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Lomonozow attempts a paf-
fage through the frozen fea


London, city of, thanks its
reprefentative 120. A letter
to the common council 201.
Longitude-bill 113. Act up-
on it 114. Refle@ions ib.
A machine for finding it by
Schultz 156. A board of 515.
Different methods for find-
ing it ib. Remarks it.
Louvre, academy at 280
Ludolf, Baron, in holy orders,
gets a difpenfation to marry


Lunatic, a striking reply of 686
Macdermod, John, banished


Magdalen charity-house, ac-
count of 349
Magnanimity, inftance of 542
Mahogany planted in Georgia


Majority, defence of 495.
Reply 707

Malt, act anent the duties on

Man, ifle of, fmuggling from,
fuppreffed 456
Manila, money for the cap-
ture of 455, 6. Bills, Dra.
per's letter concerning 722
Manufactures, woollen, at
New York 624
Manufcripts, caftern, brought
to Denmark 512
Marine chair for finding the
longitude 515
Marine fociety, refolutions of
457. Abstract of their re-
ceipts and difbursements 458
Marischal, &c. eftates fold 109
Marlborough, D. of, her eye-

water 545

Marriage, a father's complaint
of his fon's 430. A remark-
able difpenfation by the
Pope 453. A new form of
543- One abruptly stopt
545. O. Cromwel's daugh-
ter's prevented $47
Marriages, clandeftine 53
Married state, defence of 523
Marfeilles, two extraordinary
productions at 350
Mary Q. of Scots, letter con-
cerning 695

Medals for the K. of Poland's

coronation 630
Members of afiembly, advice

to 724

Monuments in Westminster
abbey, keeping clean 541
Moorburn, old Scots act con-
cerning 229
Mortality-bills 725
Mofquito Indians renew the
league with Britain 625
Nabob, cruelties of 343, 4
Naples, fcarcity of corn in
223. Mortality by unwhol-
fome food 401. Number
of perfons dead 453. Ma-
lignant diftemper ceased 513
National character's 600
Negroes, at Berbices, revolt
of 7. 98. 221. 2. 399. White
one at Surinam 350. Re
markable family of them 5,
Netherhow port of Edinburgh
account of 432
New England,
wrought in 568
Newfoundland, whale-fithery
at 160. Fishery carried on
with great tranquillity 513
New Jersey, iron-ore found

at 282


Notes of five fhillings, propo-
fal for iffuing 637.
ones, copies of $18, 74
Noyes, Sufannah, slept five
days 459

Occafional writer 692

Officers in the Dutch fervice
to complete their regiments
230. Application against it

Old Bailey, feffions at 629
Orange, Pr. of, takes his feat
in the affembly of the States-
General 7. Refuses to con-
firm fome military promo-
tions ib. Examined on the
reformed religion 210
Ofnaburg, Bp of, account of
his election 157. 452. 565.
623, 79

Oxford, earthquake at 685

Merryfield, Mrs, her manage-
ment of her children 248
Mihilimakcnac, fortress of, to
be garrifoned 569
Milford-haven, works at, fuf- Palatines arrive at philadel-
pended 348
phia 454 Account of their
Militia-act 68
reception 515
Mill-ftones in Cumberland 686 Palatines and Wurtzburghers
Minifters to be protected from in great diftrefs at London
flander 19
459. Affecting account of
their fituation ib. Subfcrip-
tion opened for their relief
460. Contributions mide
for them ib. A committee
appointed on their account
516. Petition in their be-
half prefented to the King
The defire of it granted
Propofals for contract-
for their paffage and

Minority, charge against 303.
Defence of 491
Mirowitz declared guilty of
treafon in Ruffia 565. The
fenate's addrefs against him
ib. Interceflion made for
him ib. Beheaded ib.

