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of Canada has flourished through its con- but their social condition was much more miseranexion with our settlements in the States; ble, and the treatment they received from their the market of New Zealand will excite theow in the later Saxon times appears to have lords more harsh. The personal treatment of the production in Australia. The uttermost been far more mild than that of the same class on portions of the earth are our inheritance; the continent. In France, and particularly in Norlet us not throw it away in mere supineness, or in deference to the wise conclusions of those sages of the discouraging school, who, had they been listened to, would have checked, one by one, all the enterprises which have changed the face of the world in the last thirty years.


mandy, the villans-for that is the name by which they were designated-were subjected to the greatest indignities, which drove them into frequent insurrections at the latter end of the tenth and earlier part of the eleventh century. In revenge, their masters slaughtered them by hundreds, and treated them with the greatest atrocities. The Normans brought their hatred and contempt of the peasantry into England, and soon rendered useless all the laws and customs which had previously afforded them some protection. In addition to this, the villans, or peasants, were now loaded with oppressive and galling taxes, and services to their lords. Mr. Wright observed further, that the Norman masters not only looked upon the peasantry as a conquered and inferior race, but, what was very remarkable, they who in Normandy had deserted their own language to ENGLISH PEASANTRY IN THE MIDDLE AGES.-adopt that of their slaves, in England looked with Mr. Thomas Wright, Esq., F. S. A., stated that the contempt and disdain on the language which was agricultural population among the Anglo-Saxons, nearly that of their own forefathers. The position which he compared with the Roman coloni, were a of the English peasantry appears to have been different race from the free men; that they were most degenerated in the latter half of the twelfth the remains of the conquered people who had occu- century. pied the parts of Europe which were subdued by He stated that manumission was less frequent the Saxon and other Germanic tribes. When the among the Anglo-Normans than it had been with Saxons came to England, they brought with them the Anglo-Saxons; and gave some instances in their agricultural population, which, becoming here which it had been reversed, and freed-men reduced mixed with the conquered Britons in different pro- into slavery. On the whole, the serfs or villans in portions in differents parts of the island, was one of England were in a worse condition than the Roman the causes of subsequent difference of dialect. The coloni. They were robbed without mercy by their common name of the peasant among the Anglo-lords; could not be admitted into trades,—at least, Saxons was theow, which means a bondman. Various instances were adduced, showing the degraded position of the Anglo-Saxon theows. There was originally no law which interfered between the lord of the soil and his theows, who were therefore exposed to all kinds of outrage and injustice. After the introduction of Christianity, the clergy continually exerted themselves to ameliorate their condition; and hence a few laws were from time to time enacted for their protection. This class among the Anglo-Saxons was constantly receiving on one side accession to its numbers, while, on the other, it was diminished by manumission. There were different means by which a free man became a theow: sometimes he sold himself to obtain a living, when no other means were left, or to obtain the protection of a master against his personal enemies. It was the punishment of various crimes to condemn the offender to bondship. A free father had the right of selling his children under a certain age, which appears to have been a common practice. Amid the turbulence of unsettled times, men were often betrayed into slavery by their enemies, or by persons who made a profit by the sale. Mr. Wright gave several examples of manumission from contemporary manuscripts, which afford a curious illustration of the state of society. One of the strongest incitements to manumission was piety many instances were pointed out of theows set free for the love of God. A theow sometimes saved money to buy the freedom of himself and his family. A freeman bought the freedom of a theow woman previous to contracting marriage with her. And sometimes a lord set free some of his theows, from motives of gratitude. The legal position of the servile class appears to have changed little in the period following the entry of the Normans;


craftsmen were cautious of taking them apprentices, lest they should be reclaimed by their lords; nor yet as scholars. The Norman troubadours were unmeasured in their satire and abuse of the oppressed villans; but at length their cause was triumphantly vindicated by the author of Piers Ploughman. The insurrection of the rustic popu lation in the reign of Richard II. was very pervading, but was at length suppressed with great severities; and the condition of the serfs was scarcely relieved until the expiration of another century.-Gentleman's Mag.

