and to a

variety of other privations, he proceeded | you can of this, we live in times when we with a small letter of credit to Copenhagen, must all economize." The poor, exiled, procured passports for himself, for Bau- disconsolate old man was so struck with doin, as well as for his sincere friend Count this proof of generosity, and of filial reMontjoie, and hastened, as economically spect for the object of his father's and and as rapidly as he could to the Scandi- mother's bounty, that he declined receiving navian peninsula. I remember to have met so much as one out of four louis from the in Switzerland at the pretty villa of a lady, prince's hands; but the duke took to formed to grace, adorn, and elevate the flight, and left the grateful but unhappy circle of her family and friends, of which exile weeping with gratitude and joy. she was the centre, an ingenuous, able, At Copenhagen the duke was better and delightful old Swiss gentleman, M. de known, but was freed from the sort of Bonstetten. Endowed with an admirable surveillance almost everywhere exercised memory, enriched by great acquirements over him before he arrived in that city by and by classical and historical knowledge, the emigrants, who seemed to pursue exthis most agreeable and well-informed man pressly to torment him. The Castle of was received with delight into the best cir- Kronenburg, the Gardens of Hamlet, and cles of Europe, and never failed to enliven the Sound at Helsinbourg, were all visitand enchant all who listened to him. Ied by him, and he thence proceeded to connect his name with this portion of the Sweden, and found himself in the midst of life of Louis Philippe, because he related a most hospitable and endearing people. to me two anecdotes of the subject of this Göttenburgh and Lake Wener, the watersketch which may be relied on, and which falls of Goetha Elf, and the majestic works are worth preserving. Whilst at Ham- at Trollhæthan, undertaken to connect the burg on one occasion, an old refugee, a Gulf of Bothnia with the North Sea, were bad specimen of a good race, openly in- explored by the duke, who states, now that sulted him, and, accosting him in the pub- he is King of the French, that one of the lic streets, demanded, "What right the first occasions on which he took a deep son of a regicide had to meet the victims and abiding interest in undertakings of a of his father's atrocious conduct, and why large and national character, was when rehe did not hide his head in obscurity or garding that effort of skill and industry. the dust?" The young duke, who was un- Thence he bent his steps to Norway, reprepared for this unprincipled and ungen- sided a little time at Frederick shall, and tlemanly attack, fell back a few paces, re- then proceeded to Christiana, where, in garded his adversary with a look of stern virtuous and useful occupations, he spent dignity, and then said, "Sir, if I have either his days, devoting his time to moral, scienoffended or injured you, I am prepared to tific, and philosophical pursuits. There is give you satisfaction; but if I have done a curious circumstance connected with his neither, what will you one day think of residence in Christiana which I delight to yourself for having insulted in a foreign record. The late M. Monod, senior, an Ĩand a prince of fallen fortunes, and an enlightened French Protestant pastor, honest and independent young man?" whose urbanity and Christian gentleness The wretched creature who had so insult- his successors and descendants would do ed him stole off to his hiding-place, whilst well to imitate, was residing at that period some standers-by, who had understood the in the Norwegian capital. Educated by colloquy, applauded the young and cour. Madame de Genlis to respect and honor the characters of all truly good men, the young ageous exile. duke soon learned to estimate the merits of M. Monod; and although he did not make himself known to that good man, he discovered in him exalted rank, perfect manners, and a virtuous mind. Their conversations often turned to the subject of France, and the progress of democracy in that country, and on one occasion M. Monod introduced the character and conduct of the Duke of Orleans on the tapis. With that Christian moderation which distinguished the conduct and life of M. Monod, senior, he observed, "I have been accustomed to hear much that is disgusting and

On another occasion at Hamburg the young duke, appealed to for relief by a former dependent on the bounty of his father "Egalité," but who had rushed from Paris to save his life, and had arrived at the city in question, the duke explained to him that his means were so limited, and his expectations of assistance so scanty, that he really had not the power of doing all he could desire for one whom his father and mother had regarded with respect and pity. "But," added the duke, "I have four louis left, take one of them; when I shall replace it I know not; make the best use

revolting of the late Duke of Orleans, but | it, and asked the Norwegian gentleman I cannot help thinking that he must have why it was he called out for the Duke of had some virtues mixed up with his evil Orleans' carriage, "What have you to do propensities, for no reckless or worthless man could have taken so much pains with the education of his children. His eldest son, I have been assured, is the model of filial affection as well as of all the virtues." The duke felt his cheeks suffused with blushes, and M. Monod perceived it. "Do you know him?" asked M. Monod.