Monckton, Gen. complaint
against 301. Acquitted 302.
Account of his uial 372







maintenance to S. Carolina

ib. Number to be on board
= each fhip ib. Bill of fare,
for them, for every day ib.
Medicines and a doctor to
each fhip ib. Time of pay-
ing the freight ib.
Paoli makes himself master of
Colenfana 44. Harafies the
Genocfe 99. Founds an u-
niversity in Corfica ib. Makes
himself master of Brando

concerning 20. 53. 229.
Obanking, as now
Scotland 31.
Practiled in
26. Anfwer 135. Caufe
of the fcarcity of specie 89.
$26. Neceflity of the banks
taking the benefit of the op-
tional claufe 92. 229. Me-
thods of lowering the ex-
change 92. 136. Small tic-
kets propofed to be illued
by the banks 300. 637. Que-
ries 390. 637. Copies of
private bank notes 318. 574.
Remarks on the double op.
tion 639. Neceflity the pa-
rent of private banks 528.
Private notes often pafled at
discount 596. 638. Private
banks, if not abolished,
ought to be regulated 595.
Kellar and Company's ad-
vertisements 636. Queries
occafioned by them 637
Paris, Archbishop of, banish-
ed to his abbey 43. 60.
paftoral instruction burnt 99.
Recalled from his exile 679.


Four academies at Pa-
ris for teaching the English
language $67

Parliament 1762-3, proceed-
ings in, 65. 72. 177. Of
Greenwich hofpital 65. How
the out-penfioners, are to be
paid b. Remarks 66. Bill
concerning the militia in
England 68. Bill to prevent
Occational freemen to vote
at elections 69. Petition of
the city of Gloucester anent
elections ib. Act to enable
officers, foldiers, and ma,
rines, to exercise trades 177.
Remarks ib. Act explain.
ing the act Silk-works 181.
Remarks 182. Bill for fecu
ring the duties upon malt
184. For further improve
ment of the cuftons Per

tition of the manufacturers
of woollen cloth 185, 6. Re-
ferred to a committee 185.
Committee's refolutions b.
Bill for importing greafe
butter from Ireland 186.
Petition of the coopers in
London 249. Referred to a
committee ib. Petition of
the brewers in London ib.
Referred to the fame com-
mittee ib. Petition of Gen-
tlemen, &c. in Worcester
fhire, about broad wheels il
Of mending the highways
Petition of the plant-
ers in S. Carolina about rice
251. Referred to a commit
tee 252. Refolutions of the
committee ib. Delayed ib.
Thanks of the houfe order-
ed to the officers of the army
316. The dates of their an-
fwers ib.


Of the fettlements

at Senegal 317. Petition of
the city of York ib. Petition
of the borough of Notting-
ham ib. Committee's report
of the turnpike-roads ib. Of
private mad-houfes 318. Of
the public accounts 319. Of
difbanded officers 321. Pro-
rogued ib.

Parliament 1763-4, proceed.
ings in 529. On the expul
fion of Mr Wilkes ib. Of
the Efay on Woman 531.
Privileges of peerage and
parliament explained ib.
Commons requests to Q. E-
lifabeth, and her anfwers
533. Supplies granted 585.
Ways and means 588. Debt
contracted and paid off 591.
Of money-bills 641. New
act concerning the bank of
England 641, 2
Parliaments of France, pro-
ceedings in 157
Patna, Englishmen murdered
at 343

Patrons, advice to 194
Paxton volunteers 297. Their
declaration 291.
monftrance. 299



Their re-

magnanimity of a

Pentylvania, maffacres in 173.
281. Bill anent affeflment
of lands 337. Refused by
the governor ib. Refolution
of the aflembly 338. 625
Perjury, two indictments for

Perfecution, a chapter read,
as from the Bible,against 326
Perfia, ftate of affairs in 1. 2
Petersburg, plans for embel-
Mr Gilchrift's
lifhing 97.

plan approved 449
a remarkable
phænomenon feen at 571.
Anarchy and confufion there
282. 624

Phyfic, different branches of,
by whoni taught at Edin.

Piaft, origin of 277
Plenderleath, Mir David, gets
a prefentation to be one of
the minifters in Edinburgh