REV. SYDNEY SMITH AND THE AMERICANS.-The Rev. Sydney Smith, who it seems is one among the innumerable sufferers by the bad faith of the repudiating States of the American Union, has published an address to the Congress at Washington, in which he sets forth in peculiarly forcible language the infamy and fatal consequences of such conduct, not only in a pecuniary, but in a moral and political sense. This address is better calculated than any thing which has yet appeared to touch the pride of the great mass of the population in America-the middle classes, through whom, if at all, such a change in public opinion is to be brought about, as will ultimately produce the desired objects, of payment to the suffering British creditors, and the restoration of the American character. This document adopts the common error of addressing the Congress of the Union, instead of that of the particular State by whose bad faith the writer has suffered; but otherwise the sentiments it contains are worthy of being selected as texts for lectures and popular discourses all over the United States, of which the people are so fond, and which neces

sarily possess so much influence over them. If been done, the callous immorality with which ever the cry of "agitate, agitate, agitate," may with propriety be heard from the mouths of the friends of order and of social happiness, this is the instance, and the American States the proper arena for it. The following is the address referred to :



"I petition your honorable House to institute some measure for the restoration of American credit, and for the repayment of debts incurred and repudiated by several of the States. Your petitioner lent to the State of Pennsylvania a sum of money, for the purpose of some public improvement. The amount, though small, is to him important, and is a saving from a life income, made with difficulty and privation. If their refusal to pay (from which a very large number of English families are suffering) had been the result of war, produced by the unjust aggression of powerful enemies; if it had arisen from civil discord; if it had proceeded from an improvident application of means in the first years of self-government; if it were the act of a poor State struggling against the barrenness of nature-every friend of America would have been contented to wait for better times; but the fraud is committed in the profound peace of Pennsylvania, by the richest State in the Union, after the wise investment of the borrowed money in roads and canals, of which the repudiators are every day reaping the advantage. It is an act of bad faith which (all its circumstances considered) has no parallel, and no excuse.

"Nor is it only the loss of property which your petitioner laments: he laments still more that immense power which the bad faith of America has given to aristocratical opinions, and to the enemies of free institutions, in the old world. It is vain any longer to appeal to history, and to point out the wrongs which the many have received from the few. The Americans, who boast to have improved the institutions of the old world, have at least equalled its crimes. A great nation, after trampling under foot all earthly tyranny, has been guilty of a fraud as enormous as ever disgraced the worst king of the most degraded nation of Europe.

"It is most painful to your petitioner to see that American citizens excite, wherever they may go, the recollection that they belong to a dishonest people, who pride themselves on having tricked and pillaged Europe; and this mark is fixed by their faithless legislators on some of the best and most honorable men in the world, whom every Englishman has been eager to see, and proud to


"It is a subject of serious concern to your petitioner that you are losing all that power which the friends of freedom rejoiced that you possessed, looking upon you as the ark of human happiness, and the most splendid picture of justice and of wisdom that the world had yet seen. Little did the friends of America expect it, and sad is the spectacle to see you rejected by every State in Europe, as a nation with whom no contract can be made, because none will be kept; unstable in the very foundations of social life, deficient in the elements of good faith, men who prefer any load of infamy, however great, to any pressure of taxation, however light.

"Nor is it only this gigantic bankruptcy for so many degrees of longitude and latitude which your petitioner deplores, but he is alarmed also by that total want of shame with which these things have

Europe has been plundered, that deadness of the moral sense which seems to preclude all return to honesty, to perpetuate this new infamy, and to threaten its extension over every State of the Union.

"To any man of real philanthropy, who receives pleasure from the improvements of the world, the repudiation of the public debts of America, and the shameless manner in which it has been talked of and done, is the most melancholy event which has happened during the existence of the present generation. Your petitioner sincerely prays that the great and good men still existing among you may, by teaching to the United States the deep disgrace they have incurred in the whole world, restore them to moral health, to that high position they have lost, and which, for the happiness of mankind, it is so important they should ever maintain; for the United States are now working out the greatest of all political problems, and upon that confederacy the eyes of thinking men are intensely fixed, to see how far the mass of mankind can be trusted with the management of their own affairs, and the establishment of their own happiness."—Colonial Mag.

