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The Man we Reward, is the Man who Can

Write business.

Write more business each year.
Develop, not work out, a territory.

Grow with his work.

Make his policy-holders recommend him to their friends.
Identify himself with the important men of his section.
Find recreation in his work.

The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York,

RIGHARD A. McGURDY, President,

Has assets larger than those of any other life insurance company in exist-
ence and has paid policy-holders more than any other company in the world.

Assets, over

Amount Paid Policy-holders, over

A man of character and ability, ambitious for a successful career in life
insurance, should place himself in communication with

GEORGE T. DEXTER, Superintendent of Domestic Agencies, New York City.


Premium Hams and Bacon

Their quality is not surpassed, and their flavor is mild,
delicate and appetizing. Ask your dealer for them.
Swift's Silver Leaf Lard
never varies in quality. It is America's Standard.
All Swift's Products are U. S. Government Inspected.

Swift and Company

Packing Plants at Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha, St. Louis, St. Joseph, and St. Paul
Over Two Hundred and Fifty Branch Houses in the United States

We Advocate the Establishment of a Juvenile Court Law for Every State in the Union.

Juvenile Record

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"You Don't Know Beans'





IN 1, 2 and 3 LB. CANS




************************************** ********

The Stock Investment Trading Company

269 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO

Incorporated and organized for the purpose of buying and selling active
investment securities listed on the New York Stock Exchange

DO NOT risk Margins in Speculation.


in the Stock Investment and Trading Company and reap the benefits resulting through trading in Active Stocks, and at the same time enjoy the security afforded investors. Shares $10.00 each. Correspondence solicited.


The Stock Investment & Trading Company

269 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO

[blocks in formation]

"The Fame of the City."

A great rich city of power and pride,

With streets full of traders, and ships on the tide;
With rich men and workmen and judges and preachers,
The shops full of skill and the schools full of teachers.

The people were proud of their opulent town:
The rich men spent millions to bring it renown;
The strong men built and the tradesmen planned;
The shipmen sailed to every land;

The lawyers argued, the school men taught,
And a poor shy poet his verses brought

And cast them into the splendid store.


The tradesmen stared at his useless craft;

The rich men sneered and the strong men laughed;

The preachers said it was worthless quite;

The schoolmen claimed it was theirs to write;

But the songs were spared, though they added naught

To the profit and praise the people sought,

That was wafted at last from distant climes;

And the townsmen said: "To remotest times

We shall send our name and our greatness down."

The boast came true; but the famous town
Had a lesson to learn when all was told::

The nations that honored cared naught for its gold,

Its skill they exceeded an hundred-fold;

It had only been one of a thousand more,

Had the songs of the poet been lost to its store.

Then the rich men and tradesmen and schoolmen said
They had never derided, but praised instead;
And they boast of the poet their town has bred.



Texas is to have its first girls' industrial school, the board of regents on Monday awarding the building contract to Dennis Mahoney of Waxahachie for $43,550.

The truant school in Harrisburg, Penna., started this month for the fall term with eight pupils, all of whom are completing an unfinished term of last year at the institution. Truant Officer Swartz has not as yet found any new cases.

The attention of all employers of labor in Indiana has been called to the fact that the law prohibits the employment of any person under 14 years of age. Truant Officer Mullen has warned all employers in Terre Haute so as to avoid trouble.

A home for homeless girls where they can find the uplifting influences of home life has been opened by the Kansas City, Mo., Y. W. C. A. The idea developed from lunch and rest rooms established two years ago and which now accommodate 250 girls daily.

The County Orphans' Home of Wayne county, Ind., will be abandoned this month and the thirty children in it sent to different private charitable institutions. The county will assist in their support and they will be placed in homes as fast as opportunity offers.

It is proposed to transform the $275,000 Illinois soldiers' orphans' home at Normal, Ill., into a great industrial school for all indigent or abandoned children of the state. Though Governor Yates has agreed to submit the proposition to the legislature it will probably not be recommended on account of the new Rural Home and School for Boys, which is being established at St. Charles.

The McKay academic and industrial institute for colored youth at Wakefield, R. I., will open in a few months. Valuable property, which included a hotel with nearly 200 rooms, four cottages, ten acres of land, barn, bowling alley, ice house and gas plant, was given last winter by the Rev. Gordon McKay of

Newport. The property as it stands is valued at between $40,000 and $50,000. It overlooks Narragansett bay, and commands a wide view of the towns bordering it and the islands dotting it. The institution will be based largely on the plan of Hampton and Tuskegee, trades for men and women being an important part of the training.

Humane Agent Ware of Toledo has started a movement for the establishment of a juvenile court in that city. He will endeavor to have Judge Wachenheimer set aside a day every week to try only youthful offenders. Mr. Ware has copies of the laws that provided for the establishment of the courts of New York and Illinois, and he will seek to have the Ohio legislature enact the best features of these statutes.

Fourteen boys left the Chicago Parental School this month. They were honorably discharged. The parents of all the boys were present and promised that their sons should keep their agreements to attend grade schools without being urged by truant officers. The boys are first to leave the Parental school and their future conduct will demonstrate the success or failure of the experiment of the institution for truants. Extensive improvements inay be made at the school if the system proves successful.

Arrangements have been made by Judge Callaghan with the Cincinnati House of Refuge authorities whereby boys can be sent from the Cleveland juvenile court to that institution. Ever Since the court opened the judge has felt a lack of ways by which to dispose of the children who have not got suitable homes. The Chamber of Commerce have been asked to provide some such institution and Director Cooley has some scheme under foot to provide for a boys' industrial school and farm. Meanwhile Judge Callaghan has been in a quandary to know what to do with his youthful delinquents. The problem has been solved by the arrangements with the Cincinnati school. One boy, who has been before the court a number of times and who they have been at a loss as to how to dispose of, was sent to the institution yesterday.

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