Plough, a new invented one



Plymouth,, a French bark
ftopped at, and fearched 682
Poiffonnier, his machine to
make falt water freth 400
Poland, confederacies among
the grandees 4. Pr. Czarto-
rinski and C. Fleming heads
of oppofite factions ib.
prets of Ruthia fends a body
of troops.thither ib. K. of
Poland died at Dresden ib.
Memorial from the Porte a-
nent the election 219. C.
Poniatowski a candidate for
the crown 97.
Receives a
prefent from the Empress of
Ruília ib. Is made a knight
of the order of St Andrew ib.
K. of Pruflia confers on him
the order of the Black Eagle
277. Cabals in Poland ib.
The diet of Warfaw 278.
Count Branicki divefted of
his command ib. It given to
Czartorinski ib. Turkifl
troops march to the frontiers
397. Manifefto of the fena-
tors against the diet ib. Qua-
lifications of a king to be e-
keted ib. Action between
the palatine of Polish Fruflia
and the troops of C. Brannit
fky 398. Brannitsky twice
defeated ib. Retires to Hun-
gary ib.
His party increased
by Proteftants ib. Regalia
to be removed to Warfaw
ib. French minifter leaves
Warfaw ib. Mediation in
behalf of the Proteftants ib.
Three Polish grandees, with
their parties, retire towards
Turky 448. Are ordered to
retire again ib. Difficulties


anent the electionibo Soves Prayer of M. de Voltaire 118
ral diets held 449 And Pretender, anecdote of 64
broke up in great confufion Prieft, Heathen, converted
Infruments interchan



Princess Caroline yacht wreck-
ed on the coalt of Shetland

Printers obtain a verdict a-
gainst the King's meflengers


ged with Rusia
the K. of Pruffia ib. @ Count
Stanislaus Pomiarowski ete&$
ed King 509. Election an-
nounced to the foreign mi
nifters is parentage.
and character ib. Oppofers
of the diet of convocation
own him for their lawful
vereign 564. He pardons
C. Brafinitiky and his ache-
rents b Is to beatified by,
the Empress of Rumia and demanded for the cap-
K. of Priflia, against the ture of Karical and Pondi-
Turks, if neceliary th His cherry 455
propofal for improving the Prize-queftions by the acade-
military eftabliment 565. my: of fciences 190.
Short hiftory of his corona- Touloufe 567. By the acade-
tion 597. His speech $98. demy of belles lettres 623.
Declares he will give au- At Bourdeaux 567. Mathe-
dience to all ranks 622. Or.
matical at Berlin 679.
ders the tranflation of the Proclamation anent the fets
Pruffian code of laws ib. His thing of our new-acquired i-
coronation 678. Count Bran-
flands 164
nitsky affures the King of his Pronunciation, over-refined,
fubmiflion ib.
cenfured 594

Frifoners, commiffaries for
fettling the expence of 48
Prizes, addition made relating
to captors of 116
Prize money for taking Ha-
wannah, letter anent 346

Politenefs, falfe, ridiculed


Political parties in Britain,
hiftorical account of 480 to
Pope, Bolingbroke's letter to
368. Proven to be a for-
gery 463
Porcelain, the making of in
France 453
Port Louis in Granada made
a good haven 616
Port Naffau, plantations of,
burnt 98

Portugal army, account of
280. Torture of criminals

laid afide 453. Spaniards
form an army of obfervation
567. Vines to be grubbed
up 680. Sufpicions of war-
like preparations in Spain ib.
Pofts, origin of 192

Pot-afh manufacture in Geor-
gia 454

Pratt, Sir Charles, prefented
with the freedom of city of
Dublin 103 Petition of the
commons anent it 104. Rea-
fonings thercupon 105, 6.
His letter on receiving the
freedom of the city of Lon-
don 348. Infcription for
his picture in Guildhall

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fofed ib. Difmiffes most of
his troops . A decree a
gainft him 599. Against o
ther perfons his adherents i
His palace taken poflethen
of 6.78
Ranfomers detained prisoners
in France, 285

Raw-filk, implements for the
culture of, fhipped for: A-
merica 5,71
Religious houfes, in Bavaria,
regulations of 679- The
reaion of thefe regulations

Renee Corbeau, history of 119
Revolutionilt-fociety fog
Rice, S. Carolina planters,
their petition 251
Riding-school in Edinburgh

At 130

Proteft of the Lords anent fe-
ditious libels 9

Proteftants in the palatinate
of the Rhine allowed to
build churches and schools


Provifions to be imported
from Ireland 227. 521. Pro-
clamation permitting it 512.