MR. BUCKINGHAM AND THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN INSTITUTE.-A plan has been put forward by Mr. Buckingham for the establishment of "a British and Foreign Institute" for facilitatiug personal intercourse between the educated classes of all countries, and rendering the literary circles of the metropolis more easily accessible to visitors from the Continent, the colonies, and the provinces. The second and subordinate object of the institute is stated to be to secure for Mr. Buckingham himself "a permanent home and resting-place after his varied and active life in all quarters of the globe, and an honorable occupation and pursuit, by which, while laboring for the intellectual gratification of others, he may be enabled to enjoy a moderate competency himself." A meeting was held at the Hanover-square Rooms to take the plan into consideration. The Earl of Devon presided, and among the company were Lord Brougham, Earl Grosvener, Lord James Stuart, Lord Dudley Stuart, Admiral Sir E. Codrington, Thomas Wyse, Esq., M. P., Charles Hindley, Esq., M. P., Wm. Ewart, Esq., M. P., and J. S. Buckingham, Esq. The Earl of Devon entered into a lengthened statement of the objects sought to be attained by the proposed establishment. It was estimated that not less than 200,000 strangers visited London every year, and it was thought desirable to present the many well-educated and accomplished individuals who were included in that number with facilities of personal intercourse, under proper guards for respectability, and at the same time at a moderate expense. The existing clubs had not supplied that desideratum, as the entrance fee to most of them was greater than any stranger could be expected to pay for the temporary enjoyment only of these advantages, while the difficulties and delays in the process of introduction were now greater than visitors would be able or disposed to encounter. The expense was also more than occasional visitors would be inclined to incur. The plan of a commodious edifice for the institute was prepared and highly approved of. The site would be in as central a position at the west end as was practicable. It was proposed to have four classes of members at different rates of entrance fees and annual subscriptions. Twenty-five lectures, and twentyfive soirées, to which ladies would be admissible,

should be given each session, including fifty meet- |sic, the dissatisfaction with Judaism, resulting from ings in each year, to all of which the members the conviction that it is in vain any longer to look should have free admission. Distinguished foreign for the advent of the Messiah, is seen developing travellers visiting London only for a short period itself in another manner; and the determination of would be invited to join the institution without the Jews to allow their children to be instructed in cost. Resolutions approving of the plans suggested Christianity reminds us of a precisely similar case were proposed, after the delivery of long speeches, mentioned by Mr. Grant, in his interesting work on by Lord Brougham, Lord D. Stuart, and a number the "Nestorian Christians," respecting the Jews of of other gentlemen. In the course of Lord Dudley Ooroomiah, a large city on the western borders of Stuart's speech, while eulogizing Mr. Buckingham's Persia. experience as a traveller and an author, and suggesting that that gentleman should be appointed "resident director" of the institute, an amusing little dialogue occurred, which is given verbatim : A gentleman who was seated in the centre of the room interrupted Lord Stuart, and asked in a very loud tone of voice whether Mr. Buckingham had not, in his book on Palestine, used Lord Valentia's plates?

The gentleman who had originally put the question said he understood sufficiently what "no" meant, and asked his lordship whether he did?— (Laughter and confusion.)

Lord Brougham (passionately): Why, the man is mad-(Laughter). Do you hear, sir? You put a question, and we say "no;" that is your answer, -no; can you understand that? No! I say no.

The former speaker: I am very glad to hear it. Lord Brougham (angrily): We don't care whether you are or not-(Laughter).

The storm having then subsided,

The Chairman said he was authorized by Mr. Buckingham most distinctly and emphatically to deny that he had ever used the plates alluded to.