"Yes I do, a little," replied the duke, "and I think you have somewhat exaggerated his praises."

The next time the venerable Protestant pastor saw the Duke of Orleans, was in his own palace at the Palais Royal! M. Monod was at the head of the Protestant Consistory of Paris, and was visiting the illustrious prince to congratulate him on his return to his native country. When the ceremony was over, the duke called M. Monod aside, and asked, "How long it was since he had quitted Christiana?"

"Oh! many years," replied the excellent man; "it is very kind of your royal highness to remember that I was ever an inhabitant of that city."

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"It is more, then, M. Monod, than you remember of me!"

"Was your royal highness, then, ever an inhabitant of Christiana?" asked the astonished pastor.

"Do you remember M. Corby-the young Corby?" inquired the duke.

"Most certainly I do, and I have frequently sought for some intelligence with regard to him, but could procure none."

"Then I was M. Corby," replied the duke, and the rest of the conversation can be easily imagined. To the hour of his death the duke was much attached to the admirable M. Monod, and some of Louis Philippe's affection for Protestant families, Protestant communities, and the Protestant clergy, can unquestionably be traced to the influence exercised by that gentleman over the mind of his Christiana young friend.

with him?" The gentleman, who was the son of a banker, replied that there was no other reason for making the exclamation than that, when he was in Paris with his family, every evening as they were leaving the French opera he heard the people vociferating, "La voiture de Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans!"

Ah! how the times had changed! The popularity of former epochs had given way to low jests and indecent and brutal reproaches as the former idol of the naille" was led away by them to the guillotine and to death!



Drontheim and Hamersfeldt endeared themselves to Louis Philippe's remembrance by the courtesy of Baron Kroh at the former, and by the civility of the kindly Laplanders at the latter place; and to the inhabitants of that small and frozen spot the now King of the French has sent a large and handsome clock, capable by its admirable workmanship of resisting the influence of the temperature, to be placed in the church of Hamersfeldt. These are the changes in the life of a man which no romance can equal, and no fiction can imitate. The wandering exile, poor, unknown, visits the snows of Lapland, and almost envies the arctic and monotonous repose of its inhabitants. That exile is afterwards the King of the French, sends forth to those regions scientific expeditions of discovery, and forwards to the dreaming, sleepy, inoffensive, but still only half existing Laplanders, a permanent memorial of his interest and esteem.

Brought up by Madame de Genlis, by whom, at least, I will seek to do justice in this sketch of His Majesty Louis Philippe, wholly to disregard the luxuries of the table, to be indifferent to ease, to sleep, to soft couches, to fine linen, and, indeed, to all the superfluities of life, the young duke never repined at the humblest meal, never There is, also, a story told respecting complained of the most wretched fare, never the Duke of Orleans at this period which reproached those who supplied him with is less authentic, but more generally known the least dainty provisions, thanked his than the preceding. On one occasion he God for his daily bread, laid up stores of infelt convinced he was discovered, and be-formation for coming years, and although came much alarmed. The circumstances he had no right whatever to presume that were the following. During a country ex- he would ever be called to the throne, yet cursion with some friends, or rather ac- acted as one should do who was certain of quaintances, he heard one of the party ex- such an elevation. claim aloud at the close of the day, "The Duke of Orleans' carriage!" There was no carriage to be seen. The duke became embarrassed, but he endeavored to conceal

Taught, likewise, to feel no fear, he vis ited on all occasions during his voyages and travels all that was interesting though surrounded by dangers; and amongst other

spots the whirlpool of the Maelstrom in the Gulf of Salten. There, indeed, it was that the lines of the poet could be realized :

"Like ships which do go down at sea, When heaven is all tranquillity." Still, his curiosity, his spirit of enter. prise, and his love of nature, were not satisfied, and Iceland bore the imprint of his steps on its mountains and its precipices, until on the 24th of August, 1795, he reached the most northern point of the olden world :—

"Hic tandem stetimus nobis ubi deficit orbis."