Pruffia, King of, his regula-
tions after the peace 6. For-
bids expensive burials 41.
Anecdotes of the late King
117. Releafes Gen. Zafrow


Edi& anent the fab-
bath 279. His treaty with
the Emp. of Ruffia 399.
Renounces pretentions to Po
ith Pruffia 419. His de-
claration on the affair of Fre-

dericfen 623

[ocr errors]

Ridley, Dr Nicholas, extract
from the hiftory of his di
34. 145 206

Roit's Almena, an English's
pera 704

Romans, King of, conferen
ces at Frankfort anent his e-
lection 97.4 Archduke jo
feph elected 157. Is crown
ed 220
Rouen, administration of jas
fice flopped at 42a
Rouflean, his treatise on ed
cation condemned 123. Re-
figas his burghership of Ge-
neva b. Remonttrances qf
the citizens concerning him
124. The council's antwer
125. The citizens reply 126
Rufcombe, Mrs, and her fer-
vant maid murdered 695.
Rewards for difcovering the
murderer ib. -

Ruffia, Emprefs of, crowned
at Mofcow 5. Goes in pil-
grimage to Roftoff B. Her
territories invaded by the
Chinese ib. Sends a body of
troops to Poland ib. Makes
a treaty with the King of
Prutia 399. Remarks on
her manifefto on the death
of Pr. Ivan 470. The ma-
nifesto 510. Her answer to
the fenate in relation to Mis
rowitz 565. Changes his
fentence ib. Is importuned
to name a fucceffor 622.
Recalls fifteen noblemen
from their banishment
6,21 Orders the tranita-
"uting" of she Swedish, Da-
Ire nifi, and Pruhan laws into

Pfalmanafar, George, me-
moirs of 658,470. 6737 712
Queen, a piece of fine litten
prefented to res
Quin, Mr his fafonable
kindness to Mr Thomion

Radzivil retires toward Choc-
zim 448. Defeated by the
Ruffian general 10. Seeks
aid from the troops of the
palatine of Kiow ib.



the Ruffian tongue ib. En-
courages fkilful artificers to
fettle in Ruffia ib.
Ruthven, L. his houfe fell
to the ground $74
Sachem, Indian, a conference
with 160

Sailors encouraged to go a-
board a flect at Portsmouth
Salmon, method to increase
the fecundity of 350
Salt, the benefit of to cattle

Salt water, to make fresh, a
machine 400
Sanderfon, Bp, anecdote of


Sauvage, Dr, his cure for a
cancer 653

Savoyard curate's profeffion
of faith 14. 79. Letter anent
it 82
Saxony, Pr. Charles of, elect-
ed Duke of Courland 3.
His election declared null.

A candidate for the
crown of Poland 277.
Scaldhead, a cure for 195
Scoticifms, table of, correct-
ed and enlarged 187
Scotland, anent the highways
in 22. Abstract of the laws
concerning them ib. Re-
flections on infults offered
to 488. Answered $40.
Ports opened for importa-
tion of grain 686
Scots, Denina's character of
them with respect to litera-
ture 465

Scamen in France, their num-
ber to be augmented 279
Sea-fcurvy, a remedy for 633.
Seeds, American, propofal
for importing 83
Seizures, encouragement to
make 184. New order for
the divifion of 682, 3
Seneca nation, articles of
peace with 336
Servants, fick, a collection
for supporting in the infir-
mary 107
Sheep and fheep-walks of
Spain 361

Shenfton, William, his cha-
racter 192.
His works 322
Sheridan, Thomas, his courfe
of reading 462
Shipwrecks near the fhore, ex-
periments to preferve mens
lives in $15

Siberia furveyed by twelve
geographers 678. Public
roads to be made there ib.
Jews to fettle there 5121
Silk-works act explained 181
Sind's elecnary against the
glanders 503
Sinking-fund, origin of 644.

Small pox, letter anent 293.
Smoke, a new construction of
grates to prevent 54
Smuggling, act against 18z.
Hardships it may occafion
183. A ftop put to it in
feveral places 453.
the Isle of Man, order of
council about it 456. Ab
ftract of acts relative to it
ib. Nine armed cutter fta-
tioned there to prevent it
516. 682

Society of Revolutionists 103
Soldiers and failors enabled to
exercise trades 177
Spain, fortifications on the
frontiers of 568. Forms an
army on the fide of Portu-
gal ib.