The Universal German Gazette states that a new Jewish sect has been formed at Leipsic, under the auspices of a Dr. Creiznach, and makes the following remarks on the event:-"Highly interesting is it to inquire into the origin of this sect, which clearly and openly abandons the doctrines of Judaism, without, however, adopting those of Christianity. It will be seen that a long struggle preceded this event, and that political causes had their Lord Brougham, who sat next the chairman, and share of influence. The new Jews, it is well known, Mr. Buckingham, simultaneously replied, "No." have already for a long time neither kept the preThe gentleman having still looked rather skeptic-scriptions of the Talmud, nor the laws of the Old ally, Lord Brougham, in a very angry and loud Testament. Not 500 out of the 6000 Jewish inhabitone, reiterated, "No, I say no; do you understand tants here live according to Jewish laws, and that that?-(Laughter.) You have got your answer. small number only because they are compelled to Mr. Buckingham says no, too- -(Laughter.) What do so from personal, not conscientious motives. more do you want?-(Laughter.) No, no, no; do They even pay men to attend the synagogue, so you understand that?"-(Laughter.) that there, at least, a sufficient number is present for reading prayers. The best, therefore, the Jews could do is to adopt Christianity in a body. But, in doing so, they have to swear to forms of creed in which they have no faith. Let people say or think what they please, but a man who speaks candidly what he thinks, certainly deserves more esteem than he who simulates a creed in which he does not believe. From these motives they formed a separate sect, which obliges the members to have their children christened and educated in the doctrines of Christianity, without their parents becoming Christians themselves. This idea we think is the best and most honest, but it nevertheless meets with opposition from persons where it was least to be expected. Late measures also, in regard to converted Jews, had great influence upon this step. Look,' they would say, the Christians do not want us as converted Jews; they do not call us Christians, but they continue to give the former appellation; let us, therefore, much rather remain Christian Jews, such as the gospels are speaking of.' This is the base upon which the sect is founded, and declarations are now arriving MOVEMENT AMONG THE JEWS IN GERMANY-from all quarters in favor of it, as well as against it. No one accustomed to take any interest in the The Jews in Austria would adopt this new dochistory of the Jews can have failed to remark the trine en masse, but they are afraid that it would indications which have lately occurred that events make their political situation worse. De Creiznach is of great importance connected with the future des- exactly the man to direct a matter of this kind. He tiny of this "peculiar" people are being rapidly has zeal and energy, and as to classical education evolved. Besides those who have openly avowed and learning he is probably the first among the their faith in the Messiahship of our Divine Re- German Jews. His literary acquirements are aldeemer, we have reason to believe that there are most as incredible as his extraordinary memory, great numbers who are only deterred from taking and with all this he is a thorough patriot, and such a step by the fear of the persecution and pov-highly esteemed everywhere. But whether this erty to which they would be exposed by so doing There has been, however, an extensive movement in the Jewish body, which has not subjected the actors in it to such pains and penalties, but which may fairly be regarded as preparing the way for more decided and gratifying measures. The event to which we refer is the determination to which many of the Jews on the Continent, as well as in England, have come, to throw off the authority of the Talmud-the traditions of the elders-and to adhere solely to the writings of Moses and the prophets. In the extract which follows, and which is taken from the Universal German Gazette of Leip

The resolutions were then adopted, and a long list of officers appointed. The "institute" may now, therefore, be considered as established, as Mr. Buckingham will be entrusted to carry the plan into execution, and the committee will only have to raise the necessary funds.-Britannia.

sect will spread excessively is a great question."— Bell's Weekly Messenger.

SILK PORTRAITS.-Portraits of the Duchess of Kent and the Duke of Wellington, formed alone of black and white silk, the shades of which are drawn out so as to effect very exact likenesses, have recently been presented to those illustrious personages by a committee of weavers, which was established for promoting the improvement of British silks. The committee has also in progress a portrait of the Queen Dowager, composed of similar materials.-Court Journal.


MR. MORRIT.-We are sorry to have to announce the death of Mr. J. B. S. Morrit, of Rokeby-park, Yorkshire, who died on the 12th inst., after a lin

JOHN MURRAY, Esq.-On Tuesday morning, a few minutes past eight o'clock, this eminent pub-gering illness, in the 72nd year of his age. He was lisher and bookseller breathed his last; having been in but indifferent health for several months, but only alarmingly ill from the Friday preceding. Mr. Murray would have been sixty-five if he had lived to November next. His situation in the literary world has long been most prominent; and there is hardly one author of high reputation, either now living or dead within the last quarter of a century, who has not enjoyed his intimacy and regard. With the majority his social intercourse was most gratifying, and his liberality towards their public undertakings such as merited their esteem and gratitude. It is too early a day to dilate upon even his good qualities. That he was warm-hearted and generous will be allowed by all who ever knew him; whilst those who had the pleasure of a more genial acquaintance with him, will long remember his lively conversation, and the ready humor which often set the table in a roar. He was, indeed, on such occasions, a very agreeable companion, and his ready wit was only an indication of the acuteness and judgment which he carried into his professional concerns. His clear mind in this respect AN EXPEDITION TO THE CAUCASUS is about to led him to enterprises of great pith and moment; be undertaken, at the expense of the King of Prusand we owe to it some of the most celebrated works sia, by Prof. Koch, the Asiatic traveller, and Dr. in our language. He originally began business Rose. Their instructions are to commence their about forty years ago in Fleet-street, nearly oppo- researches at Trebisond, to trace to their sources site old St. Dunstan's giant-guarded clock, and then in the high lands of Erzerum, the Western Eusucceeded Mr. Miller in Albemarle-street. Among phrates, the Araxes, and the Tschorock. From his earliest literary connexions were D'Israeli and thence they are to proceed to the second high lands W. Gifford; and in later years, Scott, Southey, of Armenia, and so on to the ruins of Ani. They Moore, Byron, Barrow, Lockhart, nearly all our il- are also to visit and examine the range of mounlustrious travellers, and authors in every branch of tains which connects in one unbroken line the publication. He was a true friend to the arts, ranges of the Caucasus and the Armenian Taurus. which he largely employed; and, in short, we may They are directed to investigate the question, as to sum up this brief notice by saying, that in all the whether there ever was a wall extending over the relations of society, few men will make a greater whole of the Caucasus, similar to the great wall of blank, or be more truly regretted, than John Mur-China. Prof. Koch will then proceed to the Tarray. Mr. M. has left a widow, we are sorry to hear, in very indifferent health, daughters, and a son and successor, who, we hope, will emulate the friendly and liberal traits of his father's character.-Literary

