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who refer that Prophecy folely to the Papal Power of Rome. This point will be exa mined prefently. The following obfervátions I would be understood to offer as conjecture only; but I dare not offer even à conjecture relative to Prophecies which are not yet fulfilled, without ftating the grounds upon which it is founded.It is very gene rally allowed that the fix vials are poured out during the fixth trumpet, and that the feventh trumpet and seventh vial are contemporary.→→ The fixth vial is poured out upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof is dried up, that the way of the kings of the East may be prepared. Confidering the Turkish power as originating in the Euphrates (if I may fo fpeak), and that this river runs through the Afiatie part of their em pire, I fuppofe the feat of the Afiatic Antichrift the Turkish Empire, will either fuffer very confiderable diminution, or be entirely removed, under the fixth vial. This opinion does not imply the deftruction of Ma hometanifm, any more than the fifth vial implies the deftruction of Popery Popery—but I think both the fifth and fixth vials will produce the decay and downfal of the power of both, though both will continue to exift till the time of the end." It fhould be

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obferved, that

the Eaft" is

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the way for the kings of only prepared" by this vial;

they do not even appear, nor is there any thing more faid of them under that titleThe explanation and the confummation of the "mystery" is referved for the seventh trumpet-nothing even feems to conclude till then. The seven vials are poured out in fucceffion; but it does not follow that one ends when another begins; on the contrary, I think it bigbly probable that the first will continue to the feventh. We find that the first of the feven vials was poured out upon the men " which had the mark of the beaft, and upon them (alfo) which worshipped his image":"In short, after confidering the contents of the vials, and comparing them with history and the prefent state of the world, I think it appears that the feventh vial will find all the fix former vials,

Various have been the conjectures concerning these Kings of the Eaft:" fome believe them to be the Eaftern nations fome the tex tribes of Ifrael concealed in Tartary, or India fome the Jews, or the twelve tribes collectively from the whole world-fome, the restoration of the Chriftian religion in its antient churches.It is not perhaps impoffible to reconcile most of these opinions with each other.

» Rev, xvi. 2.


plaguing the earth—the first having had the longest and the fixth the hortest run. According to this mode of interpretation, Antichrift in all its forms- Heretical, Papal, Mahometan, and Infidel will be upon the ftage in the laft fcene of this great drama, and will all have their place in the final catastrophe.

General View of the Prophecies of Daniel. Firft Vifion.The IMAGE.

Before I proceed to state the grounds upon which I have ventured to found the opinion, that Infidelity is the third branch or form of the predicted Antichrift, I must request the Reader to take a general view of the Prophecies of Daniel, which will indeed lay before him a complete view of the whole fubject, and afford additional evidence to the harmony of the prophetic fcheme.

The diffidence natural to a mind strongly impreffed with the importance and facred nature of the fubject it is about to difcufs,


renders me anxious to conduct the Reader by a regular train of established interpre tation and accomplishment, to the great points which form a material part of my hypothefis; and I truft it will be allowed, that the following fhort account of the Prophecies concerning the four great empires, places the different origin of the powers which I apprehend to be diftinct from each other, in a confpicuous light. Upon a matter of fuch high-importance the ferious in quirer after truth will value caution more than brevity.

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"The golden head of the image," which Nebuchadnezzar faw in his dream, indifputably fignifies the Babylonian or Affyrian Empire. D


The breaft and arms of filver" the Medo-Perfan Empire. The arms are gene

Dániel ii. 31, &c. It appears from ancient coins and medals, that cities and people were often represented by figures of men and women. A great terrible human figure was therefore an emblem of human power and dominion; and the various metals of which Nebuchadnezzar's image was composed, may be fuppofed to typify the relative importance of the various kingdoms which, fhould arise in the world. Newton, Diff. 13. so spet rally

rally supposed to fignify the two kingdoms of the Medes and Perfians, which united and deftroyed the Babylonian, and formed the Perfian Empire.

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"The belly and thighs of brafs” -the Grecian Empire. - The Greeks were famous for their brazen armour. The belly is fuppofed to distinguish the Macedonian Empire under Alexander; and the thighs, the Syrian kingdom under the Seleucidæ, and the Egyptian kingdom under the Lagidæ, or Ptolemies; which were two of the four horns which we fhall find came up in the place of the great horn of the he-goat; that is, two of the divifions of Alexander's dominions after his death-the other two, Macedonia and Bythinia, were foon fubdued by these, and became parts of their kingdoms.

"The legs of iron, and the feet of iron mixed with clay”—the Roman Empire in all its ftates. The two legs of iron are fuppofed by fome to mean the two Roman Confuls; and it is certain that the fimilitude of the Confular government was continued after the government became Imperial; for the Emperors had almoft conftantly Affociates in the Empire, befides continuing the form of the


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