Yes, there he was, the successor of Maupertius and Regnard, there he was, the exiled prince, learning philosophy from observation, drinking in happiness from the contemplation of the works of God, studying nature on the largest scale, and even sojourning with poverty and want, when compared with the profusion which once surrounded him, in order that he might learn to be contented with his singular and precarious lot, and be led to trust in Him who had said that man was of more value than many sparrows. And in order that his external aspect might not appear singular, and that he might be looked upon by the natives more as one of themselves than as a foreigner, he wore the koufte of the Norwegian sailors, inhabited the humble tent of the Laplanders, and identified himself with all their peculiar modes of existence. On foot and attended by some natives, he re-crossed Swedish Lapland, descended to Toraco, passed to Abo, traversed a part of Finland to examine on the spot the theatre of the last war between the Russians and Swedes under Gustavus III., and advanced to the river Kymène which separated Sweden from Russia. But there he stopped; for, though he was an ardent and enlightened traveller, he was above and before all a Frenchman; and although no one could more heartily disapprove and deplore the excesses and enormities of the French Revolution than himself, yet as the animosity of Catherine II. was not merely directed against the revolution, but against France herself, he resolved not to pass the Kymène, but to visit Stockholm, and remain at least where he would be free alike from the risk of the knout and from the chance of being sent to Siberia.

At a court-ball in the Swedish capital his incognito was put an end to by the French envoy, who recognized the prince; but, fortunately, that recognition led to no persecution or unfortunate circumstance.

Whilst sojourning in that part of Europe, he repaired to the ruins of Dalecarlia, visited the former place of concealment of Gustavus Vasa, descended into the famous copper-mines, associated with the honest peasantry, and examined that vast rock of Mora, from which the same Vasa had harangued the Dalécarlians, and excited them to march against the despotic and merciless Christiern. In the very same farmhouse in which Vasa had taken refuge from the persecutions of his enemies, the Duke of Orleans found himself also an exile ; and whilst Gustavus afterwards became the king of Sweden, the French prince is now the constitutional monarch of France. When these curiosities and objects of interest had passed in review before him, he returned once more by Copenhagen and Lubeck to the city of Hamburg.

There is, however, a power and a vigor in the monarchical principle which democracy dreads, and from the influence of which it in vain seeks ever and anon to escape. So it was with the French Directory! Although Louis XVI. had been murdered, Marie Antoinette had suffered the same fate, Madame Elizabeth had been beheaded, and the eldest Duke of Orleans had ascended the revolutionary scaffold; although the princes and princesses of the eldest and of the Orleans branch were either exiles or captives, still the fact that the young Duke of Orleans was free, haunted the French regicides and all French revolutionists, and they could not believe that their new government could possibly be secure whilst in Europe he could range and wander without restraint. It was not a purseless and deserted exile they dreaded,-that was impossible; but it was the force of the monarchical principle, which in time was embodied. That was their terror and their political nightmare. The duke, on his return to Hamburg, found himself almost without pecuniary resources, and knew not where to turn for assistance and protection. True, he had been offered distinguished posts in the armies of foreign princes, but such offers he could not accept. His patriotism was as pure as his life was irreproachable. He preferred poverty and self-respect to opulence, rank, and a consciousness that he had forgotten the allegiance he owed, at all times, and under all circumstances, to his father land. And when, at a subsequent period of his eventful history, he was called on to ascend the throne of St. Louis, his friends and supporters pointed to his antecedents and said, He never fought against France! he never

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