one of the earliest and most extensive Greek travellers of the present generation, and after_two years spent in the interesting countries of the East, he returned with a mind replete with classical information, and a taste for every liberal art. It was during his residence abroad that Bryant promulgated his fanciful theories on the site of Troy. On his return, with Chevalier and others, he entered keenly into the Trojan controversy, and became one of the most successful supporters of Homer, and able vindicators of his location of the Troad. His two dissertations are familiar to ever classical scholar, and went as far towards the settlement of that "vexata quæstio" as any of the productions of the period.-Times.



tarian Circassia, and the sources of the Kuban: he will also make an attempt to ascend the Elbrus, and examine the numerous monuments in the valleys of the Karatschai —Athenæum.

DR. HAHNEMANN, the founder of homœopathy, died at Paris on Sunday, 2d July, aged eighty-hibited two dogs under a degree of command which eight. The Commerce sketches his life

DOGS. Two years ago, we noticed the experiments of M. Leonard, in which that gentleman eximplied a higher development of faculties than had hitherto been witnessed. M. Leonard is here again, having in the interim, he informs us, tested his theories and the skill of his methods, by applying them to the education (if it may be so styled) of horses; and he is now anxious to go, step by step,

those whom it may interest, with the view of promulgating principles which he believes capable of general application. We must add, that M. Leonard appears anxious not to be confounded with those who exhibit tricks for pecuniary profit; his desire apparently being, to bring what he conceives an important discovery before some of the scientific bodies, for philanthropic purposes.—Ibid.

"Dr. Hahnemann was born in 1755, at Meissen, of poor parents; and owed his education to the great aptitude for learning he gave evidence of at the little school where he was first placed. He was received doctor in physic at Heidelberg in 1781, and discovered in 1790 the new system which he after-through his process of training, in the presence of wards designated homeopathy. He continued until 1820 his experiments and researches on his new system, and then published the results of his labors under the title of Matiere Medicale Pure. In 1829 he published his Theory of Chronic Diseases, and their Remedies; of which he gave a second edition in 1840. To those works must be added his Organon de l'Art de Guerir, which ran through five editions. He also published nearly 200 Dissertations on different medical subjects; and he did all this whilst occupied with patients, which took up from ten to twelve hours a day. He had the satisfaction of seeing his system, after half a century's existence, spread over every part of the globe; and just before his death he learned that homeopathy was about to have a chair at the University of Vienna, and hospitals in all the Austrian States, at Berlin, and at London."-Spectator.

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“A statement of Experiments showing that Carbon and Nitrogen are compound bodies, and are made by Plants during their growth." By R. Rigg, Esq.-The author, finding that sprigs of succulent plants, such as mint, placed in a bottle containing perfectly pure water, and having no communication with the atmosphere except through the medium of water, or mercury and water, in a few weeks grow to more than double their size, with a proportionate

increase of weight of all the chemical elements | had no effect in diminishing the motion of the which enter into their composition, is thence dis-waves, for they were many times abundantly sprinposed to infer that all plants make carbon and kled with the spray. It is unnecessary to add, that nitrogen; and that the quantity made by any plant those who remained on land had remarked nothing varies with the circumstances in which it is placed. at all which could be attributed to the effusion of the oil. After all that has been said and written at the negative result of their experiments, and, limon this subject, the Commissioners are astonished iting themselves to the account of them, they add ever, authorized to assert, as their personal opinion, no observations. They believe themselves, howthat the idea of protecting our piers by means of oil, is not a happy one.-Athenæum.


ELECTROTYPE.-At the last meeting of the Horticultural Society, some beautiful specimens of the application of the Electrotype process to vegetation were exhibited by Messrs. Elkington, of RegentUpon the surface of leaves a deposit of copper was thrown down, so as to form a perfect representation in metal of the surface of the foliage. Since that time we have been favored by Messrs. Elkington with a sight of other leaves coated with gold and silver as well as copper. Among these were a Pelargonium-leaf, having all its glandular hairs preserved with admirable precision; an ear of Wheat; a leaf of Fennel; a Fern, with its fructification; a shoot of the Furze-bush, and an insect, (a Carabus) with every part of it encrusted with the metalic deposit. In our opinion this opens quite a new view and most interesting field to the application of the Electrotype process.-Gardeners' | 1.—The Rambles of the Emperor Ching Tih, in Chronicle.