Spaniel-dog, a man condemn
ed by the evidence of 472
Speaking correctly, rules for
Specie, a remedy propofed
for the fcarcity of 89
Spirits, low, cure for 663
Stanislaus, K. his works 499
States-General, to augment
their forces 7. British fac-

tors remonstrance to 682
Statues erecting at the India-
house 455
Statuary and painting, how
practifed at Paris 280
St Stephen, order of, inftitu-
ted 279

Stevensburg, plantations burnt

Stewart, Sir John, of Grand-
tully, his declaration con-
cerning his fons 351
Stone, Chittick's medicine for

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marks on the state of them
from the Budget 421. Ex-
pofition of the Budget from
the Wallet 423
Sweden to furnish men of war
to France 399. A diet to
be called 512.678
Tailzies, deliberations of the
faculty of advocates upon 405
Taxes, new, in France 58,
The parliaments remon-
ftrate against them 58, 9
Time-keeper for finding the
longitude, invented by Mr
Harrifon 113. His petition
concerning it ib. Referred
to a committee 114 50001.
to be paid him immediately
on certain conditions ib.
Reflections ib.

Tobago, defcription of 626.
Situation and dimensions ib,
Produce ib.
Tolouse, Prize-questions at

Torture of criminals laid a-
fide in Portugal 453
Tranfylvania, an infurrection
in 98

Treaty between the courts of
Vienna, France, and Sweden


Tree, a root of petrified 629.
Trees-deftroying infects 229.
Curious methods of propaga
ting trees 321
Trouts, method of increafing
the fecundity of 350.
Truce between the Emprefs-
Queen and the Porte 41
Turks, near 60,000 on the
confines of Transylvania and
Poland 512, 65. 622, 78
Turks inland, British forced
from 512. Admiral at Ja-
maica informed thereof ib.
Satisfaction demanded by
his Majesty's ambassador in
France ib. Refolution of
the island, and reparation of
damages ordered by the K.
of France ib. Description of
the island ib.
Turky, ftate of affairs there
laft year 2.
Turkish troops
invade Auftrian Croatia ib,
Make an irruption into E-
fclavonia ib. Court of Vien-
na prepare again't thib.
Truce between the Empress.
Queen and the Porte 41
Urethra, a cure for
Vacancy, in Edinburgh, dif

cers 82


Wefel, fortifications of demo-
lifed $12, 66
Westminster races 175
Whale fithery difcovered at
Newfoundland 160
Wheat, damaged, a cure for


pute about fupplying 239.
See Edinburgh
Vales, efolutions against, by
the counties of Bedford and
Wilts 456. 685
Verdicts against the E. of Ha-
lifax and the King's meilen-
gers 284. 348. 405, 681 Whytt, Dr, on nervous dif-
Victual, abftract of an old eafes 662
Scots act concerning 630
Wife, advertisement for 384
Vincent, Capt. gets 6000l. Wight,ifle of,a coffin found in,
from the E. I. company for with ELIZABETH STUART
.his good fervices 455
infcribed on the plate $17.
St Vincent, defcription of A conjecture of the perfon ib.
Wilkes, John, phyficians or
Vinegar a cure for a hydro-dered to vifit, and report
phobia 315. Ordered to be
put on board fhips of war


Voltaire, a prayer by 118.
Watch found in the belly of
a pike 686

Water, falt, to make fresh
400. A trial made in a voy-
age, and approved of ib.
putrid to render fweet


Waters overflow feveral pla-

ces 41

Weights, regulation of in E-
dinburgh $4


51. Declines receiving their
vifit ih. Sails for France $2.
Expelled the houfe of Com.


1000 l. per ann, fettled
on him 99. His letters 100.
Certificate by physicians con-
cerning him 101. Three in-
formations against him 102.
Found guilty of reprinting
N° 45. North Br ton, and
printing the Effay on Wo-
man ib.
His complaint of a
breach of privilege dif-
mifled ib, Debate concern-
ing him ib, A proclamation

fummoning him 451. She
tence of outlawry pronou
ced against him 629
Williams, John, his trial fr
the N. Briton 405.
ordered to the King's-bench
prifon 619

Wilfon, William, fined for
carrying letters privately $18
Wood, how to make lefscam.
bustible 453, 90
Woollen manufacturers, peti-
tion of 185, 6
Woolwich, King's yards -
fited by the Lords of the Ad-
miralty 347

Worcestershire gentlemen, po
tition of 249

Words, will, fhall, thofe, thep,
remarks on 187
Writing, correctly, rules for

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