THE POWER OF OIL TO ALLAY THE VIOLENCE OF WAVES. The existence of this property in oil has been so often asserted, that a commission was lately appointed by the Royal Institute of the Pays Bas to make experiments on the subject ::-"The Commission assembled at Zandvoort, on the shore of the North Sea. Some of them proceeded a short distance from the shore, in order to pour the oil upon the water, and observe the results; the others remaining on land, and not knowing either at what moment or how many times the oil was poured out, were to keep their eyes fixed on the waves, which rolled from the boat towards the shore; by these means, their opinion, exempt from all influence, might be considered as so much the more impartial. The wind was south-west, and of moderate force; the quantity of oil poured out at four different times, namely, at 43, 45, 50, and 54 minutes past nine o'clock, amounted to 15 litres, (upwards of 3 imperial gallons;) the tide was flowing, and would not reach its full height till 21 minutes past eleven o'clock. The Commissioners who remained on the shore not having remarked any effect which could be ascribed to the effusion of the oil, and the same thing being the case with those engaged in pouring it, we might already consider the question, if oil poured at a little distance from our piers could protect them from the fury of the waves, as answered in the negative. Nevertheless, the Commissioners thought it incumbent upon them to make a second trial at a somewhat greater distance from the shore. Two of them were rowed beyond the rocks, and then cast anchor. The distance was calculated by the boatmen at 300 yards; the sounding line indicated a depth of about three yards; and the waves were rolling considerably. More than the half of 15 litres of oil was poured out in the space of five minutes, (from 15 to 10 minutes before 12 o'clock,) and the Commissioners did not observe the slightest effect in relation to the object of their mission. They saw the oil swimming on the surface of the water, partly united in spots of an irregular form, partly extended and forming a pellicle, and partly mingling with the foam of the waves, and sharing in their oscillatory movements When returning to the shore, at the moment of passing the rocks, the Commissioners caused the rest of the oil to be poured on the water, and they can testify that it


Keang-nan. A Chinese Tale. Translated by TKIN SHEN, Student of the Anglo-Chinese College, Malacca. With a Preface by James Legge, D.D., President of the College. Two vols. London, 1843. Longman.

THIS Chinese tale, or historical novel, has been translated into English by a native of China, a student at the Anglo-Chinese College, Malacca, the translation being revised by Dr. Legge, the Principal, who vouches for its fidelity. It is founded upon the predominance of eunuchs at the court of the emperor, a circumstance which has not infrequently disturbed the tranquillity of the empire, and placed the monarch in jeopardy.

Ching Tih, the hero of the tale, ascended the throne at the age of fifteen, on the death of his father, Hung Che, of the Ming dynasty. The young prince, being "of an open and free disposition, self-conceited, and indolent," fell an easy prey to the seductions of the eunuch Lew Kin, "an intriguing, deceitful, crafty villain, skilful in devising schemes of amusement and detecting the characters of men." With the co-operation of his fellow-eunuchs and creatures, he corrupts the young prince by "the exhibition of skilfully-trained animals, mirth, dancing, music, wine, and women." The nobles remonstrate, but Lew Kin and the eunuchs counteract the effect of the expostulation by their artifices, aided by the emperor's love of pleasure; the nobles consequently abandon the court, leaving the offices to be filled with Lew Kin's partizans, the prince being "absorbed in fun and feasting." Famine ravages the empire; rebellion breaks out, encouraged by misgovernment, and a large portion of the work is devoted to the description of military operations and incidents. The emperor still protects the eunuch, who contrives to secure the help of a supernatural "dragon horse," sent by the king of Ton Kin, as a present At length, however, Lew Kin is seized by the exasperated nobles, threatened with torture, confesses his guilt, and, being banished with his partizans, turns robber. The empire being restored to tranquillity, Ching Tih resolves to travel to Keang-nan in search of "loyal officers to benefit his kingdom." In the disguise of a scholar, and under the name of Hwang Lun, he commences his "rambles," the adventures in which occupy the whole of the second volume of the work. In the course of them he is placed in peril, being beleaguered by a rebel army sent by

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